Esempio n. 1
 public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, EdgeMethod method, EdgeDirection direction)
     LargeEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, method, direction, 0);
Esempio n. 2
 public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, EdgeMethod method, double threshold)
     LargeEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, method, EdgeDirection.def, threshold);
Esempio n. 3
 //if absolutely black image - low the thresh value
 public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, double threshold)
     LittleEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, threshold);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void LittleEdgeMethodVariant(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, double threshold)
            string imgExtension = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.Extension);
            string imgName      = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.FileName);
            string defPath      = GetImageInfo.MyPath("Segmentation\\Edge");

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            int[,] result = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            double Depth   = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat);
            string outName = String.Empty;

            double scale = 4; // for calculating the automatic threshold

            var imArray = MoreHelpers.BlackandWhiteProcessHelper(img);

            if ((imArray.GetLength(0) > 1 && imArray.GetLength(1) > 1) && (threshold >= 0 && threshold <= 1) && !(Checks.BinaryInput(img) && threshold == 0))
                if (variant == Edgevariant.var1)
                    result = EdgeHelperv1(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Sobel"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("SobelT"), 8,
                                          EdgeDirection.both, imgName, imgExtension, EdgeTempName._EdgeDefaultVar1_temp);
                    if (threshold == 0)
                        outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeDefV1" + imgExtension;

                        outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeDefV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;
                    result = EdgeHelperv2(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Sobel"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("SobelT"), 8, EdgeDirection.both);
                    if (threshold == 0)
                        outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeDefV2" + imgExtension;

                        outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeDefV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                image = Helpers.SetPixels(image, result, result, result);

                if (Depth == 8)

                Helpers.SaveOptions(image, outName, imgExtension);
                Console.WriteLine("Threshold must be in range [0..1]." +
                                  "\nOr may be Binary image at input and threshold = 0 - can`t process with such condition.");
Esempio n. 5
        //Find edges in intensity image
        //bad realization

        //segment little
        public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant)
            LittleEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, 0);