Esempio n. 1
    public static bool isEntityHurt(int EntityID)
        bool           result   = false;
        EntityAliveSDX myEntity = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(EntityID) as EntityAliveSDX;

        if (myEntity)
            List <String> lstBuffs = new List <string>();

            result = CheckIncentive(EntityID, lstBuffs, null);

            if (result == false)
                if (myEntity.Health < (myEntity.GetMaxHealth() * 0.75))
                    DisplayLog(" Entity's Health is less than 35%");
                    result = true;

        if (result)
            DisplayLog(" Is Entity Hurt? ");
Esempio n. 2
    public static void ProcessConsumables(int EntityID)
        EntityAliveSDX myEntity = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(EntityID) as EntityAliveSDX;

        if (myEntity == null)

        float foodAmount = GetCVarValue(EntityID, "$foodAmountAdd");

        if (foodAmount > 0.5f)
            myEntity.Health += Utils.Fastfloor(foodAmount);
            foodAmount      -= 0.5f;
        if (myEntity.Health > myEntity.GetMaxHealth())
            myEntity.Health = myEntity.GetMaxHealth();
Esempio n. 3
    public static string DisplayEntityStats(int EntityID)
        EntityAliveSDX myEntity = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(EntityID) as EntityAliveSDX;

        if (myEntity == null)

        String FoodAmount  = Mathf.RoundToInt(myEntity.Stats.Stamina.ModifiedMax + GetCVarValue(EntityID, "foodAmount")).ToString();
        String WaterAmount = Mathf.RoundToInt(myEntity.Stats.Water.Value + GetCVarValue(EntityID, "waterAmount")).ToString();

        // string strOutput = myEntity.EntityName + " - ID: " + myEntity.entityId + " Health: " + myEntity.Stats.Health.Value;
        string strOutput = myEntity.EntityName + " - ID: " + myEntity.entityId + " Health: " + myEntity.Health + "/" + myEntity.GetMaxHealth();

        strOutput += " Stamina: " + myEntity.Stats.Stamina.Value + " Thirst: " + myEntity.Stats.Water.Value + " Food: " + FoodAmount + " Water: " + WaterAmount;
        strOutput += " Sanitation: " + GetCVarValue(EntityID, "solidWasteAmount");
        // Read the Food items configured.
        String strFoodItems = GetStringValue(EntityID, "FoodItems");

        if (strFoodItems == String.Empty)
            strFoodItems = "All Food Items";
        strOutput += "\n Food Items: " + strFoodItems;
        // Read the Water Items
        String strWaterItems = GetStringValue(EntityID, "WaterItems");

        if (strWaterItems == String.Empty)
            strWaterItems = "All Water Items";
        strOutput += "\n Water Items: " + strWaterItems;
        strOutput += "\n Food Bins: " + GetStringValue(EntityID, "FoodBins");
        strOutput += "\n Water Bins: " + GetStringValue(EntityID, "WaterBins");
        if (myEntity.Buffs.HasCustomVar("CurrentOrder"))
            strOutput += "\n Current Order: " + GetCurrentOrder(EntityID).ToString();
        if (myEntity.Buffs.HasCustomVar("Leader"))
            Entity leader = GetLeader(EntityID);
            if (leader)
                strOutput += "\n Current Leader: " + leader.entityId;
        strOutput += "\n Active Buffs: ";
        foreach (BuffValue buff in myEntity.Buffs.ActiveBuffs)
            strOutput += "\n\t" + buff.BuffName + " ( Seconds: " + buff.DurationInSeconds + " Ticks: " + buff.DurationInTicks + " )";
        strOutput += "\n Active CVars: ";
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> myCvar in myEntity.Buffs.CVars)
            strOutput += "\n\t" + myCvar.Key + " : " + myCvar.Value;
        strOutput += "\n Active Quests: ";
        foreach (Quest quest in myEntity.QuestJournal.quests)
            strOutput += "\n\t" + quest.ID + " Current State: " + quest.CurrentState + " Current Phase: " + quest.CurrentPhase;
        strOutput += "\n Patrol Points: ";
        foreach (Vector3 vec in myEntity.PatrolCoordinates)
            strOutput += "\n\t" + vec.ToString();
        strOutput += "\n\nCurrency: " + GetHireCurrency(EntityID) + " Faction: " + myEntity.factionId;

