Esempio n. 1
 public SnRLevel(double price, double width_in_pips, ETimeFrame max_time_frame = ETimeFrame.Monthly)
     Id           = Guid.NewGuid();
     Price        = price;
     WidthPips    = width_in_pips;
     MaxTimeFrame = max_time_frame;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Convert Tradee time frames to CAlgo time frames (Returns null for no corresponding value)</summary>
        public static TimeFrame ToCAlgoTimeframe(this ETimeFrame tf)
            switch (tf)
            default: return(null);

            case ETimeFrame.Min1: return(TimeFrame.Minute);

            case ETimeFrame.Min2: return(TimeFrame.Minute2);

            case ETimeFrame.Min3: return(TimeFrame.Minute3);

            case ETimeFrame.Min4: return(TimeFrame.Minute4);

            case ETimeFrame.Min5: return(TimeFrame.Minute5);

            case ETimeFrame.Min6: return(TimeFrame.Minute6);

            case ETimeFrame.Min7: return(TimeFrame.Minute7);

            case ETimeFrame.Min8: return(TimeFrame.Minute8);

            case ETimeFrame.Min9: return(TimeFrame.Minute9);

            case ETimeFrame.Min10: return(TimeFrame.Minute10);

            case ETimeFrame.Min15: return(TimeFrame.Minute15);

            case ETimeFrame.Min20: return(TimeFrame.Minute20);

            case ETimeFrame.Min30: return(TimeFrame.Minute30);

            case ETimeFrame.Min45: return(TimeFrame.Minute45);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour1: return(TimeFrame.Hour);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour2: return(TimeFrame.Hour2);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour3: return(TimeFrame.Hour3);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour4: return(TimeFrame.Hour4);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour6: return(TimeFrame.Hour6);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour8: return(TimeFrame.Hour8);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour12: return(TimeFrame.Hour12);

            case ETimeFrame.Day1: return(TimeFrame.Daily);

            case ETimeFrame.Day2: return(TimeFrame.Day2);

            case ETimeFrame.Day3: return(TimeFrame.Day3);

            case ETimeFrame.Weekly: return(TimeFrame.Weekly);

            case ETimeFrame.Monthly: return(TimeFrame.Monthly);
Esempio n. 3
            public Transmitter(string sym, string db_filepath)
                SymbolCode = sym;
                TimeFrames = new ETimeFrame[0];

                // Load the instrument candle database
                m_db = new Sqlite.Database(db_filepath, Sqlite.OpenFlags.ReadOnly);

                // Read the price data
                PriceData = m_db.EnumRows <PriceData>("select * from PriceData").First();
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Return the chart data for a given pair, over a given time range</summary>
        protected override Task <List <Candle> > CandleDataInternal(TradePair pair, ETimeFrame timeframe, UnixSec time_beg, UnixSec time_end, CancellationToken?cancel)       // Worker thread context
            // Get the chart data
            var cp   = new CurrencyPair(pair.Base, pair.Quote);
            var data = Api.CandleData[cp, ToMarketPeriod(timeframe), time_beg, time_end, cancel];
            //var data = await Api.GetChartData(cp, ToMarketPeriod(timeframe), time_beg, time_end, cancel);

            // Convert it to candles
            var candles = data.Select(x => new Candle(x.Time.Ticks, x.Open, x.High, x.Low, x.Close, x.Median, x.Volume)).ToList();

Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>Create a table of candles for a time frame</summary>
 public static string CandleTable(ETimeFrame time_frame)
                "create table if not exists ", time_frame, " (\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Timestamp), "] integer unique,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Open), "] real,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.High), "] real,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Low), "] real,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Close), "] real,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Median), "] real,\n",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Volume), "] real)"
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>Convert a time frame to the nearest market period</summary>
        private EMarketPeriod ToMarketPeriod(ETimeFrame tf)
            switch (tf)

            case ETimeFrame.Tick1:
            case ETimeFrame.Min1:
            case ETimeFrame.Min2:
            case ETimeFrame.Min3:
            case ETimeFrame.Min4:
            case ETimeFrame.Min5:
            case ETimeFrame.Min6:
            case ETimeFrame.Min7:
            case ETimeFrame.Min8:
            case ETimeFrame.Min9:

            case ETimeFrame.Min10:
            case ETimeFrame.Min15:

            case ETimeFrame.Min20:
            case ETimeFrame.Min30:
            case ETimeFrame.Min45:

            case ETimeFrame.Hour1:
            case ETimeFrame.Hour2:

            case ETimeFrame.Hour3:
            case ETimeFrame.Hour4:
            case ETimeFrame.Hour6:
            case ETimeFrame.Hour8:

            case ETimeFrame.Hour12:
            case ETimeFrame.Day1:
            case ETimeFrame.Day2:
            case ETimeFrame.Day3:
            case ETimeFrame.Week1:
            case ETimeFrame.Week2:
            case ETimeFrame.Month1:
        public CSVQuotes Download(string ticker, DateTime from, DateTime to, ETimeFrame tf = ETimeFrame.Daily, bool header = true)
            CSVQuotes result = null;

            string secFrom = ((int)(from - DateTime.Parse("1970/01/01")).TotalSeconds).ToString();
            string secTo   = ((int)(to - DateTime.Parse("1970/01/01")).TotalSeconds).ToString();

            string url = string.Format(_baseUrl,
                                       (tf == ETimeFrame.Daily ? "1d" : tf == ETimeFrame.Weekly ? "1wk" : "1mo"));

            int attempt = 0;

            while (attempt < _attempts && result == null)
                    HttpWebRequest  req  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                    HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
                        string text = sr.ReadToEnd();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Headers["Content-disposition"]) && resp.Headers["Content-disposition"].Contains("error"))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(text);

                        result        = new CSVQuotes();
                        result.Ticker = ticker.ToUpper();
                        result.Quotes = ParseCSV(text, header);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(_attemptDelaySec * 1000);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>Return the time frame value from 'available' that is nearest to 'wanted'</summary>
        public static ETimeFrame Nearest(ETimeFrame wanted, IEnumerable <ETimeFrame> available)
            var nearest = int.MaxValue;
            var closest = ETimeFrame.None;

            foreach (var tf in available)
                var dist = Math.Abs((int)tf - (int)wanted);
                if (dist > nearest)
                nearest = dist;
                closest = tf;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>Generate simulated market depth for 'pair', using 'latest' as the reference for the current spot price</summary>
        private MarketDepth GenerateMarketDepth(TradePair pair, Candle latest, ETimeFrame time_frame)
            // Notes:
            //  - This is an expensive call when back testing is running so minimise allocation, resizing, and sorting.
            //  - Do all calculations using double's for speed.

            // Get the market data for 'pair'.
            // Market data is maintained independently to the pair's market data instance because the
            // rest of the application expects the market data to periodically overwrite the pair's order books.
            var md = m_depth[pair];

            // Get the Q2B (bid) spot price from the candle close. (This is the minimum of the Q2B offers)
            // The B2Q spot price is Q2B - spread, which will be the maximum of the B2Q offers
            var spread     = latest.Close * m_spread_frac;
            var best_q2b   = latest.Close;
            var best_b2q   = latest.Close - spread;
            var base_value = (double)(decimal)pair.Base.Value;


            // Generate offers with a normal distribution about 'best'
            var range = 0.2 * 0.5 * (best_q2b + best_b2q);

            for (var i = 0; i != m_orders_per_book; ++i)
                var p = range * Math_.Sqr((double)i / m_orders_per_book);
                md.Q2B.Offers[i] = new Offer(((decimal)(best_q2b + p))._(pair.RateUnits), RandomAmountBase()._(pair.Base));
                md.B2Q.Offers[i] = new Offer(((decimal)(best_b2q - p))._(pair.RateUnits), RandomAmountBase()._(pair.Base));

            decimal RandomAmountBase()
                // Generate an amount to trade in the application common currency (probably USD).
                // Then convert that to base currency using the 'live' value.
                var common_value = Math.Abs(m_rng.Double(m_order_value_range.Beg, m_order_value_range.End));
                var amount_base  = (decimal)Math_.Div(common_value, base_value, common_value);

Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>Insert or replace a candle in table 'time_frame'</summary>
 public static string InsertCandle(ETimeFrame time_frame)
                "insert or replace into ", time_frame, " (",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Timestamp), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Open), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.High), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Low), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Close), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Median), "],",
                "[", nameof(Candle.Volume), "])",
                " values (",
                "?,",          // Timestamp
                "?,",          // Open
                "?,",          // High
                "?,",          // Low
                "?,",          // Close
                "?,",          // Median
                "?)"           // Volume
Esempio n. 11
        private DateTime ToPeriodStart(DateTime end, ETimeFrame timeFrame)
            DateTime result = end;

            switch (timeFrame)
            case ETimeFrame.Daily:
                result = end;

            case ETimeFrame.Weekly:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ETimeFrame.Monthly:
                result = new DateTime(end.Year, end.Month, 1);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Return the best matching price data for 'pair' and 'time_frame'</summary>
        public PriceData Find(string pair_name, ETimeFrame time_frame, string preferred_exchange = null)
            if (pair_name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pair_name));
            if (time_frame == ETimeFrame.None)
                throw new Exception("TimeFrame is None. No price data available");

