static XmlDocument Decrypt(XmlDocument xmldoc, X509Certificate2 certificadoPrivado) { //Vamos a buscar el elemento EncryptedKey de la respuesta, //este encrypted key contiene la llave simétrica usada para encriptar el contenido del body. XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmldoc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("xenc", " "); string cipherValueOfEncryptedKey = xmldoc.FirstChild.NextSibling.FirstChild.LastChild.FirstChild.NextSibling.InnerText; byte[] cipherByteData = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherValueOfEncryptedKey); AesManaged symmetricAlgorithm = new AesManaged(); symmetricAlgorithm.Key = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(cipherByteData, (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificadoPrivado.PrivateKey, true); symmetricAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor(); EncryptedData encryptedData = new EncryptedData(); encryptedData.LoadXml(xmldoc.FirstChild.NextSibling.LastChild.FirstChild as XmlElement); EncryptedXml encryptedXml = new EncryptedXml(); var decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(encryptedXml.DecryptData(encryptedData, symmetricAlgorithm)); var plaintext = new string(decrypted); //TODO: Aquí es cuando debemos descencriptar. return(new XmlDocument()); }
public override byte[] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte[] keyData) { if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(algorithm)); } if (keyData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyData)); } if (rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("The RSA key does not have a key exchange algorithm"); } bool useOAEP; switch (algorithm) { case EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url: useOAEP = false; break; case EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl: useOAEP = true; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException($"The encryption algorithm {algorithm} is not supported"); } return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, rsa, useOAEP)); }
public override byte[] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte[] keyData) { // You can decrypt the key only if you have the private key in the certificate. if (this.PrivateKey == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Missing private key"); } RSA rsa = this.PrivateKey as RSA; if (rsa == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Private key cannot be used with RSA algorithm"); } // Support exchange keySpec, AT_EXCHANGE ? if (rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Private key does not support key exchange"); } switch (algorithm) { case EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url: return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, rsa, false)); case EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl: return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, rsa, true)); default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Algorithm {0} is not supported", algorithm)); } }
public static XmlDocument DecryptXmlDoc(XmlDocument xmlDoc, X509Certificate2 cert) { var rsa = cert.GetRSAPrivateKey(); if (rsa == null) { throw new IdentityProviderException("X509 must be RSA"); } var elements = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetElements(null, "EncryptedData", true).Select(x => x.ParentNode).OfType <XmlElement>().ToArray(); foreach (var element in elements) { var encryptedXml = new EncryptedXml(xmlDoc); var encryptedDataElement = new EncryptedData(); encryptedDataElement.LoadXml((XmlElement)element.ChildNodes[0]); var encryptedKeyInfo = encryptedDataElement.KeyInfo.OfType <KeyInfoEncryptedKey>().First(); var encryptionAlgorithm = GetEncryptionAlgorithm(xmlDoc.DocumentElement); var symmetricAlgorithm = Algorithms.Create(encryptionAlgorithm); symmetricAlgorithm.Key = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKeyInfo.EncryptedKey.CipherData.CipherValue, rsa, useOeap); var decryptedBytes = encryptedXml.DecryptData(encryptedDataElement, symmetricAlgorithm); element.ParentNode.InnerXml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes); } return(xmlDoc); }
private static SymmetricAlgorithm DecryptKey(XmlDocument xmlDoc, object decryptKey) { XmlNodeList encKeyNodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedKey"); XmlNodeList encDataNodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EncryptedData"); if (encDataNodeList.Count > 0 && encKeyNodeList.Count > 0) { XmlElement encryptedKey = encKeyNodeList[0] as XmlElement; EncryptedKey ek = new EncryptedKey(); ek.LoadXml(encryptedKey); byte[] decryptedData = null; //if (decryptKey is SymmetricAlgorithm) if (decryptKey is Rijndael || decryptKey is TripleDES) { decryptedData = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(ek.CipherData.CipherValue, (SymmetricAlgorithm)decryptKey); } else if (decryptKey is RSA) { bool fOAEP = (ek.EncryptionMethod != null && ek.EncryptionMethod.KeyAlgorithm == EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl); decryptedData = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(ek.CipherData.CipherValue, (RSA)decryptKey, fOAEP); } else { return(null); } XmlElement encryptDataXml = encDataNodeList[0] as XmlElement; EncryptedData encryptData = new EncryptedData(); encryptData.LoadXml(encryptDataXml); return(GenerateSyAlgKey(decryptedData, encryptData.EncryptionMethod)); } return(null); }
public void DecryptKey_KeyNull() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(null, aes)); } }
public override byte[] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte[] keyData) { if (this.PrivateKey == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new NotSupportedException(System.IdentityModel.SR.GetString("MissingPrivateKey"))); } RSA privateKey = this.PrivateKey as RSA; if (privateKey == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new NotSupportedException(System.IdentityModel.SR.GetString("PrivateKeyNotRSA"))); } if (privateKey.KeyExchangeAlgorithm == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new NotSupportedException(System.IdentityModel.SR.GetString("PrivateKeyExchangeNotSupported"))); } switch (algorithm) { case "": return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, privateKey, false)); case "": return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, privateKey, true)); } if (!this.IsSupportedAlgorithm(algorithm)) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new NotSupportedException(System.IdentityModel.SR.GetString("UnsupportedCryptoAlgorithm", new object[] { algorithm }))); } return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, privateKey, true)); }
