Esempio n. 1
 public EnemyBullet(EnemyDirection pDirection, Level pLevel)
     : base("enemybullet.png")
     _level = pLevel;
     direction = pDirection;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the Enemy in the UpDown movement pattern.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathLength">The length of the path for the Enemy to move along.</param>
        protected void UDWalk(int pathLength)
            // Track the number of pixels the Enemy moves
            travelled += speed;

            // Check direction of Enemy and move appropriately
            if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Down)
                position.Y += speed;
                position.Y -= speed;

            // Change direction if distance has been traveled
            if (travelled >= pathLength)
                // Reset distance traveled
                travelled = 0;

                // Reverse the Enemy's direction
                if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Down)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Up;
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
Esempio n. 3
        // Constructors
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an Enemy Character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The Rectangle representing the Enemy's position and size.</param>
        /// <param name="texture">The Texture2D representing the Enemy's texture.</param>
        /// <param name="health">The Enemy's health.</param>
        /// <param name="weapon">The Enemy's Weapon.</param>
        /// <param name="attackInterval">The time between the Enemy's attacks.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyDamage">The damage the Enemy deals with it's body.</param>
        /// <param name="maxWidth">The distance the Enemy can walk in the x direction.</param>
        /// <param name="maxHeight">The disatance the Enemy can walk in the y direction.</param>
        /// <param name="speed">The Enemy's speed.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The Enemy's name.</param>
        /// <param name="enemyMovementType">The Enemy's type of movement.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The Player Character.</param>
        /// <param name="random">A Random number generator.</param>
        public Enemy(Rectangle position, Texture2D texture, int health, Weapon weapon, int attackInterval, int bodyDamage, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int speed, string name, EnemyMovementType enemyMovementType, Player player, Random random) : base(position, texture, health, weapon)
            // Initialize Fields
            this.attackInterval    = attackInterval;
            this.bodyDamage        = bodyDamage;
            this.currentFrame      = random.Next(1000);
            this.maxHeight         = maxHeight;
            this.maxWidth          = maxWidth;
            this.speed             = speed;
            this.travelled         = 0;
                = name;
            this.enemyMovementType = enemyMovementType;
            this.player            = player;
            this.random            = random;

            // Initialize start direction dependent on the EnemyMovementType
            if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.LeftRight)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.Random)
                randomDirectionNumber = random.Next(0, 8);
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.Rectangle)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.UpDown)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
         * This function updates the enemy image depending on the direction that the enemy is move. It takes the enemy's
         * current facing direction as its argument.
        public void SetFacingDirection(EnemyDirection direction)
            //update enemy's image based on its direction
            switch (direction)
            case EnemyDirection.Down:
                paintImage = downImage;

            case EnemyDirection.Left:
                paintImage = leftImage;

            case EnemyDirection.Up:
                paintImage = upImage;

            case EnemyDirection.Right:
                paintImage = rightImage;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the Enemy in the LeftRight movement pattern.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathLength">The length of the path for the Enemy to move along.</param>
        protected void LRWalk(int pathLength)
            // Track the number of pixels the Enemy moves
            travelled += speed;

            // Check direction for the Enemy and move appropriately
            if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Right)
                position.X += speed;
                position.X -= speed;

            // Checks if Enemy has traveled full distance of pattern direction
            if (travelled >= pathLength)
                // Reset distance traveled
                travelled = 0;

                // Reverse the Enemy's direction
                if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Right)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Left;
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a copy of an Enemy Character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enemy">The Enemy to copy.</param>
        public Enemy(Enemy enemy) : base(new Rectangle(enemy.Position.X, enemy.Position.Y, enemy.Position.Width, enemy.Position.Height), enemy.Texture, enemy.Health, enemy.Weapon)
            // Initialize Fields
            this.attackInterval    = enemy.attackInterval;
            this.bodyDamage        = enemy.bodyDamage;
            this.maxHeight         = enemy.maxHeight;
            this.maxWidth          = enemy.maxWidth;
            this.speed             = enemy.speed;
            this.travelled         = 0;
            this.enemyMovementType = enemy.enemyMovementType;
            this.player            = enemy.player;
            this.random            = enemy.random;
            this.currentFrame      = random.Next(1000);

