Esempio n. 1
 public void EdgeSpans_PlotSingle(
     [ArgDescription("Edge spans file."), ArgRequired, ArgExistingFile] string edgeSpansFilePath,
     [ArgDescription("The index of the edge span to visualize.  If negative, a random one will be chosen."), ArgDefaultValue(-1)] int index,
     [ArgDescription("Resolution of the image (it will be squared)"), ArgDefaultValue(1024)] int sideResolution)
     EdgeSpanVisualizer.RenderSingleSpan(edgeSpansFilePath, index, sideResolution);
Esempio n. 2
        public void EdgeSpans_Plot(
            [ArgDescription("Edge spans file."), ArgRequired, ArgExistingFile] string edgeSpansFilePath,
            [ArgDescription("Shows the directions of the edges."), ArgDefaultValue(false)] bool showDirections)
            var imageFilePath = Path.Combine(
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(edgeSpansFilePath) + (showDirections ? ".withDirections" : "") + ".png");

            EdgeSpanVisualizer.RenderAllSpans(edgeSpansFilePath, imageFilePath, showDirections);