public override void SetMoveToPosition(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType _moveType, ET.MoveToType _moveToType, bool _usePath = false, NavMeshPath _path = null)
     moveType   = _moveType;
     moveToType = _moveToType;
     if (_usePath)
         usePath = _usePath;
         path    = _path;
 virtual public void SetMoveToPositionNStartMove(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, bool usePath = false, NavMeshPath path = null)
 virtual public void SetMoveToPosition(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, Vector3 movePosition, bool usePath = false, NavMeshPath path = null)
        public void DontMoveWithAgent(AIBrain ai)
            NavMeshAgent agent = ai.Agent;

            if (agent)
                Transform transform = ai.Transform;
                Animator  animator  = ai.Animator;

                agent.destination = ai.Transform.position;

                bool turnedMovement = false;
                if (shouldTurnToPosition)
                    agent.updateRotation = false; turnedMovement = true;

                    switch (turnToType)
                    case ET.TurnToType.ToCurrentTarget:
                        turnToPosition = ai.GetCurrentTargetPos();

                    case ET.TurnToType.ToPosition:
                        // already set in function

                    agent.updateRotation = true;
                    turnedMovement       = false;

                #region Unity Manual Code

                Vector3 worldDeltaPosition = agent.nextPosition - transform.position;

                // Map 'worldDeltaPosition' to local space
                float   dx            = Vector3.Dot(transform.right, worldDeltaPosition);
                float   dy            = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, worldDeltaPosition);
                Vector2 deltaPosition = new Vector2(dx, dy);

                // Low-pass filter the deltaMove
                float smooth = Mathf.Min(1.0f, Time.deltaTime / 0.15f);
                smoothDeltaPosition = Vector2.Lerp(smoothDeltaPosition, deltaPosition, smooth);

                // Update velocity if delta time is safe
                if (Time.deltaTime > 1e-5f)
                    velocity = smoothDeltaPosition / Time.deltaTime;

                bool shouldMove = velocity.magnitude > 0.1f && agent.remainingDistance > agent.radius;

                // Move agent to transform
                if (worldDeltaPosition.magnitude > agent.radius)
                    agent.nextPosition = transform.position + 0f * worldDeltaPosition;

                // Set transform's y to agent
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, agent.nextPosition.y, transform.position.z);

                #endregion Unity Manual Code

                Vector3 desiredDir = (-transform.position + new Vector3(agent.nextPosition.x, transform.position.y, agent.nextPosition.z)).normalized * 2;

                float angle = 0;
                if (turnedMovement)
                    angle = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, (turnToPosition - transform.position).normalized);
                    angle = angle * Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(transform.right, (turnToPosition - transform.position).normalized));
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(-transform.position + new Vector3(turnToPosition.x, transform.position.y, turnToPosition.z)), Time.deltaTime * moveProps.idleTurnToSmooth);

                float speedAnim = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(new Vector2(ai.Animator.GetFloat("VelX"), ai.Animator.GetFloat("VelY")));
                if (turnedMovement)
                    if (speedAnim < moveProps.legsStopTurnAtSqrM && Mathf.Abs(angle) > moveProps.legsStartTurnAtAngle)
                        ai.Animator.SetFloat("LegsAngle", angle * moveProps.legsTurnAngleMult, moveProps.legsTurnAngleDamp, Time.deltaTime);
                        ai.Animator.SetBool("LegTurn", true);
                        ai.GetStateSystem <AIStateSystemAnimator>().EnableLayer(ai, 3, true, true);
                        ai.Animator.SetFloat("LegsAngle", 0, moveProps.legsTurnAngleDamp, Time.deltaTime);
                        ai.Animator.SetBool("LegTurn", false);
                        ai.GetStateSystem <AIStateSystemAnimator>().DisableLayer(ai, 3, true, true);
                    ai.Animator.SetFloat("LegsAngle", 0, moveProps.legsTurnAngleDamp, Time.deltaTime);
                    ai.Animator.SetBool("LegTurn", false);
                    ai.GetStateSystem <AIStateSystemAnimator>().DisableLayer(ai, 3, true, true);

                Quaternion refShift      = new Quaternion(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y * -1f, transform.rotation.z, transform.rotation.w);
                Vector3    moveDirection = refShift * desiredDir;

                float locomotionDamp = moveProps.velocityAnimDamp;

                ET.MoveType moveType = ET.MoveType.Walk;

                float velocityLimit = moveProps.animatorWalkSpeed;

                switch (moveType)
                case ET.MoveType.Walk:
                    velocityLimit      = moveProps.animatorWalkSpeed;
                    agent.speed        = moveProps.agentWalkSpeed;
                    agent.angularSpeed = moveProps.agentAngularSpeedWalk;

                case ET.MoveType.Run:
                    velocityLimit      = moveProps.animatorRunSpeed;
                    agent.speed        = moveProps.agentRunSpeed;
                    agent.angularSpeed = moveProps.agentAngularSpeedRun;

                case ET.MoveType.Sprint:
                    velocityLimit      = moveProps.animatorSprintSpeed;
                    agent.speed        = moveProps.agentSprintSpeed;
                    agent.angularSpeed = moveProps.agentAngularSpeedSprint;

                float xVelocity = moveDirection.x, yVelocity = moveDirection.z;
                // Limit velocity
                if (xVelocity > 0)
                    xVelocity = xVelocity > velocityLimit ? velocityLimit : xVelocity;
                else if (xVelocity < 0)
                    xVelocity = -xVelocity > velocityLimit ? -velocityLimit : xVelocity;
                if (yVelocity > 0)
                    yVelocity = yVelocity > velocityLimit ? velocityLimit : yVelocity;
                else if (yVelocity < 0)
                    yVelocity = -yVelocity > velocityLimit ? -velocityLimit : yVelocity;

                if (!shouldMove)
                    xVelocity = 0;
                    yVelocity = 0;

                animator.SetFloat("VelX", xVelocity, locomotionDamp, Time.deltaTime);
                animator.SetFloat("VelY", yVelocity, locomotionDamp, Time.deltaTime);
                animator.SetFloat("CrouchStand", Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(animator.GetFloat("CrouchStand"), crouching ? 0 : 1, Time.deltaTime * moveProps.crouchStandSmooth)));
 public override void SetMoveToPositionNStartMove(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, Vector3 movePosition, bool usePath = false, NavMeshPath path = null)
     SetMoveToPosition(ai, moveType, moveToType, movePosition, usePath, path);
 public override void SetMoveToPosition(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, Vector3 _movePosition, bool usePath = false, NavMeshPath path = null)
     SetMoveToPosition(ai, moveType, moveToType, usePath, path);
     moveToPosition = _movePosition;
Esempio n. 7
 public override void SetMoveToPositionNStartMove(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, bool usePath = false, UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath path = null)
     SetMoveToPosition(ai, moveType, moveToType, usePath, path);
Esempio n. 8
 virtual public void SetMoveToPositionNStartMove(AIBrain ai, ET.MoveType moveType, ET.MoveToType moveToType, Vector3 movePosition, bool usePath = false, UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath path = null)