            // Initialize start direction dependent on the EnemyMovementType
            if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.LeftRight)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.Random)
                randomDirectionNumber = random.Next(0, 8);
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.Rectangle)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
            else if (enemyMovementType == EnemyMovementType.UpDown)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
Esempio n. 7
 public Enemy(float x = 0, float y = 0)
     : base(x, y)
     onGround = false;
     id = 4;
     dir = EnemyDirection.StandingRight;
Esempio n. 8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     InvokeRepeating("shootBullet", 0.0f, 2.0f);
     // init bullet data
     bulletPrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Enemy Bullet") as GameObject;
     enemySprite  = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     orientation  = EnemyDirection.Right;
     //text = text.GetComponent<Unity>
    /// <summary>
    /// Switches the direction of the current enemy.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="direction">The direction to switch to.</param>
    void DoDirectionSwitch(EnemyDirection direction)
        rigidBody.velocity = constantVelocity * (int)direction; // set direction
        Vector2 pos = transform.position;

        pos.y -= moveDownAmount;
        transform.position = pos;
        currentDirection   = direction;
Esempio n. 10
 public Enemy(ContentManager Content) : base(Content)
     Direction       = spriteFacing = EnemyDirection.ToLeft;
     layerDepth      = LayerManager.GetLayerDepth(Layer.Enemies);
     EnableHealthBar = true;
     movingSpeed = 1f;
     attackSpeed = 1f;
     spaceCash   = 10;
 /// <summary>
 /// Switches the directions of all the enemies.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="direction">The direction to switch to.</param>
 void SwitchAllDirections(EnemyDirection direction)
     if (direction != currentDirection) // only switch if it's changed
         foreach (var en in enemies.Where(e => e != null))
             en.gameObject.GetComponent <MiniGameEnemy>().DoDirectionSwitch(direction);
Esempio n. 12
  void Start()
      rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

      movement =;

      enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Forward;

      rayColor =;
Esempio n. 13
    private void Start()
        enemyDirection = (EnemyDirection)Random.Range(1, 9);
        var dir = DefineDirection();

        direction = new Vector2(dir.Item1, dir.Item2);
        GameEvents.Current.OnPlayerFuelPickup += OnPlayerFuelPickup;
        GameEvents.Current.OnPlayerItemPickup += OnPlayerItemPickup;
        GameEvents.Current.OnGameOver         += OnGameOver;
        GameEvents.Current.OnPaused           += OnPaused;
Esempio n. 14
  void ChangeState()
      int randState;

          randState = Random.Range(0, (int)EnemyDirection.Search);
      }while (randState == (int)enemyDirection);

      randState      = randState % ((int)EnemyDirection.Search);
      enemyDirection = ((EnemyDirection)randState);
Esempio n. 15
        public Vector3 boundsCenterOffset; //边界中心

