protected void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_refStyle = new StyleHelper(); divPropertyText.Text = "Standard"; divMetadataText.Text = "Advanced"; checkAccess(); g_isIEFlagInitialized = false; lngCompareCategoryID = 0; lngCompareTaskTypeID = 0; completedColor = "#ccffff"; CommentKeyId = -1; RefType = "T"; RefId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["tid"]); CommentId = 0; iMaxContLength = "64000"; localeFileString = "0000"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["orderby"])) { OrderBy = Request.QueryString["orderby"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["LangType"])) { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["LangType"]); AppUI.SetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID", ContentLanguage.ToString()); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppUI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID"))) { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(AppUI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } AppUI.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; currentUserID = AppUI.UserId; AppPath = AppUI.AppPath; AppImgPath = AppUI.AppImgPath; sitePath = AppUI.SitePath; AppeWebPath = AppUI.ApplicationPath + AppUI.AppeWebPath; AppName = AppUI.AppName; EnableMultilingual = AppUI.EnableMultilingual; gtSiteObj = AppUI.EkSiteRef; if (AppUI.EnableMultilingual == 1) colActiveLanguages = gtSiteObj.GetAllActiveLanguages(); else { colActiveLanguages = gtSiteObj.GetLanguageByID(AppUI.DefaultContentLanguage); if (colActiveLanguages.Count > 0) { languageName = colActiveLanguages["Name"].ToString(); } } strIs_Child = Strings.LCase(Strings.Trim(Convert.ToString(Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["is_child"])))); lngCategory_tmp = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["saved_task_category"]); lngType_tmp = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["saved_task_type"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIs_Child)) is_child = Convert.ToBoolean("true" == strIs_Child); else is_child = false; if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].IndexOf("Windows") + 1 > 0) { IsMac = 0; } else { IsMac = 1; } cContObj = AppUI.EkContentRef; canI = cContObj.CanIv2_0(-1, "tasks"); //var1 = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToString(); //string ty = null; //ty = "tasks"; //var2 = cContObj.GetEditorVariablev2_0(0, ty); if (m_refContentApi.GetCookieValue("user_id") != "0") { m_EmailHelper.MakeEmailArea(); MakeTaskTypeArea(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["close"])) { closeOnFinish = "&close=true"; } m_ekSite = AppUI.EkSiteRef; cDbRecs = m_ekSite.GetPermissions(0, 0, "folder"); IsAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(cDbRecs["IsAdmin"]); action = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["action"]); actiontype = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["ty"]); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(actiontype))) { actiontype = "both"; } if (IsPostBack) { switch (Action) { case "AddTask": Process_AddTask(); break; case "EditTask": Process_EditTask(); break; case "DeleteAllTasks": Process_DeleteAllTasks(); break; case "UpdateStatePurge": Process_UpdateStatePurge(); break; } } else { switch (Action) { case "ApproveTask": Process_ApproveTask(); break; case "EditTask": Display_EditTask(); break; case "AddTask": Display_AddTask(); break; case "ViewTasks": Display_ViewTasks(); break; case "ViewTask": Display_ViewTask(); break; case "viewcontenttask": Display_ViewContentTask(); break; case "ViewTaskType": Display_ViewTaskType(); break; case "DeleteAllTasks": Display_DeleteAllTasks(); break; case "DeleteTask": Process_DeleteTask(); break; case "EditTaskType": Display_EditTaskType(); break; case "AddTaskType": Display_AddTaskType(); break; case "DeleteTaskType": Process_DeleteTaskType(); break; default: Session["RedirectLnk"] = "tasks.aspx?" + Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString.ToString()); Response.Redirect("login.aspx?fromLnkPg=1"); break; } } RegisterResources(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MsgHelper = AppUI.EkMsgRef; m_refLib = AppUI.EkLibraryRef; CurrentUserId = AppUI.UserId; AppImgPath = (string)AppUI.AppImgPath; sitePath = AppUI.SitePath; AppName = AppUI.AppName; AppeWebPath = AppUI.AppeWebPath; AppPath = (string)AppUI.AppPath; EnableMultilingual = AppUI.EnableMultilingual; catid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["catid"]); if (AppUI.ContentLanguage == -1) { AppUI.ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(AppUI.GetCookieValue("DefaultLanguage")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["LangType"])) { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["LangType"]); AppUI.SetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID", Convert.ToString(ContentLanguage)); } else { if (AppUI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID").ToString() != "") { ContentLanguage = System.Convert.ToInt32(AppUI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } AppUI.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; RI = AppUI.RequestInformationRef; RI.CallerId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["uid"]); RI.CookieSite = Request.QueryString["siteid"]; RI.UserId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["uid"]); m_refContent = new EkContent(RI); m_refLib = new Ektron.Cms.Library.EkLibrary(RI); m_refModule = new Ektron.Cms.Modules.EkModule(RI); action = Strings.Trim(Request.QueryString["action"]); if (action == "logintest") { username = Request.QueryString["u"]; password = Request.QueryString["p"]; domain = Request.QueryString["d"]; Login(username, password, domain); } else if (action == "categories") { string[] TestArray = new string[] { }; object loopnumber; loopnumber = 0; foldertype = Request.QueryString["foldertype"]; cFolders = m_refContent.GetFolderInfov2_0(0); OutputContentFolders("", 0, ref TestArray); if (ErrString != "") { Response.Write("<count>" + ((TestArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); } else { if (foldertype == "all") { Response.Write("<count>" + ((TestArray.Length - 1) - 0 + 1) + "</count>"); Response.Write("<catid>0</catid><catname>\\</catname>"); } else { Response.Write("<count>" + ((TestArray.Length - 1) - 0 - 1) + "</count>"); } } for (int g = 0; g <= (TestArray.Length - 1) - 1; g++) { Response.Write(TestArray[g]); } } else if (action == "content") { Collection cTmp = new Collection(); int intTotalPages = 0; object[] ContentArray; ContentArray = new object[1]; loopcount = 0; cTmp.Add(catid, "FolderID", null, null); cTmp.Add("Title", "OrderBy", null, null); EkContentCol datacCol = m_refContent.GetAllViewableChildContentInfoV5_0(cTmp, 1, 0, ref intTotalPages); foreach (ContentBase item in datacCol) { Array.Resize(ref ContentArray, loopcount + 1 + 1); ContentArray[loopcount] = "<id>" + item.Id + "</id>" + "<title>" + item.Title + "</title>"; loopcount++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((ContentArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int h = 0; h <= (ContentArray.Length - 1) - 1; h++) { Response.Write(ContentArray[h]); } } else if (action == "collections") { string orderby = "title"; NavArray = new object[1]; loopcount = 0; gtNavs = m_refContent.GetAllCollectionsInfo(catid, orderby); foreach (Collection tempLoopVar_gtNav in (IEnumerable)gtNavs) { gtNav = tempLoopVar_gtNav; Array.Resize(ref NavArray, loopcount + 1 + 1); NavArray[loopcount] = "<id>" + gtNav["CollectionID"] + "</id>" + "<title>" + gtNav["CollectionTitle"] + "</title>"; loopcount++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((NavArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int h = 0; h <= (NavArray.Length - 1) - 1; h++) { Response.Write(NavArray[h]); } gtNavs = null; } else if (action == "collections_all") { NavArray = new object[1]; loopcount = 0; uid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["uid"]); siteid = Request.QueryString["siteid"]; gtNavs = m_refContent.GetCollectionsReport(ref ErrorString); foreach (Collection tempLoopVar_gtNav in (IEnumerable)gtNavs) { gtNav = tempLoopVar_gtNav; Array.Resize(ref NavArray, loopcount + 1 + 1); NavArray[loopcount] = "<id>" + gtNav["CollectionID"] + "</id>" + "<title>id=" + gtNav["CollectionID"] + ", " + gtNav["CollectionTitle"] + "</title>"; loopcount++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((NavArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int