protected virtual void FieldUpdating(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatingEventArgs e) { EPEmployee employee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.acctCD, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.acctCD> > > > .SelectWindowed(sender.Graph, 0, 1, e.NewValue); if (employee != null) { e.NewValue = employee.BAccountID; e.Cancel = true; } else { PXFieldUpdating fu = this.GetAttribute <PXDimensionAttribute>().FieldUpdating; fu(sender, e); e.Cancel = false; fu = this.GetAttribute <PXSelectorAttribute>().SubstituteKeyFieldUpdating; fu(sender, e); } }
public override void Persist() { foreach (Users user in UserList.Cache.Deleted) { Contact cnt = (Contact)contact.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { user }); if (cnt != null) { cnt.UserID = null; contact.Update(cnt); EPEmployee emp = Employee.Select(cnt.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = null; Employee.Update(emp); } } } if (UserList.Current != null && UserList.Current.OverrideADRoles != true && UserList.Current.Source == PXUsersSourceListAttribute.ActiveDirectory) { //notice that this select returns nothing if called on AccessUsers. AccessUsers::roleList() returns empty list; foreach (UsersInRoles userrole in RoleList.Select()) { RoleList.Delete(userrole); } } //if no local roles selected - disable override. if (UserList.Current != null && UserList.Current.OverrideADRoles == true && UserList.Current.Source == PXUsersSourceListAttribute.ActiveDirectory) { if (RolesByUser.SelectSingle() == null) { UserListCurrent.Current.OverrideADRoles = false; } } base.Persist(); }
protected virtual void CSCalendar_RowDeleting(PXCache sender, PXRowDeletingEventArgs e) { CSCalendar row = e.Row as CSCalendar; if (row != null) { EPEmployeeClass refEmpClass = PXSelect <EPEmployeeClass, Where <EPEmployeeClass.calendarID, Equal <Current <CSCalendar.calendarID> > > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1); if (refEmpClass != null) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXException(Messages.ReferencedByEmployeeClass, refEmpClass.VendorClassID); } Carrier refCarrier = PXSelect <Carrier, Where <Carrier.calendarID, Equal <Current <CSCalendar.calendarID> > > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1); if (refCarrier != null) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXException(Messages.ReferencedByCarrier, refCarrier.CarrierID); } Contract refContract = PXSelect <Contract, Where <Contract.calendarID, Equal <Current <CSCalendar.calendarID> > > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1); if (refContract != null) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXException(Messages.ReferencedByContract, refContract.ContractID); } EPEmployee refEmployee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.calendarID, Equal <Current <CSCalendar.calendarID> > > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1); if (refEmployee != null) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXException(Messages.ReferencedByEmployee, refEmployee.ClassID); } } }
protected virtual IEnumerable members( [PXInt] int?WorkGroupID) { this.Members.Cache.AllowInsert = (WorkGroupID != null); CurrentSelected.WorkGroupID = WorkGroupID; foreach (PXResult <EPCompanyTreeMember, EPEmployee, Users> res in PXSelectJoin <EPCompanyTreeMember, LeftJoin <EPEmployee, On <EPEmployee.userID, Equal <EPCompanyTreeMember.userID> >, LeftJoin <Users, On <Users.pKID, Equal <EPCompanyTreeMember.userID> > > >, Where <EPCompanyTreeMember.workGroupID, Equal <Required <EPCompanyTreeMember.workGroupID> > > > .Select(this, WorkGroupID)) { EPCompanyTreeMember member = res; EPEmployee emp = res; Users user = res; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.AcctCD)) { Members.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling <EPCompanyTreeMember.userID>(member, null, new PXSetPropertyException(PX.Objects.EP.Messages.UserWithoutEmployee, PXErrorLevel.RowWarning, user.Username)); } yield return(new PXResult <EPCompanyTreeMember, EPEmployee>(member, emp)); } }
protected virtual void Users_RowDeleted(PXCache sender, PXRowDeletedEventArgs e) { Contact c = (Contact)contact.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { e.Row }); if (c != null) { c.UserID = null; contact.Update(c); EPEmployee emp = Employee.Select(c.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = null; Employee.Update(emp); } } foreach (EPCompanyTreeMember member in Members.View.SelectMultiBound(new[] { e.Row })) { Members.Delete(member); } }
