Esempio n. 1
        private EdgeRingCollection BuildMinimalEdgeRings(EdgeRingCollection maxEdgeRings,
                                                         EdgeRingCollection shellList, EdgeRingCollection freeHoleList)
            EdgeRingCollection edgeRings = new EdgeRingCollection();

            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = maxEdgeRings.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                MaximalEdgeRing er = (MaximalEdgeRing)it.Current;
                if (er.MaxNodeDegree > 2)

                    EdgeRingCollection minEdgeRings = er.BuildMinimalRings();

                    // at this point we can go ahead and attempt to place holes, if this EdgeRing is a polygon
                    EdgeRing shell = FindShell(minEdgeRings);
                    if (shell != null)
                        PlacePolygonHoles(shell, minEdgeRings);

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// This method assigns the holes for a <see cref="Polygon"/> (formed from a list of
 /// MinimalEdgeRings) to its shell.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Determining the holes for a MinimalEdgeRing polygon serves two purposes:
 /// <list type="number">
 /// <item>
 /// <description>
 /// it is faster than using a point-in-polygon check later on.
 /// </description>
 /// </item>
 /// <item>
 /// <description>
 /// it ensures correctness, since if the PIP test was used the point
 /// chosen might lie on the shell, which might return an incorrect result from the
 /// PIP test
 /// </description>
 /// </item>
 /// </list>
 /// </remarks>
 private void  PlacePolygonHoles(EdgeRing shell, EdgeRingCollection minEdgeRings)
     for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = minEdgeRings.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
         EdgeRing er = it.Current;
         if (er.IsHole)
             er.Shell = shell;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> Checks the current set of shells (with their associated holes) to
        /// see if any of them contain the point.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ContainsPoint(Coordinate p)
            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = shellList.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing er = it.Current;
                if (er.ContainsPoint(p))

Esempio n. 4
        private GeometryList ComputePolygons(EdgeRingCollection shellList)
            GeometryList resultPolyList = new GeometryList();

            // Add Polygons for all shells
            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = shellList.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing er   = it.Current;
                Polygon  poly = er.ToPolygon(geometryFactory);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method determines finds a containing shell for all holes
        /// which have not yet been assigned to a shell.
        /// These "free" holes should
        /// all be properly contained in their parent shells, so it is safe to use the
        /// findEdgeRingContaining method.
        /// (This is the case because any holes which are NOT
        /// properly contained (i.e. are connected to their
        /// parent shell) would have formed part of a MaximalEdgeRing
        /// and been handled in a previous step).
        /// </summary>
        private void  PlaceFreeHoles(EdgeRingCollection shellList,
                                     EdgeRingCollection freeHoleList)
            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = freeHoleList.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing hole = it.Current;

                // only place this hole if it doesn't yet have a shell
                if (hole.Shell == null)
                    EdgeRing shell = FindEdgeRingContaining(hole, shellList);
                    Debug.Assert(shell != null, "unable to assign hole to a shell");
                    hole.Shell = shell;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary> For all rings in the input list,
        /// determine whether the ring is a shell or a hole
        /// and Add it to the appropriate list.
        /// Due to the way the DirectedEdges were linked,
        /// a ring is a shell if it is oriented CW, a hole otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        private void  SortShellsAndHoles(EdgeRingCollection edgeRings,
                                         EdgeRingCollection shellList, EdgeRingCollection freeHoleList)
            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = edgeRings.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing er = it.Current;
//				er.SetInResult();
                if (er.IsHole)
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes a list of MinimalEdgeRings derived from a MaximalEdgeRing,
        /// and tests whether they form a Polygon.  This is the case if there is a single shell
        /// in the list.  In this case the shell is returned.
        /// The other possibility is that they are a series of connected holes, in which case
        /// no shell is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Returns the shell EdgeRing, if there is one,
        /// or null, if all the rings are holes,
        /// </returns>
        private EdgeRing FindShell(EdgeRingCollection minEdgeRings)
            int      shellCount = 0;
            EdgeRing shell      = null;

            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = minEdgeRings.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing er = it.Current;
                if (!er.IsHole)
                    shell = er;
            Debug.Assert(shellCount <= 1, "found two shells in MinimalEdgeRing list");

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the innermost enclosing shell EdgeRing containing the argument EdgeRing,
        /// if any. The innermost enclosing ring is the smallest enclosing ring.
        /// The algorithm used depends on the fact that:
        /// <para>
        /// ring A contains ring B iff envelope(ring A) contains envelope(ring B)
        /// </para>
        /// This routine is only safe to use if the chosen point of the hole
        /// is known to be properly contained in a shell
        /// (which is guaranteed to be the case if the hole does not touch its shell)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Returns the containing EdgeRing, if there is one or
        /// <see langword="null"/> if no containing EdgeRing is found.
        /// </returns>
        private EdgeRing FindEdgeRingContaining(EdgeRing testEr,
                                                EdgeRingCollection shellList)
            LinearRing testRing = testEr.Ring;
            Envelope   testEnv  = testRing.Bounds;
            Coordinate testPt   = testRing.GetCoordinate(0);

            EdgeRing minShell = null;
            Envelope minEnv   = null;

            for (IEdgeRingEnumerator it = shellList.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
                EdgeRing   tryShell = it.Current;
                LinearRing tryRing  = tryShell.Ring;
                Envelope   tryEnv   = tryRing.Bounds;

                if (minShell != null)
                    minEnv = minShell.Ring.Bounds;

                bool isContained = false;

                if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv) &&
                    CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, tryRing.Coordinates))
                    isContained = true;
                // check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring

                if (isContained)
                    if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv))
                        minShell = tryShell;