public bool FromBytes(byte[] bodyData) { Result = (ERROR_CODE)BitConverter.ToInt16(bodyData, 0); RoomNumber = BitConverter.ToInt32(bodyData, 2); RoomUserUniqueID = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bodyData, 6); return(true); }
private void CheckHandleResult(ERROR_CODE hresult) { if (hresult < 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid HRESULT: " + hresult.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// エラーログを表示する /// </summary> public static void ErrorLog(ERROR_CODE code) { string str = "no message"; switch (code) { case ERROR_CODE.NONE: str = "no message"; break; case ERROR_CODE.SYSTEM_SINGLETON_OBJECT_NONE: str = "シングルトンオブジェクト未検地"; break; case ERROR_CODE.AUDIO_SE_NONE: str = "存在しないSEです"; break; case ERROR_CODE.AUDIO_BGM_NONE: str = "存在しないBGMです"; break; default: break; } Debug.LogError(str); }
private async void RunTask(TaskName taskName, string arg1, string arg2, Action <ERROR_CODE> callback) { // 비동기로 Worker Thread에서 도는 task1 // Task.Run(): .NET Framework 4.5+ ERROR_CODE result = ERROR_CODE.NONE; switch (taskName) { case TaskName.OPEN_DEVICE: result = await ble.OpenDevice(arg1); listStatus.Items.Add($"ErrorCode: {result}"); break; case TaskName.SET_SERVICE: //task1 = Task.Run(() => bleservice.SetService(deviceName)); //result = await task1; result = await ble.SetService(arg2); listStatus.Items.Add($"ErrorCode: {result}"); break; case TaskName.READ_CHARACTERISTIC: result = await ble.ReadCharacteristic(arg1, arg2); listStatus.Items.Add($"ErrorCode: {result}"); if (result == ERROR_CODE.NONE) { var readstring = ble.getCharacteristic(); listStatus.Items.Add($"Result: {readstring}"); } break; } callback(result); }
public void AddError(string Key, ERROR_CODE Value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseLanguage)) { BaseLanguage = "VN"; } if (Errors == null) { Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } string content = ""; try { JToken token = ErrorResource[_BaseLanguage].SelectToken(ErrorPath + "." + Key + "." + Value.ToString()); content = token.ToString(); } catch { content = "Lack definition of " + ErrorPath + "." + Key + "." + Value.ToString(); } if (Errors.ContainsKey(Key)) { Errors[Key] = content; } else { Errors.Add(Key, content); } }
/// <summary> /// Copies the given ZEDMat to a given OpenCV mat, creating either or both mats if necessary, then calls an ImageUpdatedEvent with them. /// Used in OnZEDGrabbed to call different events, and to make it easy to add more kinds of images/events by just adding more calls to this method. /// </summary> /// <param name="cam">Unity Camera object that represents the ZED camera. Usually from ZEDManager.GetLeftCamera() or ZEDManager.GetRightCamera().</param> /// <param name="zedmat">ZEDMat used to get the ZED image. Passing an empty one is okay - it'll get filled appropriately.</param> /// <param name="view">Type of image requested, like LEFT or LEFT_GRAY.</param> /// <param name="mattype">Data type and channel of required ZEDMat. See summaries over each enum entry to know which is correct for your image type.</param> /// <param name="cvMat">OpenCV mat to copy to. Passing an empty one is okay - it'll get filled appropriately.</param> /// <param name="updateevent">Event to call if the method retrieves the image successfully.</param> private void DeployGrabbedEvent(Camera cam, ref ZEDMat zedmat, VIEW view, ZEDMat.MAT_TYPE mattype, ref Mat cvMat, ImageUpdatedEvent updateevent, OpenCVConversion conversionatend = OpenCVConversion.NONE) { if (zedmat == null) { zedmat = new ZEDMat((uint)zedCam.ImageWidth, (uint)zedCam.ImageHeight, mattype); } /*if (cvMat == null) * { * cvMat = SLMat2CVMat(zedmat, mattype); * }*/ ERROR_CODE err = zedManager.zedCamera.RetrieveImage(zedmat, view, ZEDMat.MEM.MEM_CPU, zedmat.GetResolution()); if (err == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { Mat buffermat = GetOpenCVBufferMat(zedCam.ImageHeight, zedCam.ImageWidth, SLMatType2CVMatType(mattype)); //copyToMat(zedmat.GetPtr(), cvMat); Utils.copyToMat(zedmat.GetPtr(), buffermat); ConvertColorSpace(buffermat, ref cvMat, conversionatend); //Mat convertedmat = ConvertColorSpace(buffermat, conversionatend); //updateevent.Invoke(cam, camMat, cvMat); updateevent.Invoke(cam, camMat, cvMat); } }