protected virtual void Users_RowPersisted(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e) { Users user = (Users)e.Row; Contact c = (Contact)contact.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { user }); if (user == null || c == null || user.PKID == c.UserID) { return; } c = (Contact)contact.Cache.CreateCopy(c); c.UserID = user.PKID; contact.Update(c); EPEmployee emp = Employee.Select(c.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = user.PKID; Employee.Update(emp); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldDefaulting <PMLaborCostRate, PMLaborCostRate.inventoryID> e) { if (Filter.Current != null && Filter.Current.InventoryID != null) { e.NewValue = Filter.Current.InventoryID; } else if (e.Row.EmployeeID != null) { EPEmployee employee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, e.Row.EmployeeID); if (employee != null) { PMLaborCostRate existing = PXSelect <PMLaborCostRate, Where <PMLaborCostRate.employeeID, Equal <Required <PMLaborCostRate.employeeID> >, And <PMLaborCostRate.inventoryID, Equal <Required <PMLaborCostRate.inventoryID> >, And <PMLaborCostRate.type, Equal <Required <PMLaborCostRate.type> >, And <PMLaborCostRate.recordID, NotEqual <Required <PMLaborCostRate.recordID> > > > > > > .Select(this, e.Row.EmployeeID, employee.LabourItemID, e.Row.Type, e.Row.RecordID); if (existing == null) { e.NewValue = employee.LabourItemID; } } } }
public virtual IEnumerable tGTasks() { List <TGTimecardTask> tasks = new List <TGTimecardTask>(); EPEmployee employee = Base.Employee.Current; if (employee != null) { DateTime startDate = PXWeekSelector2Attribute.GetWeekStartDate(Base.Document.Current.WeekID.Value); DateTime endDate = PXWeekSelector2Attribute.GetWeekEndDate(this.Base, Base.Document.Current.WeekID.Value); TGEPEmployeeExtension employeeExt = PXCache <EPEmployee> .GetExtension <TGEPEmployeeExtension>(employee); using (TogglClient client = new TogglClient(employeeExt.UsrTGToken)) { foreach (TogglMap result in client.TGTimecardTaskList(startDate, endDate)) { tasks.Add(TogglMapper.MapFromToggl(this.Base, result)); } } } return(tasks); }
string createProjectEstimate(SOOrder sOOrder) { string transID = ""; string result = ""; try { ClientConversation.authenticate(userName, password); TransactionService transactionService = new TransactionService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}TransactionService" }; PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext transContext = new PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext() { district = districtCode, position = positionID, maxInstances = maxInstance }; transID = transactionService.begin(transContext); EPEmployee ePEmployee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.userID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.userID> > > > .Select(Base, sOOrder.OwnerID); string estimatorId = ePEmployee != null ? ePEmployee.AcctCD : "ADMIN"; ProjectEstimateService projectEstimateService = new ProjectEstimateService() { Timeout = transactionService.Timeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}ProjectEstimateService" }; PLNSC.ProjectEstimateRef.OperationContext projectEstimateOperationContext = new PLNSC.ProjectEstimateRef.OperationContext() { district = transContext.district, position = transContext.position, maxInstances = transContext.maxInstances }; //ProjectEstimateDTO[] projectEstimateDTOs = new ProjectEstimateDTO[1]; ProjectEstimateDTO projectEstimateDTO = new ProjectEstimateDTO() { districtCode = transContext.district, projectNo = sOOrder.OrderNbr.Trim(), estimateBuildMethod = "T", estimatorId = estimatorId, directEstimateCost = Math.Round(sOOrder.OrderTotal ?? 0, 2), directEstimateCostSpecified = true, directUnallocFinPeriodEst = Math.Round(sOOrder.OrderTotal ?? 0, 2), directUnallocFinPeriodEstSpecified = true, estimateSpreadCode = "A", budgetCode = "RAB" }; ProjectEstimateServiceResult projectEstimateServiceResult = projectEstimateService.update(projectEstimateOperationContext, projectEstimateDTO); //ProjectEstimateServiceResult[] projectEstimateServiceResults = projectEstimateService.multipleUpdate(projectEstimateOperationContext, projectEstimateDTOs); //ProjectEstimateServiceResult projectEstimateServiceResult = projectEstimateServiceResults[0]; Error[] errors = projectEstimateServiceResult.errors; if (errors.Length > 0) { result = errors[0].messageText.Trim(); transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.rollback(transContext); } else { result = "OK"; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.commit(transContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; } return(result); }
