public static void ProcessCPI(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); byte[] DiscordToken = new byte[0xC]; byte[] CPIBuffer = new byte[DiscordToken.Length + 0x4]; // Discord token + size of int unsigned preferble EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(CPIBuffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { int DiscordPopup = 0; if (ClientObj.discord != null) { Discord discord = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Discord>(ClientObj.discord); if ( != "0" && discord.primary && !discord.verified && discord.token != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(discord.token), 0, DiscordToken, 0, discord.token.Length); DiscordPopup = Convert.ToInt32(discord.popup); discord.popup = false; ClientObj.discord = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(discord); } } Data.Write(DiscordToken); Data.Write(DiscordPopup); io.writer.Write(CPIBuffer); } else { Console.WriteLine("CPI Failed for:" + ClientObj.cpukey); } }
private void GET_GUIDE_INFO(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO, EndianWriter structIO) { entry.client_session = readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10).BytesToHexString(); if (conMySQL.getConsole(ref entry, true)) { if (entry.client_dateExpire >= DateTime.Now) { GlobalFunc.Write(entry.client_name); TimeSpan timeLeft = Misc.DateTimetoExact(entry.client_dateExpire.ToLocalTime(), DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()); //string s_timeLeft = "fgt\0";//entry.client_days >= 500 ? "Life in prison.\0" : String.Format("D:{0} H:{1} M:{2}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes);//String.Format("Days {0} | Hours {1} | Minutes {2} | Seconds {3}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes, timeLeft.Seconds); int maxStatusLen = 20, maxTimeLen = 50; byte[] StatusBuff = new byte[maxStatusLen]; byte[] timeBuff = new byte[maxTimeLen]; //byte[] serialBuff = new byte[maxSerialLen]; string Status = "Authenticated\0"; string s_timeLeft = entry.client_days >= 99999 ? "Life in prison.\0" : String.Format("D:{0} H:{1} M:{2}\0", entry.client_days, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Status), 0, StatusBuff, 0, Status.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s_timeLeft), 0, timeBuff, 0, s_timeLeft.Length); structBuff = new byte[(sizeof(uint) * 4) + StatusBuff.Length + timeBuff.Length]; structIO = new EndianIO(structBuff, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; structIO.Write(StatusBuff); structIO.Write(timeBuff); writerIO.Writer.Write(structBuff); GlobalFunc.Write("GET_GUIDE_INFO: Sent"); } } }
public static void ProcessStatus(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); byte[] ClientXeXHash = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); bool MisMatch = false; byte[] Resp = new byte[0x8]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { if (LEServer.ModuleChecks && ClientObj.authstatus != CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.DEVELOPER) { byte[] ServerXeXHash = Crypto.HMACSHA1(LEServer.UpdateXexData, Utilities.StringToBytes(ClientObj.sessiontoken), 0); if (!Utilities.CompareBytes(ClientXeXHash, ServerXeXHash)) { MisMatch = true; Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.UPDATE); List <Log.PrintQueue> Statusid = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(Statusid, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, "|UPDATE|", null); Log.Add(Statusid, ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Session Token:", $"{SessionToken}"); Log.Add(Statusid, ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Server Hash:", $"{Utilities.BytesToString(ServerXeXHash)}"); Log.Add(Statusid, ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Client Hash:", $"{Utilities.BytesToString(ClientXeXHash)}"); Log.Print(Statusid); } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); Console.WriteLine("Console not found" + ClientObj.cpukey); } Data.Write(LEServer.UpdateXexData.Length); io.writer.Write(Resp); if (MisMatch) { io.writer.Write(LEServer.UpdateXexData); } MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); }