        void Awake()
            if (this.transform.position.x < 8)
                direction = EnemyDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
                direction = EnemyDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
            //InvokeRepeating ("CheckOffScreen", 0f , 2f);
Esempio n. 16
  * This function allows the enemy to move down
 void MoveDown()
     //update the y location
     y += speed * Main.deltaTime;
     boundingBox.Location = new PointF(x, y);
     //update the distance enemy has traveled
     if (y >= STARTING_Y_LOCATION)
         distanceTraveled += speed * Main.deltaTime;
     //update the enemy direction
     moveDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
 private void SwapDir()
     if (dir == EnemyDirection.Left)
         dir = EnemyDirection.Right;
         transform.position = new Vector3(horizontalLimits.x + 0.1f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
         dir = EnemyDirection.Left;
         transform.position = new Vector3(horizontalLimits.y - 0.1f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
Esempio n. 18
 public BossMech(int x, int y, Texture2D enemyTextureRight, Texture2D enemyTextureLeft, Texture2D enemyTextureDead, Texture2D chargerightsprite, Texture2D chargeleftsprite, Texture2D bullettexture, int windowx, int windowy)
     : base(100, 15, 1, new Vector2(x, y), enemyTextureRight, enemyTextureLeft, enemyTextureDead)
     this.bullettexture     = bullettexture;
     sheildhitbox           = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 50 + bosssizex / 2, (int)enemyPosition.Y + 25, bosssizex / 2, bosssizey);
     enemyHitBox            = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 50, (int)enemyPosition.Y + 25, bosssizex / 2, bosssizey);
     bullets                = new List <EnemyBullet>();
     this.windowsizex       = windowx;
     this.windowsizey       = windowy;
     prevdirection          = EnemyFacing;
     deathframes            = 0;
     this.chargerightsprite = chargerightsprite;
     this.chargeleftsprite  = chargeleftsprite;
Esempio n. 19
File: Enemy.cs Progetto: mbos14/GTFO
 public Enemy(string pFileName, int pColumns, int pRows, Level pLevel, EnemyPoints pPoints, EnemyHealth pHealth, EnemyDirection pEnemyDirection = EnemyDirection.left, bool pMirrow = true)
     : base(pFileName, pColumns, pRows)
     _level = pLevel;
     _state = EnemyState.idle;
     _points = pPoints;
     _healthmax = pHealth;
     _health = (float)_healthmax;
     _enemyDirection = pEnemyDirection;
     Mirror(pMirrow, false);
     _hitTimer = 0f;
     _idleTimer = 0f;
     _deathHitAnimationTimer = 0;
        private void HandleBouncingEnemyFromWall(Enemy enemy)
            double         nextX      = enemy.Position.X;
            double         nextY      = enemy.Position.Y;
            EnemyDirection currentDir = enemy.MoveDirection;

            // left wall
            if (nextX == 0 && currentDir == EnemyDirection.SouthWest)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.SouthEast;
            else if (nextX == 0 && currentDir == EnemyDirection.NorthWest)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.NorthEast;

            // up wall
            else if (nextY == 0 && currentDir == EnemyDirection.NorthEast)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.SouthEast;
            else if (nextY == 0 && currentDir == EnemyDirection.NorthWest)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.SouthWest;

            // right wall
            else if (nextX == GameArea.ActualWidth - CELL_WIDTH && currentDir == EnemyDirection.SouthEast)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.SouthWest;
            else if (nextX == GameArea.ActualWidth - CELL_WIDTH && currentDir == EnemyDirection.NorthEast)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.NorthWest;

            // down wall
            else if (nextY == GameArea.ActualHeight - CELL_HEIGHT && currentDir == EnemyDirection.SouthWest)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.NorthWest;
            else if (nextY == GameArea.ActualHeight - CELL_HEIGHT && currentDir == EnemyDirection.SouthEast)
                currentDir = EnemyDirection.NorthEast;

            enemy.MoveDirection = currentDir;
Esempio n. 21
    // Update is called 60 times per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        this.transform.position =
            Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, GameManager.player.transform.position, SPEED);

        enemySprite.flipX       = (orientation == EnemyDirection.Left) ? true : false;
        this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        if (GameManager.player.transform.position.x > this.transform.position.x)
            orientation = EnemyDirection.Right;
            orientation = EnemyDirection.Left;
    // Converts an enemy direction into the appropriate Vector2
    public Vector2 VectorFromEnemyDirection(EnemyDirection direction)
        switch (direction)
        case EnemyDirection.Left:

        case EnemyDirection.Right:

        case EnemyDirection.Up:

        case EnemyDirection.Down:

Esempio n. 23
 public void TurnBullet(PlayerDirection pDirection)
     if (pDirection == PlayerDirection.left)
         direction = EnemyDirection.right;
         Mirror(false, false);
     if (pDirection == PlayerDirection.right)
         direction = EnemyDirection.left;
         Mirror(true, false);
     if (pDirection == PlayerDirection.up)
         direction = EnemyDirection.up;
     if (pDirection == PlayerDirection.down)
         direction = EnemyDirection.down;
Esempio n. 24
 void Start()
     Red                           = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);
     Blue                          = new Color32(0, 55, 255, 255);
     SpawnCounter                  = -1;
     EnemyCounter                  = 0;
     CurrentSpawningUnit           = "";
     SpawnableEnemyPositionIndexes = new List <EnemyDirection>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
             if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == 32 - 1 || j == 32 - 1)
                 EnemyDirection enemyInfo;
                 if (i == 0)
                     enemyInfo = new EnemyDirection(i * 32 + j, 1);
                     //GameObject.Find(SpawnableEnemyPositionIndexes[SpawnableEnemyPositionIndexes.Count-1].ToString()).GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Red;
                 else if (j == 0)
                     enemyInfo = new EnemyDirection(i * 32 + j, 2);
                 else if (i == 32 - 1)
                     enemyInfo = new EnemyDirection(i * 32 + j, 3);
                 else if (j == 32 - 1)
                     enemyInfo = new EnemyDirection(i * 32 + j, 4);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// 今の番号と移動先の番号で方向を変える関数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="current_">今の番号x,y</param>
 /// <param name="next_">移動先の番号x,y</param>
 void directionChange(int current_x_, int current_y_, int next_x_, int next_y_)
     if (current_y_ > next_y_)
         direction = EnemyDirection.UP;
     else if (current_y_ < next_y_)
         direction = EnemyDirection.DOWN;
     if (current_x_ < next_x_)
         direction = EnemyDirection.RIGHT;
     else if (current_x_ > next_x_)
         direction = EnemyDirection.LEFT;
Esempio n. 26
 /*protected override void SetUpCollision()
     SetCollisionUnit(new CollisionUnit(this, image.GetTranslation(), image.GetTranslation() + new Vector2(image.Width, image.Height), CollisionUnit.CollisionType.COLLISION_BOX, null, false));
 public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
     if (this.GetVelocity().X > 0)
         if(dir != EnemyDirection.Right)
             dir = EnemyDirection.Right;
     else if (this.GetVelocity().X < 0)
         if (dir != EnemyDirection.Left)
             dir = EnemyDirection.Left;
         if (dir == EnemyDirection.Right)
             dir = EnemyDirection.StandingRight;
         else if (dir == EnemyDirection.Left)
             dir = EnemyDirection.StandingLeft;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the Enemy in the Rectangle movement pattern.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathXLength">The length of the path for the Enemy to move in the x direction.</param>
        /// <param name="pathYLength">The length of the path for the Enemy to move in the y direction.</param>
        protected void RectangleWalk(int pathXLength, int pathYLength)
            // Track the number of pixels the Enemy moves
            travelled += speed;

            // Check direction for the Enemy and move appropriately
            if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Right)
                // Move in the x direction
                position.X += speed;

                // Change direction if distance has been traveled
                if (travelled >= pathXLength)
                    // Reset distance traveled
                    travelled = 0;

                    // Change the Enemy's direction
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
            else if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Left)
                // Move in the x direction
                position.X -= speed;

                // Change direction if distance has been traveled
                if (travelled >= pathXLength)
                    // Reset distance traveled
                    travelled = 0;

                    // Change the Enemy's direction
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Up;
            else if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Up)
                // Move in the y direction
                position.Y -= speed;

                // Change direction if distance has been traveled
                if (travelled >= pathYLength)
                    // Reset distance traveled
                    travelled = 0;

                    // Change the Enemy's direction
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
                // Move in the y direction
                position.Y += speed;

                // Change direction if distance has been traveled
                if (travelled >= pathYLength)
                    // Reset distance traveled
                    travelled = 0;

