Esempio n. 1
    protected override void FSMUpdate()
        if (CurrentState != null && isServer)


            // If we don't have a target, do nothing
            if (Target == null)

            // If the target is NOT in front of us
            if (EnemyUtilities.GetAngle(transform, Target) > 1)
                // We want to slowly increase out rotation speed multiplier
                RotationMultiplier = Mathf.Lerp(RotationMultiplier, 2.5f, Time.deltaTime * 0.5f);
                // Else we are looking at the target
                RotationMultiplier = Mathf.Lerp(RotationMultiplier, 1f, Time.deltaTime * 0.5f);

            // Look at the target
            float      rotSpeed       = RotationSpeed * RotationMultiplier;
            Quaternion neededRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Target.position - transform.position, transform.up);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, neededRotation, Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed);

            // Move forward
            transform.position += transform.forward * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
Esempio n. 2
 void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
     //Entra al collider
     other.gameObject.GetComponent <genericEnemy>().inField = true;
     //Calcular el resultado del enemigo.
     other.gameObject.GetComponent <genericEnemy>().enemyResult = EnemyUtilities.getEnemyResult(other.gameObject.GetComponent <genericEnemy>().enemyType, other.gameObject);
     //Emitir el sonido
     other.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
Esempio n. 3
 // Use this for initialization
 protected void Start()
     //Set the rigidbodys mass
     _rb            = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _rb.mass       = _mass;
     _controller    = gameObject.GetComponent <Controller>();
     _getUpTicker   = _getUpDelay;
     _enemyUtilites = gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyUtilities>();
     _attackTicker  = _attackDelay;
     _animator      = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();
Esempio n. 4
    /*public genericEnemy(int numBalls, float speed, string iniPos){
     *  enemyElements = numBalls;
     *  enemySpeed = speed;
     *  enemySpawnPos = EnemyUtilities.setEnemyIniPos(iniPos);
     *  enemySpawnPosS = iniPos;
     * }*/

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Obtener el objeto controlador para determinar el tiempo y con ello la velocidad.
        gameController = GameObject.Find("GameController");

        //Desactivar las pelotas de alrededor de la central

        //Establecer el tipo de enemigo
        enemyType = "sumEnemy";

        //Establecer el numero de elementos del enemigo segun el tiempo de juego.
        enemyElements = EnemyUtilities.setEnemyBalls(gameController.GetComponent <gameController>().gameTime);
        //Activar en pantalla el numero de elementos del enemigo
        EnemyUtilities.activeEnemyElements(gameObject, enemyElements);

        //Obtener el resultado del enemigo, a partir de su tipo.
        //Dependiendo del tipo es como se calculca el resultado.
        enemyResult = EnemyUtilities.getEnemyResult(enemyType, gameObject);

        //Obtener la posicicion en la que se emite el enmigo
        //Obtener la posicion inicial de donde se emite el enemigo.
        enemySpawnPos.x = gameObject.transform.position.x;
        enemySpawnPos.y = gameObject.transform.position.y;
        enemySpawnPosS  = EnemyUtilities.setEnemyIniPos(enemySpawnPos.x, enemySpawnPos.y);

        //Establecer la velocidad del enemigo, segun el tipo y la posicion en que se emite
        enemySpeed = EnemyUtilities.setEnemySpeed(enemyElements, enemySpawnPosS);

        //Establecer los puntos que se generar por eliminar al enemigo
        enemyPoints = EnemyUtilities.setEnemyPoints(enemyElements, enemyType);

        randomType    = 0;
        randomDisType = Random.Range(0, 2);
        randomDis     = Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f);
        invert        = Random.Range(0, 99);
        inField       = false;

        //Si es una funcion exponencial, disminuir la velocidad.
        if (randomType == 1)
            enemySpeed = 1.0f;
        if (randomType == 2)
            enemySpeed = 0.75f;
Esempio n. 5
    //Checar el resultado
    IEnumerator checkResult()
        if (EnemyUtilities.getResultBox() == enemyResult)
            //Detener al enemigo
            enemySpeed = 0.0f;
            //Animación destrucción.

