private void DoApprove(int State, string remark) { foreach (GridViewRow gr in gv_List.Rows) { if (((CheckBox)gr.FindControl("chk_ID")).Checked) { int taskid = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[gr.RowIndex][0]; if (taskid > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (State == 2) { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } } } } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "审批成功!"); }
protected void DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { #region 仅查看待我审批的工资申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string taskid in TaskIDs) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(int.Parse(taskid), (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, ApproveFlag ? "审批成功!" : "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); return; }
protected int DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { int counts = 0; foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_DetailList.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox cbx = row.FindControl("cb_Selected") as CheckBox; if (cbx.Checked) { int taskid = (int)gv_DetailList.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["FNA_FeeApply_ApproveTask"]; int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } counts++; } } } } } } return(counts); }
private int DoApproveTask(int TaskID, int DessionResult, string DessionComment) { if (TaskID > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(TaskID, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { return(job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], DessionResult, DessionComment)); } } } } return(-1); }
private void Approve(int state) { int userid = (int)Session["UserID"]; foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { Object cbx = row.FindControl("chk_ID"); if (cbx != null && ((CheckBox)cbx).Checked) { Object tbx = row.FindControl("tbx_Remark"); string Remark = ""; if (tbx != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextBox)tbx).Text)) { Remark = ((TextBox)tbx).Text; } else { Remark = state == 2 ? "汇总单批量审批通过!" : "汇总单批量审批不通过!"; } int contractid = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"]; CM_ContractBLL con = new CM_ContractBLL(contractid); int taskid = con.Model.ApproveTask; if (taskid > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, userid); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(userid); if (decisionid > 0) { job.Decision(decisionid, userid, state, Remark); } } } } } } }
protected void gv_List_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName != "Approved" && e.CommandName != "UnApproved") { BindGrid(); return; } #region 仅查看待我审批的费用申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string condition = " FNA_FeeWriteOff.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") orgcitys += ","; orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; #endregion if (e.CommandName == "Approved") { IList<FNA_FeeWriteOff> lists = FNA_FeeWriteOffBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeWriteOff fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "审批成功!"); } else if (e.CommandName == "UnApproved") { IList<FNA_FeeWriteOff> lists = FNA_FeeWriteOffBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeWriteOff fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); } }
private int Decision(int result, int CurrentJobID, int DecisionID) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(CurrentJobID); return job.Decision(DecisionID, (int)Session["UserID"], result, "批量审核"); }
protected void gv_List_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName != "Approved" && e.CommandName != "UnApproved") { BindGrid(); return; } #region 仅查看待我审批的费用申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string condition = " FNA_FeeWriteOff.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; #endregion if (e.CommandName == "Approved") { IList <FNA_FeeWriteOff> lists = FNA_FeeWriteOffBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeWriteOff fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "审批成功!"); } else if (e.CommandName == "UnApproved") { IList <FNA_FeeWriteOff> lists = FNA_FeeWriteOffBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeWriteOff fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); } }
protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ApproveCount=0, UnApproveCount=0,errcount=0; if (txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] UnApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] ApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (string contractid in UnApproveID) { if (ApproveID.Contains(contractid)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "ID为【" + contractid + "】的返利协议同时出现在了【审批通过】与【审批不通过】编辑框中!"); return; } } } } if (txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] ApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); CM_ContractBLL _bll; StringBuilder approvebuild = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < ApproveID.Length; i++) { int ContractID; if (!ApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && int.TryParse(ApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { _bll = new CM_ContractBLL(ContractID); if (_bll.Model != null) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(_bll.Model.ApproveTask, 7394); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(7394); if (decisionid > 0) { ApproveCount++; job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 approvebuild.Append("ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议审批通过 "); } } } else { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未到客服确认环节 </span>"); errcount++; } } else { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未能在系统中找到 </span> "); errcount++; } } else if (!ApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && !int.TryParse(ApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】不是一个有效的返利协议ID </span> "); errcount++; } if (i % 5 == 0&&i!