public async Task DrawAsync(EduardoContext context, string emojiOrUrl, int size) { string url; if (Emote.TryParse(emojiOrUrl, out Emote emote)) { url = emote.Url; } else if (Uri.TryCreate(emojiOrUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri result)) { url = result.AbsoluteUri; } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Please enter a valid emote!"); return; } string previousName = context.Client.CurrentUser.Username; IGuildUser user = await((IGuild)context.Guild).GetUserAsync(context.Client.CurrentUser.Id); await user.ModifyAsync(usr => usr.Nickname = "----"); List <string> blocks = await GetBlocksAsync(url, size); foreach (string block in blocks) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(block); } await user.ModifyAsync(usr => usr.Nickname = previousName); }
private async Task OnMessageReceviedAsync(SocketMessage sm) { if (!(sm is SocketUserMessage msg)) { return; } EduardoContext context = new EduardoContext(_client, msg, serviceProvider); int argPos = 0; if (msg.HasStringPrefix(Constants.CMD_PREFIX, ref argPos) || msg.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) { IResult result = await _commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, serviceProvider); if (!result.IsSuccess && result.Error != CommandError.UnknownCommand) { if (result.Error == CommandError.BadArgCount) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Format.Bold($"Incorrect command usage. Use `{Constants.CMD_PREFIX}help <command>` to show usage")); } else { Console.WriteLine(result.ErrorReason); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Something went wrong while executing that command..."); } } } }
public async Task StartQueue(EduardoContext context) { queueCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); List <SongInfo> guildQueue = GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id); if (guildQueue.Count == 0) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"There are no songs in the queue! Use `{Constants.CMD_PREFIX}queue add <song>` to add items to the queue"); return; } await JoinAudio(context); if (_connectedChannels.TryGetValue(context.Guild.Id, out IAudioClient client)) { using AudioOutStream stream = client.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Music, bufferMillis: 1); while (guildQueue.Count > 0 && !queueCts.IsCancellationRequested) { await SendAudioAsync(context, guildQueue.First(), stream); } } await LeaveAudio(context.Guild); }
private async Task JoinAudio(EduardoContext context) { // Get connected voice channel of requesting user IVoiceChannel target = (context.User as IVoiceState)?.VoiceChannel; // Don't join audio if not correct guild. if (target?.Guild.Id != context.Guild.Id) { return; } // Leave current audio channel on guild (if any) if (_connectedChannels.ContainsKey(context.Guild.Id)) { await LeaveAudio(context.Guild); } // Connect to new audio channel IAudioClient audioClient = await target.ConnectAsync(); // Register connection in connected channels if (_connectedChannels.TryAdd(context.Guild.Id, audioClient)) { await Logger.Log($"Connected to voice channel on {context.Guild.Name}", LogSeverity.Info); } else { await Logger.Log($"Failed to join voice channel on {context.Guild.Name}", LogSeverity.Error); } }
private async Task SendAudioAsync(EduardoContext context, SongInfo song, AudioOutStream discordStream) { audioCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); await ShowCurrentSong(context); await Logger.Log($"Starting playback of {song.Name} in {context.Guild.Name}", LogSeverity.Debug); SongBuffer songBuffer = null; try { songBuffer = new SongBuffer(song.StreamUrl); songBuffer.StartBuffering(audioCts.Token); RestUserMessage message = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Video is buffering, please wait a moment..."); await songBuffer.PrebufferingCompleted.Task; await message.DeleteAsync(); //await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(10000), songBuffer.PrebufferingCompleted.Task); if (audioCts.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } int bytesSent = 0; while (true) { byte[] buffer = songBuffer.Read(FrameBytes).ToArray(); if (buffer.Length == 0) { break; } AdjustVolume(buffer, volume); await discordStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, audioCts.Token); bytesSent += buffer.Length; song.CurrentTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(bytesSent / (float)FrameBytes / (1000 / Milliseconds)); await(pauseTaskSource?.Task ?? Task.CompletedTask); } } catch (Exception ex) when(!(ex is OperationCanceledException cancelledException) || cancelledException.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { } finally { await discordStream.FlushAsync(); songBuffer?.Dispose(); } }