protected virtual void Users_RowUpdating(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatingEventArgs e) { Users oldRow = e.Row as Users; Users row = e.NewRow as Users; if (row == null || oldRow == null) { return; } if (oldRow.ContactID != row.ContactID) { foreach (PXResult <Contact, EPEmployee> set in PXSelectJoin <Contact, LeftJoin <EPEmployee, On <Contact.contactID, Equal <EPEmployee.defContactID>, And <Contact.bAccountID, Equal <EPEmployee.parentBAccountID> > > >, Where <Contact.userID, Equal <Current <Users.pKID> > > > .SelectMultiBound(this, new object[] { oldRow })) { var(cont, emp) = set; cont.UserID = null; contact.Update(cont); if (emp != null) { emp.UserID = null; Employee.Update(emp); } } Contact newContact = PXSelect <Contact, Where <Contact.contactID, Equal <Current <Users.contactID> > > > .SelectSingleBound(this, new object[] { row }); if (newContact != null) { newContact.UserID = row.PKID; contact.Update(newContact); EPEmployee emp = PXSelectJoin <EPEmployee, InnerJoin <Contact, On <Contact.contactID, Equal <EPEmployee.defContactID>, And <Contact.bAccountID, Equal <EPEmployee.parentBAccountID> > > >, Where <Contact.contactID, Equal <Required <Contact.contactID> > > > .Select(this, newContact.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = row.PKID; Employee.Update(emp); } } } if (row.Guest == true && oldRow.Guest != true) { if (contact.View.Ask( MyMessages.EmployeeContactWouldBeCleared, MessageButtons.YesNo) != WebDialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; } } else if (row.Guest != true && oldRow.Guest == true) { if (contact.View.Ask( MyMessages.ExternalUserContactWouldBeCleared, MessageButtons.YesNo) != WebDialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; } } }
private AccountSubaccountPair GetDeferralAccountSubaccount( DRDeferredCode deferralCode, InventoryItem item, DRProcess.DRScheduleParameters scheduleParameters) { int?accountID = deferralCode.AccountID; string subaccountCD = null; int? subaccountID = null; if (deferralCode.AccountSource == DeferralAccountSource.Item) { accountID = item != null ? item.DeferralAcctID : subaccountID; // this is fishy. subID is always null at this point. } if (deferralCode.CopySubFromSourceTran == true) { subaccountID = scheduleParameters.SubID; } else if (scheduleParameters.Module == BatchModule.AP) { int?itemSubID = item?.DeferralSubID; Location location = _businessAccountProvider .GetLocation(scheduleParameters.BAccountID, scheduleParameters.BAccountLocID); int?locationSubID = location?.VExpenseSubID; EPEmployee employee = _businessAccountProvider .GetEmployee(scheduleParameters.EmployeeID); int?employeeSubaccountID = employee?.ExpenseSubID; subaccountCD = _subaccountProvider.MakeSubaccount <DRScheduleDetail.subID>( deferralCode.DeferralSubMaskAP, new object[] { locationSubID, itemSubID, employeeSubaccountID, deferralCode.SubID }, new [] { typeof(Location.vExpenseSubID), typeof(InventoryItem.deferralSubID), typeof(EPEmployee.expenseSubID), typeof(DRDeferredCode.subID) }); } else if (scheduleParameters.Module == BatchModule.AR) { int?itemSubID = item?.DeferralSubID; Location location = _businessAccountProvider .GetLocation(scheduleParameters.BAccountID, scheduleParameters.BAccountLocID); int?locationSubaccountID = location?.CSalesSubID; EPEmployee employee = _businessAccountProvider .GetEmployee(scheduleParameters.EmployeeID); int?employeeSubaccountID = employee?.SalesSubID; SalesPerson salesPerson = _businessAccountProvider .GetSalesPerson(scheduleParameters.SalesPersonID); int?salesPersonSubaccountID = salesPerson?.SalesSubID; subaccountCD = _subaccountProvider.MakeSubaccount <DRScheduleDetail.subID>( deferralCode.DeferralSubMaskAR, new object[] { locationSubaccountID, itemSubID, employeeSubaccountID, deferralCode.SubID, salesPersonSubaccountID }, new [] { typeof(Location.cSalesSubID), typeof(InventoryItem.deferralSubID), typeof(EPEmployee.salesSubID), typeof(DRDeferredCode.subID), typeof(SalesPerson.salesSubID) }); } if (subaccountCD != null) { subaccountID = _subaccountProvider.GetSubaccountID(subaccountCD); } return(new AccountSubaccountPair(accountID, subaccountID)); }