                    // Change the Enemy's direction
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Left;
Esempio n. 28
 public void SetEnemyDirection(EnemyDirection enemyDirection_)
     enemyDirection = enemyDirection_;
    //Auto Correct enemy movement to Waypoint
    IEnumerator ExecuteKnockback()
        AdjustVertical = true;
        VerticalSpeed  = 0;

        float storeTime = movementActionCountdown;

        if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.RIGHT) || KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.LEFT))
            while (movementActionCountdown >= storeTime / 2)
                if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.RIGHT))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(knockBackForce * 1.5f, VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.LEFT))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(-knockBackForce * 1.5f, VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.UP))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, -VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.DOWN))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            VerticalSpeed = 0;


            while (movementActionCountdown >= 0)
                if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.RIGHT))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(knockBackForce * 1.5f, -VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.LEFT))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(-knockBackForce * 1.5f, -VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.UP))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, -VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.DOWN))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
        else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.UP) || KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.DOWN))
            while (movementActionCountdown >= 0)
                if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.UP))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, -VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                else if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.DOWN))
                    EnemyRB.velocity = new Vector2(EnemyRB.velocity.x, VerticalSpeed * KnockBackForce);
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

        AdjustVertical = false;
        VerticalSpeed  = 0;
        isKnockBack    = false;

        if (!EnemyDirection.Equals(KnockBackDirection))
            if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.LEFT))
                EnemyDirection = Direction.LEFT;
            if (KnockBackDirection.Equals(CollideDirection.RIGHT))
                EnemyDirection = Direction.RIGHT;

        yield break;
Esempio n. 30
 //임의의 방향과 z 값으로 소환하고 싶을때 사용, 
 //일반적으로는 SpawnEnemy(prefab,line)을 사용하고 이 함수는 쓰지 않는다.
 void SpawnEnemy(GameObject prefab, EnemyDirection direction, float z)
     int directionSign = (int)direction;
     EnemyPool.Spawn(prefab, new Vector3(600 * -directionSign, 0, z), Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f * directionSign, 0f));
Esempio n. 31
        public async void MoveEnemies()
            double EnemyMoveLength = 4;

            foreach (Enemy enemies in Enemies)
                int    move = rng.Next(4);
                double lastX = Canvas.GetLeft(enemies.UiElement), lastY = Canvas.GetTop(enemies.UiElement);
                if (move == 0)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Left;
                else if (move == 1)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Down;
                else if (move == 2)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
                else if (move == 3)
                    enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Up;

                switch (enemyDirection)
                case EnemyDirection.Left:
                    if (lastX <= enemyHalf.ActualWidth - enemyHalf.ActualWidth)
                        lastX += EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.UiElement, lastX);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.Healthbar, lastX);
                        lastX -= EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.UiElement, lastX);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.Healthbar, lastX);

                case EnemyDirection.Down:
                    if (lastY >= enemyHalf.ActualHeight)
                        lastY -= EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.UiElement, lastY);
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.Healthbar, lastY - barTop);
                        lastY += EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.UiElement, lastY);
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.Healthbar, lastY - barTop);

                case EnemyDirection.Right:
                    if (lastX >= enemyHalf.ActualWidth)
                        lastX -= EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.UiElement, lastX);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.UiElement, lastX);
                        lastX += EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.UiElement, lastX);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(enemies.Healthbar, lastX);

                case EnemyDirection.Up:
                    if (lastY <= enemyHalf.ActualHeight - enemyHalf.ActualHeight)
                        lastY += EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.UiElement, lastY);
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.Healthbar, lastY - barTop);
                        lastY -= EnemyMoveLength;
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.UiElement, lastY);
                        Canvas.SetTop(enemies.Healthbar, lastY - barTop);