            //Borrar la caja de resultados
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));


            //Actualizar el score
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f));

Esempio n. 6
 private void Start()
     enemyUtilities = GetComponent <EnemyUtilities>();
Esempio n. 7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     util   = this.GetComponent <EnemyUtilities>();
     pacing = this.GetComponent <EnemyPacing>();
     combat = this.GetComponent <EnemyCombat>();
Esempio n. 8
        private void RandomizeEnemiesCrossLevel()
            MaxPackingAttempts = Math.Max(1, MaxPackingAttempts);

            SetMessage("Randomizing enemies - loading levels");

            List <EnemyProcessor> processors = new List <EnemyProcessor>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _maxThreads; i++)
                processors.Add(new EnemyProcessor(this));

            List <TR2CombinedLevel> levels = new List <TR2CombinedLevel>(Levels.Count);

            foreach (TR23ScriptedLevel lvl in Levels)
                if (!TriggerProgress())

            // Sort the levels so each thread has a fairly equal weight in terms of import cost/time
            levels.Sort(new TR2LevelTextureWeightComparer());

            int processorIndex = 0;

            foreach (TR2CombinedLevel level in levels)
                processorIndex = processorIndex == _maxThreads - 1 ? 0 : processorIndex + 1;

            // Track enemies whose counts across the game are restricted
            _gameEnemyTracker = EnemyUtilities.PrepareEnemyGameTracker(DocileBirdMonsters);

            SetMessage("Randomizing enemies - importing models");
            foreach (EnemyProcessor processor in processors)

            foreach (EnemyProcessor processor in processors)

            if (!SaveMonitor.IsCancelled && _processingException == null)
                SetMessage("Randomizing enemies - saving levels");
                foreach (EnemyProcessor processor in processors)

            if (_processingException != null)
                throw _processingException;
Esempio n. 9
        private void RandomizeEnemies(TR2CombinedLevel level, EnemyRandomizationCollection enemies)
            bool shotgunGoonSeen = level.Is(LevelNames.HOME); // 1 ShotgunGoon in HSH only
            bool dragonSeen      = level.Is(LevelNames.LAIR); // 1 Marco in DL only

            // Get a list of current enemy entities
            List <TR2Entity> enemyEntities = level.GetEnemyEntities();

            // Keep track of any new entities added (e.g. Skidoo)
            List <TR2Entity> newEntities = new List <TR2Entity>();

            // #148 If it's HSH and we have been able to import cross-level, we will add 15
            // dogs outside the gate to ensure the kill counter works. Dogs, Goon1 and
            // StickGoons will have been excluded from the cross-level pool for simplicity
            // Their textures will have been removed but they won't spawn anyway as we aren't
            // defining triggers - the game only needs them to be present in the entity list.
            if (level.Is(LevelNames.HOME) && !enemies.Available.Contains(TR2Entities.Doberman))
                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    newEntities.Add(new TR2Entity
                        TypeID     = (short)TR2Entities.Doberman,
                        Room       = 85,
                        X          = 61919,
                        Y          = 2560,
                        Z          = 74222,
                        Angle      = 16384,
                        Flags      = 0,
                        Intensity1 = -1,
                        Intensity2 = -1

            // First iterate through any enemies that are restricted by room
            Dictionary <TR2Entities, List <int> > enemyRooms = EnemyUtilities.GetRestrictedEnemyRooms(level.Name);

            if (enemyRooms != null)
                foreach (TR2Entities entity in enemyRooms.Keys)
                    if (!enemies.Available.Contains(entity))

                    List <int> rooms          = enemyRooms[entity];
                    int        maxEntityCount = EnemyUtilities.GetRestrictedEnemyLevelCount(entity);
                    if (maxEntityCount == -1)
                        // We are allowed any number, but this can't be more than the number of unique rooms,
                        // so we will assume 1 per room as these restricted enemies are likely to be tanky.
                        maxEntityCount = rooms.Count;
                        maxEntityCount = Math.Min(maxEntityCount, rooms.Count);

                    // Pick an actual count
                    int enemyCount = _generator.Next(1, maxEntityCount + 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < enemyCount; i++)
                        // Find an entity in one of the rooms that the new enemy is restricted to
                        TR2Entity targetEntity = null;
                            int room = enemyRooms[entity][_generator.Next(0, enemyRooms[entity].Count)];
                            targetEntity = enemyEntities.Find(e => e.Room == room);
                        }while (targetEntity == null);

                        targetEntity.TypeID = (short)TR2EntityUtilities.TranslateEntityAlias(entity);