public async Task GetAlbumAsync(EduardoContext context, string searchAlbum) { SearchItem searchItem = await GetAsync(() => _spotify.SearchItemsAsync(searchAlbum, SearchType.Album)); if (searchItem.Albums.Total == 0) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"No albums found from search term \"{searchAlbum}\""); } List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>(); foreach (SimpleAlbum album in searchItem.Albums.Items) { embeds.Add(new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(album.Name) .WithColor(Color.DarkGreen) .WithUrl(album.ExternalUrls["spotify"]) .WithImageUrl(album.Images.Count > 0 ? album.Images[0].Url : "") .AddField("Album Type", album.AlbumType) .AddField("Released", album.ReleaseDate) .Build()); } await context.SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(embeds); }
public async Task DisplayUserInfo(EduardoContext context, IGuildUser user = null) { SocketGuildUser guildUser = user != null?user.AsSocketGuildUser() : context.User.AsSocketGuildUser(); string userInfo = $"Created: {guildUser.CreatedAt:dddd MMM d}{DateTime.Now.Day.GetDaySuffix()} {guildUser.CreatedAt:yyyy} at {guildUser.CreatedAt:h:m tt}\n" + $"Status: {guildUser.Status}\n" + $"Game: {guildUser.Activity?.Name ?? "N/A"}\n"; string memberInfo = $"Joined: {guildUser.JoinedAt:dddd MMM d}{DateTime.Now.Day.GetDaySuffix()} {guildUser.JoinedAt:yyyy} at {guildUser.JoinedAt:h:m tt}\n" + $"Nickname: {guildUser.Nickname ?? "N/A"}\n"; string roleInfo = string.Join(", ", guildUser.Roles.Where(x => !x.IsEveryone)); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Color.Orange) .WithAuthor($"Summary for {guildUser.Username}#{guildUser.Discriminator} ({guildUser.Id})", guildUser.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithThumbnailUrl(guildUser.GetAvatarUrl()) .AddField("User Info", userInfo) .AddField("Member Info", memberInfo) .AddConditionalField("Roles", roleInfo, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleInfo)) .WithFooter($"Eduardo | {string.Format("{0:dddd MMM d}{1} {0:yyyy} at {0:h:m tt}", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.Day.GetDaySuffix())}", context.User.AsSocketGuildUser().GetAvatarUrl()); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : builder.Build()); }
public async Task GetSongAsync(EduardoContext context, string searchSong) { SearchItem searchItem = await GetAsync(() => _spotify.SearchItemsAsync(searchSong, SearchType.Track)); if (searchItem.Tracks.Total == 0) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"No songs found from search term \"{searchSong}\""); } List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>(); foreach (FullTrack track in searchItem.Tracks.Items) { embeds.Add(new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(track.Name) .WithColor(Color.DarkGreen) .WithUrl(track.ExternUrls["spotify"]) .WithImageUrl(track.Album.Images.Count > 0 ? track.Album.Images[0].Url : "") .AddField("Duration", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(track.DurationMs).ToString(@"mm\:ss")) .AddField("Album", $"{track.Album.Name} - {track.Album.AlbumType}") .AddField("Released", track.Album.ReleaseDate) .AddField("Explcit", track.Explicit ? "Yes": "No") .Build()); } await context.SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(embeds); }
public static async Task SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(this EduardoContext context, List <Embed> embeds) { PaginatedMessage paginatedMsg = PaginatedMessage.Default; paginatedMsg.Embeds = embeds; await SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(context, paginatedMsg); }
public async Task ViewPlaylistAsync(EduardoContext context, string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playlistName)) { return; } Models.Playlist playlist = await _playlistRepository.GetPlaylistAsync((long)context.User.Id, playlistName); if (playlist == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"No playlist found with name \"{playlistName}\""); return; } EmbedBuilder playlistBuilder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Color.DarkRed) .WithTitle(playlist.Name) .WithCurrentTimestamp(); if (playlist.Songs.Count > 0) { playlistBuilder = playlistBuilder .WithFieldsForList(playlist.Songs, x => x.Name, x => x.Url); } else { playlistBuilder = playlistBuilder .WithDescription($"This playlist doesn't contain any songs. Use ```{Constants.CMD_PREFIX}playlist add <playlist name> <song or url>``` to add a song"); } await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : playlistBuilder.Build()); }
public async Task DisplayEightBall(EduardoContext context, string question = null) { await context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); string answer = _eightBallData.Words[_prng.Next(0, _eightBallData.Words.Count)]; await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{question} -- {answer}"); }
public void AddCommands(EduardoContext context, ModuleInfo module, ref EmbedBuilder builder) { foreach (CommandInfo command in module.Commands) { command.CheckPreconditionsAsync(context, context.Provider).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); AddCommand(command, ref builder); } }