public static void ProcessPresence(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string TitleID = io.reader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X"); byte[] GamerTag = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); string ConsoleKvStatus = io.reader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X"); byte[] PresBuffer = new byte[0x8]; //0x8 EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(PresBuffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { ClientObj.titleid = Utilities.TitleID(TitleID); ClientObj.ip = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; ClientObj.lastloginTime = DateTime.Now; ClientObj.gamertag = Utilities.Validategamertag(GamerTag); Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); if (ClientObj.consoleaction != CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT && ClientObj.actioncompleted == CLIENT_ACTION_COMPLETED.AWAITING) { if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.REBOOT) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.REBOOT); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.RROD) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.RROD); } else if (ClientObj.consoleaction == CLIENT_ACTION.SENDTODASH) { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.SENDTODASH); } } else { Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); Data.Write((int)CLIENT_ACTION.DEFAULT); } io.writer.Write(PresBuffer); Utilities.Update_LiveStatus(ConsoleKvStatus, ref ClientObj); MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); MySql.UpdateKvThread(ClientObj); }
private void returnInfo(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO) // Nolonger used. { entry.CPUKey = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); if (ConsoleMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { string retName = entry.ClientName + "\0"; uint size = (sizeof(uint) * 4) + 35; byte[] nameBuff = new byte[35]; mainBuff = new byte[size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(retName), 0, nameBuff, 0, retName.Length); EndianWriter structWriter = new EndianIO(mainBuff, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; structWriter.Write(entry.daysLeft); structWriter.Write(nameBuff); writerIO.Writer.Write(mainBuff); } } }
private void retMessage(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO, EndianWriter structIO) { string message = ""; string[] timeLeft = Misc.DateTimetoExact(entry.ClientTime, DateTime.Now); entry.CPUKey = Misc.BytesToHexString(readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); if (!Globals.allowAnonUsers) { if (ConsoleMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { message = entry.daysLeft >= 500 ? String.Format("XBLRogers - Welcome {0}!\r\nYou have lifetime! Use it wisely!", entry.ClientName) : String.Format("XBLRogers - Welcome {0}!\r\nTime Left: {1} Hour(s) - {2} Minute(s) [{3} Days Reserved]\0", entry.ClientName, timeLeft[1], timeLeft[2], entry.daysLeft); } } else { return; } } else { if (AnonSQL.getConsoleAnon(ref entry)) { if (entry.ClientEnabled) { message = "XBLRogers Free\r\nEnjoy free mode while you can!"; } } else { return; } } if (entry.ClientName == "SeaSalad") { message = "Lol. Sala, you're a f*****g f****t.\r\nEnjoy Mr. Shitty Britches!"; } tmpBuff = new byte[225]; myCockBuff = new byte[(sizeof(uint) * 4) + 225]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), 0, tmpBuff, 0, message.Length); structIO = new EndianIO(myCockBuff, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; structIO.Write(tmpBuff); writerIO.Writer.Write(myCockBuff); }
public static void ProccessOffsets(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); uint TitleId = io.reader.ReadUInt32(); byte[] Resp = new byte[0x8]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound && ClientObj.authstatus >= CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.AUTHED || LEServer.Freemode) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); TITLEIDS RunningGame = (TITLEIDS)TitleId; switch (RunningGame) { case TITLEIDS.BO2: Data.Write(LEServer.ServerModuleObj.B02BypassData.Length); io.writer.Write(Resp); io.writer.Write(LEServer.ServerModuleObj.B02BypassData); break; case TITLEIDS.COD_GHOSTS: Data.Write(LEServer.ServerModuleObj.GhostsBypassData.Length); io.writer.Write(Resp); io.writer.Write(LEServer.ServerModuleObj.GhostsBypassData); break; default: Data.Write(0); io.writer.Write(Resp); io.writer.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); break; } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); Data.Write(0); io.writer.Write(Resp); io.writer.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); } MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); }
public static void ProcessVerifyTkn(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj, ref TOKEN_STRUCT TokenObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string Token = new string(io.reader.ReadChars(0xC)); string Ip = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; byte[] Resp = new byte[0xC]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); if (MySql.isValid(ref TokenObj, Token) && !MySql.isBlackListed(Token)) { if (!MySql.isUsed(Token)) { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.CANREDEEM); } else { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.ALREADYREDEEMED); } } else { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.INVALIDTOKEN); } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.ERROR); } Data.Write(TokenObj.Days); io.writer.Write(Resp); MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); }