                        // #146 Ensure OneShot triggers are set for this enemy if needed
                        EnemyUtilities.SetEntityTriggers(level.Data, targetEntity);

                        // Remove the target entity so it doesn't get replaced

                    // Remove this entity type from the available rando pool

            foreach (TR2Entity currentEntity in enemyEntities)
                TR2Entities currentEntityType = (TR2Entities)currentEntity.TypeID;
                TR2Entities newEntityType     = currentEntityType;

                // If it's an existing enemy that has to remain in the same spot, skip it
                if (EnemyUtilities.IsEnemyRequired(level.Name, currentEntityType))

                //#45 - Check to see if any items are at the same location as the enemy.
                //If there are we need to ensure that the new random enemy type is one that can drop items.
                List <TR2Entity> sharedItems = new List <TR2Entity>(Array.FindAll
                                                                        e =>
                                                                            e.X == currentEntity.X &&
                                                                            e.Y == currentEntity.Y &&
                                                                            e.Z == currentEntity.Z

                //Do multiple entities share one location?
                bool isPickupItem = false;
                if (sharedItems.Count > 1 && enemies.Droppable.Count != 0)
                    //Are any entities sharing a location a droppable pickup?

                    foreach (TR2Entity ent in sharedItems)
                        TR2Entities entType = (TR2Entities)ent.TypeID;

                        isPickupItem = TR2EntityUtilities.IsUtilityType(entType) ||
                                       TR2EntityUtilities.IsGunType(entType) ||

                        if (isPickupItem)

                    //Generate a new type
                    newEntityType = enemies.Available[_generator.Next(0, enemies.Available.Count)];

                    //Do we need to ensure the enemy can drop the item on the same tile?
                    if (!TR2EntityUtilities.CanDropPickups(newEntityType, !ProtectMonks) && isPickupItem)
                        //Ensure the new random entity can drop pickups
                        newEntityType = enemies.Droppable[_generator.Next(0, enemies.Droppable.Count)];
                    //Generate a new type
                    newEntityType = enemies.Available[_generator.Next(0, enemies.Available.Count)];

                short   roomIndex = currentEntity.Room;
                TR2Room room      = level.Data.Rooms[roomIndex];

                if (level.Is(LevelNames.DA) && roomIndex == 77)
                    // Make sure the end level trigger isn't blocked by an unkillable enemy
                    while (TR2EntityUtilities.IsHazardCreature(newEntityType) || (ProtectMonks && TR2EntityUtilities.IsMonk(newEntityType)))
                        newEntityType = enemies.Available[_generator.Next(0, enemies.Available.Count)];

                if (TR2EntityUtilities.IsWaterCreature(currentEntityType) && !TR2EntityUtilities.IsWaterCreature(newEntityType))
                    // Check alternate rooms too - e.g. rooms 74/48 in 40 Fathoms
                    short roomDrainIndex = -1;
                    if (room.ContainsWater)
                        roomDrainIndex = roomIndex;
                    else if (room.AlternateRoom != -1 && level.Data.Rooms[room.AlternateRoom].ContainsWater)
                        roomDrainIndex = room.AlternateRoom;

                    if (roomDrainIndex != -1 && !level.PerformDraining(roomDrainIndex))
                        // Draining cannot be performed so make the entity a water creature.
                        // The list of provided water creatures will either be those native
                        // to this level, or if randomizing cross-level, a pre-check will
                        // have already been performed on draining so if it's not possible,
                        // at least one water creature will be available.
                        newEntityType = enemies.Water[_generator.Next(0, enemies.Water.Count)];

                // Ensure that if we have to pick a different enemy at this point that we still
                // honour any pickups in the same spot.
                List <TR2Entities> enemyPool = isPickupItem ? enemies.Droppable : enemies.Available;

                if (newEntityType == TR2Entities.ShotgunGoon && shotgunGoonSeen) // HSH only
                    while (newEntityType == TR2Entities.ShotgunGoon)
                        newEntityType = enemyPool[_generator.Next(0, enemyPool.Count)];

                if (newEntityType == TR2Entities.MarcoBartoli && dragonSeen) // DL only, other levels use quasi-zoning for the dragon
                    while (newEntityType == TR2Entities.MarcoBartoli)
                        newEntityType = enemyPool[_generator.Next(0, enemyPool.Count)];