h = 0; h <= (NavArray.Length - 1) - 1; h++) { Response.Write(NavArray[h]); } gtNavs = null; } else if (action == "calendar") { NavArray = new object[1]; loopcount = 0; gtNavs = m_refModule.GetAllCalendarInfo(); foreach (Collection tempLoopVar_gtNav in (IEnumerable)gtNavs) { gtNav = tempLoopVar_gtNav; Array.Resize(ref NavArray, loopcount + 1 + 1); NavArray[loopcount] = "<id>" + gtNav["CalendarID"] + "</id>" + "<title>id=" + gtNav["CalendarID"] + ", " + gtNav["CalendarTitle"] + "</title>"; loopcount++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((NavArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int h = 0; h <= (NavArray.Length - 1) - 1; h++) { Response.Write(NavArray[h]); } gtNavs = null; } else if (action == "ecmforms") { object gtForms; NavArray = new object[1]; loopcount = 0; gtForms = m_refModule.GetAllFormInfo(); foreach (Collection gtForm in (IEnumerable)gtForms) { Array.Resize(ref NavArray, loopcount + 1 + 1); NavArray[loopcount] = "<id>" + gtForm["FormID"] + "</id>" + "<title>id=" + gtForm["FormID"] + ", " + gtForm["FormTitle"] + "</title>"; loopcount++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((NavArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int h = 0; h <= (NavArray.Length - 1) - 1; h++) { Response.Write(NavArray[h]); } gtNavs = null; } else if (action == "editcontent") { Collection cEContent; object myxmlstring; object PageInfo; object myhtmlcontent; object stylesheetpath = null; object mywhynoteditstring; Collection canI; PageInfo = "src=\"http://" + Request.ServerVariables["Server_name"] + "/"; cid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["cid"]); canI = m_refContent.CanIv2_0(cid, "content"); if (Convert.ToBoolean(canI["CanIEdit"])) { cEContent = m_refContent.GetContentForEditingv2_0(cid); myhtmlcontent = cEContent["ContentHtml"]; if (Strings.Trim((string)(cEContent["StyleSheet"])) != "") { stylesheetpath = "http://" + Convert.ToString(Request.ServerVariables["Server_name"]) + sitePath + cEContent["StyleSheet"]; } myxmlstring = "<ektron_head_html><!-- Do not remove these xml tags <ektron_head><ektron_edit>yes</ektron_edit><ektron_content_id>" + cid + "</ektron_content_id> <ektron_title>" + cEContent["ContentTitle"] + "</ektron_title> <ektron_content_comment>" + cEContent["Comment"] + "</ektron_content_comment> <ektron_content_stylesheet>" + stylesheetpath + "</ektron_content_stylesheet> <ektron_folder_id>" + cEContent["FolderID"] + "</ektron_folder_id> <ektron_content_language>" + cEContent["ContentLanguage"] + "</ektron_content_language> <ektron_go_live>" + cEContent["GoLive"] + "</ektron_go_live> <ektron_end_date>" + cEContent["EndDate"] + "</ektron_end_date> <ektron_MetadataNumber>" + ((Collection)cEContent["ContentMetadata"]).Count + "</ektron_MetadataNumber> <ektron_PreviousState>" + cEContent["CurrentContentStatus"] + "</ektron_PreviousState> <ektron_iMaxContLength>" + cEContent["MaxContentSize"] + "</ektron_iMaxContLength> <ektron_content_Path>" + cEContent["Path"] + "</ektron_content_Path></ektron_head> --> </ektron_head_html> "; myxmlstring = myxmlstring + "<ektron_body_html>" + myhtmlcontent + "</ektron_body_html>"; } else { if (Convert.ToString(canI["ContentState"]) == "CheckedOut") { mywhynoteditstring = "You can not edit this cotent, content is checked out to: " + canI["UserName"]; } else { mywhynoteditstring = "You can not edit this this content. The content state is: " + canI["ContentState"] + "; The user is " + canI["UserName"]; } myxmlstring = "<ektron_head_html><!