            // Search for pairs that match 'pair_name'
            var pairs = Pairs.Where(x => x.Key.Name == pair_name && x.Key.Exchange.Enabled).ToList();

            if (pairs.Count == 0)

            // Look for price data from the preferred exchange
            if (preferred_exchange != null)
                var pair = pairs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.Exchange.Name == preferred_exchange);
                if (pair.Key != null && pair.Value.TryGetValue(time_frame, out var data))

            // Look for price data in any of the pairs
            foreach (var pair in pairs)
                if (pair.Value.TryGetValue(time_frame, out var data))

Esempio n. 13
        private List <CSVRecord> ParseCSV(string text, bool header, out ETimeFrame timeframe)
            timeframe = ETimeFrame.Monthly;

            List <CSVRecord> result = new List <CSVRecord>();

            string[] lines         = text.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
            bool     headerSkipped = false;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (header && !headerSkipped)
                    headerSkipped = true;
                    string[] vals = line.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    if (vals.Count() >= 5)
                        DateTime   dtStart, dtEnd;
                        ETimeFrame tf;

                        ToStartDate(vals[1], vals[2], out dtStart, out dtEnd, out tf);

                        timeframe = tf;

                        CSVRecord rec = new CSVRecord();
                        rec.PeriodStart = dtStart;
                        rec.PeriodEnd   = dtEnd;
                        rec.Value       = Decimal.Parse(vals[4]);


Esempio n. 14
        // Notes:
        // - PriceData represents a single pair and TimeFrame on an exchange.
        // - Handles adding new data to the DB.
        // - Serves data from the DB to the Instruments.
        // - Use an 'Instrument' to view these data

        public PriceData(TradePair pair, ETimeFrame time_frame, CancellationToken shutdown)
                Pair              = pair;
                TimeFrame         = time_frame;
                DataAvailable     = pair.CandleDataAvailable.Contains(time_frame);
                UpdatePollRate    = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SettingsData.Settings.PriceDataUpdatePeriodMS);
                MainShutdownToken = shutdown;

                // Set up the ref count
                m_ref = new List <object>();

                // Load the database of historic price data
                var db_filepath = DBFilePath(pair.Exchange.Name, pair.Name);
                DB = new SQLiteConnection($"Data Source={db_filepath};Version=3;journal mode=Memory;synchronous=Off");

                // Ensure a table exists for the time frame
                if (DataAvailable)
                        $"create table if not exists {TimeFrame} (\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Timestamp)}] integer unique primary key,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Open)}] real not null,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.High)}] real not null,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Low)}] real not null,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Close)}] real not null,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Median)}] real not null,\n" +
                        $"  [{nameof(Candle.Volume)}] real not null\n" +
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>Return the price data for 'pair' and 'time_frame'</summary>
        public PriceData this[TradePair pair, ETimeFrame time_frame]
                if (pair == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pair));
                if (time_frame == ETimeFrame.None)
                    throw new Exception("TimeFrame is None. No price data available");
                if (!pair.Exchange.Enabled)
                    throw new Exception("Requesting a trading pair on an inactive exchange");

                // Get the TimeFrame to PriceData map for the given pair
                var tf_map = Pairs.TryGetValue(pair, out var tf) ? tf : Pairs.Add2(pair, new TFMap());

                // Get the price data for the given time frame
                return(tf_map.TryGetValue(time_frame, out var pd) ? pd : tf_map.Add2(time_frame, new PriceData(pair, time_frame, Shutdown)));
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>Add a batch of candles</summary>
        public void Add(ETimeFrame tf, PriceCandles candles)
            // Insert the candles into the database
            using (var t = m_db.NewTransaction())
                using (var query = new Sqlite.Query(m_db, SqlExpr.InsertCandle(tf)))
                    foreach (var candle in candles.AllCandles.Select(x => new Candle(x)))
                        query.BindParms(1, SqlExpr.InsertCandleParams(candle));

            // Don't bother maintaining the cache, just invalidate it

            // Record the last time data was received
            LastUpdatedUTC = Model.UtcNow;