=0) approvebuild.Append("<br/>"); } lb_ApproveErrorInfo.Text = approvebuild.ToString(); } if (txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] UnApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); CM_ContractBLL _bll; StringBuilder unapprovebuild = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < UnApproveID.Length; i++) { int ContractID; if (!UnApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && int.TryParse(UnApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { _bll = new CM_ContractBLL(ContractID); if (_bll.Model != null) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(_bll.Model.ApproveTask, 7394); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(7394); if (decisionid > 0) { UnApproveCount++; job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 unapprovebuild.Append("ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议审批未通过 "); } } } else { unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未到客服确认环节 </span>"); errcount++; } } else { errcount++; unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未能在系统中找到 </span>"); } } else if (!UnApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && !int.TryParse(UnApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】不是一个有效的返利协议ID </span>"); errcount++; } if (i % 5 == 0 && i != 0) unapprovebuild.Append("<br/>"); } lb_UnApproveErrorInfo.Text = unapprovebuild.ToString(); } MessageBox.Show(this, "审批通过协议个数:" + ApproveCount.ToString() + @"\n审批未通过协议个数:" + UnApproveCount.ToString() + @"\n未能导入协议个数:" + errcount.ToString() ); return; }
protected void DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { #region 仅查看待我审批的工资申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); string condition = " PM_Salary.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") orgcitys += ","; orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND PM_Salary.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } if (ddl_SalaryClassify.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += "AND MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt2('MCS_Promotor.dbo.PM_Salary',PM_Salary.ExtPropertys,'PMClassfiy')=" + ddl_SalaryClassify.SelectedValue; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND PM_Salary.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; IList<PM_Salary> lists = PM_SalaryBLL.GetModelList(condition); #endregion foreach (PM_Salary salary in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(salary["TaskID"])) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(int.Parse(salary["TaskID"]), (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, ApproveFlag ? "审批成功!" : "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); return; }
protected void DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { #region 仅查看待我审批的工资申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); string condition = " PM_Salary.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND PM_Salary.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } if (ddl_SalaryClassify.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += "AND MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt2('MCS_Promotor.dbo.PM_Salary',PM_Salary.ExtPropertys,'PMClassfiy')=" + ddl_SalaryClassify.SelectedValue; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND PM_Salary.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; IList <PM_Salary> lists = PM_SalaryBLL.GetModelList(condition); #endregion foreach (PM_Salary salary in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(salary["TaskID"])) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(int.Parse(salary["TaskID"]), (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, ApproveFlag ? "审批成功!" : "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); return; }
protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ApproveCount = 0, UnApproveCount = 0, errcount = 0; if (txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] UnApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] ApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (string contractid in UnApproveID) { if (ApproveID.Contains(contractid)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "ID为【" + contractid + "】的返利协议同时出现在了【审批通过】与【审批不通过】编辑框中!"); return; } } } } if (txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] ApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_ApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); CM_ContractBLL _bll; StringBuilder approvebuild = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < ApproveID.Length; i++) { int ContractID; if (!ApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && int.TryParse(ApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { _bll = new CM_ContractBLL(ContractID); if (_bll.Model != null) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(_bll.Model.ApproveTask, 7394); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(7394); if (decisionid > 0) { ApproveCount++; job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 approvebuild.Append("ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议审批通过 "); } } } else { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未到客服确认环节 </span>"); errcount++; } } else { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未能在系统中找到 </span> "); errcount++; } } else if (!ApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && !int.TryParse(ApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { approvebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】不是一个有效的返利协议ID </span> "); errcount++; } if (i % 5 == 0 && i != 0) { approvebuild.Append("<br/>"); } } lb_ApproveErrorInfo.Text = approvebuild.ToString(); } if (txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim() != "") { string[] UnApproveID = Regex.Split(txt_UnApproveContractID.Text.Trim(), "\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); CM_ContractBLL _bll; StringBuilder unapprovebuild = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < UnApproveID.Length; i++) { int ContractID; if (!UnApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && int.TryParse(UnApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { _bll = new CM_ContractBLL(ContractID); if (_bll.Model != null) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(_bll.Model.ApproveTask, 7394); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(7394); if (decisionid > 0) { UnApproveCount++; job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 unapprovebuild.Append("ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议审批未通过 "); } } } else { unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未到客服确认环节 </span>"); errcount++; } } else { errcount++; unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>ID为【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】的返利协议未能在系统中找到 </span>"); } } else if (!UnApproveID[i].Trim().Equals("") && !int.TryParse(UnApproveID[i].Trim(), out ContractID)) { unapprovebuild.Append("<span style='color: Red'>【" + ContractID.ToString() + "】不是一个有效的返利协议ID </span>"); errcount++; } if (i % 5 == 0 && i != 0) { unapprovebuild.Append("<br/>"); } } lb_UnApproveErrorInfo.Text = unapprovebuild.ToString(); } MessageBox.Show(this, "审批通过协议个数:" + ApproveCount.ToString() + @"\n审批未通过协议个数:" + UnApproveCount.ToString() + @"\n未能导入协议个数:" + errcount.ToString()); return; }
private void DoApprove(int State, string remark) { foreach (GridViewRow gr in gv_List.Rows) { if (((CheckBox)gr.FindControl("chk_ID")).Checked) { int taskid = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[gr.RowIndex][0]; if (taskid > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (State == 2) job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 else job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } } } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "审批成功!"); }
private void DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_Summary.Rows) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx"); if (cbx != null && cbx.Checked) { string key = gv_Summary.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["Key"].ToString(); string[] tasks = GetApproveTaskIDsByKey(key).Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string taskid in tasks) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(int.Parse(taskid), (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 else job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } } } } } } }
private void Approve(int state) { int userid = (int)Session["UserID"]; foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { Object cbx = row.FindControl("chk_ID"); if (cbx != null && ((CheckBox)cbx).Checked) { Object tbx = row.FindControl("tbx_Remark"); string Remark = ""; if (tbx != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextBox)tbx).Text)) Remark = ((TextBox)tbx).Text; else Remark = state == 2 ? "汇总单批量审批通过!" : "汇总单批量审批不通过!"; int contractid = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"]; CM_ContractBLL con = new CM_ContractBLL(contractid); int taskid = con.Model.ApproveTask; if (taskid > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, userid); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide(userid); if (decisionid > 0) job.Decision(decisionid, userid, state, Remark); } } } } } }
protected void gv_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { #region 仅查看待我审批的费用申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]["ID"]; string condition = " FNA_FeeApply.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; //费用类型 if (ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType = " + ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue; } #endregion IList <FNA_FeeApply> lists = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeApply fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) { job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量未能审批通过!"); //3:审批未通过 } } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "已成功将选择区域的申请单,设为批复未通过!"); }
private int Decision(int result) { string decisionComment = tbx_DecisionComment.Text.Trim() == "" ? "已阅" : tbx_DecisionComment.Text.Trim(); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL((int)ViewState["CurrentJobID"]); int ret = 0; if (result != 1) { ret = job.Decision((int)ViewState["DecisionID"], (int)Session["UserID"], result, decisionComment); } else { decisionComment += "<br/>------" + Session["UserRealName"].ToString() + " 于 " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "批注意见-----<br/>"; ret = job.SaveDecisionComment((int)ViewState["DecisionID"], (int)Session["UserID"], decisionComment); } #region 通知任务发起人 if (cbx_NotifyInitiator.Checked || result == 4) { string remark = "审批时间:<b><font color=blue>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</font></b> "; remark += "审批人:<b><font color=blue>" + Session["UserRealName"].ToString() + "</font></b> "; if (ViewState["PrincipalStaff"] != null) { remark += " <b><font color=red>授权人:" + ViewState["PrincipalStaff"].ToString() + "</font></b> "; } switch (result) { case 1: remark += " 审批结果:<b><font color=blue>暂挂审批</font></b>"; break; case 2: remark += " 审批结果:<b><font color=blue>审批通过</font></b>"; break; case 3: remark += " 审批结果:<b><font color=blue>审批不通过</font></b>"; break; case 4: remark += " 审批结果:<b><font color=blue>审批待处理</font></b>"; break; default: break; } remark += " 审批意见:<b><font color=blue>" + decisionComment + "</font></b><br/> "; EWF_TaskBLL taskbll = new EWF_TaskBLL(job.Model.Task); string _content = "<b><font color=blue>工作流处理通知!