private void GET_MESSAGE(ref TmpEntry entry, EndianIO readerIO, EndianIO writerIO, EndianWriter structIO) { string message = ""; //string[] timeLeft = Misc.DateTimetoExact(DateTime.Now, entry.client_dateExpire.ToLocalTime()); TimeSpan timeLeft = Misc.DateTimetoExact(DateTime.Now, entry.client_dateExpire.ToLocalTime()); entry.client_cpukey = readerIO.Reader.ReadBytes(0x10).BytesToHexString(); if (Globals.b_allowAnonymousUsers) { return; } else { if (conMySQL.getConsole(ref entry)) { if (entry.client_dateExpire >= DateTime.Now) { message = entry.client_days >= 99999 ? String.Format("LMAOnline - Welcome {0}!\r\nYou have lifetime! Use it wisely!\0", entry.client_name) : String.Format("LMAOnline - Welcome {0}!\r\nTime Left: {1} Hour(s) - {2} Minute(s) [{3} Days Reserved]\0", entry.client_name, timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes, entry.client_days); } } else { return; } } tmpBuff = new byte[255]; structBuff = new byte[(sizeof(uint) * 4) + 255]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), 0, tmpBuff, 0, message.Length); structIO = new EndianIO(structBuff, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; structIO.Write(tmpBuff); writerIO.Writer.Write(structBuff); }
public static void ProcessSecurity(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string KvCpu = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string HvCpuKey = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string FuseLineKey = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string ip = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; int ConsolesFoundUsingCpu = MySql.Countconsolesusingcpu(ClientObj); bool Flagged = false; byte[] Resp = new byte[0x4]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { if (!LEServer.ModuleChecks) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); io.writer.Write(Resp); return; } // if another client is using this cpukey if (ConsolesFoundUsingCpu > 1) { Flagged = true; // ban every client using this cpukey for (int i = 0; i < ConsolesFoundUsingCpu; i++) { MySql.BanClient(ClientObj); } ClientHandler.FireWallBanEvent(ip, "CPU spoofing"); } // First ever connected cpu if (FuseLineKey != ClientObj.cpukey) { List <Log.PrintQueue> BanId = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.DarkRed, "BAN EVENT RECORDED", null); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.Red, "CPUKey:", FuseLineKey); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.Red, "Reason: Connected cpu doesnt match stored cpu", null); Flagged = true; } // current clients fuse lines vs hvcpu if (FuseLineKey != HvCpuKey) { Flagged = true; List <Log.PrintQueue> BanId = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.DarkRed, "BAN EVENT RECORDED", null); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.Red, "CPUKey:", FuseLineKey); Log.Add(BanId, ConsoleColor.Red, "Reason: xke not running and fuseline does not equal hvcp", null); } // end of checks punishment time if (Flagged) { if (!LEServer.DeveloperServer) { ClientObj.authstatus = CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.BANNED; } } Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); } io.writer.Write(Resp); MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); }
public static void ProcessXKE(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); byte[] KvCpukey = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] HvSalt = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] SMAC = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x6); string IP = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; byte[] TmpCrl = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x1); bool Crl = BitConverter.ToBoolean(TmpCrl, 0); byte[] ConsoleCertificate = io.reader.ReadBytes(0xB); byte[] KeyvaultSignature = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x100); byte[] Oddfeatures = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x2); byte[] TmpFCRT = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x1); bool FCRT = BitConverter.ToBoolean(TmpFCRT, 0); byte[] ApiData = new byte[0x1D5]; Buffer.BlockCopy(LEServer.ApiKey, 0, ApiData, 0, 0x90); Buffer.BlockCopy(Utilities.StringToBytes(SessionToken), 0, ApiData, 0x90, 0x10); Buffer.BlockCopy(KvCpukey, 0, ApiData, 0xA0, 0x10); Buffer.BlockCopy(HvSalt, 0, ApiData, 0xB0, 0x10); Buffer.BlockCopy(SMAC, 0, ApiData, 0xC0, 0x6); Buffer.BlockCopy(TmpCrl, 0, ApiData, 0xC6, 0x1); Buffer.BlockCopy(ConsoleCertificate, 0, ApiData, 0xC7, 0xB); Buffer.BlockCopy(KeyvaultSignature, 0, ApiData, 0xD2, 0x100); Buffer.BlockCopy(Oddfeatures, 0, ApiData, 0x1D2, 0x2); Buffer.BlockCopy(TmpFCRT, 0, ApiData, 0x1D4, 0x1); TcpClient Api = new TcpClient(); Api.Connect("", 6666); NetworkStream Stream = Api.GetStream(); if (Api.Connected) { Stream.Write(ApiData, 0, ApiData.Length); } else { throw new Exception("Could not make a connection to the APIEndpoint Method[XKE]"); } byte[] XkeBuffer = new byte[0x100]; if (Stream.CanRead) { Stream.Read(XkeBuffer, 0, 0x100); Stream.Close(); Api.Close(); } else { throw new Exception("Stream Reader flag cannot read data, Method[XKE]"); } Crypto.RC4(ref XkeBuffer, Utilities.StringToBytes(SessionToken)); if (XkeBuffer[0x28] != 0x4E) { Log.ErrorReportingPrint($"XKE decryption or null buffer failure for cpukey: {ClientObj.cpukey}"); } byte[] Resp = new byte[0x100 + sizeof(int)]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (XkeBuffer != null && ClientFound && ClientObj.authstatus != CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.BANNED && (int)ClientObj.authstatus >= 3 || LEServer.Freemode) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); Data.Write(XkeBuffer); io.writer.Write(Resp); List <Log.PrintQueue> XkeId = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(XkeId, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, "|XKE|", null); Log.Add(XkeId, ConsoleColor.Blue, "CPUKey:", $"{ClientObj.cpukey}"); Log.Add(XkeId, ConsoleColor.Blue, "HvSalt:", $"{Utilities.BytesToString(HvSalt)}"); Log.Add(XkeId, ConsoleColor.Blue, "Challenges Ran:", $"{ClientObj.challengesran}"); Log.Print(XkeId); ClientObj.challengesran += 1; MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); MySql.IncrementChallengeRuns(); } else { io.writer.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); } }
public static void ProcessXSC(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); byte[] KvCpukey = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] SMAC = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x6); string IP = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; byte[] KeyvaultSignature = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x100); byte[] DrivePhaseLevel = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x4); byte[] DriveOsig = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x24); byte[] KvSerial = io.reader.ReadBytes(0xC); byte[] XamRegion = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x2); byte[] XamOdd = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x2); byte[] Policyflashsize = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x4); byte[] Oddfeatures = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x2); byte[] TmpFCRT = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x1); bool FCRT = BitConverter.ToBoolean(TmpFCRT, 0); byte[] ConsoleID = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x5); byte[] ConsoleCertificate = io.reader.ReadBytes(0xB); byte[] KvHMACDigest = io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] ApiData = new byte[0x217]; //SessionToken Buffer.BlockCopy(Utilities.StringToBytes(SessionToken), 0, ApiData, 0, 0x10); //KeyvaultSignature Buffer.BlockCopy(KeyvaultSignature, 0, ApiData, 0x10, 0x100); //DrivePhaseLevel Buffer.BlockCopy(DrivePhaseLevel, 0, ApiData, 0x110, 0x4); //DriveOsig Buffer.BlockCopy(DriveOsig, 0, ApiData, 0x114, 0x24); //KvSerial Buffer.BlockCopy(KvSerial, 0, ApiData, 0x138, 0xC); //XamRegion Buffer.BlockCopy(XamRegion, 0, ApiData, 0x144, 0x2); //XamOdd Buffer.BlockCopy(XamOdd, 0, ApiData, 0x146, 0x2); //Policyflashsize Buffer.BlockCopy(Policyflashsize, 0, ApiData, 0x148, 0x4); //Oddfeatures Buffer.BlockCopy(Oddfeatures, 0, ApiData, 0x14C, 0x2); //TmpFCRT Buffer.BlockCopy(TmpFCRT, 0, ApiData, 0x150, 0x1); //ConsoleID Buffer.BlockCopy(ConsoleID, 0, ApiData, 0x151, 0x5); //ConsoleCertificate Buffer.BlockCopy(ConsoleCertificate, 0, ApiData, 0x156, 0xB); //KvHMACDigest Buffer.BlockCopy(KvHMACDigest, 0, ApiData, 0x161, 0x10); // apikey Buffer.BlockCopy(LEServer.ApiKey, 0, ApiData, 0x171, 0x90); //KvCpukey Buffer.BlockCopy(KvCpukey, 0, ApiData, 0x201, 0x10); //SMAC Buffer.BlockCopy(SMAC, 0, ApiData, 0x211, 0x6); TcpClient Client = new TcpClient(); Client.Connect("", 6667); NetworkStream Stream = Client.GetStream(); if (Client.Connected) { Stream.Write(ApiData, 0, ApiData.Length); } else { throw new Exception("Could not make a connection to the APIEndpoint Method[XSC]"); } byte[] XoscBuffer = new byte[0x2E0]; if (Stream.CanRead) { Stream.Read(XoscBuffer, 0, 0x2E0); Stream.Close(); Client.Close(); } else { throw new Exception("Stream Reader flag cannot read data, Method[XSC]"); } Crypto.RC4(ref XoscBuffer, Utilities.StringToBytes(SessionToken)); byte[] Resp = new byte[0x2E0 + sizeof(int)]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound && (int)ClientObj.authstatus >= 3 || LEServer.Freemode && ClientObj.authstatus != CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.BANNED) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); Data.Write(XoscBuffer); io.writer.Write(Resp); List <Log.PrintQueue> XscId = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(XscId, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "|XSC|", null); Log.Add(XscId, ConsoleColor.Blue, "CPUKey:", $"{ClientObj.cpukey}"); Log.Print(XscId); MySql.SaveClient(ClientObj, SessionToken); } else { io.writer.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); } }