                // If we are restricting count per level for this enemy and have reached that count, pick
                // someting else. This applies when we are restricting by in-level count, but not by room
                // (e.g. Winston).
                int maxEntityCount = EnemyUtilities.GetRestrictedEnemyLevelCount(newEntityType);
                if (maxEntityCount != -1)
                    if (level.Data.Entities.ToList().FindAll(e => e.TypeID == (short)newEntityType).Count == maxEntityCount)
                        TR2Entities tmp = newEntityType;
                        while (newEntityType == tmp)
                            newEntityType = enemyPool[_generator.Next(0, enemyPool.Count)];

                // #158 Several entity freezing issues have been found with various enemy
                // combinations in Barkhang, so for now all Mercenary1 and MonkWithLongStick
                // entities must remain in place, and no additional ones should be added.
                if (level.Is(LevelNames.MONASTERY))
                    while (EnemyUtilities.IsEnemyRequired(level.Name, newEntityType))
                        newEntityType = enemyPool[_generator.Next(0, enemyPool.Count)];

                // #144 Disguise something as the Chicken. Pre-checks will have been done to ensure
                // the guiser is suitable for the level.
                if (DocileBirdMonsters && newEntityType == TR2Entities.BirdMonster)
                    newEntityType = enemies.BirdMonsterGuiser;

                // Make sure to convert BengalTiger, StickWieldingGoonBandana etc back to their actual types
                currentEntity.TypeID = (short)TR2EntityUtilities.TranslateEntityAlias(newEntityType);

                // #146 Ensure OneShot triggers are set for this enemy if needed. This currently only applies
                // to the dragon, which will be handled above in defined rooms, but the check should be made
                // here in case this needs to be extended later.
                EnemyUtilities.SetEntityTriggers(level.Data, currentEntity);

            // MercSnowMobDriver relies on RedSnowmobile so it will be available in the model list
            if (!level.Is(LevelNames.TIBET))
                TR2Entity mercDriver = level.Data.Entities.ToList().Find(e => e.TypeID == (short)TR2Entities.MercSnowmobDriver);
                if (mercDriver != null)
                    short room, angle;
                    int   x, y, z;

                    // we will only spawn one skidoo, so only need one random location
                    Location randomLocation = VehicleUtilities.GetRandomLocation(level.Name, TR2Entities.RedSnowmobile, _generator);
                    if (randomLocation != null)
                        room  = (short)randomLocation.Room;
                        x     = randomLocation.X;
                        y     = randomLocation.Y;
                        z     = randomLocation.Z;
                        angle = randomLocation.Angle;
                        // if the level does not have skidoo locations for some reason, just spawn it on the MercSnowMobDriver
                        room  = mercDriver.Room;
                        x     = mercDriver.X;
                        y     = mercDriver.Y;
                        z     = mercDriver.Z;
                        angle = mercDriver.Angle;

                    newEntities.Add(new TR2Entity
                        TypeID     = (short)TR2Entities.RedSnowmobile,
                        Room       = room,
                        X          = x,
                        Y          = y,
                        Z          = z,
                        Angle      = angle,
                        Flags      = 0,
                        Intensity1 = -1,
                        Intensity2 = -1

            // Did we add any new entities?
            if (newEntities.Count > 0)
                List <TR2Entity> levelEntities = level.Data.Entities.ToList();
                level.Data.Entities    = levelEntities.ToArray();
                level.Data.NumEntities = (uint)levelEntities.Count;
Esempio n. 10
        private EnemyTransportCollection SelectCrossLevelEnemies(TR2CombinedLevel level, int reduceEnemyCountBy = 0)
            // For the assault course, nothing will be imported for the time being
            if (level.IsAssault)

            // Get the list of enemy types currently in the level
            List <TR2Entities> oldEntities = TR2EntityUtilities.GetEnemyTypeDictionary()[level.Name];

            // Work out how many we can support
            int enemyCount = oldEntities.Count - reduceEnemyCountBy + EnemyUtilities.GetEnemyAdjustmentCount(level.Name);
            List <TR2Entities> newEntities = new List <TR2Entities>(enemyCount);

            List <TR2Entities> chickenGuisers = EnemyUtilities.GetEnemyGuisers(TR2Entities.BirdMonster);
            TR2Entities        chickenGuiser  = TR2Entities.BirdMonster;