-- <ektron_edit>" + mywhynoteditstring + "</ektron_edit> --></ektron_head_html>"; } Response.Write(myxmlstring); canI = null; } else if (action == "publish_update_content") { ErrorString = ""; myerrormsg = ""; cid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["cid"]); Collection cCont = m_refContent.GetContentByIDv2_0(cid); cCont.Remove("ContentHtml"); cCont.Add(Strings.Replace(Request.Form["ContentHTML"], "<myektronand/>", "&", 1, -1, 0), "ContentHtml", null, null); cCont.Remove("ContentTitle"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["content_title"], "ContentTitle", null, null); cCont.Remove("Comment"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["content_comment"], "Comment", null, null); cCont.Remove("ContentID"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["ektron_content_id"], "ContentID", null, null); cCont.Remove("FolderID"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["folder"], "FolderID", null, null); cCont.Remove("ContentLanguage"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["ektron_content_language"], "ContentLanguage", null, null); //cCont.Remove("SearchText") cCont.Add(Strings.Replace(Request.Form["searchhtml"], "<myektronand/>", "&", 1, -1, 0), "SearchText", null, null); cCont.Remove("GoLive"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["go_live"], "GoLive", null, null); cCont.Remove("EndDate"); cCont.Add(Request.Form["end_date"], "EndDate", null, null); cCont.Remove("ContentType"); cCont.Add(1, "ContentType", null, null); cCont.Remove("LockedContentLink"); cCont.Add(true, "LockedContentLink", null, null); try { ret = m_refContent.SaveContentv2_0(cCont); if (ErrorString != "") { myerrormsg = ErrorString; } else { ContentID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["ektron_content_id"]); ret = m_refContent.CheckIn(ContentID, ""); if (ErrorString != "") { myerrormsg = ErrorString; } else { if (ret == false) { ret = m_refContent.SubmitForPublicationv2_0(ContentID, Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["ektron_folder_id"]), 0, ""); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { myerrormsg = ex.Message.ToString(); } if (myerrormsg != "") { Response.Write(myerrormsg); } else { Response.Write("Content has been saved"); } } else if (action == "add_new_content") { cCont = new Collection(); try { cCont.Add((object)Strings.Replace(Convert.ToString(Request.Form["ContentHTML"]), "<myektronand/>", "&", 1, -1, 0), "ContentHtml", null, null); cCont.Add(Request.Form["content_title"], "ContentTitle", null, null); cCont.Add(Request.Form["content_comment"], "Comment", null, null); cCont.Add(System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["folder"]), "FolderID", null, null); cCont.Add(Request.Form["ektron_content_language"], "ContentLanguage", null, null); cCont.Add(Strings.Replace(Request.Form["searchhtml"], "<myektronand/>", "&", 1, -1, 0), "SearchText", null, null); cCont.Add(Request.Form["go_live"], "GoLive", null, null); cCont.Add(Request.Form["end_date"], "EndDate", null, null); cCont.Add(true, "AddToQlink", null, null); cCont.Add(1, "ContentType", null, null); ErrorString = ""; ContentID = m_refContent.AddNewContentv2_0(cCont); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorString = ex.Message.ToString(); } if (ErrorString != "") { myerrormsg = ErrorString; } else { ret = m_refContent.CheckIn(ContentID, ""); if (ErrorString != "") { myerrormsg = " Error CheckIn= " + ErrorString; } else { if (ret == false) { ret = m_refContent.SubmitForPublicationv2_0(ContentID, Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["ektron_folder_id"]), 0, ""); if (ErrorString != "") { myerrormsg = "Error SubmitForPublicationv2_0= " + ErrorString; } } } } if (myerrormsg != "") { Response.Write(myerrormsg); } else { Response.Write("Content has been saved"); } } else if (action == "foldertypexml") { long folderid; folderid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["folderid"]); myFolders = m_refContent.GetFolderInfov2_0(folderid, false, false); if (((Collection)myFolders["XmlConfiguration"]).Count == 0) { Response.Write("<XmlConfiguration>no</XmlConfiguration>"); } else { Response.Write("<XmlConfiguration>yes</XmlConfiguration>"); } myFolders = null; } else if (action == "canIsave") { cid = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["cid"]); cConts = m_refContent.GetContentByIDv2_0(cid); UserRights = m_refContent.CanIv2_0(cid, "content"); if (Convert.ToString(cConts["ContentStatus"]) == "O" && Convert.ToBoolean(UserRights["CanIEdit"])) { Response.Write("<canISave>yes</canISave>"); } else { if (Convert.ToString(cConts["ContentStatus"]) == "O") { Response.Write("<canISave>Did not save!!!!, Check out by " + Convert.ToString(UserRights["UserName"]) + "</canISave>"); } else { Response.Write("<canISave>Did