public override void Persist() { Contact cnt = contact.SelectSingle(); EPEmployee currentEmployee = (cnt != null) ? Employee.Select(cnt.ContactID) : null; cnt = (Contact)contact.Cache.CreateCopy(cnt); if (UserList.Current != null) { UserList.Current.IsAssigned = cnt != null; foreach (Contact existing in PXSelect <Contact, Where <Contact.userID, Equal <Current <Users.pKID> > > > .Select(this)) { existing.UserID = null; contact.Update(existing); EPEmployee emp = Employee.Select(existing.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = null; Employee.Update(emp); } } if (cnt != null) { cnt.UserID = UserList.Current.PKID; contact.Update(cnt); if (currentEmployee != null) { currentEmployee = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(currentEmployee); currentEmployee.UserID = UserList.Current.PKID; Employee.Update(currentEmployee); } } } foreach (Users user in UserList.Cache.Deleted) { cnt = (Contact)contact.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { user }); if (cnt != null) { cnt.UserID = null; contact.Update(cnt); EPEmployee emp = Employee.Select(cnt.ContactID); if (emp != null) { emp = PXCache <EPEmployee> .CreateCopy(emp); emp.UserID = null; Employee.Update(emp); } } } if (UserList.Current != null && UserList.Current.OverrideADRoles != true && UserList.Current.Source == PXUsersSourceListAttribute.ActiveDirectory) { //notice that this select returns nothing if called on AccessUsers. AccessUsers::roleList() returns empty list; foreach (UsersInRoles userrole in RoleList.Select()) { RoleList.Delete(userrole); } } //if no local roles selected - disable override. if (UserList.Current != null && UserList.Current.OverrideADRoles == true && UserList.Current.Source == PXUsersSourceListAttribute.ActiveDirectory) { if (RolesByUser.SelectSingle() == null) { UserListCurrent.Current.OverrideADRoles = false; } } base.Persist(); }
string modifyProject(SOOrder sOOrder) { int?customerSalesAcctId; int?customerSalesSubId; int?cogsAcctId; int?cogsSubId; int?invtAcctId; int?invtSubId; int?cARAccountID; string cogsAcctCd = ""; string cogsSubCd = ""; string invtAcctCd = ""; string invtSubCd = ""; string custSalesAcctCD = ""; string custSalesSubCD = ""; string cARAccountCD = string.Empty; string custCD = ""; string transID = ""; string result = ""; try { ClientConversation.authenticate(userName, password); TransactionService transactionService = new TransactionService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}TransactionService" }; PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext transContext = new PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext() { district = districtCode, position = positionID, maxInstances = maxInstance }; transID = transactionService.begin(transContext); BAccount2 customer = PXSelect <BAccount2, Where <BAccount2.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount2.bAccountID> >, And <BAccount2.defLocationID, Equal <Required <BAccount2.defLocationID> >, And <BAccount.type, Equal <Required <BAccount.type> > > > > > .Select(Base, sOOrder.CustomerID, sOOrder.CustomerLocationID, "CU"); Location custLocation = PXSelect <Location, Where <Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Location.bAccountID> >, And <Location.locationID, Equal <Required <Location.locationID> > > > > .Select(Base, sOOrder.CustomerID, sOOrder.CustomerLocationID); customerSalesAcctId = custLocation.CSalesAcctID; customerSalesSubId = custLocation.CSalesSubID; cARAccountID = custLocation.CARAccountID; Account custSalesAccount = PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Required <Account.accountID> > > > .Select(Base, customerSalesAcctId); Account custARAccount = PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Required <Account.accountID> > > > .Select(Base, cARAccountID); Sub custSalesSub = PXSelect <Sub, Where <Sub.subID, Equal <Required <Sub.subID> > > > .Select(Base, customerSalesSubId); custSalesAcctCD = custSalesAccount.AccountCD; custSalesSubCD = custSalesSub.SubCD; cARAccountCD = custARAccount.AccountCD; custCD = customer.AcctCD.Trim(); foreach (SOLine soLine in Base.Transactions.Select(sOOrder.OrderNbr)) { InventoryItem inventoryItem = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(Base, soLine.InventoryID); cogsAcctId = inventoryItem.COGSAcctID; cogsSubId = inventoryItem.COGSSubID; invtAcctId = inventoryItem.InvtAcctID; invtSubId = inventoryItem.InvtSubID; if (cogsAcctId == null && cogsSubId == null) { throw new PXException(CustomMessage.COGSAccountEmpty); } Account itemInvtAcct = PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Required <Account.accountID> > > > .Select(Base, invtAcctId); Sub itemInvtSub = PXSelect <Sub, Where <Sub.subID, Equal <Required <Sub.subID> > > > .Select(Base, invtSubId); Account invtCogsAccount = PXSelect <Account, Where <Account.accountID, Equal <Required <Account.accountID> > > > .Select(Base, cogsAcctId); Sub invtCogsSub = PXSelect <Sub, Where <Sub.subID, Equal <Required <Sub.subID> > > > .Select(Base, cogsSubId); cogsAcctCd = invtCogsAccount.AccountCD; cogsSubCd = invtCogsSub.SubCD; invtAcctCd = itemInvtAcct.AccountCD; invtSubCd = itemInvtSub.SubCD; if (cogsAcctId != null && cogsSubId != null) { break; } } EPEmployee ePEmployee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.userID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.userID> > > > .Select(Base, sOOrder.OwnerID); string originatorId = ePEmployee != null ? ePEmployee.AcctCD : "ADMIN"; string stockItemAccount = custSalesSubCD.Substring(0, 11).Trim() + cogsSubCd.Substring(11, 4).Trim(); // + cogsAcctCd.Trim(); string nonStockItemAccount = cogsSubCd.Trim(); // + cogsAcctCd.Trim(); string itemInventoryAccount = invtSubCd.Trim() + invtAcctCd.Trim(); DateTime actStartDate = sOOrder.OrderDate ?? DateTime.Now; string raisedDate = actStartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string planFinishDate = (sOOrder.RequestDate ?? actStartDate.AddDays(60)).