/// <summary> /// 编辑后台菜单 /// </summary> public void Menu_Edit() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_menu_edit", "编辑菜单")) { EX_Admin.NoPower(); } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0); Lebi_Supplier_Menu model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Supplier_Menu(); B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.BindForm(model); model.Isshow = 1; B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.Add(model); } else { B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.BindForm(model); B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.Update(model); } ImageHelper.LebiImagesUsed(model.Image, "menu", id); string action = Tag("编辑菜单"); Log.Add(action, "Supplier_Menu", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, model.Name); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("admin_edit", "编辑系统用户")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); model = B_Lebi_Administrator.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Administrator(); model.Type_id_AdminStatus = 230; } if (model.Avatar != "") { ImageUrl = model.Avatar.Replace("small", "original"); AvatarUrl = model.Avatar; } else { ImageUrl = WebPath + "/theme/system/systempage/admin/images/Avatar.jpg"; AvatarUrl = WebPath + "/theme/system/systempage/admin/images/Avatar.jpg"; } groups = B_Lebi_Admin_Group.GetList("", "Sort desc"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_menu_edit", "编辑菜单")) { WindowNoPower(); } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0); model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Supplier_Menu(); model.parentid = pid; model.Isshow = 1; } else { pid = model.parentid; } pmodel = B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.GetModel(pid); if (pmodel == null) { pmodel = new Lebi_Supplier_Menu(); pmodel.Name = "-"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("order_property_list", "订单调查")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } key = RequestTool.RequestString("key"); dateFrom = RequestTool.RequestString("dateFrom"); dateTo = RequestTool.RequestString("dateTo"); DateTime lbsql_dateFrom = RequestTool.RequestDate("dateFrom"); DateTime lbsql_dateTo = RequestTool.RequestDate("dateTo"); string where = "1=1"; if (key != "") { where += " and (ProPertyName like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'} or ProPertyValue like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'} or User_UserName like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'} or Order_Code like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'})"; } if (dateFrom != "" && dateTo != "") { where += " and (datediff(d,Time_Add,'" + FormatDate(lbsql_dateFrom) + "')<=0 and datediff(d,Time_Add,'" + FormatDate(lbsql_dateTo) + "')>=0)"; } PageSize = RequestTool.getpageSize(25); models = B_Lebi_Order_ProPerty.GetList(where, "id desc", PageSize, page); int recordCount = B_Lebi_Order_ProPerty.Counts(where); PageString = Pager.GetPaginationString("?page={0}&key=" + key + "&dateFrom=" + dateFrom + "&dateTo=" + dateTo, page, PageSize, recordCount); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("tab_edit", "导航设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } PageSize = RequestTool.getpageSize(25); lang = RequestTool.RequestString("lang"); key = RequestTool.RequestString("key"); mode = RequestTool.RequestInt("mode", 0); position = RequestTool.RequestInt("position", 0); if (lang == "") { lang = "CN"; } string where = "1=1"; if (mode > 0) { where += " and Mode = " + mode + ""; } if (position > 0) { where += " and Position = " + position + ""; } if (key != "") { where += " and Tname like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'}"; } models = B_Lebi_Tab.GetList(where, "", PageSize, page); int recordCount = B_Lebi_Tab.Counts(where); PageString = Pager.GetPaginationString("?page={0}&key=" + key + "&lang=" + lang + "&mode=" + mode + "&position=" + position, page, PageSize, recordCount); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("statis_sales", "销售报表")) { NewPageNoPower(); } Pay_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("Pay_id", 0); Transport_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("Transport_id", 0); dateFrom = RequestTool.RequestString("dateFrom"); dateTo = RequestTool.RequestString("dateTo"); //if (dateFrom == "") // dateFrom = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //if (dateTo == "") // dateTo = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string where = "Type_id_OrderType=211 and IsPaid = 1"; where += " and Time_Add>='" + dateFrom + "' and Time_Add<='" + dateTo + "'"; if (Pay_id > 0) { where += " and Pay_id = " + Pay_id; } if (Transport_id > 0) { where += " and Transport_id = " + Transport_id; } pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("Order_id in (select id from Lebi_Order where " + where + ")", "Time_Add desc"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); if (id == 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("promotion_add", "添加促销活动")) { PageNoPower(); } } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("promotion_edit", "编辑促销活动")) { PageNoPower(); } } model = B_Lebi_Promotion_Type.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Promotion_Type(); model.Type_id_PromotionStatus = 240; model.Type_id_PromotionType = 421; } userlevels = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetList("", "Grade desc"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除自定义结点 /// </summary> public void UserNode_Del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("node_del", "删除自定义结点")) { EX_Admin.NoPower(); return; } string ids = RequestTool.RequestString("ids"); string PageCode = RequestTool.RequestString("PageCode"); if (ids != "") { List <Lebi_Node> nodes = B_Lebi_Node.