public CProfile() { PlayerName = String.Empty; Difficulty = EGameDifficulty.TR_CONFIG_EASY; UserRole = EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL; Active = EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON; }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Approve(int id, [FromBody] ActionNoteRequest actionNoteRequest) { try { EUserRole userRole = GetUserAuth().UserRole; UserModel getUser = GetUserAuth(); EStatusCredit statusCredit; if (userRole == EUserRole.User) { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.AR; } else if (userRole == EUserRole.AR) { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.CashBank; } else if (userRole == EUserRole.CashBank) { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.FBS; } else if (userRole == EUserRole.FBS) { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.ManagementRisk; } else if (userRole == EUserRole.ManagementRisk) { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.KomiteCredit; } else { statusCredit = EStatusCredit.Completed; } CreditApproval creditApproval = await _creditApprovalRepository.UpdateStatus(id, statusCredit, true); if (creditApproval == null) { return(new HttpJsonApiResult <string>("Not Found", Request, HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } TrCaActionNote trCaActionNote = await _trCaActionNoteRepository.Create(new TrCaActionNote() { CreditApprovalId = creditApproval.Id, ActionNote = actionNoteRequest.ActionNote, ActionType = 1, ActionBy = getUser.Id }); //send email here return(new HttpJsonApiResult <CreditApprovalModel>(new CreditApprovalModel(creditApproval), Request, HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch (Exception) { return(new HttpJsonApiResult <string>( "Internal Server Error", Request, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }
public Command(ECommandType commandType, string commandMessage, EUserRole minimalAccessRole, string description) { CommandType = commandType; CommandMessage = commandMessage; MinimalAccessRole = minimalAccessRole; Description = description; }
/// <summary> /// Check if the authorization header has a specific role /// </summary> /// <param name="role"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AmazingRequestContext HasRole(EUserRole role) { if (this.Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim => claim.Type == ClaimTypes.Role)?.Value != role.ToString()) { throw new AmazingException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, $"Unauthorized"); } return(this); }
public UserViewModel(User user) { Id = user.Id; FirstName = user.FirstName; MiddleName = user.MiddleName; LastName = user.LastName; Email = user.Email; Role = user.Role; }
public User(string name, string email, string userName, string password, EUserRole role) { Name = name; Email = email; UserName = userName; Password = password; Role = role; Articles = new List <Article>(); Videos = new List <Video>(); }
/// <summary> /// Construtor que recebe os atributos do Objeto User a ser criado /// </summary> /// <param name="email">E-mail do usuário</param> /// <param name="password">Senha do usuário</param> /// <param name="name">Nome do usuário</param> /// <param name="userRole">Perfil do usuário</param> public CreateUserCommand(string email, string password, string name, EUserRole userRole) { this.UserId = Guid.NewGuid(); this.Email = email; this.Password = password; this.Name = name; this.UserRole = userRole; this.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; this.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; this.UserStatus = EUserStatus.Active; this.ApiKey = Guid.NewGuid(); }
public static void SetUserRoleProfile(Guid profileID, EUserRole option) { if (!IsProfileIDValid(profileID)) { return; } //Only allow the change of TR_USERROLE_GUEST, TR_USERROLE_NORMAL and TR_USERROLE_ADMIN const EUserRole mask = (EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_GUEST | EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL | EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_ADMIN); option &= mask; _Profiles[profileID].UserRole = (_Profiles[profileID].UserRole & ~mask) | option; }
public async Task <AnswerBase> GetAppUserAsync(EUserRole role, int id = 0, string email = null) { if (role == EUserRole.Non) { return new AnswerFail { Reason = "Role must be or 'student' or 'prepod' or 'admin'" } } ; if (id == 0 && email == null) { return new AnswerFail { Reason = "You must specify at least one of the 'id' or 'email' arguments" } } ; if (email == null) { var user = await GetAppUserByIdAsync(role, id); if (user == null) { return new AnswerFail { Reason = "Such a user is not registered in the system" } } ; return(new AnswerAppUser { AppUser = user }); } else { var user = await GetAppUserByEmailAsync(role, email); if (user == null) { return new AnswerFail { Reason = "Such a user is not registered in the system" } } ; return(new AnswerAppUser { AppUser = user }); }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get(EUserRole role) { try { return(Ok(await _appUsers.GetAppUsersAsync(role))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(new AnswerFail { Reason = ex.Message })); } }