public async Task GetMatches(EduardoContext context, string username, PubgPlatform platform) { PubgPlayer player = await GetPlayerFromApiAsync(username, platform); if (player == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"No player found with username \"{username}\""); return; } List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>(); foreach (string matchId in player.MatchIds.Take(_pubgData.MaxMatches)) { PubgMatch match = await GetMatchFromApiAsync(matchId, platform); TimeSpan matchDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(match.Duration); PubgRoster roster = match.Rosters.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Participants.Any(p => p.Stats.PlayerId == player.Id)); PubgParticipant participant = match.Rosters.SelectMany(r => r.Participants).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Stats.PlayerId == player.Id); TimeSpan timeSurvived = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(participant?.Stats.TimeSurvived ?? 0); embeds.Add(new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(match.GameMode.ToString()) .WithColor(Color.Orange) .AddField("Started", DateTime.Parse(match.CreatedAt), true) .AddField("Duration", $"{matchDuration.Minutes:D2}m {matchDuration.Seconds:D2}s", true) .AddField("Player Count", match.Rosters.Count(), true) .AddField("Placement", roster != null ? $"#{roster.Stats.Rank}" : "Unknown", true) .AddConditionalField("Death Reason", participant?.Stats.DeathType.ToString() ?? "Unknown", participant != null && participant.Stats.DeathType == PubgParticipantDeathType.Alive, true) .AddField("Kills", participant?.Stats.Kills.ToString() ?? "Unknown", true) .AddField("Damage Dealt", participant != null ? Math.Round(participant.Stats.DamageDealt, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "Unknown", true) .AddField("Headshot %", participant != null ? participant.Stats.Kills > 0 ? (participant.Stats.HeadshotKills / participant.Stats.Kills * 100).ToString() : "0%" : "Unknown", true) .AddField("Time Survived", participant != null ? $"{timeSurvived.Minutes:D2}m {timeSurvived.Seconds:D2}s" : "Unknown", true) .AddField("Distance Travelled", participant != null ? Math.Round(participant.Stats.RideDistance + participant.Stats.WalkDistance, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "Unknown", true) .AddField("DBNOs", participant?.Stats.DBNOs.ToString() ?? "Unknown", true) .AddField("Heals Used", participant?.Stats.Heals.ToString() ?? "Unknown", true) .AddField("Boosts Used", participant?.Stats.Boosts.ToString() ?? "Unknown", true) .WithFooter($"Match Data for {participant?.Stats.Name ?? "Unknown"} for match {matchId}", "") .Build()); } await context.SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(embeds); }
public async Task ShowMoney(EduardoContext context, IGuildUser user) { (string username, long userId) = user == null ? (context.User.Username, (long)context.User.Id) : (user.Username, (long)user.Id); int money = await _moneyRepository.GetMoneyAsync(userId, (long)context.Guild.Id); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold(username)} has ${money}"); }
public async Task Skip(EduardoContext context) { if (GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id).Any()) { IUserMessage skipMessage = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Skipping song..."); audioCts?.Cancel(); await skipMessage.DeleteAsync(); } }
public async Task SetVolume(EduardoContext context, int newVolume) { if (newVolume < 0 || newVolume > 100) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Volume must be between 0 and 100"); return; } volume = (float)newVolume / 100; }
public static async Task SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(this EduardoContext context, PaginatedMessage paginatedMsg) { if (paginatedMsg.Embeds.Count == 1) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : paginatedMsg.Embeds[0]); } else { await context.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(paginatedMsg); } }
public async Task GetAvatar(EduardoContext context, IUser targetUser = null) { if (targetUser == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(targetUser.GetAvatarUrl()); } }
public async Task ShowCurrentSong(EduardoContext context) { List <SongInfo> guildQueue = GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id); if (guildQueue.Any() && !(audioCts.IsCancellationRequested || queueCts.IsCancellationRequested)) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Currently playing:", false, BuildSongEmbed(guildQueue.First())); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There is no song playing"); } }
public async Task Unshorten(EduardoContext context, string url) { if (!url.Contains("")) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.User.Username}, This Url is not shortened**"); return; } string unshortened = await ShortenHelper.UnshortenUrlAsync(_credentials.GoogleShortenerApiKey, url); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.User.Mention}, your unshortened url is: \"{unshortened}\"**"); }
public async Task KickUser(EduardoContext context, IGuildUser kickUser, string reason) { try { await kickUser.SendMessageAsync($"You were kicked from {Format.Bold(context.Guild.Name)} with reason: {Format.Bold(reason)}"); } catch (HttpException ex) when(ex.DiscordCode == 50007) { // ignored } await kickUser.KickAsync(reason); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold(context.User.Mention)} has kicked {kickUser.Mention}: \"{Format.Bold(reason)}\""); }