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + ids + "})", ""); foreach (Lebi_Node node in nodes) { B_Lebi_Node.Delete("id=" + node.id + " or parentid=" + node.id + ""); B_Lebi_Page.Delete("Node_id=" + node.id + ""); } string action = Tag("删除自定义结点"); string description = ""; Log.Add(action, "Node", ids, CurrentAdmin, description); } if (PageCode == "P_Help") { Lebi_Theme_Page themepage = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetModel("Code='P_Help'"); if (themepage.Type_id_PublishType == 122) { PageStatic.Greate_Help(themepage); } } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除图片 /// </summary> public void Image_Del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("image_del", "删除图库")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } string id = RequestTool.RequestString("ids"); if (id == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } List <Lebi_Image> models = B_Lebi_Image.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + id + "})", ""); foreach (Lebi_Image model in models) { string[] arr = model.Size.Split(','); foreach (string img in arr) { ImageHelper.DeleteImage(model.Image.Replace("w$h", img)); } ImageHelper.DeleteImage(model.Image); } B_Lebi_Image.Delete("id in (lbsql{" + id + "})"); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑身份验证项目 /// </summary> public void Verified_Edit() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_verified", "身份验证")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); bool addflag = false; Lebi_Supplier_Verified model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Verified.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { addflag = true; model = new Lebi_Supplier_Verified(); } model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Verified.BindForm(model); model.Name = Language.RequestString("Name"); if (addflag) { B_Lebi_Supplier_Verified.Add(model); Log.Add("添加身份验证", "Supplier_Verified", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(model.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code)); } else { B_Lebi_Supplier_Verified.Update(model); Log.Add("编辑身份验证", "Supplier_Verified", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(model.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code)); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("cardtype_list", "优惠券列表")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } su = new SearchCard(CurrentAdmin, CurrentLanguage.Code); type = RequestTool.RequestInt("type", 311); PageSize = RequestTool.getpageSize(25); string where = "1=1"; key = RequestTool.RequestString("key"); user_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("user_id"); if (key != "") { where += " and Code like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'} or User_UserName like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'}"; } if (user_id > 0) { where += " and User_id=" + user_id + ""; } where += su.SQL; models = B_Lebi_Card.GetList(where, "id desc", PageSize, page); int recordCount = B_Lebi_Card.Counts(where); PageString = Pager.GetPaginationString("?page={0}&key=" + key + "&user_id=" + user_id + "&" + su.URL, page, PageSize, recordCount); }
/// <summary> /// 删除会员分组 /// </summary> public void Group_Del() { string id = RequestTool.RequestString("id"); if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_group_del", "删除商家分组")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } if (id != "") { List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> models = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + id + "})", ""); foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Group model in models) { int Level_id = 1; Lebi_Supplier_Group tmodel = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel("Grade>" + model.Grade + " order by Grade asc"); if (tmodel == null) { Level_id = 1; } else { Level_id = tmodel.id; } Common.ExecuteSql("Update Lebi_Supplier set Supplier_Group_id = " + Level_id + " where Supplier_Group_id = " + model.id + ""); //}-> B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.Delete(model.id); } Log.Add("删除商家分组", "Supplier_Group", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, id.ToString()); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑权限 /// </summary> public void limit_Edit() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_group_edit", "编辑商家分组")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); Lebi_Supplier_Limit model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Limit.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Supplier_Limit(); model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Limit.BindForm(model); B_Lebi_Supplier_Limit.Add(model); string action = Tag("添加权限分组"); string description = Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(Language.RequestString("Name"), "CN"); Log.Add(action, "Supplier_Group", model.id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, description); } else { model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Limit.BindForm(model); B_Lebi_Supplier_Limit.Update(model); string action = Tag("编辑权限分组"); string description = Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(Language.RequestString("Name"), "CN"); Log.Add(action, "Supplier_Group", model.id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, description); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一个菜单 /// </summary> public void Menu_Del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_group_edit", "编辑商家分组")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); Lebi_Supplier_Menu model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } else { if (model.IsSYS == 0) { B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.Delete(id); } } string action = Tag("删除菜单"); Log.Add(action, "Supplier_Menu", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, ""); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一个广告 /// </summary> public void AdvertImage_Del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("advertimage_del", "删除广告")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } string id = RequestTool.RequestString("ids"); if (id == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请选择要删除的信息") + "\"}"); return; } List <Lebi_Advert> models = B_Lebi_Advert.