/// <summary>Decrypts the specified encrypted key using the specified cryptographic algorithm.</summary> /// <param name="algorithm">The cryptographic algorithm to decrypt the key.</param> /// <param name="keyData">An array of <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> that contains the encrypted key.</param> /// <returns>An array of <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> that contains the decrypted key.</returns> /// <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The X.509 certificate specified in the constructor does not have a private key.-or-The X.509 certificate has a private key, but it was not generated using the <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.RSA" /> algorithm.-or-The X.509 certificate has a private key, it was generated using the <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.RSA" /> algorithm, but the <see cref="P:System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.KeyExchangeAlgorithm" /> property is <see langword="null" />.-or-The <paramref name="algorithm" /> parameter is not supported. The supported algorithms are <see cref="F:System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url" /> and <see cref="F:System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl" />.</exception> public byte[] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte[] keyData) { if (PrivateKey == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Missing Private Key"); } var priv = PrivateKey as RSA; if (priv == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Private Key is not an RSA key"); } if (priv.KeyExchangeAlgorithm == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Private Key exchange algorithm was not available"); } if (algorithm == "") { return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, priv, false)); } if (algorithm == "" || this.IsSupportedAlgorithm(algorithm)) { return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, priv, true)); } throw new NotSupportedException($"The requested cryptography algorithm '{algorithm}' is not supported by this library"); }
/// <summary>Decrypts the specified encrypted key using the specified cryptographic algorithm.</summary> /// <param name="algorithm">The cryptographic algorithm to decrypt the key.</param> /// <param name="keyData">An array of <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> that contains the encrypted key.</param> /// <returns>An array of <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> that contains the decrypted key.</returns> /// <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The X.509 certificate specified in the constructor does not have a private key.-or-The X.509 certificate has a private key, but it was not generated using the <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.RSA" /> algorithm.-or-The X.509 certificate has a private key, it was generated using the <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.RSA" /> algorithm, but the <see cref="P:System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.KeyExchangeAlgorithm" /> property is <see langword="null" />.-or-The <paramref name="algorithm" /> parameter is not supported. The supported algorithms are <see cref="F:System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url" /> and <see cref="F:System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl" />.</exception> public override byte[] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte[] keyData) { if (this.PrivateKey == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("MissingPrivateKey"); } RSA privateKey = this.PrivateKey as RSA; if (privateKey == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("PrivateKeyNotRSA"); } if (privateKey.KeyExchangeAlgorithm == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("PrivateKeyExchangeNotSupported"); } if (algorithm == "") { return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, privateKey, false)); } if (algorithm == "" || this.IsSupportedAlgorithm(algorithm)) { return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, privateKey, true)); } throw new NotSupportedException("UnsupportedCryptoAlgorithm"); }
private static SymmetricAlgorithm ExtractSessionKey( this XmlElement samlElement, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager, X509Certificate2 signingCertificate) { var xPath = $"./{XmlPrefixes.DsigPrefix}:KeyInfo/" + $"{XmlPrefixes.XmlEncPrefix}:EncryptedKey"; var node = (XmlElement)samlElement.SelectSingleNode( xPath, namespaceManager); var encryptedKey = new EncryptedKey(); encryptedKey.LoadXml(node); var decryptedKey = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey( encryptedKey.CipherData.CipherValue, (RSA)signingCertificate.PrivateKey, true); var key = new RijndaelManaged { KeySize = 256, Key = decryptedKey, }; return(key); }
public void ShouldInteropWithEncryptedXml(KeyWrapProviderTestData data) { var crypto = CreateCryptoProviderFactory(); var wrapped = null as string; if (data.Wrap && data.Unwrap) { var provider = crypto.CreateKeyWrapProvider(data.SecurityKey, data.Algorithm); Assert.NotNull(provider); wrapped = Convert.ToBase64String(provider.WrapKey(Convert.FromBase64String(data.PlainText))); } if (data.Unwrap) { var provider = crypto.CreateKeyWrapProviderForUnwrap(data.SecurityKey, data.Algorithm); Assert.NotNull(provider); var unwrapped = Convert.ToBase64String(provider.UnwrapKey(Convert.FromBase64String(data.Wrapped))); Assert.Equal(data.PlainText, unwrapped); if (wrapped != null) { var rsa = null as RSA; if (data.SecurityKey is X509SecurityKey x509SecurityKey) { rsa = x509SecurityKey.Certificate.GetRSAPrivateKey(); } if (data.SecurityKey is RsaSecurityKey rsaSecurityKey) { rsa = rsaSecurityKey.Rsa ?? RSA.Create(rsaSecurityKey.Parameters); } var unwrapped2 = Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(Convert.FromBase64String(wrapped), rsa, true)); Assert.Equal(data.PlainText, unwrapped2); } } }
