public void NudFurniture_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (E_Globals.Editorindex == 0 || E_Globals.Editorindex > Constants.MAX_ITEMS) { return; } Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].Data2 = (int)nudFurniture.Value; if (E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[(int)nudFurniture.Value].IsLoaded == false) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture((int)nudFurniture.Value, (byte)10); } //seeying we still use it, lets update timer E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[(int)nudFurniture.Value].TextureTimer = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Convert.ToInt32(ClientDataBase.GetTickCount()) + 100000); if (nudFurniture.Value > 0 && nudFurniture.Value <= E_Housing.NumFurniture) { Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureWidth = System.Convert.ToInt32((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[(int)nudFurniture.Value].width / 32); Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureHeight = System.Convert.ToInt32((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[(int)nudFurniture.Value].height / 32); if (Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureHeight > 1) { Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureHeight = Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureHeight - 1; } } else { Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureWidth = 1; Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureHeight = 1; } E_Items.EditorItem_DrawFurniture(); }
public override void DrawParticles(RenderWindow gameWindow) { foreach (ProjectileBullet proj in projectiles) { if (E_Graphics.ProjectileSprite.Count() > 0) { if (!E_Graphics.ProjectileGFXInfo[picture].IsLoaded) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture(picture, 11); } E_Graphics.RenderSprite(E_Graphics.ProjectileSprite[picture], gameWindow, proj.x, proj.y, 0, 0, E_Graphics.ProjectileGFXInfo[picture].width, E_Graphics.ProjectileGFXInfo[picture].height); } } }
internal static void DrawFog() { int fogNum = 0; //If InMapEditor Then Exit Sub fogNum = E_Globals.CurrentFog; if (fogNum <= 0 || fogNum > E_Graphics.NumFogs) { return; } int horz = 0; int vert = 0; for (var x = E_Globals.TileView.Left; x <= E_Globals.TileView.Right + 1; x++) { for (var y = E_Globals.TileView.Top; y <= E_Globals.TileView.Bottom + 1; y++) { if (E_Graphics.IsValidMapPoint(System.Convert.ToInt32(x), System.Convert.ToInt32(y))) { horz = System.Convert.ToInt32(-x); vert = System.Convert.ToInt32(-y); } } } if (E_Graphics.FogGFXInfo[fogNum].IsLoaded == false) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture(fogNum, (byte)8); } //seeying we still use it, lets update timer E_Graphics.FogGFXInfo[fogNum].TextureTimer = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Convert.ToInt32(ClientDataBase.GetTickCount()) + 100000); Sprite tmpSprite = default(Sprite); tmpSprite = new Sprite(E_Graphics.FogGFX[fogNum]) { Color = new SFML.Graphics.Color(255, 255, 255, (byte)E_Globals.CurrentFogOpacity), TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)E_Graphics.GameWindow.Size.X + 200, (int)E_Graphics.GameWindow.Size.Y + 200), Position = new Vector2f((float)((horz * 2.5) + 50), (float)((vert * 3.5) + 50)), Scale = (new Vector2f((float)((E_Graphics.GameWindow.Size.X + 200) / E_Graphics.FogGFXInfo[fogNum].width), (float)((E_Graphics.GameWindow.Size.Y + 200) / E_Graphics.FogGFXInfo[fogNum].height))) }; E_Graphics.GameWindow.Draw(tmpSprite); // }
public override void InitializeEmitter() { if (!E_Graphics.ProjectileGFXInfo[picture].IsLoaded) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture(picture, 11); } int height = frmProjectile.Default.picProjectilePreview.Height; int width = frmProjectile.Default.picProjectilePreview.Width; projectiles = new List <ProjectileBullet>(); projectiles.Add(new ProjectileBullet()); projectiles[0].x = (width / 2) + (int)E_Graphics.ProjectileSprite[picture].Texture.Size.X / 2; projectiles[0].y = (height / 2) + (int)E_Graphics.ProjectileSprite[picture].Texture.Size.Y / 2; projectiles[0].dir = (byte)frmProjectile.Default.PreviewDirectionDropdown.SelectedIndex; }