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + id + "})", ""); foreach (Lebi_Advert model in models) { B_Lebi_Advert.Delete(model.id); //处理图片 ImageHelper.LebiImagesDelete("advertment", model.id); } string action = Tag("删除广告"); Log.Add(action, "AdvertImage", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"id\":\"" + id + "\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); if (id == 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("pickup_add", "添加自提点")) { WindowNoPower(); } } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("pickup_edit", "编辑自提点")) { WindowNoPower(); } } model = B_Lebi_PickUp.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_PickUp(); model.IsCanWeekend = 1; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑系统块 /// </summary> public void part_Edit() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("theme_syspart_edit", "编辑系统块")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } if (RequestTool.GetConfigKey("OnlineFileEdit").Trim() != "1") { AjaxNoPower(); return; } string FileName = RequestTool.RequestString("file"); if (FileName.Contains(".")) { if (!FileName.Contains(".layout") && !FileName.Contains(".html") && !FileName.Contains(".css") && !FileName.Contains(".js")) { FileName = ""; } } Log.Add("编辑模板-系统块", "Theme_syspart", FileName); //生成页面 string SkinContent = Request["SkinContent"]; string SkinPath = "/theme/system/" + FileName; GreatSkin(SkinPath, SkinContent); string result = "{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"; Response.Write(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); if (id == 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("express_add", "添加模板")) { WindowNoPower(); } } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("express_edit", "编辑模板")) { WindowNoPower(); } } model = B_Lebi_Express.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Express(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_user_login", "商家后台维护")) { PageNoPower(); } Lebi_Supplier supplier = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(id); if (supplier == null) { PageError(); } user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(supplier.User_id); if (user == null) { PageError(); } int AdminLogin = 1; //管理员登录标识 by Lebi.Kingdge 2017-6-23 if (EX_User.UserLogin(user.UserName, user.Password, user.DT_id, false, AdminLogin)) { string msg = ""; EX_Supplier.Login(user, "", supplier.id, out msg, 1); Response.Redirect(site.SupplierPath); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("statis_sales", "销售报表")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } display = RequestTool.RequestInt("display", 0); Pay_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("Pay_id", 0); Transport_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("Transport_id", 0); dateFrom = RequestTool.RequestString("dateFrom"); if (dateFrom == "") { dateFrom = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } dateTo = RequestTool.RequestString("dateTo"); if (dateTo == "") { dateTo = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } Y_dateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom).Year; M_dateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom).Month; D_dateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom).Day; Y_dateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).Year; M_dateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).Month; D_dateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).Day; pays = B_Lebi_Pay.GetList("", "Sort desc"); transports = B_Lebi_Transport.GetList("", "Sort desc"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0); model = B_Lebi_Node.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("usernode_add", "添加自定义结点")) { WindowNoPower(); } model = new Lebi_Node(); model.Type_id_PublishType = 120; model.haveson = 1; } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("usernode_edit", "编辑自定义结点")) { WindowNoPower(); } pid = model.parentid; } PNode = B_Lebi_Node.GetModel(pid); if (PNode == null) { PNode = new Lebi_Node(); } string code = RequestTool.RequestString("code"); Topnode = NodePage.GetNodeByCode(code); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); if (id == 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_skin_add", "添加店铺皮肤")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_skin_edit", "编辑店铺皮肤")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } } model = B_Lebi_Supplier_Skin.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Supplier_Skin(); } SkinContent = GetSkinStr(model); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("data_clear", "数据清理")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除模板 /// </summary> public void Theme_Del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("theme_del", "删除模板")) { EX_Admin.NoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); Lebi_Theme model = B_Lebi_Theme.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } int count = B_Lebi_Language.Counts("Theme_id=" + model.id + ""); if (count > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("模板正在使用中,不能删除") + "\"}"); return; } Log.Add("删除模板", "Theme", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, model.Name); B_Lebi_Theme.Delete(id); B_Lebi_Theme_Advert.Delete("Theme_id=" + id + ""); B_Lebi_Theme_Skin.Delete("Theme_id=" + id + ""); B_Lebi_Advert.Delete("Theme_id=" + id + ""); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); randnum = RequestTool.RequestInt("randnum", 0); if (id == 0) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_add", "添加商品")) { WindowNoPower(); } } else { if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_edit", "编辑商品")) { WindowNoPower(); } } ids = RequestTool.RequestString("ids"); model = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id); if (ids != "") { List <Lebi_Product> models = B_Lebi_Product.