Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a test batch of specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evaluator"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="fen"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EncodedPositionBatchFlat MakeTestBatch(NNEvaluator evaluator, int count, string fen = null)
            EncodedPositionBatchFlat batch;

            if (fen == null)
                fen = Position.StartPosition.FEN;
            Position   rawPos = Position.FromFEN(fen);
            MGPosition mgPos  = MGPosition.FromPosition(rawPos);

            EncodedPositionWithHistory position = EncodedPositionWithHistory.FromFEN(fen);

            EncodedPositionWithHistory[] positions = new EncodedPositionWithHistory[count];
            Array.Fill(positions, position);

            batch = new EncodedPositionBatchFlat(positions, count);

            bool hasPositions = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Positions);
            bool hasMoves     = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Moves);
            bool hasHashes    = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Hashes);
            bool hasBoards    = evaluator.InputsRequired.HasFlag(NNEvaluator.InputTypes.Boards);

            if (fen != null)
                if (hasPositions)
                    batch.Positions = new MGPosition[count];
                if (hasHashes)
                    batch.PositionHashes = new ulong[count];
                if (hasMoves)
                    batch.Moves = new MGMoveList[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (hasPositions)
                        batch.Positions[i] = MGChessPositionConverter.MGChessPositionFromFEN(fen);
                    if (hasHashes)
                        batch.PositionHashes[i] = (ulong)i + (ulong)batch.Positions[i].GetHashCode();
                    if (hasMoves)
                        MGMoveList moves = new MGMoveList();
                        MGMoveGen.GenerateMoves(in mgPos, moves);
                        batch.Moves[i] = moves;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isWDL"></param>
        /// <param name="positionEncoding"></param>
        /// <param name="numPositionsUsed"></param>
        /// <param name="debuggingDump"></param>
        /// <param name="alreadyConvertedToLZ0"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ONNXRuntimeExecutorResultBatch Execute(bool isWDL, float[] positionEncoding, int numPositionsUsed,
                                                      bool debuggingDump = false, bool alreadyConvertedToLZ0 = false)
            if (!alreadyConvertedToLZ0)
                if (positionEncoding.Length / BatchSize != (64 * EncodedPositionBatchFlat.TOTAL_NUM_PLANES_ALL_HISTORIES))
                    throw new Exception();

                if (NetType == NetTypeEnum.LC0)
                    positionEncoding = ONNXRuntimeExecutorResultBatch.RebuildInputsForLC0Network(positionEncoding, BatchSize); // Centralize this
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            // ** NICE DEBUGGING!
            if (debuggingDump)
                EncodedPositionBatchFlat.DumpDecoded(positionEncoding, 112 * 2);

            float[][] eval = executor.Run(positionEncoding, new int[] { numPositionsUsed, 112, 64 });

            const int VALUE_FC_SIZE = 32 * 64;

            int numPlanes = NetType == NetTypeEnum.Ceres ? EncodedPositionBatchFlat.TOTAL_NUM_PLANES_ALL_HISTORIES : 112;

            if (NetType == NetTypeEnum.Ceres)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                //nRunner = session.GetRunner().AddInput("input_1", inputTensor).Fetch("value_out/Tanh").Fetch("policy_out/Softmax").Fetch("draw_out/Sigmoid");
                FP16[] values = FP16.ToFP16(eval[0]);
                Debug.Assert(values.Length == (isWDL ? 3 : 1) * numPositionsUsed);

                float[] policiesLogistics = eval[1];
                //for (int j = 0; j < policies.Length; j++) policies[j] = (float)Math.Exp(policies[j]);
                //float[] draws = NetType == NetTypeEnum.Ceres ? ExtractFloats(result1[2], BatchSize) : null;
                float[] value_fc_activations = eval.Length < 3 ? null : eval[2];

                ONNXRuntimeExecutorResultBatch result = new ONNXRuntimeExecutorResultBatch(isWDL, values, policiesLogistics, value_fc_activations, numPositionsUsed);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the nodes per second achieved at a specified batch size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evaluator"></param>
        /// <param name="batchSize"></param>
        /// <param name="latencyAdjustmentSecs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static float NPSAtBatchSize(NNEvaluator evaluator, int batchSize, float latencyAdjustmentSecs)
            TimingStats statsBig = new TimingStats();
            EncodedPositionBatchFlat positions = MakeTestBatch(evaluator, batchSize);

            using (new TimingBlock(statsBig, TimingBlock.LoggingType.None))
                IPositionEvaluationBatch result = evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(positions, false);

            float npsBatchBig = batchSize / ((float)statsBig.ElapsedTimeSecs - latencyAdjustmentSecs);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for a NN evaluator (either local or remote) with specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramsNN"></param>
        /// <param name="saveToCache"></param>
        /// <param name="instanceID"></param>
        /// <param name="lowPriority"></param>
        public LeafEvaluatorNN(NNEvaluatorDef evaluatorDef, NNEvaluator evaluator,
                               bool saveToCache,
                               bool lowPriority,
                               PositionEvalCache cache,
                               Func <MCTSIterator, int> batchEvaluatorIndexDynamicSelector)
            rawPosArray = posArrayPool.Rent(NNEvaluatorDef.MAX_BATCH_SIZE);

            EvaluatorDef = evaluatorDef;
            SaveToCache  = saveToCache;
            LowPriority  = lowPriority;
            Cache        = cache;
            this.BatchEvaluatorIndexDynamicSelector = batchEvaluatorIndexDynamicSelector;

