Esempio n. 1
    private Vector3 _lastTouchedWaypoint;            // keep track of the last waypoint we touched, so we don't keep going back to it

    void Start()
        // Set up the generic AI components
        _animator              = GetComponent <CharacterAnimator>();
        _settings              = GetComponent <EnemyAISettings>();
        _awareness             = GetComponent <EnemyAwareness>();
        _personalHearingRadius = GetComponentInChildren <HearingRadius>();
        _personalVision        = GetComponentInChildren <Vision>();
        _timeSincePlayerSeen   = 0;

        // Set up Astar
        _seeker = GetComponent <Seeker>();
        if (_seeker == null)
            _seeker = gameObject.AddComponent <Seeker>();

        // Map the output of this class to the input of the animator
        GetComponent <CharacterInput>().UpdateInputMethod = UpdateInput;

        // Let child classes initialize

        // Finally, register ourselves with the AI system
        transform.parent = GameManager.AI.transform;
Esempio n. 2
 private void Start()
     enemyAwareness    = GetComponent <EnemyAwareness>();
     playersTransform  = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovementBehavior>().transform;
     enemyNavMeshAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();