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + ids + "})", ""); //if (models.Count == 1) model = models.FirstOrDefault(); } if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Product(); //Response.Write("参数错误"); //Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑页面,SEO /// </summary> public void ThemeSEO_Edit() { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); Lebi_Theme_Page model = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } model.SEO_Description = Language.RequestString("SEO_Description"); model.SEO_Keywords = Language.RequestString("SEO_Keywords"); model.SEO_Title = Language.RequestString("SEO_Title"); if (!EX_Admin.Power("seo_edit", "SEO设置")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } B_Lebi_Theme_Page.Update(model); string action = Tag("SEO设置"); Log.Add(action, "ThemePage", model.id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"id\":\"" + id + "\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("pro_type_add", "添加商品分类")) { WindowNoPower(); } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑添加一个广告 /// </summary> public void AdvertImage_Edit() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("advertimage_edit", "编辑广告")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); Lebi_Advert model = B_Lebi_Advert.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Advert(); model = B_Lebi_Advert.BindForm(model); model.Language_Codes = Language.LanuageidsToCodes(model.Language_ids); B_Lebi_Advert.Add(model); model.id = B_Lebi_Advert.GetMaxId(); } else { model = B_Lebi_Advert.BindForm(model); model.Language_Codes = Language.LanuageidsToCodes(model.Language_ids); B_Lebi_Advert.Update(model); } string action = Tag("编辑广告"); Lebi_Theme theme = B_Lebi_Theme.GetModel(model.Theme_id); if (theme != null) { ImageHelper.LebiImagesUsed(theme.Path_Files + "/advertment/" + model.Image, "advertment", model.id); } Log.Add(action, "AdvertImage", model.id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"id\":\"" + id + "\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("appconfig_edit", "APP设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } val = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_menu"); app_name = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_name"); app_lefticon = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_lefticon"); app_lefturl = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_lefturl"); app_righticon = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_righticon"); app_righturl = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_righturl"); app_toplogo = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_toplogo"); app_toplogourl = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_toplogourl"); app_topbackground = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_topbackground"); app_topcolor = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_topcolor"); app_topline = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_topline"); app_bottombackground = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_bottombackground"); app_bottomcolor = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_bottomcolor"); app_bottomline = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_bottomline"); app_bottomcount = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_bottomcount"); app_startimage = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_startimage"); app_starturl = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_starturl"); app_waittimes = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_waittimes"); app_version = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_version"); app_downloadurl = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_downloadurl"); app_share = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share"); app_share_wechat_key = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_wechat_key"); app_share_wechat_secret = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_wechat_secret"); app_share_qq_key = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_qq_key"); app_share_qq_secret = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_qq_secret"); app_share_dingtalk_key = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_dingtalk_key"); app_share_dingtalk_secret = B_BaseConfig.Get("app_share_dingtalk_secret"); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑会员密码 /// </summary> public void User_Edit_Password() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_user_edit", "编辑商家")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); string PWD1 = RequestTool.RequestString("PWD1"); string PWD2 = RequestTool.RequestString("PWD2"); MD5CryptoServiceProvider hashmd5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); string PWD = BitConverter.ToString(hashmd5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(PWD1))).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); if (PWD1 != PWD2) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"两次输入的密码不一致\"}"); return; } Lebi_Supplier model = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(id); model.Password = PWD; B_Lebi_Supplier.Update(model); Log.Add("编辑商家密码", "Supplier_User", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, model.UserName); string result = "{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"; Response.Write(result); }