// Render loop private void NativeWindow_Render(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) { OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow nativeWindow = (OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow)sender; Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)nativeWindow.Width, (int)nativeWindow.Height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); ERROR_CODE err = ERROR_CODE.FAILURE; if (viewer.isAvailable() && zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { if (zedMat.IsInit()) { // Retrieve left image err = zedCamera.RetrieveImage(zedMat, sl.VIEW.LEFT, sl.MEM.CPU); if (err == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { // Retrieve Objects zedCamera.RetrieveObjects(ref object_frame, ref obj_runtime_parameters); //Update GL View viewer.update(zedMat, object_frame); viewer.render(); } } } }
// 끝났다... public void EndPerform() { Debug.LogFormat(">>> Perform (End) :{0} / {1} / {2}\r\n", state, this.curr_task.state, err_code); if (try_count > 5 && _err_code != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) // 켄슬이나 다른 에러가 많으면 실패 처리해야지 { _err_code = ERROR_CODE.FAIL; } switch (err_code) { case ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: case ERROR_CODE.FAIL: case ERROR_CODE.CANCEL: break; case ERROR_CODE.NOT_ENOUGH_CANDY: this.SetPreDesire(new DesireKey(DesireState.Buy) { contents = { new Content(eDesireItem.Candy) } }); // 사탕이 부족합니다. break; default: break; } }
// 끝났어요 public void Done(ERROR_CODE error_code) { _error_code = error_code; Debug.LogFormat("[End] Task: {0} / {1}", _jobTaskRun.curr_task.state, error_code); // 동작중 이상 상태로 실패하면 기록 해야지 //workTaskRun.nowTask.err_code = error_code; // Done 처리 할지 말지 결정 하는부분 }
// Render loop private void NativeWindow_Render(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) { OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow nativeWindow = (OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow)sender; Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)nativeWindow.Width, (int)nativeWindow.Height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); ERROR_CODE err = ERROR_CODE.FAILURE; if (viewer.isAvailable() && zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { if (imageLeft.IsInit()) { // Retrieve left image zedCamera.RetrieveMeasure(pointCloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA, sl.MEM.CPU, pcRes); zedCamera.RetrieveImage(imageLeft, sl.VIEW.LEFT, sl.MEM.CPU, displayRes); zedCamera.GetPosition(ref camPose, REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD); // Retrieve Objects zedCamera.RetrieveObjects(ref objects, ref obj_runtime_parameters); TrackingViewer.render_2D(ref imageLeftOcv, imgScale, ref objects, isTrackingON); //Update GL View viewer.update(pointCloud, objects, camPose); viewer.render(); if (isPlayback && zedCamera.GetSVOPosition() == zedCamera.GetSVONumberOfFrames()) { return; } Cv2.ImShow(window_name, imageLeftOcv); } } }
/** * 获取错误描述 * @param [in] code 错误代码 * @return 错误代码对应的错误描述 */ public static string GetErrorDescription(ERROR_CODE code) { string error = string.Empty; switch (code) { case ERROR_CODE.INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME: error = "无效的房间名称"; break; case ERROR_CODE.ENTER_TIMEOUT: error = "超时,10秒未收到服务器返回结果"; break; case ERROR_CODE.ENTER_FAILED: error = "无法连接服务器"; break; case ERROR_CODE.ENTER_VERIFYFAILED: error = "验证码错误"; break; case ERROR_CODE.ENTER_BADVERSION: error = "版本错误"; break; case ERROR_CODE.ENTER_UNKNOWN: error = "未知错误"; break; } ; return(error); }
// Render loop private void NativeWindow_Render(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) { OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow nativeWindow = (OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow)sender; Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)nativeWindow.Width, (int)nativeWindow.Height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); ERROR_CODE err = ERROR_CODE.FAILURE; if (viewer.isAvailable() && zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { if (point_cloud.IsInit()) { // Retrieve Objects err = zedCamera.RetrieveObjects(ref object_frame, ref obj_runtime_parameters); if (err == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS && object_frame.isNew != 0) { // Retrieve left image zedCamera.RetrieveMeasure(point_cloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA, sl.MEM.CPU, res); zedCamera.GetPosition(ref cam_pose, REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD); //Update GL View viewer.update(point_cloud, object_frame, cam_pose); viewer.render(); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Set Initialization parameters InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters(); init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD720; init_params.cameraFPS = 60; init_params.coordinateUnits = UNIT.METER; init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP; init_params.depthMode = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE; Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0); // Open the camera ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params); if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { Environment.Exit(-1); } // Initialize runtime parameters and frame counter int i = 0; // Get resolution of camera uint mWidth = (uint)zedCamera.ImageWidth; uint mHeight = (uint)zedCamera.ImageHeight; // Initialize the Mat that will contain the Point Cloud Mat depth_map = new Mat(); depth_map.Create(mWidth, mHeight, MAT_TYPE.MAT_32F_C1, MEM.CPU); // Mat need to be created before use. // To avoid Nan Values, set to FILL to remove holes. RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters(); runtimeParameters.sensingMode = SENSING_MODE.FILL; while (i < 1000) { if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { // Get the pose of the left eye of the camera with reference to the world frame zedCamera.RetrieveMeasure(depth_map, MEASURE.XYZRGBA); // Display the X, Y , Z at the center of the image if (i % 10 == 0) { float4 xyz_value; depth_map.GetValue((int)mWidth / 2, (int)mHeight / 2, out xyz_value, MEM.CPU); Console.WriteLine("Depth At Image Center : (" + xyz_value.x + "," + xyz_value.y + "," + xyz_value.z + ")"); } // increment frame count i++; } } // Disable positional tracking and close the camera zedCamera.DisablePositionalTracking(""); zedCamera.Close(); }
// 복사해와 public void Copy(ActionContext info) { _error_code = info._error_code; // 에러 코드 _jobTaskRun = info._jobTaskRun; _runContexts = info._runContexts; _callbackException = info._callbackException; isDone = info.isDone; }
public ApiResultDto Result(ERROR_CODE code, object data = null) { if (code == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { return(ResultSuccess(data)); } return(ResultError(code)); }
protected void SetStatus(bool valid, ERROR_CODE error, IPropertyDto <T> targetProperty) { targetProperty.Status = valid ? PROPERTY_STATUS.VALID : PROPERTY_STATUS.INVALID; if (!valid) { targetProperty.Code = error; } }
private void Reload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ERROR_CODE res = LoadMap(buttons, MatrixSelection.SelectedIndex); if (res > ERROR_CODE.LOAD_WARNING_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { LogMessage(res.ToString()); } }
void ResponseErrorLobbyChat(int sessionID, ERROR_CODE result) { var response = new JsonPacketNoticeChat() { Result = ERROR_CODE.ERROR }; ServerNetworkRef.Send <JsonPacketNoticeChat>(sessionID, PACKET_ID.NOTICE_CHAT, response); }
void ResponseLoginToClient(ERROR_CODE errorCode, string sessionID) { var resLogin = new LoginResPacket() { Result = (short)errorCode }; ServerNetwork.SendData(sessionID, (UInt16)CL_PACKET_ID.RES_GAME_LOGIN, resLogin.ToBytes()); }
public bool FromBytes(byte[] bodyData) { var unpack_msgpack = new SimpleMsgPack.MsgPack(); unpack_msgpack.DecodeFromBytes(bodyData); ErrorCode = (ERROR_CODE)unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("ErrorCode").AsInteger; return(true); }