            // Notify data added/changed
            DataChanged.Raise(this, new DataEventArgs(this, tf, null, false));
Esempio n. 17
 public static double TimeSpanToTimeFrame(TimeSpan ts, ETimeFrame time_frame)
     return(TicksToTimeFrame(ts.Ticks, time_frame));
Esempio n. 18
        ///// <summary>Convert a Bitfinex trade type to ETradeType</summary>
        //public static ETradeType TradeType(global::Bitfinex.API.EOrderType order_type)
        //	switch (order_type)
        //	{
        //	default: throw new Exception("Unknown trade type string");
        //	case global::Bitfinex.API.EOrderType.Buy: return ETradeType.Q2B;
        //	case global::Bitfinex.API.EOrderType.Sell: return ETradeType.B2Q;
        //	}

        /// <summary>Convert a time value into units of 'time_frame'. e.g if 'time_in_ticks' is 4.3 hours, and 'time_frame' is Hour1, the 4.3 is returned</summary>
        public static double TicksToTimeFrame(long time_in_ticks, ETimeFrame time_frame)
            switch (time_frame)
            default: throw new Exception("Unknown time frame");

            case ETimeFrame.Tick1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalSeconds);

            case ETimeFrame.Min1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes);

            case ETimeFrame.Min2: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 2.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min3: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 3.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min4: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 4.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min5: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 5.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min6: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 6.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min7: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 7.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min8: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 8.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min9: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 9.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min10: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 10.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min15: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 15.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min20: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 20.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min30: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 30.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Min45: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalMinutes / 45.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour2: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 2.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour3: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 3.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour4: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 4.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour6: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 6.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour8: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 8.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour12: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalHours / 12.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Day1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays);

            case ETimeFrame.Day2: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays / 2.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Day3: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays / 3.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Week1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays / 7.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Week2: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays / 14.0);

            case ETimeFrame.Month1: return(new TimeSpan(time_in_ticks).TotalDays / 30.0);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>Add a candle value to the database</summary>
        private void Add(ETimeFrame tf, Candle candle)
            // Sanity check
            Debug.Assert(candle.Timestamp != 0);
            Debug.Assert(tf != ETimeFrame.None);
            Debug.Assert(tf == TimeFrame);
            if (Model.BackTesting)
                throw new Exception("Should not be adding candles to the DB while back testing");

            // This is a new candle if it's time stamp is one TimeFrame period after the Newest candle.
            // This is an update to the latest candle if within a TimeFrame period of the Newest candle.
            // Otherwise it's an unknown range.
            var tf_ticks    = Misc.TimeFrameToTicks(1.0, TimeFrame);
            var update_type =
                Newest == null ? DataEventArgs.EUpdateType.Range :
                candle.Timestamp == Newest.Timestamp + tf_ticks ? DataEventArgs.EUpdateType.New :
                candle.Timestamp.Within(Newest.Timestamp, Newest.Timestamp + tf_ticks) ? DataEventArgs.EUpdateType.Current :

            // Insert the candle into the database

            // Record the last time data was received
            LastUpdatedUTC = Model.UtcNow;

            // Update/Invalidate cached values
            switch (update_type)
            case DataEventArgs.EUpdateType.New:
                m_newest  = candle;
                m_current = m_newest;
                m_total  += 1;

            case DataEventArgs.EUpdateType.Current:
                m_current = m_newest;

                // This must be an update to some random candle in the middle.
                // Just invalidate the cached values. Shouldn't ever happen really.
                m_total   = null;
                m_newest  = null;
                m_oldest  = null;
                m_current = null;

            // Notify data added/changed
            OnDataChanged(new DataEventArgs(update_type, this, new RangeI(Count - 1, Count), candle));
Esempio n. 20
        public CSVQuotes Download(string ticker, DateTime from, DateTime to, string country = "US", ETimeFrame tf = ETimeFrame.Daily, bool header = true)
            CSVQuotes result = null;

            string url = string.Format(_baseUrl,
                                       (tf == ETimeFrame.Daily ? "d" : tf == ETimeFrame.Weekly ? "w" : "m"));

            HttpWebRequest  req  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
                string text = sr.ReadToEnd();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Headers["Content-disposition"]) && resp.Headers["Content-disposition"].Contains("error"))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(text);

                result        = new CSVQuotes();
                result.Ticker = ticker.ToUpper();
                result.Quotes = ParseCSV(text, header);

Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>Return this time value in a different time frame</summary>
 public TFTime To(ETimeFrame tf)
     return(new TFTime(this, tf));
Esempio n. 22
        void ToStartDate(string year, string period, out DateTime periodStart, out DateTime periodEnd, out ETimeFrame timeframe)
            string periodId   = period.Substring(1, period.Length - 1);
            string periodType = period.Substring(0, 1);

            int nYear   = Int32.Parse(year);
            int nPeriod = Int32.Parse(periodId);

            switch (periodType)
            case "M":
                timeframe   = ETimeFrame.Monthly;
                periodStart = new DateTime(nYear, nPeriod, 1);
                periodEnd   = nPeriod < 12 ? new DateTime(nYear, nPeriod + 1, 1) - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : new DateTime(nYear, 12, 31);

            case "Q":
                timeframe   = ETimeFrame.Quarterly;
                periodStart = new DateTime(nYear, (nPeriod - 1) * 3 + 1, 1);
                periodEnd   = nPeriod < 4 ? new DateTime(nYear, nPeriod * 3 + 1, 1) - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : new DateTime(nYear, 12, 31);

            case "S":
                timeframe   = ETimeFrame.SemiAnnual;
                periodStart = new DateTime(nYear, (nPeriod - 1) * 6 + 1, 1);
                periodEnd   = nPeriod < 2 ? new DateTime(nYear, nPeriod * 6 + 1, 1) - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : new DateTime(nYear, 12, 31);

            case "A":
                timeframe   = ETimeFrame.Annual;
                periodStart = new DateTime(nYear, 1, 1);
                periodEnd   = new DateTime(nYear, 12, 31);
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>Add a candle value to the data</summary>
        public void Add(ETimeFrame tf, PriceCandle price_candle)
            // Sanity check
            var candle = new Candle(price_candle);

            Debug.Assert(candle.Timestamp != 0);
            Debug.Assert(tf != ETimeFrame.None);

            // If this candle is the newest we've seen, then a new candle has started.
            // Get the latest candle before inserting 'candle' into the database
            var new_candle = tf == TimeFrame && candle.Timestamp > Latest.Timestamp;

            // Insert the candle into the database if the sim isn't running.
            // The sim draws it's data from the database, so there's no point in writing
            // the same data back in. Plus it might in the future do things to emulate sub-candle
            // updates, which I don't want to overwrite the actual data.
            if (!Model.SimActive)
                m_db.Execute(SqlExpr.InsertCandle(tf), 1, SqlExpr.InsertCandleParams(candle));

            // If the candle is for the current time frame and within the
            // cached data range, update the cache to avoid invalidating it.
            if (tf == TimeFrame)
                // Within the currently cached data?
                // Note: this is false if 'candle' is the start of a new candle
                if (!new_candle)
                    // Find the index in the cache for 'candle'. If not an existing cache item, then just reset the cache
                    var cache_idx = m_cache.BinarySearch(x => x.Timestamp.CompareTo(candle.Timestamp));
                    if (cache_idx >= 0)
                // If the cached range ends at the latest candle (excluding the new candle)
                // then we can preserve the cache and append the new candle to the cache data
                else if (m_index_range.Endi == Count)
                    // If adding 'candle' will make the cache too big, just flush
                    if (m_cache.Count > MaxCacheSize)

                    // Otherwise, append the new candle to the cache
                        m_impl_count = null;
                        m_impl_total = null;
                        m_latest     = null;
                // Otherwise the candle is not within the cache, just invalidate

            // Record the last time data was received
            LastUpdatedUTC = Model.UtcNow;

            // Notify data added/changed
            OnDataChanged(new DataEventArgs(this, tf, candle, new_candle));
        public EErrorCodes GetTimeSeries(string country, string ticker, ETimeFrame timeframe, DateTime periodStart, DateTime periodEnd)
            EErrorCodes result = EErrorCodes.GeneralError;

                if (SessionToken != null)
                    GetTimeSeries reqGetTs = new GetTimeSeries();
                    reqGetTs.Ticker       = ticker;
                    reqGetTs.CountryCode  = country;
                    reqGetTs.SessionToken = SessionToken;
                    reqGetTs.PeriodStart  = periodStart != DateTime.MinValue ? periodStart : DateTime.Parse("01/01/1970");
                    reqGetTs.PeriodEnd    = periodEnd != DateTime.MinValue ? periodEnd : DateTime.Now;
                    reqGetTs.TimeFrame    = timeframe;