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); try { //ClientConversation.authenticate(userName, password); PLNSC.ProjectService.OperationContext projectOperationContext = new PLNSC.ProjectService.OperationContext() { district = districtCode, position = positionID, maxInstances = maxInstance, transaction = transID }; ProjectService projectService = new ProjectService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}ProjectService" }; ProjectServiceModifyRequestDTO projectRequest = new ProjectServiceModifyRequestDTO() { districtCode = "SC01", projectNo = sOOrder.OrderNbr, projDesc = sOOrder.OrderDesc, originatorId = originatorId, raisedDate = raisedDate, planFinDate = planFinishDate, accountCode = cARAccountCD, accountCodeEnabled = true }; ProjectServiceModifyReplyDTO projectReply = projectService.modify(projectOperationContext, projectRequest); PLNSC.ProjectService.WarningMessageDTO[] warningMessageDTOs = projectReply.warningsAndInformation; if (warningMessageDTOs.Length > 0) { result = warningMessageDTOs[0].message; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.rollback(transContext); } else { result = "OK"; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.commit(transContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.rollback(transContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; } return(result); }
string receiptPOGoods(POReceipt pOReceipt, string pONbr, List<POReceiptLine> receiptLines) { string result = ""; string transID = ""; bool isOverSupply = false; try { ClientConversation.authenticate(userName, password); TransactionService transactionService = new TransactionService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}TransactionService" }; PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext transContext = new PLNSC.TransactionRef.OperationContext() { district = districtCode, position = positionID, maxInstances = maxInstance }; transID = transactionService.begin(transContext); ReceiptDocumentService receipt = new ReceiptDocumentService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}ReceiptDocumentService" }; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemService receiptPurchaseOrderItemService = new PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemService() { Timeout = sessionTimeout, Url = $"{urlPrefix(dbName)}ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemService" }; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.OperationContext receiptPOItemContext = new PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.OperationContext() { district = transContext.district, position = transContext.position, maxInstances = transContext.maxInstances, returnWarnings = transContext.returnWarnings, trace = transContext.trace, transaction = transID }; PLNSC.ReceiptDocumentService.OperationContext receiptContext = new PLNSC.ReceiptDocumentService.OperationContext() { district = transContext.district, position = transContext.position, maxInstances = transContext.maxInstances, returnWarnings = transContext.returnWarnings, trace = transContext.trace, transaction = transID }; var userID = PXAccess.GetUserID(); EPEmployee ePEmployee = PXSelect<EPEmployee, Where<EPEmployee.userID, Equal<Required<EPEmployee.userID>>>>.Select(Base, PXAccess.GetUserID()); string receivedByUser = ePEmployee.AcctCD.Trim() ?? "ADMIN"; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemSearchParam receiptPurchaseOrderItemSearchParam = new PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemSearchParam() { documentDistrictCode = "SC01", documentNumber = pONbr, documentTypeDescription = "POP", isReceiveAll = false }; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO restartParam = new PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO() { documentNumber = "", documentDistrictCode = "", documentItem = "", documentTypeDescription = "", receiptDocumentType = "" }; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemServiceResult[] searchResult =, receiptPurchaseOrderItemSearchParam, restartParam); if (searchResult.Length > 0) { PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.Error[] searchErrors = searchResult[0].errors; PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.Message[] searchMsg = searchResult[0].informationalMessages; if (searchErrors.Length > 0) { result = searchErrors[0].messageText; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.rollback(transContext); return result; } ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO[] requestItem = new ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO[searchResult.Length]; int arrIndex = 0; foreach (PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemServiceResult receiptPurchaseOrderItemServiceResult in searchResult) { PLNSC.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemRef.ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO lineReceipt = receiptPurchaseOrderItemServiceResult.receiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO; string testPOReceiptLine = Right("000" + lineReceipt.documentItem.Trim(), 3); string receiptLine = lineReceipt.documentNumber != null ? testPOReceiptLine : "001"; decimal receiptQty = 0; pONbr = lineReceipt.documentNumber != null ? lineReceipt.documentNumber.Trim() : " "; foreach (POReceiptLine pOReceiptLine in receiptLines) { string poNbr = pOReceiptLine.PONbr.Trim(); string poLine = Right("000" + pOReceiptLine.POLineNbr.ToString(), 3); if (poNbr == pONbr && poLine == receiptLine) { receiptQty = pOReceiptLine.ReceiptQty ?? 0; decimal origOrderQty = pOReceiptLine.OrigOrderQty ?? 0; decimal openOrderQty = pOReceiptLine.OpenOrderQty ?? 0; decimal outstandingQty = openOrderQty != 0 ? openOrderQty : origOrderQty; if (receiptQty > outstandingQty) { isOverSupply = true; } else { isOverSupply = false; } } } requestItem[arrIndex] = new ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO() { documentNumber = lineReceipt.documentNumber.Trim() ?? " ", custodianId = lineReceipt.custodianId.Trim() ?? " ", documentItem = receiptLine, receiptQuantity = receiptQty, receiptQuantitySpecified = true, documentTypeDescription = lineReceipt.documentTypeDescription.Trim() ?? " ", documentType = lineReceipt.documentType.Trim() ?? " ", deliveryLocation = lineReceipt.deliveryLocation.Trim() ?? " ", isReceive = true, isReceiveSpecified = true, isCompleteItem = false, isCompleteItemSpecified = true, isOverSupplyItem = isOverSupply, isOverSupplyItemSpecified = true, isBinCodeDisabled = lineReceipt.isBinCodeDisabled, isBinCodeDisabledSpecified = true, isCategoryCodeDisabled = lineReceipt.isCategoryCodeDisabled, isCategoryCodeDisabledSpecified = true, receiptDocumentType = lineReceipt.receiptDocumentType.Trim() ?? " ", receivingDistrictCode = lineReceipt.receivingDistrictCode.Trim() ?? " ", receivingWarehouseId = lineReceipt.receivingWarehouseId.Trim() ?? " ", requestedByEmployeeId = receivedByUser, purchaseRequisition = lineReceipt.purchaseRequisition.Trim() ?? " ", unitOfPurchase = lineReceipt.unitOfPurchase.Trim() ?? " ", unitOfIssueOutstanding = lineReceipt.unitOfIssueOutstanding, unitOfIssueOutstandingSpecified = true, unitOfMeasure = lineReceipt.unitOfMeasure.Trim() ?? " ", unitOfPurchaseOutstanding = lineReceipt.unitOfPurchaseOutstanding, unitOfPurchaseOutstandingSpecified = true }; arrIndex += 1; } ReceiptDocumentDTO request = new ReceiptDocumentDTO() { documentNumber = pONbr, receiptReference = "G-" + pOReceipt.ReceiptNbr.Trim() + "RC", receiptPurchaseOrderItemDTOs = requestItem, receiptDate = DateTime.Now, receiptDateSpecified = true, isReceiveAll = false, isReceiveAllSpecified = true, receivedBy = receivedByUser, receivedByPosition = "INTPO", receivingDistrictCode = "SC01", documentDistrictCode = "SC01", documentTypeDescription = "POP" }; ReceiptDocumentServiceResult receiptDocumentServiceResult = receipt.update(receiptContext, request); PLNSC.ReceiptDocumentService.Error[] updErrors = receiptDocumentServiceResult.errors; PLNSC.ReceiptDocumentService.Message[] updMessages = receiptDocumentServiceResult.informationalMessages; if (updErrors.Length > 0) { result = updErrors[0].messageText; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.rollback(transContext); } else { result = "OK"; transContext.transaction = transID; transactionService.commit(transContext); } } else { return "No Item To receive or All Item has already been received"; } //ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO[] requestItem = new ReceiptPurchaseOrderItemDTO[receiptLines.Count]; } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Add the Employee(s) info as a recipient(s) in the Email template generated by Appointment. /// </summary> private static void