public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("EmploymentDetailsId,UsersId,OrganizationName,OrganizationAddress,OrganizationType,PositionHeld,EmploymentType,EmploymentStatus,EmploymentDate,LastDayAtJob,Stateid,CreatedOn")] EmploymentDetails employmentDetails) { if (id != employmentDetails.EmploymentDetailsId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(employmentDetails); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!EmploymentDetailsExists(employmentDetails.EmploymentDetailsId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(Ok(true)); } //ViewData["UsersId"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "UsersId", "AccountNumber", employmentDetails.UsersId); return(Ok(false)); }
public ActionResult QuickViewEmployment(string UserID) { int uid = db.UserProfiles.Where(x => x.MyAppID == UserID).FirstOrDefault().UserID; var data = db.Get_Employment(uid).ToList(); List <EmploymentDetails> lst = new List <EmploymentDetails>(); foreach (var i in data) { EmploymentDetails d = new EmploymentDetails(); d.EmpDetailID = i.EmpDetailID; d.EmployerName = i.EmployerName; d.UserID = i.UserID; d.TypeID = i.TypeID; d.Type = i.Type; d.Designation = i.Desgignation; if (i.Type == "Current Employer" && i.DateTo == null) { d.DateFrom = i.DateFrom.Value; d.DateTo = null; d.Gap = "From " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateFrom.Value) + " To Present"; } else { d.DateFrom = i.DateFrom.Value; d.DateTo = i.DateTo.Value; d.Gap = "From " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateFrom.Value) + " To " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateTo.Value); } lst.Add(d); } return(PartialView("_ucEmployment", lst)); }
public EmploymentDetails GetJobById(string Id) { SqlParameter[] param = { new SqlParameter("@flag", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) { Value = "getEmploymentById" } , new SqlParameter("@EmployeeId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = Id } }; DataRow result = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataRow("spEmployee", param); EmploymentDetails obj = new EmploymentDetails(); obj.Id = Convert.ToInt32(result["Id"]); obj.EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(result["EmpId"]); obj.JobId = Convert.ToInt32(result["DesignationId"]); obj.DepartmentId = Convert.ToInt32(result["DepartmentId"]); obj.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["StartDate"]); obj.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(result["EndDate"]); obj.ShiftId = Convert.ToInt32(result["ShiftId"]); obj.EmploymentTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(result["EmploymentTypeId"]); obj.ContractExpiry = Convert.ToDateTime(result["ContractExpiry"]); obj.ContractFile = Convert.ToString(result["ContractFile"]); return(obj); }
public static bool UpdateEmploymentDetails(EmploymentDetails EmploymentDetails) { SqlConnection connection = ConnectionString.GetConnection(); string updatestatement = "UPDATE [Goke's Rentals].[dbo].[Tenant] " + "SET Employer = @Employer, JobTitle = @JobTitle " + "WHERE TenantID = @TenantID"; SqlCommand updatecommand = new SqlCommand(updatestatement, connection); updatecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TenantID", EmploymentDetails.TenantID); updatecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Employer", EmploymentDetails.Employer); updatecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@JobTitle", EmploymentDetails.JobTitle); try { connection.Open(); int count = updatecommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public bool EmploymentDetails(EmploymentDetails req) { var Message = $" EmploymentDetails About page visited at {DateTime.Now}"; _logger.LogInformation("EmploymentDetails Message displayed: {Message}", Message); _log4net.Debug(" EmploymentDetails Login API " + Message); try { if (req.EmployeedFrom.HasValue) { _log4net.Info("EmploymentDetails invoked:: " + req.EmployeedFrom); req.EmployeedFrom = DateTime.Now; } _log4net.Info("EmploymentDetails 2222invoked:: " + req.EmployeedFrom); _context.EmploymentDetails.Add(req); _context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public ActionResult ViewEmployment(int UserID) { var data = db.Get_Employment(UserID).ToList(); List <EmploymentDetails> lst = new List <EmploymentDetails>(); foreach (var i in data) { EmploymentDetails d = new EmploymentDetails(); d.EmpDetailID = i.EmpDetailID; d.EmployerName = i.EmployerName; d.UserID = i.UserID; d.TypeID = i.TypeID; d.Type = i.Type; d.Designation = i.Desgignation; if (i.Type == "Current Employer" && i.DateTo == null) { d.DateFrom = i.DateFrom.Value; d.DateTo = null; d.Gap = "From " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateFrom.Value) + " To Present"; } else { d.DateFrom = i.DateFrom.Value; d.DateTo = i.DateTo.Value; d.Gap = "From " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateFrom.Value) + " To " + DateCommonFunctions.GetShortDateFormat(i.DateTo.Value); } lst.Add(d); } return(PartialView("_ucEmployment", lst)); }
public EmploymentDetails UpdateEmpDetails(EmploymentDetails _employmentDetails) { var EmpDetails = dbContext.EmploymentDetails.Attach(_employmentDetails); EmpDetails.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(_employmentDetails); }
public ActionResult EmploymentDetailsEdit(string empId) { ViewBag.Department = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("department"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.Designation = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("designation"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.Shift = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("shift"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.EmploymentTypes = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("employment-Types"), "Id", "DisplayName"); EmploymentDetails obj = iEmployee.GetJobById(empId); return(PartialView(obj)); }
