Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates user data xml.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authMethod">authMethod</param>
        /// <returns>Complete user data xml as string.</returns>
        public static string CreateUserDataXml(EapConfig.AuthenticationMethod authMethod)
            _ = authMethod ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(authMethod));
            using var userCert = authMethod.ClientCertificateAsX509Certificate2();

            XElement newUserData =
                new XElement(nsEHUC + "EapHostUserCredentials",
                             new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "eapCommon", nsEC),
                             new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "baseEap", nsBEMUC),
                             new XElement(nsEHUC + "EapMethod",
                                          new XElement(nsEC + "Type", (int)authMethod.EapType),
                                          new XElement(nsEC + "AuthorId", authMethod.EapType == EapType.TTLS ? 311 : 0)
                                          //new XElement(nsEC + "AuthorId", "67532") // geant link
                             new XElement(nsEHUC + "Credentials",
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "eapuser", nsEUP),
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", nsXSI),
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "baseEap", nsBEUP),
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "MsPeap", nsMPUP),
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "MsChapV2", nsMCUP),
                                          new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "eapTtls", nsTTLS),
                                                                        ? authMethod.ClientUserName
                                                                        : authMethod.ClientOuterIdentity

            // returns xml as string if not null
            return(newUserData != null?newUserData.ToString() : "");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates wireless profile xml. Content depends on the EAP type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authMethod">authMethod</param>
        /// <param name="withSSID">TODO</param>
        /// <param name="withHS20">If to install as hotspot 2.0 profile or not (separate profile from normal eap)</param>
        /// <param name="strictMode">If the server cannot be verified, allow asking the user to allow it anyway</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple containing the profile name and the WLANProfile XML data</returns>
        private static ValueTuple <string, string> CreateProfileXml(
            EapConfig.AuthenticationMethod authMethod,
            string withSSID    = null,
            bool withHS20      = false,
            bool strictMode    = true,
            bool hiddenNetwork = false)
            if (withHS20 && withSSID != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot configure with both SSID and HS20");                 // we can, but the result is confusing
            if (withSSID != null && !authMethod.IsSSIDSupported)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot configure " + nameof(authMethod) + " with SSID because it doesn't support SSID configuration");
            if (withHS20 && !authMethod.IsHS20Supported)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot configure " + nameof(authMethod) + " with Hotspot 2.0 because it doesn't support Hotspot 2.0 configuration");
            if (withSSID != null && !authMethod.SSIDs.Any((ssid) => withSSID == ssid))
                throw new ArgumentException("The ssid is not used by the authentication method");

            // Decide the profile name, which is the unique identifier for this profile
            string profileName = null;

            if (withHS20 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName))
                profileName = authMethod.EapConfig.InstitutionInfo.DisplayName;
            if (withSSID != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName))
                profileName = withSSID;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName))
                foreach (string preferredSSID in PREFERRED_SSIDS)
                    if (authMethod.SSIDs.Contains(preferredSSID))
                        profileName = preferredSSID;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName) && authMethod.SSIDs.Any())
                profileName = authMethod.SSIDs.First();
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName) && authMethod.ConsortiumOIDs.Any())
                profileName = authMethod.ConsortiumOIDs.First();
            if (withHS20 && authMethod.SSIDs.Contains(profileName))
                // since profileName is the unique identifier of the profile. avoid collisions with the profiles per ssid
                profileName += " via Passpoint";                 // GEANT convention as fallback

            // Construct XML document
            XElement ssidConfigElement;
            XElement hs2Element, roamingConsortiumElement;
            XElement newProfile =
                new XElement(nsWLAN + "WLANProfile",
                             new XElement(nsWLAN + "name", profileName),
                             ssidConfigElement =
                                 new XElement(nsWLAN + "SSIDConfig"),
                             hs2Element =
                                 new XElement(nsWLAN + "Hotspot2",
                                              new XElement(nsWLAN + "DomainName", authMethod.EapConfig.InstitutionInfo.InstId),
                                                                                             //new XElement(nsWLAN + "NAIRealm", ), // A list of Network Access Identifier (NAI) Realm identifiers. Entries in this list are usually of the form user@domain.
                                                                                             // new XElement(nsWLAN + "Network3GPP", ), // A list of Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) IDs.
                                              roamingConsortiumElement =
                                                  new XElement(nsWLAN + "RoamingConsortium") // A list of Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUI) assigned by IEEE.
                             new XElement(nsWLAN + "connectionType", "ESS"),
                             new XElement(nsWLAN + "connectionMode", "auto"),
                             new XElement(nsWLAN + "autoSwitch", "false"),
                             new XElement(nsWLAN + "MSM",
                                          new XElement(nsWLAN + "security",
                                                       new XElement(nsWLAN + "authEncryption",
                                                                    new XElement(nsWLAN + "authentication", "WPA2"),
                                                                    new XElement(nsWLAN + "encryption", "AES"), // CredentialApplicability.MinRsnProto is forced to not be TKIP
                                                                    new XElement(nsWLAN + "useOneX", "true")
                                                       new XElement(nsWLAN + "PMKCacheMode", "enabled"),
                                                       new XElement(nsWLAN + "PMKCacheTTL", "720"),
                                                       new XElement(nsWLAN + "PMKCacheSize", "128"),
                                                       new XElement(nsWLAN + "preAuthMode", "disabled"),
                                                       new XElement(nsOneX + "OneX",
                                                                    new XElement(nsOneX + "authMode", "user"),
                                                                    new XElement(nsOneX + "EAPConfig",
                                                                                     .Where(cert => cert.Subject == cert.Issuer)
                                                                                     .Select(cert => cert.Thumbprint).ToList(),

            // Add all the supported SSIDs, if we have none, assume we're doing HS20 if we got this far and nobody stopped us
            var ssids = authMethod.SSIDs.Any() ? authMethod.SSIDs : new List <string> {

            ssids.ForEach(ssid =>             // This element supports up to 25 SSIDs in the v1 namespace and up to additional 10000 SSIDs in the v2 namespace.
                              new XElement(nsWLAN + "SSID",
                                           //new XElement(nsWLAN + "hex", ssidHex),
                                           new XElement(nsWLAN + "name", ssid)
                new XElement(nsWLAN + "nonBroadcast", hiddenNetwork ? "true" : "false")

            // Populate the Hs2 field
            authMethod.ConsortiumOIDs.ForEach(oui =>
                                                  new XElement(nsWLAN + "OUI", oui)
            // ... or remove it if it shouldn't be there
            if (!withHS20)

            // return xml as string
            return(profileName, newProfile.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
 public static ValueTuple <string, string> CreateHS20ProfileXml(EapConfig.AuthenticationMethod authMethod)
 => CreateProfileXml(authMethod, withHS20: true, strictMode: true);
Esempio n. 4
 public static ValueTuple <string, string> CreateSSIDProfileXml(EapConfig.AuthenticationMethod authMethod, string ssid)
 => CreateProfileXml(authMethod, withSSID: ssid, strictMode: true);
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a EapAuthMethodInstaller
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="authMethod">The authentification method to attempt to install</param>
 public EapAuthMethodInstaller(EapConfig.AuthenticationMethod authMethod)
     AuthMethod = authMethod ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(authMethod));