private void CheckManifest( int rolloutItemNumber, EPCompiledManifest manifest) { try { RuntimeVersion.CheckVersion(manifest.CompilerVersion); } catch (RuntimeVersion.VersionException ex) { throw new EPDeployDeploymentVersionException(ex.Message, ex, rolloutItemNumber); } if (manifest.ModuleProviderClassName == null) { if (manifest.QueryProviderClassName != null) { throw new EPDeployException( "Cannot deploy EPL that was compiled as a fire-and-forget query, make sure to use the 'compile' method of the compiler", rolloutItemNumber); } throw new EPDeployException("Failed to find module provider class name in manifest (is this a compiled module?)", rolloutItemNumber); } try { _services.EventSerdeFactory.VerifyHADeployment(manifest.IsTargetHA); } catch (ExprValidationException ex) { throw new EPDeployException(ex.Message, ex, rolloutItemNumber); } }
protected internal static EPCompiled Compile( IList<Compilable> compilables, string optionalModuleName, IDictionary<ModuleProperty, object> moduleProperties, ModuleCompileTimeServices compileTimeServices, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) { ICollection<Assembly> assemblies = new HashSet<Assembly>(); try { EPCompiledManifest manifest = CompileToModules( assemblies, compilables, optionalModuleName, moduleProperties, compileTimeServices, compilerOptions, out var assembly); return new EPCompiled(assemblies, manifest); } catch (EPCompileException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new EPCompileException( "Unexpected exception compiling module: " + ex.Message, ex, new EmptyList<EPCompileExceptionItem>()); } }