public async Task BanUser(EduardoContext context, IGuildUser banUser, string reason) { try { await banUser.SendMessageAsync($"You were banned from {Format.Bold(context.Guild.Name)} with reason: {Format.Bold(reason)}"); } catch (HttpException ex) when(ex.DiscordCode == 50007) // { // ignored } await context.Guild.AddBanAsync(banUser, 0, reason); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Format.Bold(context.User.Mention)} has banned {banUser.Mention}: \"{Format.Bold(reason)}\""); }
public async Task AddSongToQueue(EduardoContext context, string input) { SongInfo requestedSong = await GetVideoInfo(context, input); if (requestedSong != null) { GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id).Add(requestedSong); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Added {Format.Bold(requestedSong.Name)} to the queue"); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Could not find video like \"{input}\""); } }
public async Task CreatePlaylistAsync(EduardoContext context, string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playlistName)) { return; } CreatePlaylistResult result = await _playlistRepository.CreatePlaylistAsync((long)context.User.Id, playlistName); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result switch { CreatePlaylistResult.PlaylistExists => "You have already created a playlist with this name", CreatePlaylistResult.MaxPlaylistsReached => "You have reached the maximum number of playlists (5)", _ => $"Playlist \"{playlistName}\" created successfully!" });
public async Task ShortenYouTube(EduardoContext context, string url) { string videoId = string.Empty; List <string> alreadyShortened = new List <string> { "", "" }; if (alreadyShortened.Any(url.Contains) && !url.Contains("&")) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.User.Username}, This url is already shortened!**"); return; } List <string> validAuthorities = new List <string> { "", "" }; if (validAuthorities.Any(url.Contains)) { Regex regexExtractId = new Regex(Constants.YOUTUBE_LINK_REGEX, RegexOptions.Compiled); Uri uri = new Uri(url); try { string authority = new UriBuilder(uri).Uri.Authority.ToLower(); if (validAuthorities.Contains(authority)) { Match regRes = regexExtractId.Match(uri.ToString()); if (regRes.Success) { videoId = regRes.Groups[1].Value; } } await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.User.Mention}, your shortened url is: \"{videoId}\"**"); } catch { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**Failed to parse url.**"); } } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.User.Username}, This is not a valid YouTube url."); } }
public async Task CleanMessages(EduardoContext context, int count) { if (count <= 0) { return; } IEnumerable <IMessage> messagesToDelete = await context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(count + 1).FlattenAsync(); await((ITextChannel)context.Channel).DeleteMessagesAsync(messagesToDelete); string plural = count > 1 ? "s" : ""; RestUserMessage finishedMessage = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully cleared {count} message{plural} :ok_hand:"); await Task.Delay(3000); await finishedMessage.DeleteAsync(); }
public async Task PostDankMeme(EduardoContext context) { Subreddit subreddit = await _reddit.GetSubredditAsync("dankmemes"); Listing <Post> postListing = subreddit.GetPosts(Subreddit.Sort.Hot, 100); List <Post> posts = new List <Post>(100); await postListing.ForEachAsync(post => { posts.Add(post); }); Post randomPost = posts[_rng.Next(0, posts.Count)]; using Stream stream = await NetworkHelper.GetStreamAsync(randomPost.Url.AbsoluteUri); await context.Channel.SendFileAsync(stream, $"{randomPost.Title}.png"); }
public async Task PlaySong(EduardoContext context, string input) { SongInfo song = await GetVideoInfo(context, input); if (song != null) { audioCts?.Cancel(); queueCts?.Cancel(); GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id).Insert(0, song); await StartQueue(context); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Could not find video like \"{input}\""); } }
public async Task GetPlaylist(EduardoContext context, string searchPlaylist) { SearchItem searchItem = await GetAsync(() => _spotify.SearchItemsAsync(searchPlaylist, SearchType.Playlist)); if (searchItem.Playlists.Total == 0) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"No playlists found from search term \"{searchPlaylist}\""); } List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>(); foreach (SimplePlaylist playlist in searchItem.Playlists.Items) { embeds.Add(new EmbedBuilder() .Build()); } await context.SendMessageOrPaginatedAsync(embeds); }
public async Task ViewQueue(EduardoContext context) { List <SongInfo> guildQueue = GetGuildQueue(context.Guild.Id); if (guildQueue.Any()) { string queueInfo = "Queue:"; for (int queueIndex = 0; queueIndex < guildQueue.Count; queueIndex++) { queueInfo += $"\n{queueIndex + 1}. {guildQueue[queueIndex].Name}"; } await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(queueInfo); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"There are no songs in the queue! Use {Format.Bold($"`{Constants.CMD_PREFIX}queue add <song>`")} to add a song to the queue"); } }