            // #148 For HSH, we lock the enemies that are required for the kill counter to work outside
            // the gate, which means the game still has the correct target kill count, while allowing
            // us to randomize the ones inside the gate (except the final shotgun goon).
            // If however, we are on the final packing attempt, we will just change the stick goon
            // alias and add docile bird monsters (if selected) as this is known to be supported.
            if (level.Is(LevelNames.HOME) && reduceEnemyCountBy > 0)
                TR2Entities        newGoon = TR2Entities.StickWieldingGoon1BlackJacket;
                List <TR2Entities> goonies = TR2EntityUtilities.GetEntityFamily(newGoon);
                    newGoon = goonies[_generator.Next(0, goonies.Count)];
                }while (newGoon == TR2Entities.StickWieldingGoon1BlackJacket);


                if (DocileBirdMonsters)
                    chickenGuiser = TR2Entities.MaskedGoon1;
                // Do we need at least one water creature?
                bool waterEnemyRequired = EnemyUtilities.IsWaterEnemyRequired(level);
                // Do we need at least one enemy that can drop?
                bool droppableEnemyRequired = EnemyUtilities.IsDroppableEnemyRequired(level);

                // Let's try to populate the list. Start by adding one water enemy
                // and one droppable enemy if they are needed.
                if (waterEnemyRequired)
                    List <TR2Entities> waterEnemies = TR2EntityUtilities.KillableWaterCreatures();
                    TR2Entities        entity;
                        entity = waterEnemies[_generator.Next(0, waterEnemies.Count)];
                    }while (!EnemyUtilities.IsEnemySupported(level.Name, entity));

                if (droppableEnemyRequired)
                    List <TR2Entities> droppableEnemies = TR2EntityUtilities.GetCrossLevelDroppableEnemies(!ProtectMonks);
                    TR2Entities        entity;
                        entity = droppableEnemies[_generator.Next(0, droppableEnemies.Count)];
                    }while (!EnemyUtilities.IsEnemySupported(level.Name, entity));

                // Are there any other types we need to retain?
                foreach (TR2Entities entity in EnemyUtilities.GetRequiredEnemies(level.Name))
                    if (!newEntities.Contains(entity))

                // Get all other candidate enemies and fill the list
                List <TR2Entities> allEnemies = TR2EntityUtilities.GetCandidateCrossLevelEnemies();

                while (newEntities.Count < newEntities.Capacity)
                    TR2Entities entity = allEnemies[_generator.Next(0, allEnemies.Count)];

                    // Make sure this isn't known to be unsupported in the level
                    if (!EnemyUtilities.IsEnemySupported(level.Name, entity))

                    // If it's the chicken in HSH but we're not using docile, we don't want it ending the level
                    if (!DocileBirdMonsters && entity == TR2Entities.BirdMonster && level.Is(LevelNames.HOME))

                    // If it's a docile chicken in Barkhang, it won't work because we can't disguise monks in this level.
                    if (DocileBirdMonsters && entity == TR2Entities.BirdMonster && level.Is(LevelNames.MONASTERY))

                    // If this is a tracked enemy throughout the game, we only allow it if the number
                    // of unique levels is within the limit. Bear in mind we are collecting more than
                    // one group of enemies per level.
                    if (_gameEnemyTracker.ContainsKey(entity) && !_gameEnemyTracker[entity].Contains(level.Name))
                        if (_gameEnemyTracker[entity].Count < _gameEnemyTracker[entity].Capacity)
                            // The entity is allowed, so store the fact that this level will have it
                            // Otherwise, pick something else

                    // GetEntityFamily returns all aliases for the likes of the tigers, but if an entity
                    // doesn't have any, the returned list just contains the entity itself. This means
                    // we can avoid duplicating standard enemies as well as avoiding alias-clashing.
                    List <TR2Entities> family = TR2EntityUtilities.GetEntityFamily(entity);
                    if (!newEntities.Any(e1 => family.Any(e2 => e1 == e2)))
                        // #144 We can include docile chickens provided we aren't including everything
                        // that can be disguised as a chicken.
                        if (DocileBirdMonsters)
                            bool guisersAvailable = !chickenGuisers.All(g => newEntities.Contains(g));
                            // If the selected entity is the chicken, it can be added provided there are
                            // available guisers.
                            if (!guisersAvailable && entity == TR2Entities.BirdMonster)

