Esempio n. 1
 public void Configure(EmailTemplateConfig config, string acivationHost=null) {
     if (config == EmailTemplateConfig.UserActivation){
         Subject = "User activation";
         Body = string.Format("A new user @Model.User.UserName has been created. To activate the account please click the following link {0}@Model.User.Activation",
                                            acivationHost + "?ua=");
         Subject = "pass forgotten";
         Body = "We created a temporary password (@Model.Password) for the UserName (@Model.User.UserName). Please login to reset it";
Esempio n. 2
 public void Configure(EmailTemplateConfig config, string acivationHost = null)
     if (config == EmailTemplateConfig.UserActivation)
         Subject = "User activation";
         Body    = $"A new user @Model.User.UserName has been created. To activate the account please click the following link {acivationHost + "?ua="}@Model.User.Activation";
         Subject = "pass forgotten";
         Body    = "We created a temporary password (@Model.Password) for the UserName (@Model.User.UserName). Please login to reset it";