private async Task <ERROR_CODE> BleConnect(DeviceList idx, string devName) { ERROR_CODE result = ERROR_CODE.NONE; switch (idx) { case DeviceList.BLE1: result = ble1.StartScan(devName, (d) => { }); showmessage1(result.ToString()); if (result.Equals(ERROR_CODE.BLE_FOUND_DEVICE)) { result = await ble1.OpenDevice(devName); showmessage1($"Connection Result: {result}"); } ; break; case DeviceList.BLE2: result = ble2.StartScan(devName, (d) => { }); showmessage2(result.ToString()); if (result.Equals(ERROR_CODE.BLE_FOUND_DEVICE)) { result = await ble2.OpenDevice(devName); showmessage2($"Connection Result: {result}"); } ; break; case DeviceList.BLE3: result = ble3.StartScan(devName, (d) => { }); showmessage3(result.ToString()); if (result.Equals(ERROR_CODE.BLE_FOUND_DEVICE)) { result = await ble3.OpenDevice(devName); showmessage3($"Connection Result: {result}"); } ; break; case DeviceList.BLE4: result = ble4.StartScan(devName, (d) => { }); showmessage4(result.ToString()); if (result.Equals(ERROR_CODE.BLE_FOUND_DEVICE)) { result = await ble4.OpenDevice(devName); showmessage4($"Connection Result: {result}"); } ; break; } return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Set Initialization parameters InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters(); init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD720; init_params.cameraFPS = 60; init_params.coordinateUnits = UNIT.METER; init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP; init_params.depthMode = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE; Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0); // Open the camera ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params); if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { Environment.Exit(-1); } PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters(); err = zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters); if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { Environment.Exit(-1); } int i = 0; sl.Pose pose = new Pose(); RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters(); while (i < 1000) { if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { // Get the pose of the left eye of the camera with reference to the world frame zedCamera.GetPosition(ref pose, REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD); // Display the translation and timestamp each 10 frames if (i % 10 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Translation : " + pose.translation + ", Rotation : " + pose.rotation + ", Timestamp : " + pose.timestamp); } i++; } } // Disable positional tracking and close the camera zedCamera.DisablePositionalTracking(""); zedCamera.Close(); }
public static void DXLog(int code) { ERROR_CODE error_code = (ERROR_CODE)code; if (error_code != ERROR_CODE.NO_ERROR_CODE) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"DirectX error:{error_code}"); } Log($"DirectX error:{error_code}"); }
// Render loop private void NativeWindow_Render(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) { OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow nativeWindow = (OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow)sender; Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)nativeWindow.Width, (int)nativeWindow.Height); Gl.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); ERROR_CODE err = ERROR_CODE.FAILURE; if (viewer.isAvailable() && zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { if (zedMat.IsInit()) { // Retrieve left image err = zedCamera.RetrieveImage(zedMat, sl.VIEW.LEFT, sl.MEM.CPU); // Update pose data (used for projection of the mesh over the current image) tracking_state = zedCamera.GetPosition(ref cam_pose); if (tracking_state == POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OK) { timer++; if (userAction.hit) { Vector2 imageClick = new Vector2((float)userAction.hitCoord.X * (float)zedCamera.ImageWidth, (float)userAction.hitCoord.Y * (float)zedCamera.ImageHeight); findPlaneStatus = zedCamera.findPlaneAtHit(ref plane, imageClick); if (findPlaneStatus == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { zedCamera.convertHitPlaneToMesh(planeMeshVertices, planeMeshTriangles, out nbVertices, out nbTriangles); } userAction.clear(); } //if 500ms have spend since last request (for 60fps) if (timer % 30 == 0 && userAction.pressSpace) { // Update pose data (used for projection of the mesh over the current image) Quaternion priorQuat = Quaternion.Identity; Vector3 priorTrans = Vector3.Zero; findPlaneStatus = zedCamera.findFloorPlane(ref plane, out float playerHeight, priorQuat, priorTrans); if (findPlaneStatus == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { zedCamera.convertFloorPlaneToMesh(planeMeshVertices, planeMeshTriangles, out nbVertices, out nbTriangles); } userAction.clear(); } } if (findPlaneStatus == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { viewer.updateMesh(planeMeshVertices, planeMeshTriangles, nbVertices, nbTriangles, plane.Type, plane.Bounds, userAction); } viewer.updateImageAndState(zedMat, cam_pose, tracking_state); viewer.render(); } } }