private async Task <ApplicationUser> CreateUser(EUserRole userRole) { var email = Guid.NewGuid() + ""; var appUser = new ApplicationUser() { Email = email, FirstName = "First", LastName = "Last", HubQuota = 5, InviteQuota = 6, UserName = "******", UserRole = userRole }; await _repositoryManager.CreateUserAsync(appUser, null, CancellationToken.None); return(appUser); }
public string GenerateToken(string userName, EUserRole userRole) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var claims = new List <Claim>() { new Claim(ClaimsIdentity.DefaultNameClaimType, userName), new Claim(ClaimsIdentity.DefaultRoleClaimType, userRole.ToString()), }; var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "Token"); var token = new JwtSecurityToken(_opts.JwtIssuer, _opts.JwtAudience, identity.Claims, now, now.AddMinutes(_opts.JwtLifetimeMins), new SigningCredentials(_opts.PrivateKey, SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256)); return(new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token)); }
public static void SetUserRole(Guid profileId, int userRole) { CProfile profile = CProfiles.GetProfile(profileId); if (profile == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid profileId"); } var option = (EUserRole)userRole; //Only allow the change of all options exept TR_USERROLE_GUEST and TR_USERROLE_NORMAL const EUserRole mask = (EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_GUEST | EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL); option &= ~mask; profile.UserRole = (profile.UserRole & mask) | option; CProfiles.EditProfile(profile); CProfiles.Update(); CProfiles.SaveProfiles(); }
public UserAccessAttribute(EUserRole userRole) { UserRole = userRole; }
private void Add(string command, ECommandType commandType, EUserRole minimalUserAccessRole, string description) { _commands.Add(command, new Command(commandType, command, minimalUserAccessRole, description)); }
/// <summary> /// Construtor que recebe os atributos do Objeto User a ser atualizado /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">ID do usuário</param> /// <param name="email">E-mail do usuário</param> /// <param name="password">Senha do usuário</param> /// <param name="name">Nome do usuário</param> /// <param name="userRole">Perfil do usuário</param> public UpdateUserCommand(Guid userId, string email, string password, string name, EUserRole userRole) { this.UserId = userId; this.Email = email; this.Password = password; this.Name = name; this.UserRole = userRole; this.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; this.UserStatus = EUserStatus.Active; }
public static bool SendProfileData(SProfileData profile) { CProfile newProfile; CProfile existingProfile = CProfiles.GetProfile(profile.ProfileId); if (existingProfile != null) { newProfile = new CProfile { ID = existingProfile.ID, FilePath = existingProfile.FilePath, Active = existingProfile.Active, Avatar = existingProfile.Avatar, Difficulty = existingProfile.Difficulty, UserRole = existingProfile.UserRole, PlayerName = existingProfile.PlayerName }; } else { newProfile = new CProfile { Active = EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON, UserRole = EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL }; } if (profile.Avatar != null) { newProfile.Avatar = _AddAvatar(profile.Avatar); } else if (newProfile.Avatar == null || newProfile.Avatar.ID == -1) { newProfile.Avatar = CProfiles.GetAvatars().First(); /*CAvatar avatar = new CAvatar(-1); * avatar.LoadFromFile("Profiles\\Avatar_f.png"); * CProfiles.AddAvatar(avatar); * newProfile.Avatar = avatar;*/ } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.PlayerName)) { newProfile.PlayerName = profile.PlayerName; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newProfile.PlayerName)) { newProfile.PlayerName = "DummyName"; } if (profile.Difficulty >= 0 && profile.Difficulty <= 2) { newProfile.Difficulty = (EGameDifficulty)profile.Difficulty; } if (profile.Type >= 0 && profile.Type <= 1) { EUserRole option = profile.Type == 0 ? EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_GUEST : EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL; //Only allow the change of TR_USERROLE_GUEST and TR_USERROLE_NORMAL const EUserRole mask = EUserRole.TR_USERROLE_NORMAL; newProfile.UserRole = (newProfile.UserRole & mask) | option; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.Password)) { if (profile.Password == "***__CLEAR_PASSWORD__***") { newProfile.PasswordSalt = null; newProfile.PasswordHash = null; } else { RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] buffer = new byte[32]; rng.GetNonZeroBytes(buffer); byte[] salt = buffer; byte[] hashedPassword = _Hash((new UTF8Encoding()).GetBytes(profile.Password), salt); newProfile.PasswordSalt = salt; newProfile.PasswordHash = hashedPassword; } } if (existingProfile != null) { CProfiles.EditProfile(newProfile); CProfiles.Update(); CProfiles.SaveProfiles(); } else { CProfiles.AddProfile(newProfile); } return(true); }
public async Task <AnswerBase> GetAppUsersAsync(EUserRole role) => (role) switch {
public static string GetName(this EUserRole role) { return(Enum.GetName(typeof(EUserRole), role)); }