public ActionResult Register(TbUser user) { var emailUser = db.TbUsers.Where(x => x.Email == user.Email).SingleOrDefault(); if (emailUser != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email này đã tồn tại"); return(View()); } TbUser newUser = new TbUser() { FullName = user.FullName, Email = user.Email, Password = MySecurity.EncryptPassword(user.Password), StatusId = 1, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; db.TbUsers.Add(newUser); db.SaveChanges(); Authen(newUser.Id); //sendmail EmailManagement.SendMail(user.Email, "Chuc mung dang ky thanh cong", "<h1>Hello [Name], ban da dag ky</h1>".Replace("[Name]", newUser.FullName)); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); ///return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); }
public ActionResult Register(TbUser user) { var emailUser = db.TbUsers.Where(x => x.Email == user.Email).SingleOrDefault(); if (emailUser != null) { return(Json("This email already exists")); } if (user.Password == null) { return(Json("Your email is valid!")); } TbUser newUser = new TbUser() { FullName = user.FullName, Email = user.Email, Password = MySecurity.EncryptPassword(user.Password), StatusId = 1, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CountLogin = 0 }; db.TbUsers.Add(newUser); db.SaveChanges(); Authen(newUser.Id); //sendmail EmailManagement.SendMail(user.Email, "Aptech Shose Shop", "<h1>Hello [Name]! You have successfully registered an account at Aptech Shose Shop</h1>".Replace("[Name]", newUser.FullName)); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public ActionResult ForgotPW(string email) { var user = db.TbUsers.Where(x => x.Email == email).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(Json("The email you entered is not correct")); } Random rdom = new Random(); var xPass = rdom.Next(100000, 1000000).ToString(); ///string newPass = xPass.ToString("000000"); user.Password = MySecurity.EncryptPassword(xPass); user.StatusId = 1; user.CountLogin = 0; user.TimeLock = null; db.SaveChanges(); EmailManagement.SendMail(user.Email, "Aptech Shose Shop", "<h1>Hello [Name]! Your new password is [newPass]</h1>" .Replace("[Name]", user.FullName) .Replace("[newPass]", xPass)); return(Json("Please check your email for the password")); }
public ActionResult Checkout(string data, string CustomerName, string CustomerEmail, string CustomerAddress, string CustomerPhone, string OrderNote ) { if (CustomerName == "" || CustomerEmail == "" || CustomerPhone == "" || CustomerAddress == "") { return(Content("Kiểm tra lại thông tin")); } var cart_items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <CartItem> >(data); if (cart_items == null || cart_items.Count == 0) { return(Content("Ko có sp trong giỏ hàng")); } int?userName = null; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { userName = int.Parse(User.Identity.Name); } Order orders = new Order() { CustomerName = CustomerName, CustomerEmail = CustomerEmail, CustomerAddress = CustomerAddress, CustomerPhone = CustomerPhone, OrderDate = DateTime.Now, OrderNote = OrderNote, UserId = userName != null ? userName : userName, StatusId = 1 }; db.Orders.Add(orders); string emailOrderDetail = string.Empty; double subTotal = 0; foreach (var item in cart_items) { Product p = db.Products.Find(item.productid); OrderDetail od = new OrderDetail() { OrderId = orders.Id, ProductId = item.productid, UnitPrice = p.UnitPrice, DiscountRatio = p.DiscountRatio, Quantity = item.quantity, ColorName = item.ColorName, SizeName = item.SizeName }; db.OrderDetails.Add(od); string priceInEmail = (p.UnitPrice - ((p.UnitPrice * p.DiscountRatio) / 100)).ToString(); string quanInEmail = item.quantity.ToString(); subTotal += (p.UnitPrice - ((p.UnitPrice * p.DiscountRatio.Value) / 100)) * item.quantity; emailOrderDetail += "<tr>" + "<td width='80%' class='purchase_item'><span class='f-fallback'>{" + od.Product.ProductName + "}</span></td>" + "<td class='align-right' width='20%' class='purchase_item'><span class='f-fallback'>" + quanInEmail + " x $" + priceInEmail + "</span></td>" + "</tr>"; } db.SaveChanges(); subTotal *= 1.1; //Send mail string CreateBody() { string body = string.Empty; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/Views/Checkout/Receipt.html"))) { body = reader.ReadToEnd(); } body = body.Replace("{ purchase_date }", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); body = body.Replace("{name}", CustomerName); body = body.Replace("{receipt_id}", orders.Id.ToString()); body = body.Replace("{OrderDate}", DateTime.Now.ToString()); body = body.Replace("{receipt_details}", emailOrderDetail); body = body.Replace("{total}", subTotal.ToString()); return(body); } EmailManagement.SendMail(CustomerEmail, "Aptech Shose Shop", CreateBody()); return(Content("OK")); }