            if (isReach())
                if (gameTickTimer.IsEnabled)
                    for (int i = Enemies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (Canvas.GetLeft(Enemies[i].UiElement) >= Canvas.GetLeft(player.UiElement) && Canvas.GetLeft(Enemies[i].UiElement) + Enemies[i].UiElement.DesiredSize.Width <= Canvas.GetLeft(player.UiElement) + player.UiElement.DesiredSize.Width)
                            Rectangle enemyShot = new Rectangle()
                                Width = 5, Height = 5, Fill = Brushes.Black
                            Canvas.SetLeft(enemyShot, Canvas.GetLeft(Enemies[i].UiElement) + Enemies[i].UiElement.DesiredSize.Width / 2);
                            Canvas.SetTop(enemyShot, Canvas.GetTop(Enemies[i].UiElement));
                            for (double j = Canvas.GetTop(enemyShot); j <= gameField.ActualHeight; j++)
                                await Task.Delay(1);

                                Canvas.SetTop(enemyShot, j);
Esempio n. 32
File: Enemy.cs Progetto: mbos14/GTFO
 //make the enemy turn around
 public virtual void TurnAround()
     x -= _velocityX;
     _velocityX *= -1;
     //scaleX *= -1;
     if (_enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.left)
         Mirror(false, false);
         _enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.right;
         Mirror(true, false);
         _enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.left;
Esempio n. 33
 // Flips an enemy to face / move the opposite direction
 private void FlipEnemy()
     enemyDirectionVector *= -1;
     gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = !gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX;
     enemyDirection = EnemyDirectionFromVector(enemyDirectionVector);
Esempio n. 34
        public override void Update(Player player, GameTime gameTime)
            if (Health > 0)


                if (IsDamaged)
                    hurttime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                    if (hurttime > InvicibilityTimerAfterDamaged)
                        hurttime  = 0;
                        IsDamaged = false;

                foreach (EnemyBullet b in bullets)

                if (!charging)
                    if (player.PlayerPosition.X < enemyPosition.X)
                        EnemyFacing = EnemyDirection.Left;
                        EnemyFacing = EnemyDirection.Right;

                if (bullets.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(bullets[0].Bullet.X + "  " + bullets[0].Bullet.Y);

                chargecooldown += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                //checks if the player is directly to the left or right of the boss. If so, then charges in their direction
                if (player.PlayerPosition.Y > enemyPosition.Y - player.PlayerHitBox.Height && player.PlayerPosition.Y < enemyHitBox.Y + enemyHitBox.Height && !charging && chargecooldown >= .5)
                    charging = true;
                    if (player.PlayerHitBox.X > enemyHitBox.X)
                        chargedirection = false;
                        chargedirection = true;
                    TimeThatHasPassed = 0;

                //the charge attack
                if (charging)
                    TimeThatHasPassed += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; // charge attack takes a set amount of time
                    if (TimeThatHasPassed >= .5)                                // after a short wind up
                        int speed = 8;

                        if (chargedirection) // left charge
                            if (enemyPosition.X - speed > 0)
                                enemyPosition.X -= speed;
                                enemyHitBox.X   -= speed;
                                sheildhitbox.X  -= speed;
                                chargecooldown = 0;
                                charging       = false;
                        else // right charge
                            if (enemyPosition.X + speed + enemyHitBox.Width * 2 < windowsizex)
                                enemyPosition.X += speed;
                                enemyHitBox.X   += speed;
                                sheildhitbox.X  += speed;
                                chargecooldown = 0;
                                charging       = false;
                    if (EnemyFacing == EnemyDirection.Right)
                        //can move when it is not stunned
                        enemyPosition = new Vector2(enemyPosition.X + Math.Sign(player.PlayerHitBox.X - (enemyPosition.X + (enemyHitBox.Width + 40))) * Speed, enemyPosition.Y + Math.Sign(player.PlayerHitBox.Y - enemyPosition.Y - 60) * Speed);
                        enemyHitBox   = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 40, (int)enemyPosition.Y, 110, 192);
                        sheildhitbox  = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 145, (int)enemyPosition.Y, 30, 192);
                    else if (EnemyFacing == EnemyDirection.Left)
                        enemyPosition = new Vector2(enemyPosition.X + Math.Sign(player.PlayerHitBox.X - enemyPosition.X) * Speed, enemyPosition.Y + Math.Sign(player.PlayerHitBox.Y - enemyPosition.Y - 60) * Speed);
                        enemyHitBox   = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 45, (int)enemyPosition.Y, 110, 192);
                        sheildhitbox  = new Rectangle((int)enemyPosition.X + 15, (int)enemyPosition.Y, 30, 192);