AddEmployeeStaffRecipient( AppointmentEntry graphAppointmentEntry, int?bAccountID, string type, NotificationRecipient recSetup, RecipientList recipients) { NotificationRecipient recipient = null; bool? appNotification = false; Contact contactRow = null; if (type == BAccountType.EmployeeType) { EPEmployee epEmployeeRow = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where < EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(graphAppointmentEntry, bAccountID); FSxEPEmployee fsxEpEmployeeRow = PXCache <EPEmployee> .GetExtension <FSxEPEmployee>(epEmployeeRow); appNotification = fsxEpEmployeeRow.SendAppNotification; contactRow = PXSelectJoin <Contact, InnerJoin <BAccount, On <BAccount.parentBAccountID, Equal <Contact.bAccountID>, And <BAccount.defContactID, Equal <Contact.contactID> > > >, Where < BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount.bAccountID> >, And <BAccount.type, Equal <Required <BAccount.type> > > > > .Select(graphAppointmentEntry, bAccountID, type); } else if (type == BAccountType.VendorType) { Vendor vendorRow = PXSelect <Vendor, Where < Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(graphAppointmentEntry, bAccountID); FSxVendor fsxVendorRow = PXCache <Vendor> .GetExtension <FSxVendor>(vendorRow); appNotification = fsxVendorRow.SendAppNotification; contactRow = PXSelectJoin <Contact, InnerJoin <BAccount, On <Contact.contactID, Equal <BAccount.defContactID> > >, Where < BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount.bAccountID> >, And <BAccount.type, Equal <Required <BAccount.type> > > > > .Select(graphAppointmentEntry, bAccountID, type); } if (appNotification == true) { if (contactRow != null && contactRow.EMail != null) { recipient = new NotificationRecipient() { Active = true, Email = contactRow.EMail, Hidden = recSetup.Hidden, Format = recSetup.Format }; if (recipient != null) { recipients.Add(recipient); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { applicationName = Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/'); pageUrl = SharedFunctions.GetWebMethodPath(Request.Path); DateTime?startDateBridge; var date = PXContext.GetBusinessDate(); startDateBridge = (date != null) ? date : PXTimeZoneInfo.Now; // Filter By RefNbr RefNbr = Request.QueryString["RefNbr"]; // External CustomerID CustomerID = Request.QueryString["CustomerID"]; // Employee ExternalEmployee = Request.QueryString["EmployeeID"]; // External SMEquipmentID SMEquipmentID = Request.QueryString["SMEquipmentID"]; // Focus unassigned Appointment Tab AppSource = Request.QueryString["AppSource"]; // Date try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Date"])) { startDateBridge = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["Date"]); } } catch (Exception) { } var graphExternalControls = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ExternalControls>(); var results = graphExternalControls.EmployeeSelected.Select(); startDate = ((DateTime)startDateBridge).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", new CultureInfo("en-US")); PXResult <EPEmployee, Contact> result = (PXResult <EPEmployee, Contact>)results; EPEmployee epEmployeeRow = result; if (epEmployeeRow != null) { DefaultEmployee = epEmployeeRow.BAccountID.ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExternalEmployee) && epEmployeeRow != null) { ExternalEmployee = DefaultEmployee; } // Load Appointment's Body to be used in index.aspx StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("../../Shared/templates/EventTemplate.html")); appointmentBodyTemplate = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); // Load Service Order's ToolTip to be used in index.aspx streamReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("../../Shared/templates/TooltipServiceOrder.html")); toolTipTemplateServiceOrder = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); // Load Appointment's ToolTip to be used in index.aspx streamReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("../../Shared/templates/TooltipAppointment.html")); toolTipTemplateAppointment = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); }