public static string GetErrorString(ERROR_CODE errorcode, FontColor fc = FontColor.White) { int code = (int)errorcode; if (!DataManager.ErrorCodeStringTable.ContainsKey(code)) { return(""); } ErrorStringTableItem item = DataManager.ErrorCodeStringTable[code] as ErrorStringTableItem; return(fc == FontColor.White ? item.str : StringWithColor(fc, item.str)); }
public async Task <ERROR_CODE> BleConnect(int index, string devName) { ERROR_CODE result = ERROR_CODE.NONE; result = ble[index].StartScan(devName, (d) => { }); if (result.Equals(ERROR_CODE.BLE_FOUND_DEVICE)) { result = await ble[index].OpenDevice(devName); } ; return(result); }
private void Awake() { oldInitStatus = ERROR_CODE.ERROR_CODE_LAST; if (!ZEDManager.IsStereoRig) //Without VR, we use a Screen Space - Overlay canvas. { warningmono = Instantiate(Resources.Load("PrefabsUI/Warning") as GameObject, transform); warningmono.SetActive(true); textmono = warningmono.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); textmono.color = Color.white; if (!ZEDCamera.CheckPlugin()) { textmono.text = ZEDLogMessage.Error2Str(ZEDLogMessage.ERROR.SDK_NOT_INSTALLED); } imagemono = warningmono.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).gameObject; imagemono.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); ready = false; } else //In VR, we use two Screen Space - Camera canvases, one for each eye. { //Setup the left warning prefab warningleft = Instantiate(Resources.Load("PrefabsUI/Warning_VR") as GameObject, ZEDManager.Instance.GetLeftCameraTransform()); warningleft.SetActive(true); warningleft.GetComponent <Canvas>().worldCamera = ZEDManager.Instance.GetLeftCameraTransform().GetComponent <Camera>(); warningleft.GetComponent <Canvas>().planeDistance = 1; textleft = warningleft.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); textleft.color = Color.white; imageleft = warningleft.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).gameObject; imageleft.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); //Setup the right warning prefab warningright = Instantiate(Resources.Load("PrefabsUI/Warning_VR") as GameObject, ZEDManager.Instance.GetRightCameraTransform()); warningright.SetActive(true); warningright.GetComponent <Canvas>().worldCamera = ZEDManager.Instance.GetRightCameraTransform().GetComponent <Camera>(); warningright.GetComponent <Canvas>().planeDistance = 1; textright = warningright.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); textright.color = Color.white; imageright = warningright.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).gameObject; imageright.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (!ZEDCamera.CheckPlugin()) { textleft.text = ZEDLogMessage.Error2Str(ZEDLogMessage.ERROR.SDK_NOT_INSTALLED); textright.text = ZEDLogMessage.Error2Str(ZEDLogMessage.ERROR.SDK_NOT_INSTALLED); } ready = false; } }
public void ResponseLoginToClient(ERROR_CODE errorCode, string sessionID) { var resLogin = new PKTResLogin() { Result = (short)errorCode }; var bodyData = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(resLogin); var sendData = PacketToBytes.Make(PACKETID.RES_LOGIN, bodyData); ServerNetwork.SendData(sessionID, sendData); }
public void NotifyMustCloseToClient(ERROR_CODE errorCode, string sessionID) { var resLogin = new PKNtfMustClose() { Result = (short)errorCode }; var bodyData = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(resLogin); var sendData = PacketToBytes.Make(PACKETID.NTF_MUST_CLOSE, bodyData); ServerNetwork.SendData(sessionID, sendData); }
void ResponseEnterRoomToClient(ERROR_CODE errorCode, string sessionID) { var resRoomEnter = new PKTResRoomEnter() { Result = (short)errorCode }; var bodyData = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(resRoomEnter); var sendData = PacketToBytes.Make(PACKETID.RES_ROOM_ENTER, bodyData); ServerNetwork.SendData(sessionID, sendData); }