/// <summary> /// Extracts the key from a <EncryptedKey> element. /// </summary> /// <param name="encryptedKeyElement"></param> /// <param name="keyAlgorithm"></param> /// <returns></returns> private SymmetricAlgorithm ToSymmetricKey(XmlElement encryptedKeyElement, string keyAlgorithm) { EncryptedKey encryptedKey = new EncryptedKey(); encryptedKey.LoadXml(encryptedKeyElement); bool useOAEP = USE_OAEP_DEFAULT; if (encryptedKey.EncryptionMethod != null) { if (encryptedKey.EncryptionMethod.KeyAlgorithm == EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl) { useOAEP = true; } else { useOAEP = false; } } if (encryptedKey.CipherData.CipherValue != null) { SymmetricAlgorithm key = GetKeyInstance(keyAlgorithm); key.Key = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey.CipherData.CipherValue, TransportKey, useOAEP); return(key); } throw new NotImplementedException("Unable to decode CipherData of type \"CipherReference\"."); }
public void DecryptKey_RSA_KeyDataNull() { using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create()) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(null, rsa, false)); } }
public void DecryptKey_TripleDESWrongKeySize() { using (TripleDES tripleDES = TripleDES.Create()) { byte[] key = "123" u8.ToArray(); Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(key, tripleDES)); } }
public void DecryptKey_TripleDESWrongKeySize() { using (TripleDES tripleDES = TripleDES.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("123"); Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(key, tripleDES)); } }
public void DecryptKey_AESWrongKeySize() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("123"); Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(key, aes)); } }
public void DecryptKey_RSA_KeyDataNull() { var keyGen = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("RSA"); keyGen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), 1024)); var pair = keyGen.GenerateKeyPair(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(null, (RsaKeyParameters)pair.Private, false)); }
public void DecryptKey_AESWrongKeySize() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = "123" u8.ToArray(); Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(key, aes)); } }
public void EncryptKey_RSA_UseOAEP() { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("12345678"); using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create()) { byte[] encryptedData = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(data, rsa, true); byte[] decryptedData = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedData, rsa, true); Assert.Equal(data, decryptedData); } }
public void EncryptKey_RSA_UseOAEP() { byte[] data = "12345678" u8.ToArray(); using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create()) { byte[] encryptedData = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(data, rsa, true); byte[] decryptedData = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedData, rsa, true); Assert.Equal(data, decryptedData); } }
public void EncryptKey_AES8Bytes() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = "12345678" u8.ToArray(); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, aes); Assert.NotNull(encryptedKey); Assert.Equal(key, EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, aes)); } }
public void DecryptKey_KeyNull() { var random = new SecureRandom(); var ivdata = new byte[128 / 8]; var keydata = new byte[256 / 8]; random.NextBytes(ivdata); random.NextBytes(keydata); var param = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(keydata), ivdata); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(null, new KeyParameter(keydata))); }
public void DecryptKey_AESCorruptedKey() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = "123456781234567812345678" u8.ToArray(); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, aes); encryptedKey[0] ^= 0xFF; Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, aes)); } }
public void DecryptKey_AESCorruptedKey8Bytes() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("12345678"); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, aes); encryptedKey[0] ^= 0xFF; Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, aes)); } }
public void EncryptKey_RSA_UseOAEP() { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("12345678"); var keyGen = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("RSA"); keyGen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), 1024)); var pair = keyGen.GenerateKeyPair(); byte[] encryptedData = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(data, (RsaKeyParameters)pair.Public, true); byte[] decryptedData = EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedData, (RsaKeyParameters)pair.Private, true); Assert.Equal(data, decryptedData); }
public override byte [] DecryptKey(string algorithm, byte [] keyData) { if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("algorithm"); } if (keyData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keyData"); } return(EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(keyData, GetSymmetricAlgorithm(algorithm))); }
public void DecryptKey_TripleDESCorruptedKey() { using (TripleDES tripleDES = TripleDES.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("123456781234567812345678"); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, tripleDES); encryptedKey[0] ^= 0xFF; Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, tripleDES)); } }
public void EncryptKey_TripleDES() { using (TripleDES tripleDES = TripleDES.Create()) { byte[] key = "123456781234567812345678" u8.ToArray(); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, tripleDES); Assert.NotNull(encryptedKey); Assert.Equal(key, EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, tripleDES)); } }
public void EncryptKey_AES8Bytes() { using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("12345678"); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, aes); Assert.NotNull(encryptedKey); Assert.Equal(key, EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, aes)); } }
public void EncryptKey_TripleDES() { using (TripleDES tripleDES = TripleDES.Create()) { byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("123456781234567812345678"); byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(key, tripleDES); Assert.NotNull(encryptedKey); Assert.Equal(key, EncryptedXml.DecryptKey(encryptedKey, tripleDES)); } }