public static void ProcessTime(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); byte[] TimeBuffer = new byte[0x34]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(TimeBuffer, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; if (ClientFound) { bool Expired = (ClientObj.time <= DateTime.Now ? true : false); TimeSpan Time; if (Expired) { Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); } else { Time = ClientObj.time - DateTime.Now; } int Days = (Expired) ? 0 : Time.Days; int Years = (Expired) ? 0 : Days / 365; Days = (Expired) ? 0 : Days % 365; int Months = (Expired) ? 0 : Days / 30; int r_days = (Expired) ? 0 : Days % 30; TimeSpan UnbanTime; if (ClientObj.kvstatus == CLIENT_KVSTATUS.UNBANNED && ClientObj.kvfirstunbanned.Year != 2009) { UnbanTime = (DateTime.Now - ClientObj.kvfirstunbanned); } else { UnbanTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); } int UnBanDays = UnbanTime.Days; int UnBanYears = UnBanDays / 365; Days = UnBanDays % 365; int UnBanMonths = UnBanDays / 30; int UnBanr_days = UnBanDays % 30; Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); Data.Write(Years); Data.Write(Months); Data.Write(r_days); Data.Write(Time.Hours); Data.Write(Time.Minutes); Data.Write(0); Data.Write(0); Data.Write(UnbanTime.Days); Data.Write(UnbanTime.Hours); Data.Write(UnbanTime.Minutes); if (ClientObj.authstatus != CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.BANNED) { Data.Write((LEServer.Freemode) ? (int)CLIENT_AUTHSTATUS.FREEMODE : (int)ClientObj.authstatus); } else { Data.Write((int)ClientObj.authstatus); } Data.Write(MySql.FetchKvUsedOn(ClientObj)); } else { Console.WriteLine("client not found @{0} with SessionToken: {1}", ClientObj.cpukey, ClientObj.sessiontoken); io.writer.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.ERROR); } io.writer.Write(TimeBuffer); byte[] KvFirstUnbannedBuffer = new byte[ClientObj.kvfirstunbanned.ToString().Length]; string UnbanTimeDateTime = ClientObj.kvfirstunbanned.ToString(); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(UnbanTimeDateTime), 0, KvFirstUnbannedBuffer, 0, UnbanTimeDateTime.Length); io.writer.Write(ClientObj.kvfirstunbanned.ToString().Length); io.writer.Write(KvFirstUnbannedBuffer); }
public static void ProcessRedeemTkn(ClientHandler.ioData io, ref CLIENT_STRUCT ClientObj, ref TOKEN_STRUCT TokenObj) { string SessionToken = Utilities.BytesToString(io.reader.ReadBytes(0x10)); string Token = new string(io.reader.ReadChars(0xC)); string Ip = io.ipaddr.Address.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' })[0]; string Status = "Error"; string TokenMessage = "LiveEmulation - Redeem Error!"; byte[] MessageBuffer = new byte[0x30]; byte[] Resp = new byte[MessageBuffer.Length + 0x8]; EndianWriter Data = new EndianIO(Resp, EndianStyle.BigEndian).Writer; bool ClientFound = MySql.GetClient(ref ClientObj, SessionToken); if (ClientFound) { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); if (MySql.isValid(ref TokenObj, Token) && !MySql.isBlackListed(Token)) { if (!MySql.isUsed(Token)) { if (!MySql.Redeem(TokenObj, ref ClientObj)) { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.ERROR); TokenMessage = "LEmulation - Failed to redeem!"; } else { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.CANREDEEM); Status = "Successfully redeeemed!"; TokenMessage = string.Format("LEmulation - Successfully redeemed: {0} days!", TokenObj.Days); } } else { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.ALREADYREDEEMED); Status = "Already used!"; TokenMessage = "LEmulation - Token has already been redeemed!"; } } else { Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.INVALIDTOKEN); Status = "Invalid token!"; TokenMessage = "LEmulation - Token not valid!"; } } else { Data.Write((int)PACKET_STATUS.SUCCESS); Data.Write((int)TOKEN_STATUS.ERROR); Status = "Unknown token error!"; } List <Log.PrintQueue> RedeemTokenId = Log.GetQueue(); Log.Add(RedeemTokenId, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta, "|TOKEN REDEEM|", null); Log.Add(RedeemTokenId, ConsoleColor.Magenta, "CPUKey:", $"{ClientObj.cpukey}"); Log.Add(RedeemTokenId, ConsoleColor.Magenta, "Token:", $"{Token}"); Log.Add(RedeemTokenId, ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Status:", $"{Status}"); Log.Print(RedeemTokenId); Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(TokenMessage), 0, MessageBuffer, 0, TokenMessage.Length); Data.Write(MessageBuffer); io.writer.Write(Resp); }