public void Process(Entities.User u, Core.Networking.InPacket packet)
            string[] blocks = packet.Blocks;
            ushort   subId  = 0;

            try {
                ushort.TryParse(blocks[3], out subId);
            }catch { subId = 0; }

            if (subId > 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Enums.GameSubs), subId))
                this.type = (Enums.GameSubs)subId;

                lock (handleLock) {
                    this.packet = packet;
                    mapData     = false;
                    updateLobby = false;
                    selfTarget  = false;
                    respond     = false;

                    this.blocks = new string[blocks.Length - 4];
                    Array.Copy(blocks, 4, this.blocks, 0, this.blocks.Length);

                    this.Room = u.Room;
                    Entities.Player p = null;
                    selfTarget = false;

                    try {
                        this.Room.Players.TryGetValue(u.RoomSlot, out p);
                    } catch { p = null; }

                    if (p != null)
                        this.Player = p;
                        roomSlot    = p.Id;

                        try {
                        } catch { respond = false; }

                        if (respond)
                            string[] packetData;
                            if (errorCode == 1)
                                packetData    = new string[this.blocks.Length + 5];
                                packetData[0] = errorCode.ToString();
                                packetData[1] = roomSlot.ToString();
                                packetData[2] = Room.ID.ToString();
                                packetData[3] = blocks[2];                 // 2 - 0
                                packetData[4] = ((ushort)type).ToString(); // Type

                                Array.Copy(this.blocks, 0, packetData, 5, this.blocks.Length);
                                packetData = new string[] { errorCode.ToString() };

                            // Generate packet buffer //
                            byte[] buffer = new Packets.GameData(packetData).BuildEncrypted();
                            if (errorCode > 1 || selfTarget)

                            if (mapData)
                                u.Send(new Packets.MapData(Room));

                            if (updateLobby) // Send a update to the lobby :)
                                byte roomPage   = (byte)Math.Floor((decimal)(Room.ID / 8));
                                var  targetList = Managers.ChannelManager.Instance.Get(Room.Channel).Users.Select(n => n.Value).Where(n => n.RoomListPage == roomPage && n.Room == null);
                                if (targetList.Count() > 0)
                                    byte[] outBuffer = new Packets.RoomUpdate(Room, true).BuildEncrypted();
                                    foreach (Entities.User usr in targetList)
                u.Disconnect(); // Wrong id?
Esempio n. 2
        public void SaytoRoom(string _message, Entities.Room Room)
            string _codedMessage = MessageTranslator(_message);

            Room.Send(GetPacket(ChatType.Room_ToAll, _codedMessage));