Esempio n. 1
        public JsonResult GetItemData()
            //pullingg linkList from db
            List <EnemyItemDO> list = linkDAO.ViewAllLinks();
            //stripping itemID's off of the list and storing them in a list
            List <int> idList = Mapper.BLLMapper.LinkListToItemIdList(list);

            //sending the idList to a BLL method to find unique id's and count their occurances
            Dictionary <int, int> countDictionary = AnalyzeItemList.ItemDropCount(idList);

            //instantiating a dictionary that will hold item names(based on ids) and how many times they were used
            Dictionary <string, int> itemDropCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            //creating a list of ItemPO to hold item information, to pull names from items based on ids in idList
            List <ItemPO> itemList = new List <ItemPO>();

            //foreach unique itemID, add that item's information to the itemList
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> idLink in countDictionary)
                ItemPO item = Mapper.Mapper.ItemDOtoPO(iDAO.ViewItemSingle(idLink.Key));

            //foreach item in the itemList, create a key based on item name, and set its base value to 0
            foreach (ItemPO item in itemList)
                itemDropCount.Add(item.Name, 0);
                //for each key value pair in our count dictionary which holds our item id and how many times that item has been used
                //we check if the key value pair's key is the same as the item's id in the outer for each
                //if it matches we update the value of our itemDropCount
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> itemCount in countDictionary)
                    if (itemCount.Key == item.ItemID)
                        itemDropCount[item.Name] = itemCount.Value;

            //creating an object that holds 2 lists, one of type string, one of type int
            //holds our item names in one list, and our item occurance in the other
            ChartData <string, int> chartData = new ChartData <string, int>();

            chartData.Labels = new List <string>();
            chartData.Values = new List <int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> itemDrop in itemDropCount)

            return(Json(chartData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Index()
            ActionResult response;
            HomePageVM   items = new HomePageVM();

                ItemPO mostCommonItem  = new ItemPO();
                ItemPO leastCommonItem = new ItemPO();

                int mostCommonID;
                int leastCommonID;
                List <EnemyItemDO> fullLinkList = linkDAO.ViewAllLinks();
                List <int>         itemIdList   = new List <int>();
                itemIdList = Mapper.BLLMapper.LinkListToItemIdList(fullLinkList);

                mostCommonID  = AnalyzeItemList.MostCommonID(itemIdList);
                leastCommonID = AnalyzeItemList.LeastCommonID(itemIdList);

                mostCommonItem  = Mapper.Mapper.ItemDOtoPO(iDAO.ViewItemSingle(mostCommonID));
                leastCommonItem = Mapper.Mapper.ItemDOtoPO(iDAO.ViewItemSingle(leastCommonID));

                items.MostCommonItem  = mostCommonItem;
                items.LeastCommonItem = leastCommonItem;

                response = View(items);
            catch (SqlException sqlEx)
                if (!sqlEx.Data.Contains("Logged") || (bool)sqlEx.Data["Logged"] == false)
                response = View(items);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ex.Data.Contains("Logged") || (bool)ex.Data["Logged"] == false)
                response = View(items);