                            // If the selected entity is a potential guiser, it can only be added if it's not
                            // the last available guiser. Otherwise, it will become the guiser.
                            if (chickenGuisers.Contains(entity) && newEntities.Contains(TR2Entities.BirdMonster))
                                if (newEntities.FindAll(e => chickenGuisers.Contains(e)).Count == chickenGuisers.Count - 1)


            // #144 Decide at this point who will be guising unless it has already been decided above (e.g. HSH)
            if (DocileBirdMonsters && newEntities.Contains(TR2Entities.BirdMonster) && chickenGuiser == TR2Entities.BirdMonster)
                int guiserIndex = chickenGuisers.FindIndex(g => !newEntities.Contains(g));
                if (guiserIndex != -1)
                    chickenGuiser = chickenGuisers[guiserIndex];

            return(new EnemyTransportCollection
                EntitiesToImport = newEntities,
                EntitiesToRemove = oldEntities,
                BirdMonsterGuiser = chickenGuiser
Esempio n. 11
        private void RandomizeORPistol()
            //Is there something in the unarmed level pistol location?
            if (_unarmedLevelPistolIndex != -1)
                List <TR2Entities> ReplacementWeapons = TR2EntityUtilities.GetListOfGunTypes();

                TR2Entities Weap = ReplacementWeapons[_generator.Next(0, ReplacementWeapons.Count)];
                if (_levelInstance.Is(LevelNames.CHICKEN))
                    // Grenade Launcher and Harpoon cannot trigger the bells in Ice Palace
                    while (Weap.Equals(TR2Entities.GrenadeLauncher_S_P) || Weap.Equals(TR2Entities.Harpoon_S_P))
                        Weap = ReplacementWeapons[_generator.Next(0, ReplacementWeapons.Count)];

                TR2Entity unarmedLevelWeapons = _levelInstance.Data.Entities[_unarmedLevelPistolIndex];

                uint ammoToGive      = 0;
                bool addPistols      = false;
                uint smallMediToGive = 0;
                uint largeMediToGive = 0;

                if (_startingAmmoToGive.ContainsKey(Weap))
                    ammoToGive = _startingAmmoToGive[Weap];
                    if (PerformEnemyWeighting)
                        // Create a score based on each type of enemy in this level and increase the ammo count based on this
                        EnemyDifficulty difficulty = EnemyUtilities.GetEnemyDifficulty(_levelInstance.GetEnemyEntities());
                        ammoToGive *= (uint)difficulty;

                        // Depending on how difficult the enemy combination is, allocate some extra helpers.
                        addPistols = difficulty > EnemyDifficulty.Easy;

                        if (difficulty == EnemyDifficulty.Medium || difficulty == EnemyDifficulty.Hard)
                        if (difficulty > EnemyDifficulty.Medium)
                        if (difficulty == EnemyDifficulty.VeryHard)
                    else if (_levelInstance.Is(LevelNames.LAIR))
                        ammoToGive *= 6;

                //#68 - Provide some additional ammo for a weapon if not pistols
                if (Weap != TR2Entities.Pistols_S_P)
                    AddORAmmo(GetWeaponAmmo(Weap), ammoToGive, unarmedLevelWeapons);

                unarmedLevelWeapons.TypeID = (short)Weap;

                if (Weap != TR2Entities.Pistols_S_P)
                    // If we haven't decided to add the pistols (i.e. for enemy difficulty)
                    // add a 1/3 chance of getting them anyway. #149 If the harpoon is being
                    // given, the pistols will be included.
                    if (addPistols || Weap == TR2Entities.Harpoon_S_P || _generator.Next(0, 3) == 0)
                        CopyEntity(unarmedLevelWeapons, TR2Entities.Pistols_S_P);

                for (int i = 0; i < smallMediToGive; i++)
                    CopyEntity(unarmedLevelWeapons, TR2Entities.SmallMed_S_P);
                for (int i = 0; i < largeMediToGive; i++)
                    CopyEntity(unarmedLevelWeapons, TR2Entities.LargeMed_S_P);
 private void Start()
     util        = GetComponent <EnemyUtilities>();
     ogHorzSpeed = util.horzSpeed;