void irc_OnMSGRecvd(MSG msg) { if (msg.message.StartsWith(".addact ")) { action = msg.message.Substring(".addact ".Length); if (!action.Contains("$nick")) { action += " $nick"; } actions.Add((string)action.Clone()); EncFile.AppendText(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "actions.db", action + "\n"); } else if (msg.message.StartsWith(".act")) { if (msg.message.Split(' ').Length > 1) { action = actions[rand.Next(actions.Count)]; irc.SendMe(msg.to, action.Replace("$nick", msg.message.Split(' ')[1])); } else { action = actions[rand.Next(actions.Count)]; irc.SendMe(msg.to, action.Replace("$nick", msg.from)); } } }
public override void AuthedCommand(MSG msg, int operLevel) { msg.message = msg.message.Substring(msg.message.IndexOf(' ') + 1); if (msg.message.StartsWith("add ") && msg.message.Split(' ').Length == 3) { oplist.Add(msg.message.Split(' ')[1], msg.message.Split(' ')[2]); EncFile.AppendText(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "autoop.db", msg.message.Split(' ')[1] + " " + msg.message.Split(' ')[2] + "\n"); } }
public override void Load() { if (File.Exists(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "actions.db")) { foreach (string line in EncFile.ReadAllLines(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "actions.db")) { actions.Add(line); } } else { File.Create(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "actions.db").Close(); EncFile.AppendText(server.Data + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "actions.db", "shakes hands with $nick\n"); actions.Add("shakes hands with $nick"); } }