Esempio n. 1
    private void Cell_LayoutUpdated( object sender, EventArgs e )
      if( !this.IsContainerPrepared || this.IsContainerVirtualized )

      if( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState == EditorDisplayState.PendingShow )
        //If the Cell is marked to be pending the display of the editor, then
        //this LayoutUpdated means that Editor has been effectively displayed

        // Notify the UIAutomation if any children have changed.
        AutomationPeer automationPeer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement( this );

        if( automationPeer != null )

        //Change the IsCellEditorDisplayed flag accordingly
        this.SetIsCellEditorDisplayed( true );
      else if( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState == EditorDisplayState.PendingHide )
        //If the Cell is marked to be pending the Display of the viewer, then
        //this LayoutUpdated means that Editor has been effectively hidden

        // Notify the UIAutomation if any children have changed.
        AutomationPeer automationPeer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement( this );

        if( automationPeer != null )

        //Change the IsCellEditorDisplayed flag accordingly
        this.SetIsCellEditorDisplayed( false );

      // Reset the Editor/Viewer displaying flag.
      this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState = EditorDisplayState.None;

      // This condition allows detecting if the focus needs to be changed 
      // after having displayed the editor.
      if( !this.IsCellEditorDisplayed || !this.FocusEditor )

      // Reset the flag that indicates if the focus needs to be set in the template
      this.FocusEditor = false;
      bool editorFocused = false;

      DataGridContext dataGridContext = DataGridControl.GetDataGridContext( this );
      DataGridControl dataGridControl = dataGridContext.DataGridControl;

      if( dataGridControl != null )
        //Focus need to be changed.
        editorFocused = dataGridControl.SetFocusHelper( this.ParentRow, this.ParentColumn, false, true );

      if( !editorFocused )
        m_keyGesture = null;
        m_textInputArgs = null;
        //If a keystroke was recorded for "resend" upon layout update
        if( m_keyGesture != null )
          //Generate an EventArgs for the PreviewKeyDown for the KeyStroke
          Key realKey;
          if( ( m_keyGesture.Key == Key.None ) && ( m_keyGesture.SystemKey != Key.None ) )
            realKey = m_keyGesture.SystemKey;
            realKey = m_keyGesture.Key;

            KeyEventArgs kea = new KeyEventArgs( Keyboard.PrimaryDevice, Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource, 0, realKey );
            kea.RoutedEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent;

            //send the event
            Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.FocusedElement.RaiseEvent( kea );

            if( kea.Handled == false )
              //Generate an EventArgs for the KeyDown event Args for the preserved KeyStroke
              kea = new KeyEventArgs( Keyboard.PrimaryDevice, Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource, 0, realKey );
              kea.RoutedEvent = Keyboard.KeyDownEvent;

              //Send the Event to the Input Manager
              Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.FocusedElement.RaiseEvent( kea );
          catch( SecurityException ex )
            //if the exception is for the UIPermission, then we want to suppress it
            if( !( ex.PermissionType.FullName == "System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission" ) )
              //not correct type, then rethrow the exception

          //clear the KeyStroke preserved.
          m_keyGesture = null;

        //If TextInput was preserved for resend
        if( m_textInputArgs != null )
          //Generate new TextInput Event Args
          TextCompositionEventArgs new_event = new TextCompositionEventArgs( m_textInputArgs.Device, m_textInputArgs.TextComposition );
          new_event.RoutedEvent = UIElement.PreviewTextInputEvent;

          //Send the event to the InputManager.
          Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.FocusedElement.RaiseEvent( new_event );

          if( !new_event.Handled )
            new_event = new TextCompositionEventArgs( m_textInputArgs.Device, m_textInputArgs.TextComposition );
            new_event.RoutedEvent = UIElement.TextInputEvent;

            //Send the event to the InputManager.
            Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.FocusedElement.RaiseEvent( new_event );

        //Clear the TextInput preserved.
        m_textInputArgs = null;
Esempio n. 2
    private void ShowEditTemplate()
      if( m_delayedHideEditTemplateDispatcherOperation != null )
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert( m_delayedHideEditTemplateDispatcherOperation.Status == DispatcherOperationStatus.Pending );
        m_delayedHideEditTemplateDispatcherOperation = null;

      // The editor is not pending showing
      if( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState != EditorDisplayState.PendingShow )
        // If it is not displayed or pending hiding
        if( !this.IsCellEditorDisplayed
            || ( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState == EditorDisplayState.PendingHide ) )
          CellEditor cellEditor = this.GetCellEditor();

          if( cellEditor != null )
            this.SetCoercedContentTemplate( this.GetCoercedCellContentTemplate(), cellEditor.EditTemplate );

            // Force the editor to update its editor state on next layout pass
            this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState = EditorDisplayState.PendingShow;
          // This will force re-layout of the control, raising the LayoutUpdated event
          // and correctly update the display state for this editor
Esempio n. 3
    private void HideEditTemplate()
      m_delayedHideEditTemplateDispatcherOperation = null;

      // The Cell is not prepared or virtualized, no need to 
      // hide the edit template since it will be refreshed
      // the the Cell is prepared again.
      if( !this.IsContainerPrepared || this.IsContainerVirtualized )

      if( ( !this.IsCellEditorDisplayed )
          && ( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState != EditorDisplayState.PendingShow ) )

      this.SetCoercedContentTemplate( this.GetCoercedCellContentTemplate(), null );
      this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState = EditorDisplayState.PendingHide;

      // We must clear the CellEditorContext when the Template is hidden
      // to avoid side effects of the CellEditorBinding affecting null
      // in the source. The reason is that the CellEditorContext is the
      // binding source of the default foreign key CellEditor Template
      Cell.ClearCellEditorContext( this );
    private void ShowEditTemplate()

      // The editor is not pending showing
      if( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState != EditorDisplayState.PendingShow )
        // If it is not displayed or pending hiding
        if( !this.IsCellEditorDisplayed
            || ( this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState == EditorDisplayState.PendingHide ) )
          CellEditor cellEditor = this.GetCellEditor();

          if( cellEditor != null )
            this.SetCoercedContentTemplate( this.GetCoercedCellContentTemplate(), cellEditor.EditTemplate );

            // Force the editor to update its editor state on next layout pass
            this.CurrentEditorPendingDisplayState = EditorDisplayState.PendingShow;
          // This will force re-layout of the control, raising the LayoutUpdated event
          // and correctly update the display state for this editor