private void AddAboutInformation(EPubFileV3 epubFile) { Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()); string version = "???"; if (asm != null) { version = asm.GetName().Version.ToString(); } epubFile.CreatorSoftwareString = string.Format(@"Fb2epub v{0} []", version); if (!Settings.ConversionSettings.SkipAboutPage) { epubFile.AboutTexts.Add( string.Format("This file was generated by Lord KiRon's FB2EPUB converter version {0}.", version)); epubFile.AboutTexts.Add("(This book might contain copyrighted material, author of the converter bears no responsibility for it's usage)"); epubFile.AboutTexts.Add( string.Format("Этот файл создан при помощи конвертера FB2EPUB версии {0} написанного Lord KiRon.", version)); epubFile.AboutTexts.Add("(Эта книга может содержать материал который защищен авторским правом, автор конвертера не несет ответственности за его использование)"); epubFile.AboutLinks.Add(@""); epubFile.AboutLinks.Add(@""); epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(CreateLicenseFile()); } }
/// <summary> /// Passes FB2 info to the EPub file to be added at the end of the book /// </summary> /// <param name="epubFile">destination epub object</param> /// <param name="fb2File">source fb2 object</param> private void PassFb2InfoToEpub(EPubFileV3 epubFile, FB2File fb2File) { if (!Settings.ConversionSettings.Fb2Info) { return; } var infoDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = "FB2 Info", FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), FileName = "fb2info.xhtml", GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.Notes, NotPartOfNavigation = true }; var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = false, Images = Images, MaxSize = Settings.V3Settings.HTMLFileMaxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var infoConverter = new Fb2EpubInfoConverterV3(); infoDocument.Content = infoConverter.Convert(fb2File, converterSettings); epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(infoDocument); }
private void ConvertAnnotation(ItemTitleInfo titleInfo, EPubFileV3 epubFile) { if (titleInfo.Annotation != null) { epubFile.BookInformation.Description = new Description { DescInfo = titleInfo.Annotation.ToString() }; var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = Settings.CommonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = Images, MaxSize = Settings.V3Settings.HTMLFileMaxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var annotationConverter = new AnnotationConverterV3(); var annotationPage = new AnnotationPageFileV3 { BookAnnotation = (Div)annotationConverter.Convert(titleInfo.Annotation, new AnnotationConverterParamsV3 { Settings = converterSettings, Level = 1 }) }; StructureManager.AddAnnotationPage(annotationPage); } }
private BaseXHTMLFileV3 GetIDParentDocument(EPubFileV3 file, IHTMLItem value) { if ((file.AnnotationPage != null) && file.AnnotationPage.PartOfDocument(value)) { return(file.AnnotationPage); } return(file.GetIDOfParentDocument(value) as BaseXHTMLFileV3); }
private void SetupFonts(EPubFileV3 epubFile) { if (Settings.ConversionSettings.Fonts == null) { Logger.Log.Warn("No fonts defined in configuration file."); return; } epubFile.SetEPubFonts(Settings.ConversionSettings.Fonts, Settings.ResourcesPath, Settings.ConversionSettings.DecorateFontNames); }
public void RemapAnchors(EPubFileV3 epubFile) { foreach (var link in _references) { if (!ReferencesUtils.IsExternalLink(link.Key)) { string idString = ReferencesUtils.GetIdFromLink(link.Key); BaseXHTMLFileV3 iDDocument = GetIDParentDocument(epubFile, _ids[idString]); if (iDDocument != null) { int count = 0; foreach (var anchor in link.Value) { BaseXHTMLFileV3 idDocument = GetIDParentDocument(epubFile, anchor); var referencedItem = _ids[(string)anchor.HRef.Value]; var newParent = DetectParentContainer(referencedItem); if (newParent == null) { continue; } var newAnchor = new Anchor(newParent.HTMLStandard); if (idDocument == iDDocument) { anchor.HRef.Value = string.Format("#{0}", idString); newAnchor.HRef.Value = string.Format("#{0}", anchor.GlobalAttributes.ID.Value); } else { anchor.HRef.Value = string.Format("{0}#{1}", iDDocument.FileName, idString); if (idDocument == null) { continue; } newAnchor.HRef.Value = string.Format("{0}#{1}", idDocument.FileName, anchor.GlobalAttributes.ID.Value); } //if (iDDocument.Type == SectionTypeEnum.Links)) // if it's FBE notes section //{ // newAnchor.GlobalAttributes.Class.Value = ElementStylesV3.NoteAnchor; // newParent.Add(new EmptyLine(newParent.HTMLStandard)); // newParent.Add(newAnchor); // count++; // newAnchor.Add(new SimpleHTML5Text(newAnchor.HTMLStandard) { Text = (link.Value.Count > 1) ? string.Format("(<< back {0}) ", count) : string.Format("(<< back) ") }); //} } } else { //throw new Exception("Internal consistency error - Used ID has to be in one of the book documents objects"); Logger.Log.Error("Internal consistency error - Used ID has to be in one of the book documents objects"); //continue; } } } }
private void PassCoverImageFromFB2(CoverPage coverPage, EPubFileV3 epubFile) { // if we have at least one coverpage image if ((coverPage != null) && (coverPage.HasImages()) && (coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef != null)) { var coverPageFile = new CoverPageFileV3(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0], _referencesManager); epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(coverPageFile); Images.ImageIdUsed(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef); epubFile.SetCoverImageID(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef); } }
private void PassCoverImageFromFB2(CoverPage coverPage, EPubFileV3 epubFile) { // if we have at least one coverpage image if ((coverPage != null) && (coverPage.HasImages()) && (coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef != null)) { var coverPageFile = new CoverPageFileV3(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0], _referencesManager); StructureManager.AddCoverPage(coverPageFile); Images.ImageIdUsed(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef); epubFile.SetCoverImageID(ReferencesUtils.GetIdFromLink(coverPage.CoverpageImages[0].HRef)); } }
private void SetupCSS(EPubFileV3 epubFile) { Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()); string pathPreffix = Path.GetDirectoryName(asm.Location); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.ResourcesPath)) { pathPreffix = Settings.ResourcesPath; } epubFile.CSSFiles.Add(new CSSFile { FilePathOnDisk = string.Format(@"{0}\CSS\{1}", pathPreffix, DefaultCSSFileName), FileName = DefaultCSSFileName }); }
/// <summary> /// Add and convert generic secondary body section /// </summary> /// <param name="epubFile"></param> /// <param name="bodyItem"></param> private void AddSecondaryBody(EPubFileV3 epubFile, BodyItem bodyItem) { string docTitle = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyItem.Name)) { if (bodyItem.Title != null) { docTitle = bodyItem.Title.ToString(); } } else { docTitle = bodyItem.Name; } Logger.Log.DebugFormat("Adding section : {0}", docTitle); var sectionDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.Text, Content = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5), NavigationParent = null, NotPartOfNavigation = false, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter), PageTitle = docTitle, }; if (bodyItem.Title != null) { var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = _commonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = _images, MaxSize = _maxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var titleConverter = new TitleConverterV3(); sectionDocument.Content.Add(titleConverter.Convert(bodyItem.Title, new TitleConverterParamsV3 { Settings = converterSettings, TitleLevel = 1 })); } epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(sectionDocument); Logger.Log.Debug("Adding sub-sections"); foreach (var section in bodyItem.Sections) { AddSection(epubFile, section, sectionDocument, false); } }
private void AddSection(EPubFileV3 epubFile, SectionItem section, BaseXHTMLFileV3 navParent, bool fbeNotesSection) { string docTitle = string.Empty; if (section.Title != null) { docTitle = section.Title.ToString(); } Logger.Log.DebugFormat("Adding section : {0}", docTitle); BaseXHTMLFileV3 sectionDocument = null; bool firstDocumentOfSplit = true; var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = !fbeNotesSection && _commonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = _images, MaxSize = _maxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var sectionConverter = new SectionConverterV3 { LinkSection = fbeNotesSection, RecursionLevel = GetRecursionLevel(navParent), Settings = converterSettings }; foreach (var subitem in sectionConverter.Convert(section)) { sectionDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = docTitle, FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = (navParent == null) ? GuideTypeEnum.Text : navParent.GuideRole, Content = subitem, NavigationParent = navParent, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter) }; if (!firstDocumentOfSplit || ((navParent != null) && navParent.NotPartOfNavigation)) { sectionDocument.NotPartOfNavigation = true; } firstDocumentOfSplit = false; epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(sectionDocument); } Logger.Log.Debug("Adding sub-sections"); foreach (var subSection in section.SubSections) { AddSection(epubFile, subSection, sectionDocument, fbeNotesSection); } }
public void Convert(EPubFileV3 epubFile, FB2File fb2File) { // create second title page if ((fb2File.MainBody.Title != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString()))) { string docTitle = fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString(); Logger.Log.DebugFormat("Adding section : {0}", docTitle); var addTitlePage = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = docTitle, FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.TitlePage, Content = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5), NavigationParent = null, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter), NotPartOfNavigation = true }; var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = _commonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = _images, MaxSize = _maxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var titleConverter = new TitleConverterV3(); addTitlePage.Content.Add(titleConverter.Convert(fb2File.MainBody.Title, new TitleConverterParamsV3 { Settings = converterSettings, TitleLevel = 2 })); epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(addTitlePage); } BaseXHTMLFileV3 mainDocument = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb2File.MainBody.Name)) { string docTitle = fb2File.MainBody.Name; Logger.Log.DebugFormat("Adding section : {0}", docTitle); mainDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = docTitle, FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.Text, Content = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5), NavigationParent = null, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter) }; epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(mainDocument); } if ((fb2File.MainBody.ImageName != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb2File.MainBody.ImageName.HRef)) { if (mainDocument == null) { string newDocTitle = ((fb2File.MainBody.Title != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString()))) ? fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString() : "main"; mainDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = newDocTitle, FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.Text, Content = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5), NavigationParent = null, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter) }; epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(mainDocument); } if (_images.IsImageIdReal(fb2File.MainBody.ImageName.HRef)) { var enclosing = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5); // we use the enclosing so the user can style center it var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = _commonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = _images, MaxSize = _maxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var imageConverter = new ImageConverterV3(); enclosing.Add(imageConverter.Convert(fb2File.MainBody.ImageName, new ImageConverterParamsV3 { Settings = converterSettings })); SetClassType(enclosing, ElementStylesV3.BodyImage); mainDocument.Content.Add(enclosing); } } foreach (var ep in fb2File.MainBody.Epigraphs) { if (mainDocument == null) { string newDocTitle = ((fb2File.MainBody.Title != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString()))) ? fb2File.MainBody.Title.ToString() : "main"; mainDocument = new BaseXHTMLFileV3 { PageTitle = newDocTitle, FileEPubInternalPath = EPubInternalPath.GetDefaultLocation(DefaultLocations.DefaultTextFolder), GuideRole = GuideTypeEnum.Text, Content = new Div(HTMLElementType.HTML5), NavigationParent = null, FileName = string.Format("section{0}.xhtml", ++_sectionCounter) }; epubFile.AddXHTMLFile(mainDocument); } var converterSettings = new ConverterOptionsV3 { CapitalDrop = _commonSettings.CapitalDrop, Images = _images, MaxSize = _maxSize, ReferencesManager = _referencesManager, }; var epigraphConverter = new MainEpigraphConverterV3(); mainDocument.Content.Add(epigraphConverter.Convert(ep, new EpigraphConverterParamsV3 { Settings = converterSettings, Level = 1 })); } Logger.Log.Debug("Adding main sections"); foreach (var section in fb2File.MainBody.Sections) { AddSection(epubFile, section, mainDocument, false); } Logger.Log.Debug("Adding secondary bodies"); foreach (var bodyItem in fb2File.Bodies) { if (bodyItem == fb2File.MainBody) { continue; } bool fbeNotesSection = FBENotesSection(bodyItem.Name); if (fbeNotesSection) { AddFbeNotesBody(epubFile, bodyItem); } else { AddSecondaryBody(epubFile, bodyItem); } } }
private void PassTextFromFb2ToEpub(EPubFileV3 epubFile, FB2File fb2File) { var converter = new Fb2EPubTextConverterV3(Settings.CommonSettings, Images, _referencesManager, Settings.V3Settings.HTMLFileMaxSize); converter.Convert(epubFile, fb2File); }
private void UpdateInternalLinks(EPubFileV3 epubFile, FB2File fb2File) { _referencesManager.RemoveInvalidAnchors(); _referencesManager.RemoveInvalidImages(fb2File.Images); _referencesManager.RemapAnchors(epubFile); }
private void PassImagesDataFromFb2ToEpub(EPubFileV3 epubFile, FB2File fb2File) { Images.ConvertFb2ToEpubImages(fb2File.Images, epubFile.Images); }