</font></b><br/>"; _content += "工作流:<font color=blue>" + lbl_AppName.Text + "</font><br/>"; _content += "主题:<font color=blue>" + lbl_Title.Text + "</font><br/><br/>"; _content += decisionComment; _content += "<br/><a href='" + this.ResolveUrl("~/SubModule/EWF/TaskDetail.aspx?TaskID=" + job.Model.Task.ToString()) + "' target='_blank'><font color=blue>点击查看工作流详细情况</font></a><br/>"; DataTable _users = new Org_StaffBLL(taskbll.Model.Initiator).GetUserList(); foreach (DataRow dr_user in _users.Rows) { SendSM(dr_user["UserName"].ToString(), _content); } } #endregion return(ret); }
protected int DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { int counts = 0; foreach(GridViewRow row in gv_DetailList.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox cbx = row.FindControl("cb_Selected") as CheckBox; if (cbx.Checked) { int taskid = (int)gv_DetailList.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["FNA_FeeApply_ApproveTask"]; int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 else job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 counts++; } } } } } } return counts; }
private int DoApproveTask(int TaskID, int DessionResult, string DessionComment) { if (TaskID > 0) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(TaskID, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { return job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], DessionResult, DessionComment); } } } } return -1; }
private int Decision(int result, int CurrentJobID, int DecisionID) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(CurrentJobID); return(job.Decision(DecisionID, (int)Session["UserID"], result, "批量审核")); }
private void DoApprove(bool ApproveFlag) { int month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); int state = 1; int RTChannel = 0; DataTable dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetRTChannelFLFee (month, organizecity, state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), RTChannel); if (dtSummary != null) { string TaskColumnName = ""; foreach (DataColumn c in dtSummary.Columns) { if (c.ColumnName.EndsWith("→审批工作流")) { TaskColumnName = c.ColumnName; break; } } if (TaskColumnName == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "未找到列名[审批工作流]的数据列!"); return; } IList<int> TaskIDs = new List<int>(); foreach (DataRow row in dtSummary.Rows) { int taskid = (int)row[TaskColumnName]; if (TaskIDs.Contains(taskid)) continue; TaskIDs.Add(taskid); int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 else job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } } } } } BindGrid(); }
protected int DoApprove(int OrganizeCity, bool ApproveFlag) { int month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int state = 1; //待我审批 int RTChannel = 0; //所有渠道 DataTable dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetRTChannelDiaplayFee (month, OrganizeCity, state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), RTChannel); int counts = 0; if (dtSummary != null) { string TaskColumnName = ""; foreach (DataColumn c in dtSummary.Columns) { if (c.ColumnName.EndsWith("→审批工作流")) { TaskColumnName = c.ColumnName; break; } } if (TaskColumnName == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "未找到列名[审批工作流]的数据列!"); return(-1); } IList <int> TaskIDs = new List <int>(); foreach (DataRow row in dtSummary.Rows) { int taskid = (int)row[TaskColumnName]; if (TaskIDs.Contains(taskid)) { continue; } TaskIDs.Add(taskid); int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(taskid, (int)Session["UserID"]); if (jobid > 0) { EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job != null) { int decisionid = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decisionid > 0) { if (ApproveFlag) { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } else { job.Decision(decisionid, (int)Session["UserID"], 3, "汇总单批量审批不通过!"); //3:审批不通过 } counts++; } } } } } return(counts); }
protected void gv_List_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e) { #region 仅查看待我审批的费用申请单 string taskids = ""; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { taskids = GetNeedMeApproveTaskIDs(); if (taskids == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,没有需要待您审批的费用申请单!"); return; } } #endregion string[] TaskIDs = taskids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int organizecity = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[e.NewSelectedIndex]["ID"]; string condition = " FNA_FeeApply.State = 2 "; #region 组织明细记录的查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (organizecity != 1) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") orgcitys += ","; orgcitys += organizecity.ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; //费用类型 if (ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType = " + ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue; } #endregion IList<FNA_FeeApply> lists = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (FNA_FeeApply fee in lists) { if (TaskIDs.Contains(fee.ApproveTask.ToString())) { int jobid = EWF_TaskBLL.StaffCanApproveTask(fee.ApproveTask, (int)Session["UserID"]); EWF_Task_JobBLL job = new EWF_Task_JobBLL(jobid); if (job.Model != null) { int decision = job.StaffCanDecide((int)Session["UserID"]); if (decision > 0) job.Decision(decision, (int)Session["UserID"], 2, "汇总单批量审批通过!"); //2:审批已通过 } } } BindGrid(); MessageBox.Show(this, "审批成功!"); }