internal void SendLogoutPackets(Client client)
            CancelTrade ct = new CancelTrade();
            ct.FromID = (uint)client.ZonePlayer.ID;
            ct.Action = 7;  // TODO: figure out wtf 7 is and constant-ize it (looks like a group action of "update")
            EQApplicationPacket<CancelTrade> ctPack = new EQApplicationPacket<CancelTrade>(AppOpCode.CancelTrade, ct);

            EQRawApplicationPacket plrPack = new EQRawApplicationPacket(AppOpCode.PreLogoutReply, client.IPEndPoint, null);
Esempio n. 2
 void Mob_SpellCastBegun(object sender, BeginCastEventArgs bce)
     Mob m = sender as Mob;
     BeginCast bc = new BeginCast() { CasterId = (ushort)m.ID, SpellId = (ushort)bce.SpellId, CastTime = bce.CastTime };
     EQApplicationPacket<BeginCast> bcPacket = new EQApplicationPacket<BeginCast>(AppOpCode.BeginCast, bc);
     _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(m, bcPacket, 200.0f, false);
Esempio n. 3
        void Mob_PositionUpdate(object sender, PosUpdateEventArgs e)
            Mob mob = sender as Mob;
            PlayerPositionUpdateServer ppus;

            if (e.UseDelta)
                ppus = mob.GetSpawnUpdate();
                EQApplicationPacket<PlayerPositionUpdateServer> ppusPack = new EQApplicationPacket<PlayerPositionUpdateServer>(AppOpCode.ClientUpdate, ppus);
                _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(mob, ppusPack, 800, true);
                ppus = mob.GetSpawnUpdateNoDelta();
                EQApplicationPacket<PlayerPositionUpdateServer> ppusPack = new EQApplicationPacket<PlayerPositionUpdateServer>(AppOpCode.ClientUpdate, ppus);
                if (e.OnlyNearby)
                    _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(mob, ppusPack, 800, true);
                    _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClients(mob, ppusPack, true);
Esempio n. 4
 void Mob_PlayAnimation(object sender, AnimationEventArgs ae)
     Mob mob = sender as Mob;
     Animation anim = new Animation() { Action = 10, SpawnID = (ushort)mob.ID, Value = (byte)ae.Anim };
     EQApplicationPacket<Animation> animPack = new EQApplicationPacket<Animation>(AppOpCode.Animation, anim);
     _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(mob, animPack, 200.0f, false, true);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>Called when the client is allowed to zone.  Handles all which must happen when a client zones out.</summary>
        internal void ZoneClient(ZoneChange zc, Zone targetZone, float destX, float destY, float destZ, float destH, byte ignoreRestrictions, Client client)


            // TODO: clear aggro for pet, if present

            _log.DebugFormat("{0} is ATTEMPTING to zone to {1} ({2}) {3}x {4}y {5}z", client.ZonePlayer.Name, targetZone.ShortName, targetZone.ZoneID,
                destX, destY, destZ);

            ZoneChange zcOut = new ZoneChange();
            if (targetZone.ZoneID == this.Zone.ZoneID)
                // Zoning to same zone (maybe a bind point, etc.)
                zcOut.ZoneID = this.Zone.ZoneID;
                zcOut.Success = (int)ZoneError.Success;

                client.ZonePlayer.X = destX;
                client.ZonePlayer.Y = destY;
                client.ZonePlayer.Z = destZ;
                client.ZonePlayer.Heading = destH;

                _log.InfoFormat("{0} is zoning to same zone {1}x {2}y {3}z (no error)", client.ZonePlayer.Name, destX, destY, destZ);
                AddClientAuth(client.IPEndPoint.Address.ToString(), true);   // add to expected clients list
                // Send a ZTZ to World
                ZoneToZone ztz = new ZoneToZone();
                ztz.CharName = client.ZonePlayer.Name;
                ztz.CharId = client.ZonePlayer.ID;
                ztz.ClientIp = client.IPEndPoint.Address.ToString();
                ztz.CurrentZoneId = this.Zone.ZoneID;
                ztz.RequestedZoneId = targetZone.ZoneID;
                ztz.AccountStatus = client.ZonePlayer.AccountStatus;
                ztz.IgnoreRestrictions = ignoreRestrictions;
                int ztzResult = WorldSvc.ZoneToZone(ztz);

                if (ztzResult > 0)
                    // problems
                    zcOut.Success = (int)ZoneError.NotReady;
                    client.ZonePlayer.ZoneId = this.Zone.ZoneID;    // client isn't zoning after all, so set the id back to this zone

                    _log.InfoFormat("{0} is zoning to same zone {1}x {2}y {3}z due to error code {4} when asking world to zone",
                        client.ZonePlayer.Name, destX, destY, destZ, ztzResult);

                    client.ZonePlayer.MsgMgr.SendSpecialMessage(MessageType.Default, string.Format("There was a problem zoning.  Code {0}.", ztzResult));
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(client.ZonePlayer.Name), 0, zcOut.CharName, 0, client.ZonePlayer.Name.Length);
                    zcOut.ZoneID = targetZone.ZoneID;
                    zcOut.Success = (int)ZoneError.Success;

                    client.ZonePlayer.X = destX;
                    client.ZonePlayer.Y = destY;
                    client.ZonePlayer.Z = destZ;
                    client.ZonePlayer.Heading = destH;
                    client.ZonePlayer.ZoneId = targetZone.ZoneID;

                    _log.InfoFormat("{0} is zoning to {1} ({2}) {3}x {4}y {5}z", client.ZonePlayer.Name, targetZone.ShortName, targetZone.ZoneID,
                        destX, destY, destZ);

                    // TODO: for ignoreRestrictions of 3, get safe coords for target zone

            client.ZonePlayer.ZoneMode = ZoneMode.Unsolicited;  // reset the zoneMode
            client.ZonePlayer.Save();   // this forced save ensures the correct zone info is available to world when zoning the client

            EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange> zcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange>(AppOpCode.ZoneChange, zcOut);
Esempio n. 6
        void InvMgr_ItemChargeUsed(object sender, ItemChargeUseEventArgs e)
            MoveItem mi = new MoveItem() { FromSlot = e.SlotID, NumberInStack = 0xFFFFFFFF, ToSlot = 0xFFFFFFFF };
            EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem> miPack = new EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem>(AppOpCode.DeleteCharge, mi);

            for (int i = 0; i < e.Charges; i++)
Esempio n. 7
        internal void SetSkillLevel(Skill skill, uint level)
            if (skill > Skill.Highest)
                throw new ArgumentException("Skill is beyond the range of legal skill values.", "skill");

            _pp.Skills[(uint)skill] = level;

            SkillUpdate su = new SkillUpdate() { SkillId = (uint)skill, SkillValue = level };
            EQApplicationPacket<SkillUpdate> suPack = new EQApplicationPacket<SkillUpdate>(AppOpCode.SkillUpdate, su);
Esempio n. 8
        private void PlayerDeath(ZonePlayer zp, Mob lastAttacker, uint spellId, byte damageType, uint damage)
            _log.DebugFormat("{0} bought the farm. Fatal blow dealt by {1} with {2} damage, skill {3}, spell {4}.", zp.Name, lastAttacker.Name,
                damage, damageType, spellId);

            if (zp.IsDePopped) {
                _log.WarnFormat("{0} is trying to die more than once or something... is already depopped!", zp.Name);


            // Make the become corpse packet and queue to player before Death opCode packet
            BecomeCorpse bc = new BecomeCorpse()
                SpawnId = (uint)zp.ID,
                X = zp.X,
                Y = zp.Y,
                Z = zp.Z
            EQApplicationPacket<BecomeCorpse> bcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<BecomeCorpse>(AppOpCode.BecomeCorpse, bc);
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClient(zp.Client, bcPack, true, ZoneConnectionState.All);

            Death d = new Death()
                SpawnId = (uint)zp.ID,
                KillerId = lastAttacker == null ? 0u : (uint)lastAttacker.ID,
                CorpseId = (uint)zp.ID,
                BindToZoneId = zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].ZoneId,
                SpellId = spellId == 0u ? 0xFFFFFFFF : spellId,
                AttackSkillId = spellId != 0u ? (uint)0xe7 : damageType,
                Damage = damage
            EQApplicationPacket<Death> dPack = new EQApplicationPacket<Death>(AppOpCode.Death, d);
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClients(lastAttacker, dPack, false);

            // orig emu removed self from its own hate list... don't understand why you'd do that, so skipping

            if (!zp.IsGM) {     // GM's don't get penalized from dieing... muwhahaha

                // Figure out how much xp we lose, if any
                int xpLoss = 0;
                if (zp.Level >= WorldServer.ServerConfig.LevelDeathDoesXPLoss)  // TODO: don't lose xp when we have become an NPC?
                    xpLoss = (int)(zp.XP * WorldServer.ServerConfig.XPLossModifier);

                if (lastAttacker is ZonePlayer) // TODO: also check if the attacker is a pet owned by a player (no xp loss in that case)
                    xpLoss = 0; // Don't lose xp when dueling

                _log.DebugFormat("{0} is losing {1} xp due to his ass died.", zp.Name, xpLoss);
                zp.XP -= xpLoss;

                // TODO: fade buffs (ALL - good and bad)
                // TODO: unmem spells (don't send packets)

                PlayerCorpse pc = new PlayerCorpse(zp, xpLoss, _zoneSvr.HasGraveyard());
                _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClients(zp, bcPack, true);    // send the become corpse packet to all players in the zone
            else {
                // TODO: fade just detrimental buffs

            // Send player to bind point
            _zoneSvr.MovePlayer(zp, zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].ZoneId, 0, zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].X, zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].Y, zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].Z, zp.PlayerProfile.Binds[0].Heading, ZoneMode.ZoneToBindPoint);
 internal void SendLootRequestErrorPacket(Client client, byte response)
     MoneyOnCorpse moc = new MoneyOnCorpse() { Response = response };
     EQApplicationPacket<MoneyOnCorpse> mocPack = new EQApplicationPacket<MoneyOnCorpse>(AppOpCode.MoneyOnCorpse, moc);
Esempio n. 10
        private void SendZoneCancel(ZoneChange zc, Client client)
            // send client right back to where they were - TODO: could this be improved?
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(client.ZonePlayer.Name), 0, zc.CharName, 0, client.ZonePlayer.Name.Length);
            zc.ZoneID = (ushort)this.Zone.ZoneID;
            zc.Success = 1;
            EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange> zcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange>(AppOpCode.ZoneChange, zc);

            client.ZonePlayer.ZoneMode = ZoneMode.Unsolicited;
Esempio n. 11
        private void SendZoneError(ZoneChange zc, ZoneError errCode, Client client)
            _log.InfoFormat("Zone {0} is not available for {1} because it wasn't found, insufficient flags, insufficient level or locked zone", zc.ZoneID, client.ZonePlayer.Name);

            ZoneChange zcOut = new ZoneChange(client.ZonePlayer.Name);
            zcOut.ZoneID = zc.ZoneID;
            zcOut.Success = (int)errCode;
            EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange> zcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<ZoneChange>(AppOpCode.ZoneChange, zcOut);
Esempio n. 12
        internal void SendStancePacket(SpawnAppearanceType appearType, Mob mob, short stanceValue, bool wholeZone, bool ignoreSelf, Client target)
            SpawnAppearance sa = new SpawnAppearance((ushort)mob.ID, (ushort)appearType, (uint)stanceValue);
            EQApplicationPacket<SpawnAppearance> saPack = new EQApplicationPacket<SpawnAppearance>(AppOpCode.SpawnAppearance, sa);

            if (wholeZone)
                this.QueuePacketToClients(mob, saPack, ignoreSelf);
            else if (target != null)
                QueuePacketToClient(target, saPack, false, ZoneConnectionState.Connected);
            else if (mob is ZonePlayer)
                QueuePacketToClient(((ZonePlayer)mob).Client, saPack, false, ZoneConnectionState.Connected);
Esempio n. 13
        private void SpawnQueueTimerCallback(object state)
            EQRawApplicationPacket packet = null;
            Internals.Packets.Spawn spawn;

            while (_spawnQueue.Count > 0)
                    lock (((ICollection)_spawnQueue).SyncRoot)
                        spawn = _spawnQueue.Dequeue();

                    // send the packet
                    packet = new EQApplicationPacket<Internals.Packets.Spawn>(AppOpCode.NewSpawn, spawn);
                    QueuePacketToClients(null, packet, true);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _log.Error("SpawnQueueTimerCallback error", e);
Esempio n. 14
        private void AddNpc(NpcMob npcMob, bool sendSpawnPacket, bool dontQueue)
            // TODO: try to see if we can get away with only one list for mobs & npcs... npcs are in the mob list, so hey, it might work
            //_npcMobs.Add(npcMob.NpcID, npcMob); // Added by id of the npc db entity

            if (sendSpawnPacket)
                if (dontQueue)
                    EQApplicationPacket<Internals.Packets.Spawn> spawnPack = new EQApplicationPacket<Internals.Packets.Spawn>(AppOpCode.NewSpawn, npcMob.GetSpawn());
                    QueuePacketToClients(null, spawnPack, true);
                    // TODO: raise spawn event
                    if (_clients.Count > 0) // no clients, no send anything
                        lock (((ICollection)_spawnQueue).SyncRoot)

                // TODO: raise spawn event - nah, better place is where it actually spawns, yea?
Esempio n. 15
 void Mob_WearChanged(object sender, WearChangeEventArgs wce)
     //_log.DebugFormat("Sending wear change for {0} ({1})", sender, wce.WearChange);
     EQApplicationPacket<WearChange> wcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<WearChange>(AppOpCode.WearChange, wce.WearChange);
     _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClients(sender as Mob, wcPack, true);
Esempio n. 16
        override public MerchantManager GetMerchantData(NPCSpawnList npcsl)
            List <EQApplicationPacket> PacketList = Packets.PacketList;

            UInt32 OP_ShopRequest = OpManager.OpCodeNameToNumber("OP_ShopRequest");

            UInt32 OP_ShopEnd = OpManager.OpCodeNameToNumber("OP_ShopEnd");

            UInt32 OP_ItemPacket = OpManager.OpCodeNameToNumber("OP_ItemPacket");

            MerchantManager mm = new MerchantManager();

            for (int i = 0; i < PacketList.Count; ++i)
                EQApplicationPacket p = PacketList[i];

                if ((p.Direction == PacketDirection.ServerToClient) && (p.OpCode == OP_ShopRequest))
                    ByteStream Buffer = new ByteStream(p.Buffer);

                    UInt32 MerchantSpawnID = Buffer.ReadUInt32();

                    NPCSpawn npc = npcsl.GetNPC(MerchantSpawnID);

                    UInt32 NPCTypeID;

                    if (npc != null)
                        NPCTypeID = npc.NPCTypeID;
                        NPCTypeID = 0;


                    for (int j = i + 1; j < PacketList.Count; ++j)
                        p = PacketList[j];

                        if (p.OpCode == OP_ShopEnd)

                        if (p.OpCode == OP_ItemPacket)
                            Buffer = new ByteStream(p.Buffer);

                            UInt32 StackSize = Buffer.ReadUInt32();


                            UInt32 Slot = Buffer.ReadUInt32();

                            UInt32 MerchantSlot = Buffer.ReadUInt32();

                            UInt32 Price = Buffer.ReadUInt32();

                            Int32 Quantity = Buffer.ReadInt32();

                            Buffer.SetPosition(68); // Point to item name

                            string ItemName = Buffer.ReadString(true);

                            string Lore = Buffer.ReadString(true);

                            string IDFile = Buffer.ReadString(true);

                            UInt32 ItemID = Buffer.ReadUInt32();

                            //if (Quantity == -1)
                            mm.AddMerchantItem(MerchantSpawnID, ItemID, ItemName, MerchantSlot, Quantity);

Esempio n. 17
        private void NpcDeath(NpcMob npc, Mob lastAttacker, uint spellId, byte damageType, uint damage)
            RemoveFromAllTargets(npc);  // Remove NPC from any entity's target & hate lists

            // Send Death Packet
            Death d = new Death()
                SpawnId = (uint)npc.ID,
                KillerId = lastAttacker == null ? 0u : (uint)lastAttacker.ID,
                BindToZoneId = 0u,
                SpellId = spellId == 0u ? 0xFFFFFFFF : spellId,
                AttackSkillId = damageType,
                Damage = damage
            EQApplicationPacket<Death> dPack = new EQApplicationPacket<Death>(AppOpCode.Death, d);
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClients(lastAttacker, dPack, false);  // TODO: this should be cool with a null lastAttacker, right?

            // TODO: something about respawn?

            Mob killer = npc.HateMgr.GetTopHated();
            Mob xpMob = npc.HateMgr.GetTopDamager();

            // Give xp out
            if (xpMob == null)
                xpMob = killer;
            if (xpMob == null)
                xpMob = lastAttacker;

            // TODO: if xpMob is pet, get the owner

            ZonePlayer xpClient = xpMob as ZonePlayer;
            if (xpClient != null) {
                // TODO: handle raid split, LDON adventure crap, etc.

                float groupBonus = 1.0f;
                if (xpClient.IsGrouped) {
                    // TODO: handle group split

                    // TODO: add group xp bonus
                else {
                    ConLevel conLvl = Mob.GetConsiderDificulty(xpClient.Level, npc.Level);
                    if (conLvl != ConLevel.Green) {
                        // TODO: figure high con bonus, if any
                        int baseXp = (int)(npc.Level * npc.Level * groupBonus * _zoneSvr.Zone.XPMultiplier);
                        xpClient.GiveXP((int)(npc.Level * npc.Level * 75 * _zoneSvr.Zone.XPMultiplier), conLvl);

                // TODO: raise death merit event?

            // TODO: faction hits

            // Make a corpse and add to the manager
            if (npc.IsLootable) {   // TODO: add additional checks for stuff like a guard killing the mob, etc.
                Corpse c = new Corpse(npc, npc.LootItems);

                // TODO: if killer is a pet, get the owner
                if (xpClient != null)
                    c.AllowLooter(killer as ZonePlayer);

            // TODO: raise script event
            _log.DebugFormat("NPC {0} has died", npc.ID);
Esempio n. 18
        internal void SendMessageID(uint type, MessageStrings msgStr)
            // TODO: add message filtering once filters are in

            SimpleMessage sm = new SimpleMessage() { Color = type, StringID = (uint)msgStr };
            EQApplicationPacket<SimpleMessage> smPack = new EQApplicationPacket<SimpleMessage>(AppOpCode.SimpleMessage, sm);
            _zp.Client.SendApplicationPacket(smPack, true);
Esempio n. 19
        void ZonePlayer_LevelGained(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ZonePlayer zp = sender as ZonePlayer;
            LevelAppearance la = new LevelAppearance()
                SpawnID = (uint)zp.ID,
                Parm1 = 0x4d,
                Parm2 = 0x4d + 1,
                Parm3 = 0x4d + 2,
                Parm4 = 0x4d + 3,
                Parm5 = 0x4d + 4,
                Value1a = 1,
                Value2a = 2,
                Value3a = 1,
                Value3b = 1,
                Value4a = 1,
                Value4b = 1,
                Value5a = 2
            EQApplicationPacket<LevelAppearance> laPack = new EQApplicationPacket<LevelAppearance>(AppOpCode.LevelAppearance, la);
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(zp, laPack, 200.0f, false, true);

            _log.InfoFormat("{0} has dinged to level {1}", zp.Name, zp.Level);
Esempio n. 20
        void Mob_Damaged(object sender, DamageEventArgs de)
            Mob sourceMob = this[de.SourceId];  // This safely gets a null if sourceId == 0
            Mob targetMob = sender as Mob;

            if (targetMob.Dead) {
                if (targetMob is NpcMob)    // TODO: will want to handle pets here as well
                    NpcDeath(targetMob as NpcMob, sourceMob, de.SpellId, de.Type, de.Damage);
                else if (targetMob is ZonePlayer)
                    PlayerDeath(targetMob as ZonePlayer, sourceMob, de.SpellId, de.Type, de.Damage);


            CombatDamage cd = new CombatDamage()
                TargetId = (ushort)targetMob.ID,
                SourceId = de.SourceId,
                DamageType = de.Type,
                Damage = de.Damage,
                SpellId = de.SpellId

            EQApplicationPacket<CombatDamage> cdPack = new EQApplicationPacket<CombatDamage>(AppOpCode.Damage, cd);

            // TODO: choose right filter and then add to packet queue methods

            // Send to attacker if it's a player    TODO: verify this sends spell dmg
            if (de.SourceId != 0 && sourceMob is ZonePlayer)
                _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClient(((ZonePlayer)sourceMob).Client, cdPack, true, ZoneConnectionState.Connected);

            // Send to nearby players
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToNearbyClients(targetMob, cdPack, 200.0f, true, true, new int[] { de.SourceId });

            // Send to defender if it's a player
            if (targetMob is ZonePlayer) {
                //_log.DebugFormat("Telling {0} they were damaged for {1} points.", targetMob.Name, de.Damage);
                _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClient(((ZonePlayer)targetMob).Client, cdPack, true, ZoneConnectionState.Connected);
Esempio n. 21
        protected void OnManaStaChanged(EventArgs e)
            if (!(this.ConnectionState == ZoneConnectionState.Connected) || this.IsCasting) {
                if (_lastReportedMana != this.Mana || _lastReportedEnd != this.Endurance) {
                    ManaStaChange msc = new ManaStaChange() { NewEndurance = this.Endurance, NewMana = (uint)this.Mana, SpellId = 0 };
                    EQApplicationPacket<ManaStaChange> mscPack = new EQApplicationPacket<ManaStaChange>(AppOpCode.ManaChange, msc);

                    _lastReportedEnd = this.Endurance;
                    _lastReportedMana = (uint)this.Mana;
Esempio n. 22
        void Mob_HpUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Mob mob = sender as Mob;
            HPUpdateRatio hpRatio = mob.GetHPUpdateRatio();
            HPUpdateExact hpExact = mob.GetHPUpdateExact(); // TODO: adjust for itembonuses

            EQApplicationPacket<HPUpdateRatio> hpRatioPacket = new EQApplicationPacket<HPUpdateRatio>(AppOpCode.MobHealth, hpRatio);
            EQApplicationPacket<HPUpdateExact> hpExactPacket = new EQApplicationPacket<HPUpdateExact>(AppOpCode.HPUpdate, hpExact);

            // Send to those who have us targeted
            _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClientsByTarget(mob, hpRatioPacket, true, false);
            // TODO: queue to groups for npc health - whatever that means

            // TODO: once groups are in, send to group

            // TODO: send to raid

            // TODO: once pets are in, send to master/pet

            ZonePlayer zp = sender as ZonePlayer;
            if (zp != null) {
                _zoneSvr.QueuePacketToClient(zp.Client, hpExactPacket, true, ZoneConnectionState.All);  // Send exact hps to self
                //_log.DebugFormat("Sent exact HPs to self - max:{0} cur:{1}", hpExact.MaxHP, hpExact.CurrentHP);

            // TODO: HP Script Event
Esempio n. 23
        void InvMgr_ItemMoved(object sender, ItemMoveEventArgs e)
            // TODO: when attuneable items are in, check for attuneable and set invItem attuned

            // TODO: old emu set the equipment material here but I don't see that ever being used

            if (e.ToSlotID <= (uint)InventorySlot.EquipSlotsEnd)

            if (e.FromSlotID <= (uint)InventorySlot.EquipSlotsEnd)

            if (e.NotifyClient) {
                MoveItem mi = new MoveItem() { FromSlot = e.FromSlotID, NumberInStack = e.Quantity, ToSlot = e.ToSlotID };
                EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem> miPack = null;

                if (e.Quantity > 0) {   // Moving from a stack?
                    mi.NumberInStack = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    if (e.ToSlotID == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                        miPack = new EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem>(AppOpCode.DeleteItem, mi);
                        miPack = new EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem>(AppOpCode.MoveItem, mi);     // TODO: this right?

                    for (int i = 0; i < e.Quantity; i++)
                else {
                    mi.NumberInStack = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    miPack = new EQApplicationPacket<MoveItem>(AppOpCode.MoveItem, mi);

Esempio n. 24
        internal void MovePlayer(ZonePlayer zp, uint zoneId, uint instanceId, float x, float y, float z, float heading, ZoneMode zm)
            if (zoneId == this.Zone.ZoneID) {   // TODO: also test if the instance id is equal to this zone's
                if (zp.IsAIControlled) {
                    // TODO: quick move the pc

                // TODO: if they have a pet, quick move the pet to the new spot as well

            zp.ZoneMode = zm;

            switch (zm) {
                case ZoneMode.EvacToSafeCoords:
                case ZoneMode.ZoneToSafeCoords:
                    // TODO: start cheat timer?
                    zp.ZoneSummonX = x;
                    zp.ZoneSummonY = y;
                    zp.ZoneSummonZ = z;
                    zp.Heading = heading;
                case ZoneMode.GMSummon:
                    zp.MsgMgr.SendSpecialMessage(MessageType.Default, "You have been summoned by a GM!");
                    zp.ZoneSummonX = x;
                    zp.ZoneSummonY = y;
                    zp.ZoneSummonZ = z;
                    zp.Heading = heading;
                    zp.ZoneSummonID = (ushort)zoneId;
                case ZoneMode.Solicited:
                    zp.ZoneSummonX = x;
                    zp.ZoneSummonY = y;
                    zp.ZoneSummonZ = z;
                    zp.Heading = heading;
                    zp.ZoneSummonID = (ushort)zoneId;
                case ZoneMode.ZoneToBindPoint:
                    zp.ZoneId = (ushort)zoneId;
                    zp.X = x;
                    zp.Y = y;
                    zp.Z = z;
                    zp.Heading = heading;
                    _log.InfoFormat("Player {0} has died and will be zoned to bind point in zone {1} at LOC x={2}, y={3}, z={4}", zp.Name,
                        zoneId, x, y, z);

                    ZonePlayerToBind zptb = new ZonePlayerToBind(zoneId, x, y, z, heading, "Bind Location");
                    EQRawApplicationPacket zptbPack = new EQRawApplicationPacket(AppOpCode.ZonePlayerToBind, zp.Client.IPEndPoint, zptb.Serialize());
                    QueuePacketToClient(zp.Client, zptbPack, true, ZoneConnectionState.All);
                case ZoneMode.Unsolicited:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("This type of player moving not supported yet.  Implement it!");
                case ZoneMode.GateToBindPoint:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("This type of player moving not supported yet.  Implement it!");
                case ZoneMode.SummonPC:
                    zp.MsgMgr.SendSpecialMessage(MessageType.Default, "You have been summoned!");
                    throw new NotSupportedException("This type of player moving not supported yet.  Implement it!");

            // Handle Packet sending wasn't handled yet if we've gotten this far, so handle it now
            if (zm == ZoneMode.Solicited || zm == ZoneMode.ZoneToSafeCoords) {
                RequestClientZoneChange rczc = new RequestClientZoneChange()
                    ZoneId = (ushort)zoneId,
                    X = x,
                    Y = y,
                    Z = z,
                    Heading = heading,
                    InstanceId = (ushort)instanceId,
                    Type = 0x01     // Might be meaningless... noted as an "observed value"

                EQApplicationPacket<RequestClientZoneChange> rczcPack = new EQApplicationPacket<RequestClientZoneChange>(AppOpCode.RequestClientZoneChange, rczc);
                QueuePacketToClient(zp.Client, rczcPack, true, ZoneConnectionState.Connected);