internal static void EditorItem_DrawFurniture() { int Furniturenum = 0; Rectangle sRECT = new Rectangle(); Rectangle dRECT = new Rectangle(); Furniturenum = (int)FrmItem.Default.nudFurniture.Value; if (Furniturenum < 1 || Furniturenum > E_Housing.NumFurniture) { E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture.Clear(E_Graphics.ToSFMLColor(FrmItem.Default.picFurniture.BackColor)); E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture.Display(); return; } if (E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].IsLoaded == false) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture(Furniturenum, (byte)10); } //seeying we still use it, lets update timer E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].TextureTimer = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Convert.ToInt32(ClientDataBase.GetTickCount()) + 100000); // rect for source sRECT.Y = 0; sRECT.Height = E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].height; sRECT.X = 0; sRECT.Width = E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].width; // same for destination as source dRECT = sRECT; E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture.Clear(E_Graphics.ToSFMLColor(FrmItem.Default.picFurniture.BackColor)); E_Graphics.RenderSprite(E_Graphics.FurnitureSprite[Furniturenum], E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture, dRECT.X, dRECT.Y, sRECT.X, sRECT.Y, sRECT.Width, sRECT.Height); if (FrmItem.Default.optSetBlocks.Checked == true) { for (var X = 0; X <= 3; X++) { for (var Y = 0; Y <= 3; Y++) { if (X <= ((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].width / 32) - 1) { if (Y <= ((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].height / 32) - 1) { if (Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureBlocks[(int)X, (int)Y] == 1) { E_Text.DrawText(System.Convert.ToInt32(X * 32 + 8), System.Convert.ToInt32(Y * 32 + 8), "X", SFML.Graphics.Color.Red, SFML.Graphics.Color.Black, E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture); } else { E_Text.DrawText(System.Convert.ToInt32(X * 32 + 8), System.Convert.ToInt32(Y * 32 + 8), "O", SFML.Graphics.Color.Blue, SFML.Graphics.Color.Black, E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture); } } } } } } else if (FrmItem.Default.optSetFringe.Checked == true) { for (var X = 0; X <= 3; X++) { for (var Y = 0; Y <= 3; Y++) { if (X <= ((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].width / 32) - 1) { if (Y <= ((double)E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[Furniturenum].height / 32)) { if (Types.Item[E_Globals.Editorindex].FurnitureFringe[(int)X, (int)Y] == 1) { E_Text.DrawText(System.Convert.ToInt32(X * 32 + 8), System.Convert.ToInt32(Y * 32 + 8), "O", SFML.Graphics.Color.Blue, SFML.Graphics.Color.Black, E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture); } } } } } } E_Graphics.EditorItem_Furniture.Display(); }
internal static void DrawFurniture(int index, int Layer) { int i = 0; int ItemNum = 0; int X = 0; int Y = 0; int Width = 0; int Height = 0; int X1 = 0; int Y1 = 0; ItemNum = Furniture[index].ItemNum; if (Types.Item[ItemNum].Type != (int)Enums.ItemType.Furniture) { return; } i = Types.Item[ItemNum].Data2; if (E_Graphics.FurnitureGFXInfo[i].IsLoaded == false) { E_Graphics.LoadTexture(i, (byte)10); } //seeying we still use it, lets update timer E_Graphics.SkillIconsGFXInfo[i].TextureTimer = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Convert.ToInt32(ClientDataBase.GetTickCount()) + 100000); Width = Types.Item[ItemNum].FurnitureWidth; Height = Types.Item[ItemNum].FurnitureHeight; if (Width > 4) { Width = 4; } if (Height > 4) { Height = 4; } if (i <= 0 || i > NumFurniture) { return; } // make sure it's not out of map if (Furniture[index].X > E_Types.Map.MaxX) { return; } if (Furniture[index].Y > E_Types.Map.MaxY) { return; } for (X1 = 0; X1 <= Width - 1; X1++) { for (Y1 = 0; Y1 <= Height; Y1++) { if (Types.Item[Furniture[index].ItemNum].FurnitureFringe[X1, Y1] == Layer) { // Set base x + y, then the offset due to size X = (Furniture[index].X * 32) + (X1 * 32); Y = (Furniture[index].Y * 32 - (Height * 32)) + (Y1 * 32); X = E_Graphics.ConvertMapX(X); Y = E_Graphics.ConvertMapY(Y); Sprite tmpSprite = new Sprite(E_Graphics.FurnitureGFX[i]) { TextureRect = new IntRect(0 + (X1 * 32), 0 + (Y1 * 32), 32, 32), Position = new Vector2f(X, Y) }; E_Graphics.GameWindow.Draw(tmpSprite); } } } }