            Batch = new EncodedPositionBatchFlat(EncodedPositionType.PositionOnly, NNEvaluatorDef.MAX_BATCH_SIZE);

            if (evaluatorDef.Location == NNEvaluatorDef.LocationType.Local)
                localEvaluator = evaluator;// isEvaluator1 ? Params.Evaluator1 : Params.Evaluator2;
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // TODO: auto-estimate performance
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
//        using (new TimingBlock("benchmark"))
                    float[] splits = WFEvalNetBenchmark.GetBigBatchNPSFractions(((WFEvalNetCompound)localEvaluator).Evaluators);
                    Console.WriteLine(splits[0] + " " + splits[1] + " " + splits[2] + " " + splits[3]);
                    (float estNPSSingletons, float estNPSBigBatch) = WFEvalNetBenchmark.EstNPS(localEvaluator);
                    Console.WriteLine(estNPSSingletons + " " + estNPSBigBatch);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Aggregates together all batches in the pending set into a single big batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEncodedPositionBatchFlat AggregateBatches()
            IEncodedPositionBatchFlat fullBatch;

            // Concatenate all batches together into one big batch.
            // TODO: could we allocate these arrays once and then reuse for efficiency?
            int numPositions = NumPendingPositions;

            ulong[] posPlaneBitmaps       = new ulong[numPositions * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL];
            byte[]  posPlaneValuesEncoded = new byte[numPositions * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL];

            bool hasPositions = pendingBatches[0].Positions != null;
            bool hasMoves     = pendingBatches[0].Moves != null;
            bool hasHashes    = pendingBatches[0].PositionHashes != null;

            MGPosition[] positions      = hasPositions ? new MGPosition[numPositions] : null;
            ulong[]      positionHashes = hasHashes ? new ulong[numPositions] : null;
            MGMoveList[] moves          = hasMoves ? new MGMoveList[numPositions] : null;

            int nextSourceBitmapIndex = 0;
            int nextSourceValueIndex  = 0;
            int nextPositionIndex     = 0;

            foreach (EncodedPositionBatchFlat thisBatch in pendingBatches)
                int skipCount = thisBatch.NumPos * EncodedPositionWithHistory.NUM_PLANES_TOTAL;
                Array.Copy(thisBatch.PosPlaneBitmaps, 0, posPlaneBitmaps, nextSourceBitmapIndex, skipCount);
                nextSourceBitmapIndex += skipCount;
                Array.Copy(thisBatch.PosPlaneValues, 0, posPlaneValuesEncoded, nextSourceValueIndex, skipCount);
                nextSourceValueIndex += skipCount;

                if (hasPositions)
                    Array.Copy(thisBatch.Positions, 0, positions, nextPositionIndex, thisBatch.NumPos);

                if (hasHashes)
                    Array.Copy(thisBatch.PositionHashes, 0, positionHashes, nextPositionIndex, thisBatch.NumPos);

                if (hasMoves)
                    Array.Copy(thisBatch.Moves, 0, moves, nextPositionIndex, thisBatch.NumPos);

                nextPositionIndex += thisBatch.NumPos;

            fullBatch = new EncodedPositionBatchFlat(posPlaneBitmaps, posPlaneValuesEncoded, null, null, null, numPositions);

            if (hasPositions)
                fullBatch.Positions = positions;

            if (hasHashes)
                fullBatch.PositionHashes = positionHashes;

            if (hasMoves)
                fullBatch.Moves = moves;

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates performance of evaluating either single positions or batches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evaluator"></param>
        /// <param name="computeBreaks"></param>
        /// <param name="bigBatchSize"></param>
        /// <param name="estimateSingletons"></param>
        /// <param name="numWarmups"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (float NPSSingletons, float NPSBigBatch, int[] Breaks) EstNPS(NNEvaluator evaluator, bool computeBreaks = false,
                                                                                    int bigBatchSize = 512, bool estimateSingletons = true,
                                                                                    int numWarmups   = 1)
            if (batch1 == null)
                batchBig = MakeTestBatch(evaluator, bigBatchSize);
                batch1   = MakeTestBatch(evaluator, 1);

            IPositionEvaluationBatch result;

            // Run numerous batches to "warm up" the GPU (make sure in full power state).
            for (int i = 0; i < numWarmups; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                    evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(batch1, false);
                result = evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(batchBig, false);
                for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                    evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(batch1, false);

            float npsSingletons = float.NaN;

            if (estimateSingletons)
                // Singletons
                const int   NUM_SINGLETONS            = 20;
                TimingStats statsSingletons           = new TimingStats();
                float       accumulatedTimeSingletons = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SINGLETONS; i++)
                    using (new TimingBlock(statsSingletons, TimingBlock.LoggingType.None))
                        result = evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(batch1, false);
                        accumulatedTimeSingletons += (float)statsSingletons.ElapsedTimeSecs;
                npsSingletons = NUM_SINGLETONS / accumulatedTimeSingletons;

            // Big batch
            TimingStats statsBig = new TimingStats();

            using (new TimingBlock(statsBig, TimingBlock.LoggingType.None))
                // To make sure we defeat any possible caching in place,
                // randomize the batch in some trivial way
                result = evaluator.EvaluateIntoBuffers(batchBig, false);

            float npsBatchBig = bigBatchSize / (float)statsBig.ElapsedTimeSecs;

            int[] breaks = computeBreaks ? FindBreaks(evaluator, 48, 432, 0) : null;

            return(npsSingletons, npsBatchBig, breaks);