public virtual void StartStaffAction(IEnumerable <FSStaffLogActionDetail> createLogItems = null) { IEnumerable <FSStaffLogActionDetail> createLogItemsLocal = null; if (createLogItems == null) { if (LogActionFilter.Current.Me == true) { EPEmployee employeeByUserID = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where < EPEmployee.userID, Equal <Current <AccessInfo.userID> > > > .Select(this); if (employeeByUserID != null) { bool isEmployeeInGrid = AppointmentServiceEmployees.Select().RowCast <FSAppointmentEmployee>() .Where(x => x.EmployeeID == employeeByUserID.BAccountID) .Count() > 0; bool isTherePrimaryDriver = AppointmentServiceEmployees.Select().RowCast <FSAppointmentEmployee>() .Where(x => x.PrimaryDriver == true) .Count() > 0; if (isEmployeeInGrid == false) { FSAppointmentEmployee fsAppointmentEmployeeRow = new FSAppointmentEmployee() { EmployeeID = employeeByUserID.BAccountID }; if (isTherePrimaryDriver == false) { fsAppointmentEmployeeRow.PrimaryDriver = true; } AppointmentServiceEmployees.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentEmployeeRow); FSAppointmentLog fsAppointmentLogRow = new FSAppointmentLog() { Type = ID.Type_Log.STAFF_ASSIGMENT, BAccountID = employeeByUserID.BAccountID, DetLineRef = null, DateTimeBegin = LogActionFilter.Current.LogTime }; LogRecords.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentLogRow); } else { createLogItemsLocal = LogStaffActionDetails.Select().RowCast <FSStaffLogActionDetail>() .Where(x => x.Selected == true); } } } else { createLogItemsLocal = LogStaffActionDetails.Select().RowCast <FSStaffLogActionDetail>() .Where(x => x.Selected == true); } } else { createLogItemsLocal = createLogItems; } if (createLogItemsLocal != null) { foreach (FSStaffLogActionDetail fsStaffLogActionDetailRow in createLogItemsLocal) { int?timeDuration = fsStaffLogActionDetailRow != null && fsStaffLogActionDetailRow.EstimatedDuration != null ? fsStaffLogActionDetailRow.EstimatedDuration : 0; FSAppointmentLog fsAppointmentLogRow = new FSAppointmentLog() { Type = ID.Type_Log.STAFF_ASSIGMENT, BAccountID = fsStaffLogActionDetailRow.BAccountID, DetLineRef = fsStaffLogActionDetailRow.DetLineRef, DateTimeBegin = LogActionFilter.Current.LogTime, TimeDuration = timeDuration }; LogRecords.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentLogRow); } } }
public virtual void StartServiceAction(IEnumerable <FSAppointmentEmployeeFSLogStart> createLogItems = null) { IEnumerable <FSAppointmentEmployeeFSLogStart> createLogItemsLocal = null; FSAppointmentLog fsAppointmentLogRow; FSAppointmentDet fsAppointmentDetRow = null; string detLineRef = null; DateTime? dateTimeBegin = null; int timeDuration = 0; if (LogActionFilter.Current?.DetLineRef == null) { return; } if (createLogItems == null) { detLineRef = LogActionFilter.Current?.DetLineRef; dateTimeBegin = LogActionFilter.Current?.LogTime; if (LogActionFilter.Current.DetLineRef != null) { fsAppointmentDetRow = PXSelect <FSAppointmentDet, Where < FSAppointmentDet.appointmentID, Equal <Required <FSAppointmentDet.appointmentID> >, And <FSAppointmentDet.lineRef, Equal <Required <FSAppointmentDet.lineRef> > > > > .Select(this, AppointmentRecords.Current.AppointmentID, LogActionFilter.Current.DetLineRef); if (fsAppointmentDetRow != null) { timeDuration = fsAppointmentDetRow.EstimatedDuration ?? 0; } } if (LogActionFilter.Current.Me == true) { EPEmployee employeeByUserID = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where < EPEmployee.userID, Equal <Current <AccessInfo.userID> > > > .Select(this); if (employeeByUserID != null) { bool isEmployeeInGrid = AppointmentServiceEmployees.Select().RowCast <FSAppointmentEmployee>() .Where(x => x.EmployeeID == employeeByUserID.BAccountID) .Count() > 0; bool isTherePrimaryDriver = AppointmentServiceEmployees.Select().RowCast <FSAppointmentEmployee>() .Where(x => x.PrimaryDriver == true) .Count() > 0; if (isEmployeeInGrid == false) { FSAppointmentEmployee fsAppointmentEmployeeRow = new FSAppointmentEmployee() { EmployeeID = employeeByUserID.BAccountID, }; if (isTherePrimaryDriver == false) { fsAppointmentEmployeeRow.PrimaryDriver = true; } AppointmentServiceEmployees.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentEmployeeRow); } fsAppointmentLogRow = new FSAppointmentLog() { Type = ID.Type_Log.SERVICE, BAccountID = employeeByUserID.BAccountID, DetLineRef = detLineRef, DateTimeBegin = dateTimeBegin, TimeDuration = timeDuration }; LogRecords.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentLogRow); } } else { createLogItemsLocal = StaffMemberLogStartAction.Select().RowCast <FSAppointmentEmployeeFSLogStart>() .Where(x => x.Selected == true); } } else { detLineRef = null; dateTimeBegin = PXDBDateAndTimeAttribute.CombineDateTime(AppointmentRecords.Current.ExecutionDate, PXTimeZoneInfo.Now); createLogItemsLocal = createLogItems; } if (createLogItemsLocal != null) { foreach (FSAppointmentEmployeeFSLogStart row in createLogItemsLocal) { fsAppointmentLogRow = new FSAppointmentLog() { Type = ID.Type_Log.SERVICE, BAccountID = row.BAccountID, DetLineRef = detLineRef, DateTimeBegin = dateTimeBegin, TimeDuration = timeDuration }; LogRecords.Cache.Insert(fsAppointmentLogRow); } } }