                    GetTimeSeriesResponse resGetTs = Post <GetTimeSeries, GetTimeSeriesResponse>("/api/timeseries/GetTimeSeries", reqGetTs);
                    if (resGetTs.Success)
                        // creating new records if needed
                        IndicatorData indData = null;
                        if (Indicators.TryGetValue(ticker, out indData))
                            for (int i = 0; i < resGetTs.Payload.Values.Quotes.Count; ++i)
                                QuoteRecord rec = resGetTs.Payload.Values.Quotes[i];
                                for (int v = 0; v < rec.Values.Count; ++v)
                                    String sTsName = indData.SeriesNames[v];
                                    IndicatorSeriesData indTsData = null;
                                    if (indData.Series.TryGetValue(sTsName, out indTsData))

                            result = EErrorCodes.Success;
                            result = EErrorCodes.TickerNotFound;
                        _lastError = new Exception(resGetTs.Errors[0].Message);
                        result     = resGetTs.Errors[0].Code;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _lastError = ex;
                result     = EErrorCodes.GeneralError;

Esempio n. 25
        ///// <summary>Return the order book for 'pair' to a depth of 'count'</summary>
        //protected async override Task<MarketDepth> MarketDepthInternal(TradePair pair, int depth) // Worker thread context
        //	var cp = new CurrencyPair(pair.Base, pair.Quote);
        //	var orders = await Api.GetOrderBook(cp, depth, cancel: Shutdown.Token);

        //	// Update the depth of market data
        //	var market_depth = new MarketDepth(pair.Base, pair.Quote);
        //	var buys = orders.BuyOffers.Select(x => new Offer(x.Price._(pair.RateUnits), x.AmountBase._(pair.Base))).ToArray();
        //	var sells = orders.SellOffers.Select(x => new Offer(x.Price._(pair.RateUnits), x.AmountBase._(pair.Base))).ToArray();
        //	market_depth.UpdateOrderBooks(buys, sells);
        //	return market_depth;

        /// <summary>Return the chart data for a given pair, over a given time range</summary>
        protected async override Task <List <Candle> > CandleDataInternal(TradePair pair, ETimeFrame timeframe, UnixSec time_beg, UnixSec time_end, CancellationToken?cancel)       // Worker thread context
            var cp = new CurrencyPair(pair.Base, pair.Quote);

            // Get the chart data
            var data = await Api.GetChartData(cp, ToMarketPeriod(timeframe), time_beg, time_end, cancel);

            // Convert it to candles (yes, Polo gets the base/quote backwards for 'Volume')
            var candles = data.Select(x => new Candle(x.Time.Ticks, x.Open, x.High, x.Low, x.Close, x.WeightedAverage, x.VolumeQuote)).ToList();

Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>Convert 'units' in 'time_frame' units to ticks. e.g. if 'units' is 4.3 hours, then TimeSpan.FromHours(4.3).Ticks is returned</summary>
        public static long TimeFrameToTicks(double units, ETimeFrame time_frame)
            // Use 1 second for all tick time-frames
            switch (time_frame)
            default: throw new Exception("Unknown time frame");

            case ETimeFrame.Tick1: return(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(units).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min1: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min2: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 2.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min3: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 3.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min4: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 4.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min5: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 5.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min6: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 6.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min7: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 7.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min8: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 8.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min9: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 9.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min10: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 10.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min15: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 15.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min20: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 20.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min30: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 30.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Min45: return(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(units * 45.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour1: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour2: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 2.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour3: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 3.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour4: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 4.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour6: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 6.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour8: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 8.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Hour12: return(TimeSpan.FromHours(units * 12.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Day1: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Day2: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units * 2.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Day3: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units * 3.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Week1: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units * 7.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Week2: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units * 14.0).Ticks);

            case ETimeFrame.Month1: return(TimeSpan.FromDays(units * 30.0).Ticks);
Esempio n. 27
 public static TimeSpan TimeFrameToTimeSpan(double units, ETimeFrame time_frame)
     return(TimeSpan.FromTicks(TimeFrameToTicks(units, time_frame)));
Esempio n. 28
 public TFTime(TFTime tft, ETimeFrame tf)
     : this(tft.m_ticks, tf)
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>Return the end time for this candle given 'time_frame'</summary>
 public DateTimeOffset CloseTime(ETimeFrame time_frame)
     return(TimestampUTC + Misc.TimeFrameToTimeSpan(1.0, time_frame));
Esempio n. 30
 public Instrument(Instrument rhs, ETimeFrame time_frame)
     : this(rhs.Model, rhs.SymbolCode)
     TimeFrame = time_frame;