ResponseData RequestLoginValue(ERROR_CODE result, RequestData dbRequest) { var reqponseData = new ResponseData() { PacketID = PACKET_ID.DB_RESPONSE_LOGIN, SessionID = dbRequest.SessionID, PacketProcessIndex = dbRequest.PacketProcessIndex, }; var response = new DB.ResponseLogin() { Result = result, UserID = dbRequest.UserID }; var serializer = MessagePackSerializer.Get<DB.ResponseLogin>(); reqponseData.Datas = serializer.PackSingleObject(response); return reqponseData; }
void ResponseLeaveLobby(ERROR_CODE result, short lobbyID, string userID) { if (result == ERROR_CODE.NONE) { DevLog.Write(string.Format("[LeaveLobby] lobbyID:{0}, UserID:{1}", lobbyID, userID), LOG_LEVEL.INFO); } else { DevLog.Write(string.Format("[LeaveLobby 실패] lobbyID:{0}, UserID:{1}, result:{2}", lobbyID, userID, result.ToString()), LOG_LEVEL.ERROR); } var jsonData = new JsonPacketInnerNotifyLeaveLobby() { Result = result, LobbyID = lobbyID, UserID = userID }; var bodyData = CGSFNETCommon.JsonEnDecode.Encode<JsonPacketInnerNotifyLeaveLobby>(jsonData); var InnerPacket = new CgsfNET64Lib.SFNETPacket(); InnerPacket.SetData(-1, (ushort)PACKET_ID.INNER_NOTIFY_LEAVE_LOBBY, bodyData); RelayPacketPacketProcess.RelayPacket(0, InnerPacket); }
/// <summary> /// "Throw" error, displays MessageBox with error information /// </summary> /// <param name="err"></param> /// <param name="line"></param> /// <param name="comment"></param> public static void Error(ERROR_CODE err, int line, string comment) { c_curErr = err; // error string string s = string.Format("Error {0}: {1} at line: {2}\r\n{3}", (int) err, err.ToString(), line, comment); // add error to log AddToLog(s); // display window if (c_bShowWindow) MessageBox.Show( s, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign); }
void ResponseErrorLobbyChat(int sessionID, ERROR_CODE result) { var response = new JsonPacketNoticeChat() { Result = ERROR_CODE.ERROR }; ServerNetworkRef.Send<JsonPacketNoticeChat>(sessionID, PACKET_ID.NOTICE_CHAT, response); }
void ResponseLeaveLobby(int sessionID, ERROR_CODE result, short lobbyID) { if (result == ERROR_CODE.NONE) { DevLog.Write(string.Format("[LeaveLobby] lobbyID:{0}, sessionID:{1}", lobbyID, sessionID), LOG_LEVEL.INFO); } else { DevLog.Write(string.Format("[LeaveLobby 실패] lobbyID:{0}, sessionID:{1}, result:{2}", lobbyID, sessionID, result.ToString()), LOG_LEVEL.ERROR); } var response = new JsonPacketResponseLeaveLobby() { Result = result }; ServerNetworkRef.Send<JsonPacketResponseLeaveLobby>(sessionID, PACKET_ID.RESPONSE_LEAVE_LOBBY, response); }
/// <summary> /// ChatをあらわすXmlを解析する /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> void parse(string str) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } System.Xml.XmlDocument xdoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); try { xdoc.LoadXml(str); this.parse(xdoc.FirstChild); } catch (Exception) { this._errorCode = ERROR_CODE.Undefined; } }
/// <summary> /// ChatをあらわすXmlを解析する /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> void parse(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { if (node == null || !node.Name.Equals("chat")) { this._errorCode = ERROR_CODE.ParseError; return; } this._anonymity = (node.Attributes["anonymity"] != null); this._message = Utility.Unsanitizing(node.InnerText); this._no = Utility.SelectInt(node, "@no", 0); this._vpos = Utility.SelectInt(node, "@vpos", 0); this._mail = Utility.SelectString(node, "@mail"); this._userId = Utility.SelectString(node, "@user_id"); this._thread = Utility.SelectInt(node, "@thread", 0); this._date = Utility.SelectDateTime(node, "@date"); this._premium = Utility.SelectInt(node, "@premium", 0); if (this.IsOwnerComment && this._message.StartsWith("/hb")) { this._userId = "hb"; } //改行文字を統一 this._message = this._message.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n"); }
/// <summary> /// Sets CPS_Exception error code /// </summary> /// <param name="code">Error code</param> /// <returns>Self (CPS_Exception).</returns> public CPS_Exception SetCode(ERROR_CODE code) { this.p_code = (int)code; return this; }