public void TestTargetSpeciesExtractionLocal() { var pid = VMDPIDFactory.GetVmdPid().Result; foreach (var ep in pid.ExpiredProducts.Where(ep => !EPARTools.IsEPAR(ep.SPC_Link))) { var spc = VMDPIDFactory.GetSpc(ep).Result; Debug.WriteLine(spc); spc = spc.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".doc") ? WordConverter.ConvertDocToDocx(spc) : spc; var ts = SPCParser.GetTargetSpecies(spc); Assert.IsNotNull(ts, $"null ts for {ep.Name}, {spc}"); Assert.IsTrue(ts.Any(), $"empty ts for {ep.Name}, {spc}"); Assert.IsFalse(ts.Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace), $"blank species for {ep.Name}, {spc}"); } }
public void TestStaticTypingOfTargetSpeciesEmaLicensedExpiredProducts() { var pid = VMDPIDFactory.GetVmdPid(PidFactoryOptions.GetTargetSpeciesForExpiredEmaProduct).Result; var errorString = ""; var errors = pid.AllProducts .Where(p => p.GetType() == typeof(ExpiredProduct) && EPARTools.IsEPAR(((ExpiredProduct)p).SPC_Link)) .Where(p => p.TargetSpeciesTyped == null || !p.TargetSpeciesTyped.Any()).ToList(); if (errors.Any()) { errorString = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors.Select(p => $"{p.Name} " + $"from {string.Join(';', p.TargetSpecies??new string[0])}")); } Assert.IsFalse(errors.Any(), $"EMA-licensed expired product with un-filled strongly typed target species for: {errorString}"); }
public void TestStaticTypingOfTargetSpeciesExpiredProducts() { var pid = VMDPIDFactory.GetVmdPid(PidFactoryOptions.GetTargetSpeciesForExpiredVmdProduct).Result; foreach (var p in pid.AllProducts) { if (p.GetType() != typeof(ExpiredProduct) || EPARTools.IsEPAR(((ExpiredProduct)p).SPC_Link) ) { continue; } if (!(p.TargetSpeciesTyped != null && p.TargetSpeciesTyped.Any())) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(';', p.TargetSpecies)); } Assert.IsTrue(p.TargetSpeciesTyped != null && p.TargetSpeciesTyped.Any(), $"Expired product with un-filled strongly typed target species for {p.Name}" + $"from {string.Join(';', p.TargetSpecies)}"); } }
public void TestGetSearchResults() { var testset = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "dicural 150 mg coated tablets for dogs", "" }, { "metacam", "" }, { "purevax rcch", "" }, { "aivlosin 8.5 mg/g premix for medicated feeding stuff for pigs", "" }, { "promeris duo 499.5 mg + 499.5 mg spot-on for medium/large sized dogs", "" } }; var testout = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var test in testset) { var res = EPARTools.GetSearchResults(test.Key).Result; if (res == null) { testout[test.Key] = null; } else if (res.Length == 0) { testout[test.Key] = string.Empty; } else if (res[0].Equals(test.Value)) { testout[test.Key] = true.ToString(); } else { testout[test.Key] = false.ToString(); } if (!testout[test.Key].Equals(true.ToString())) { Debug.WriteLine($"{test.Key}: {testout[test.Key]}"); } } Assert.IsTrue(testout.Values.All(t => t.Equals(true.ToString()))); //var res = EPARTools.GetSearchResults("metacam").Result; //Assert.IsNotNull(res,"No results returned"); //Assert.IsTrue(res.Length>0, "Empty results returned"); //Assert.IsTrue(res[0].Equals("") // , $"Wrong url returned: {res[0]}"); }