not save!!! Content is not checked out to you, Its status is Status=" + Convert.ToString(cConts["ContentStatus"]) + " The user associated with this is " + Convert.ToString(UserRights["UserName"]) + "</canISave>"); } } } else if (action == "AddFolder") { object bRet1; object tmpPath; Collection libSettings; cFolder = new Collection(); cFolder.Add(Request.Form["foldername"], "FolderName", null, null); cFolder.Add(Request.Form["folderdescription"], "FolderDescription", null, null); cFolder.Add(Request.Form["ParentID"], "ParentID", null, null); cFolder.Add(Request.Form["templatefilename"], "TemplateFileName", null, null); cFolder.Add(Request.Form["stylesheet"], "StyleSheet", null, null); libSettings = m_refLib.GetLibrarySettingsv2_0(); tmpPath = libSettings["ImageDirectory"]; cFolder.Add(getPhysicalPath(tmpPath), "AbsImageDirectory", null, null); tmpPath = libSettings["FileDirectory"]; cFolder.Add(getPhysicalPath(tmpPath), "AbsFileDirectory", null, null); libSettings = null; bRet1 = addLBpaths(cFolder, uid, siteid); cFolder.Add(true, "XmlInherited", null, null); cFolder.Add(0, "XmlConfiguration", null, null); cFolder.Add(1, "InheritMetadata", null, null); //break inherit button is check. cFolder.Add(0, "InheritMetadataFrom", null, null); ret = m_refContent.AddContentFolderv2_0(ref cFolder); Response.Write("Folder added"); } else if (action == "metadata") { int loopcounter = 0; object cMetadataTypes; object[] MetaDataArray; MetaDataArray = new object[1]; cMetadataTypes = m_refContent.GetMetadataTypes("Name"); foreach (Collection cMetadataType in (IEnumerable)cMetadataTypes) { Array.Resize(ref MetaDataArray, loopcounter + 1 + 1); MetaDataArray[loopcounter] = "<meta>" + (cMetadataType["MetaTypeName"]) + "</meta>"; loopcounter++; } Response.Write("<count>" + ((MetaDataArray.Length - 1) - 0 + "</count>")); for (int j = 0; j <= (MetaDataArray.Length - 1) - 1; j++) { Response.Write(MetaDataArray[j]); } } else if (action == "ecmmenus") { object FolderID; FolderID = 0; Response.Write(GetMenuList(FolderID.ToString(), "Title")); } else if (action == "ecmxmconfig") { Response.Write(GetXmlConfigurationList("")); } else if (action == "ecmlanguages") { Response.Write(GetLanguages()); } else { Response.Write("DreamWeaver - No Action parameter"); } }
//END: blog - SK private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string fldid; m_refMsg = m_refAPI.EkMsgRef; m_sPage = Request.QueryString["page"]; aprId = System.Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]); CurrentUserId = m_refAPI.UserId; SitePath = m_refAPI.SitePath; RegisterResources(); if (!(Request.QueryString["LangType"] == null)) { if (Request.QueryString["LangType"] != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["LangType"]); m_refAPI.SetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID", ContentLanguage.ToString()); } else { if (m_refAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID") != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(m_refAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } } else { if (m_refAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID") != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(m_refAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } m_refAPI.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; m_refContent = m_refAPI.EkContentRef; if (Request.QueryString["content"] == "published") { m_cCont = m_refContent.GetContentByIDv2_0(aprId); toggle = "staged"; } else { m_cCont = m_refContent.GetStagedContByIDv2_0(aprId); toggle = "published"; if (m_cCont.Count == 0) { m_cCont = null; m_cCont = m_refContent.GetContentByIDv2_0(aprId); toggle = "staged"; if (m_sPage == "workarea") { Response.Redirect((string)("approval.aspx?action=viewApprovalList&id=" + Request.QueryString["fldid"]), false); } else { Response.Write("<script language=\"Javascript\">" + "top.opener.location.reload(true);" + "top.close();" + "</script>"); } } } m_meObj = m_refContent.CanIv2_0(aprId, "content"); fldid = m_cCont["FolderID"].ToString(); cApprovals = m_refContent.GetCurrentApprovalInfoByIDv1_1(aprId); m_TaskExists = m_refContent.DoesTaskExistForContent(Convert.ToInt64(m_cCont["ContentID"])); ViewContent(); }