public void ScopeTest_Test_Success()
            // Arrange
            var scope         = _ep.GetScope();
            var scopedObject  = scope.Get <IInterfaceModel>();
            var scopedObject2 = scope.Get <IInterfaceModel>();

            // Act
                var innerScope         = _ep.GetScope();
                var innerScopedObject  = innerScope.Get <IInterfaceModel>();
                var innerScopedObject2 = innerScope.Get <IInterfaceModel>();

                // Assert

                // Two Scopes are never the same object
                Assert.NotEqual(scope, innerScope);

                // Objects of same types from different Scopes in different scopes are not the same object
                Assert.NotEqual(scopedObject, innerScopedObject);

                // Objects of same types from different Scopes in the same scope are the same object
                Assert.Equal(scopedObject, scopedObject2);
                Assert.Equal(innerScopedObject, innerScopedObject2);