                    TimeThatHasPassed += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    if (TimeThatHasPassed >= .6)
                        TimeThatHasPassed = 0;
                prevdirection = EnemyFacing;
Esempio n. 35
 public void SetEnemyMovingDirection(EnemyDirection enemy_direction)
     this.direction = enemy_direction;
Esempio n. 36
    private IEnumerator SetPosition(EnemyDirection d)
        switch (d)
                currentDirection =;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y] = TileType.None;
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y - 1] = TileType.Enemy;

            case EnemyDirection.bottom:
                currentDirection = EnemyDirection.bottom;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180f, 0);
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y] = TileType.None;
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y + 1] = TileType.Enemy;

            case EnemyDirection.left:
                currentDirection = EnemyDirection.left;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90f, 0);
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y] = TileType.None;
                GameManager.tileArray[x - 1, y] = TileType.Enemy;

            case EnemyDirection.right:
                currentDirection = EnemyDirection.right;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90f, 0);
                GameManager.tileArray[x, y] = TileType.None;
                GameManager.tileArray[x + 1, y] = TileType.Enemy;
        isMove = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.4f);
        isMove = false;
        MovePosition(x, y);
Esempio n. 37
        void UpdateEnemies()
            var    enemyModels = GetEnemyModels();
            double ellapsed    = (DateTime.Now - lastEnemyUpdateTime).TotalMilliseconds;

            //We want the enemies to get a little faster each round - and a lot faster when there are few enemies left.
            int stepSize   = 10;  // + (GameInfo.Round / 3); //gradually increase step size.
            int threshhold = 700; // - (GameInfo.Round * 30); //start off slowly.
            int enemyCount = enemyModels.Count();

            //The speed of the enemies is reflected by threshhold, depending on the number of enemies we update the value.
            if (enemyCount == 1)
                threshhold -= 300;
                stepSize    = 13;
            else if (enemyCount == 1)
                threshhold -= 200;
            else if (enemyCount == 3)
                threshhold -= 150;
            else if (enemyCount == 10)
                threshhold -= 100;
            else if (enemyCount == 20)
                threshhold -= 75;
            else if (enemyCount == 30)
                threshhold -= 50;

            if (ellapsed < threshhold)

            lastEnemyUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
            bool newRow = false;

            //Check if a change of direction is required. If so we will need to change direction and a newRow so that is set to true.
            //Check is done by measuring if the new position will be beyond the window width.
            if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Right && enemyModels.Max(x => x.X + x.Width) + stepSize > WindowWidth)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Left;
                newRow         = true;
            else if (enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Left && enemyModels.Min(x => x.X) - stepSize < 0)
                enemyDirection = EnemyDirection.Right;
                newRow         = true;

            if (newRow) //If new row is required we drop Y values down and toggle sprite state.
                foreach (var model in enemyModels)
                    model.Y          += 20;
                    model.SpriteState = model.SpriteState == EnemySpriteState.Closed ? EnemySpriteState.Open : EnemySpriteState.Closed;
            else //New row not required, we move X position by delta X to the left or right and toggle sprite state.
                int deltaX = enemyDirection == EnemyDirection.Right ? stepSize : -stepSize;

                foreach (var model in enemyModels)
                    model.X += deltaX;
                    //Console.WriteLine($"enemy updated by {deltaX}"); (Debug Output)
                    model.SpriteState = model.SpriteState == EnemySpriteState.Closed ? EnemySpriteState.Open : EnemySpriteState.Closed;