public static EmploymentDetails UserInputEmploymentDetails(int TenantID, string Employer, string JobTitle) { EmploymentDetails EmploymentDetails = new EmploymentDetails { TenantID = TenantID, //Hardcoded Value Employer = Employer, JobTitle = JobTitle }; return(EmploymentDetails); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("EmploymentDetailsId,UsersId,OrganizationName,OrganizationAddress,OrganizationType,PositionHeld,EmploymentType,EmploymentStatus,EmploymentDate,LastDayAtJob,Stateid,CreatedOn")] EmploymentDetails employmentDetails) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(employmentDetails); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(true)); } //ViewData["UsersId"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "UsersId", "AccountNumber", employmentDetails.UsersId); return(Ok(false)); }
public IHttpActionResult Post(EmploymentDetails employmentDetails) { _command.Send(new RegisterEmploymentDetails() { UserId = employmentDetails.UserId, CurrentEmployment = employmentDetails.CurrentEmployment, CurrentPosition = employmentDetails.CurrentPosition, NationalInsuranceNumber = employmentDetails.NationalInsuranceNumber, NetSalary = employmentDetails.NetSalary, YearsWithCurrentEmployer = employmentDetails.YearsWithCurrentEmployer }); return(Ok()); }
public DbResult UpdateEmployment(EmploymentDetails obj, string flag) { SqlParameter[] param = { new SqlParameter("@flag", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) { Value = flag } , new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.Id } , new SqlParameter("@EmployeeId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.EmployeeId } , new SqlParameter("@DesignationId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.JobId } , new SqlParameter("@DepartmentId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.DepartmentId } , new SqlParameter("@StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = obj.StartDate } , new SqlParameter("@EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = obj.ContractExpiry } , new SqlParameter("@ShiftId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.ShiftId } , new SqlParameter("@EmploymentTypeId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = obj.EmploymentTypeId } , new SqlParameter("@ContractFile", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) { Value = obj.ContractFile } , new SqlParameter("@userId", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128) { Value = SessionHelper.GetUserID() } }; return(SqlHelper.ParseDbResult("spEmployee", param)); }
public static EmploymentDetails GetEmploymentDetails(int tenantID) { SqlConnection connection = ConnectionString.GetConnection(); string selectStatement = "SELECT Employer, JobTitle " + "FROM [Goke's Rentals].[dbo].[Tenant] " + "WHERE TenantID = @TenantID"; SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection); selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TenantID", tenantID); try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow); EmploymentDetails details = new EmploymentDetails(); if (reader.Read()) { details.Employer = reader["Employer"].ToString(); details.JobTitle = reader["JobTitle"].ToString(); return(details); } else { return(details); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public IActionResult UpdateEmploymentInfo(string employer, string jobTitle) { var tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); EmploymentDetails details = new EmploymentDetails(); details.TenantID = tenantID; details.Employer = employer; details.JobTitle = jobTitle; bool success = false; success = SQLStatements.UpdateEmploymentDetails(details); if (success) { return(Json(new { success = true, })); } else { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "An unknown error occured." })); } }
public DbResult UpdateEmployment(EmploymentDetails obj, string flag) { return(repo.UpdateEmployment(obj, flag)); }
public EmploymentDetails AddEmpDetails(EmploymentDetails _employmentDetails) { dbContext.EmploymentDetails.Add(_employmentDetails); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(_employmentDetails); }
public ActionResult EmploymentDetailsEdit(EmploymentDetails obj, HttpPostedFileBase UploadFile) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { ViewBag.Department = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("department"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.Designation = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("designation"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.Shift = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("shift"), "Id", "DisplayName"); ViewBag.EmploymentTypes = new SelectList(iDropDownService.GetDropDowns("employment-Types"), "Id", "DisplayName"); if (UploadFile != null && UploadFile.ContentLength > 0) //size { var supportedTypes = new[] { ".txt", ".doc", ".docx", ".pdf", ".xls", ".xlsx" }; var name = Path.GetFileName(UploadFile.FileName); var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(UploadFile.FileName); var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(name); if (!supportedTypes.Contains(fileExtension)) { return(Json(new { ErrorCode = 1, Message = "Unsupported Format", Id = 0, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } //5 MB = 5242880 Bytes(in binary) if (UploadFile.ContentLength > 5242880) { return(Json(new { ErrorCode = 1, Message = "File size must be below 5MB", Id = 0, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } var newFileName = "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddmmyyyy") + "_" + obj.EmployeeId + fileName; obj.ContractFile = newFileName; string folder = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HrFile"]; var filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(folder), newFileName + fileExtension); UploadFile.SaveAs(filePath); ModelState.Clear(); } var result = iEmployee.UpdateEmployment(obj, "u-employment"); return(Json(new { ErrorCode = result.ErrorCode, Message = result.Msg, Id = result.Id, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { ErrorCode = 1, Message = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; string messages = string.Join("; ", ModelState.Values .SelectMany(x => x.Errors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)); return(Json(new { ErrorCode = 1, Message = messages }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }