Esempio n. 1
        private bool TrainPattern(EROIBW8 trainROI, ref EImageBW8 trainImage, EPatternType patternType, float lightBalance = 0, bool autoTransitionThickness = true, int transitionThickness = 6)
            bool reSuccess = false;

                lightBalance = lightBalance > 1 ? 1 : lightBalance;
                lightBalance = lightBalance < -1 ? -1 : lightBalance;

                Base.PatternType             = patternType;
                Base.LightBalance            = lightBalance;
                Base.AutoTransitionThickness = autoTransitionThickness;
                Base.TransitionThickness     = 6;


                reSuccess = true;
            catch (EException exc)
                StackFrame[] stackFrames = new StackTrace(true).GetFrames();
                clsLogFile.LogTryCatch(stackFrames, exc.Message, true, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                StackFrame[] stackFrames = new StackTrace(true).GetFrames();
                clsLogFile.LogTryCatch(stackFrames, ex.Message, true, true);
        private void ReadXmlDocument(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlNode rootXmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

            //make sure it is actually an xml node
            if (rootXmlNode == null || rootXmlNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

            //eat up the name of that xml node
            var strElementName = rootXmlNode.Name;

            if ("bulletml" != strElementName)
                //The first node HAS to be bulletml
                throw new Exception("Error reading \"" + Filename + "\": XML root node needs to be \"bulletml\", found \"" + strElementName + "\" instead");

            //Create the root node of the bulletml tree
            RootNode = new BulletMLNode(ENodeName.bulletml);

            //Read in the whole bulletml tree
            RootNode.Parse(rootXmlNode, null);

            //Find what kind of pattern this is: horizontal or vertical
            XmlNamedNodeMap mapAttributes = rootXmlNode.Attributes;

            if (mapAttributes == null)

            for (var i = 0; i < mapAttributes.Count; i++)
                //will only have the name attribute
                var strName  = mapAttributes.Item(i).Name;
                var strValue = mapAttributes.Item(i).Value;
                if ("type" == strName)
                    //if this is a top level node, "type" will be vertical or horizontal
                    Orientation = StringToPatternType(strValue);
Esempio n. 3
        public bool TrainPattern(EPatternType patternType, float lightBalance = 0)
            bool reSuccess = false;

                reSuccess = TrainPattern(trainROI, ref trainImage, patternType, lightBalance);
            catch (EException exc)
                StackFrame[] stackFrames = new StackTrace(true).GetFrames();
                clsLogFile.LogTryCatch(stackFrames, exc.Message, true, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                StackFrame[] stackFrames = new StackTrace(true).GetFrames();
                clsLogFile.LogTryCatch(stackFrames, ex.Message, true, true);
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = @"3+(2*4+5*(-2+4))";

            //var tokenizer = new BasicTokenizer();
            //var splitter = new BasicSplitter();

            //splitter.CharacterCategories["operator"] = new HashSet<char>(new char[]
            //    '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')', '=', '.', '{', '}', '<', '>'

            //splitter.CharacterCategories["eos"] = new HashSet<char>(new char[]
            //    ';'

            //splitter.CharacterCategories["number"] = new HashSet<char>(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => (char)('0' + x)));
            //splitter.CharacterCategories["name"] = new HashSet<char>(Enumerable.Range(0, ('z'-'a')).Select(x => (char)('a' + x)));

            //var tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(input).ToArray();
            //tokens = splitter.Split(tokens).ToArray();

            int linenum = 0;
            int col     = 0;
            var tokens  = input.Select(value =>
                var res = ToToken(value, linenum, col);
                if (value == '\n')
                    col = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Reading Grammar");

            var productions = new List <Production>();
            var lines       = File.ReadAllLines("MathGrammar.txt");

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (line.Trim().Length == 0 || line.Trim().StartsWith("#"))

                var caretPosition  = line.IndexOf("->");
                var productionName = line.Substring(0, caretPosition).Trim();
                int priority       = 0;
                if (productionName.StartsWith("["))
                    priority       = int.Parse(productionName.Substring(1, productionName.IndexOf(']') - 1));
                    productionName = productionName.Substring(productionName.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim();

                var spl      = line.Substring(caretPosition + 2).Split(' ').Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
                var patterns = new StackItemPattern[spl.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < spl.Length; i++)
                    var          value = spl[i];
                    EPatternType pType = EPatternType.Literal;
                    if (value.StartsWith("{") && value.EndsWith("}"))
                        pType = EPatternType.Production;
                        value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
                    else if (value.StartsWith("<") && value.EndsWith(">"))
                        pType = EPatternType.TokenType;
                        value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
                    else if (value == "$$")
                        pType = EPatternType.EndOfInput;
                        value = "";
                    patterns[i] = new StackItemPattern(pType, value);
                productions.Add(new Production(productionName, patterns)
                    Precedence = priority

            foreach (var production in productions)

            Console.WriteLine("Next: Build Parse Table [press enter]");

            ParseTable parseTable = new ParseTable(productions);

            File.WriteAllText("output.txt", parseTable.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Next: Parse");

            Parser p = new Parser(parseTable, tokens);

            var  result     = p.Step();
            bool shouldSkip = false;

            while (result == null)
                if (!shouldSkip)
                    Console.WriteLine("(Type SKIP to skip parsing)");
                    shouldSkip = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "SKIP";
                result = p.Step();

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a bulletml document into this bullet pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFileName">Xml file name.</param>
        public bool ParseXML(string xmlFileName)
            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

            settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFileName, settings))
                //Open the file.
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode rootXmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

                //make sure it is actually an xml node
                if (rootXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    //eat up the name of that xml node
                    string strElementName = rootXmlNode.Name;
                    if (("bulletml" != strElementName) || !rootXmlNode.HasChildNodes)
                        //The first node HAS to be bulletml

                    //Create the root node of the bulletml tree
                    RootNode = new BulletMLNode();

                    //Read in the whole bulletml tree
                    if (!RootNode.Parse(rootXmlNode, null))
                        //an error ocurred reading in the tree
                    Debug.Assert(ENodeName.bulletml == RootNode.Name);

                    //Find what kind of pattern this is: horizontal or vertical
                    XmlNamedNodeMap mapAttributes = rootXmlNode.Attributes;
                    for (int i = 0; i < mapAttributes.Count; i++)
                        //will only have the name attribute
                        string strName  = mapAttributes.Item(i).Name;
                        string strValue = mapAttributes.Item(i).Value;
                        if ("type" == strName)
                            //if  this is a top level node, "type" will be veritcal or horizontal
                            Orientation = StringToPatternType(strValue);
                    //should be an xml node!!!

            //grab that filename
            Filename = xmlFileName;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BulletMLLib.BulletPattern"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public BulletPattern()
     RootNode    = null;
     Orientation = EPatternType.none; // default
Esempio n. 7
        internal void ParseXmlStream(Stream xmlStream)
            // initialise schema for validating the document
            if (schema == null)
                using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("BulletMLLib.Content.bulletml.xsd"))
                    if (stream == null)
                        throw new InvalidBulletPatternException("Could not find XML schema.");
                    schema = XmlSchema.Read(stream, null);

            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();

            settings.DtdProcessing  = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
            settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlStream, settings))
                    //Open the file.
                    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode rootXmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

                    //make sure it is actually an xml node
                    if (rootXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        //eat up the name of that xml node
                        string strElementName = rootXmlNode.Name;
                        if ("bulletml" != strElementName)
                            //The first node HAS to be bulletml
                            throw new InvalidBulletPatternException("Root XML element should be '<bulletml>'.");

                        //Create the root node of the bulletml tree
                        RootNode = new BulletMLNode(ENodeName.bulletml);

                        //Read in the whole bulletml tree
                        RootNode.Parse(rootXmlNode, null);

                        //Find what kind of pattern this is: horizontal or vertical
                        XmlNamedNodeMap mapAttributes = rootXmlNode.Attributes;
                        for (int i = 0; i < mapAttributes.Count; i++)
                            //will only have the name attribute
                            string strName  = mapAttributes.Item(i).Name;
                            string strValue = mapAttributes.Item(i).Value;
                            if ("type" == strName)
                                //if  this is a top level node, "type" will be veritcal or horizontal
                                Orientation = StringToPatternType(strValue);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //an error ocurred reading in the tree
                    throw new InvalidBulletPatternException("Could not read XML.", ex);

            //validate that the bullet nodes are all valid
            catch (Exception ex)
                //an error ocurred reading in the tree
                throw new InvalidBulletPatternException("XML did not validate.", ex);
Esempio n. 8
 public StackItemPattern(EPatternType type, string value)
     PatternType = type;
     Value       = value;
Esempio n. 9
 public PatternInfo(string PatternId, EPatternType PatternType)
     this.PatternId   = PatternId;
     this.PatternType = PatternType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a bulletml document into this bullet pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFileName">Xml file name.</param>
        public void ParseXML(string xmlFileName)
            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.ValidationType          = ValidationType.None;
            settings.DtdProcessing           = DtdProcessing.Parse;
            settings.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(MyValidationEventHandler);
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFileName, settings))
                    //Open the file.
                    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode rootXmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

                    //make sure it is actually an xml node
                    if (rootXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        //eat up the name of that xml node
                        string strElementName = rootXmlNode.Name;
                        if ("bulletml" != strElementName)
                            //The first node HAS to be bulletml
                            throw new Exception("Error reading \"" + xmlFileName + "\": XML root node needs to be \"bulletml\", found \"" + strElementName + "\" instead");

                        //Create the root node of the bulletml tree
                        RootNode = new BulletMLNode(ENodeName.bulletml);

                        //Read in the whole bulletml tree
                        RootNode.Parse(rootXmlNode, null);

                        //Find what kind of pattern this is: horizontal or vertical
                        XmlNamedNodeMap mapAttributes = rootXmlNode.Attributes;
                        for (int i = 0; i < mapAttributes.Count; i++)
                            //will only have the name attribute
                            string strName  = mapAttributes.Item(i).Name;
                            string strValue = mapAttributes.Item(i).Value;
                            if ("type" == strName)
                                //if  this is a top level node, "type" will be veritcal or horizontal
                                Orientation = StringToPatternType(strValue);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //an error ocurred reading in the tree
                throw new Exception("Error reading \"" + xmlFileName + "\"", ex);

            //grab that filename
            Filename = xmlFileName;

            //validate that the bullet nodes are all valid
            catch (Exception ex)
                //an error ocurred reading in the tree
                throw new Exception("Error reading \"" + xmlFileName + "\"", ex);