public HefnyCopterSerial()
            mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Undefined;
            mSerialPort = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort();
            mSerialPort.DataBits = 8;
            mSerialPort.DiscardNull = false;
            mSerialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
            mSerialPort.RtsEnable = true;
            mSerialPort.DataReceived += new System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceived);

            //vArray = new byte[20];
            cArray = new byte[400];

        /// <summary>
        /// Sensor Protocol:
        /// S,GX,GY,GZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,Bat,M1,M2,M3,M4,E
        /// Settings Protocol:
        /// C,.......................................,E
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            string RxString;
            RxString = (mSerialPort.ReadExisting());

            byte[] array = new byte[8000]; 

            array = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(RxString);

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i) // j; ++i)
                // Sensors Start Tag .... Data of Gyros & Acc readinsg while flying is being recived.
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'I'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.IMU;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    Command = 0;
                    Idx = 0;
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'S'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Sensors;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    Command = 0;
                    Idx = 0;
                // Configuration Start Tag .... Data of Config structure is being received
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'C'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Settings;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    CommandLength = 999;

                    Idx = 0;
                // End Tag
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'E'))
                    if (ExpectEOF == true) // message correct then copy
                        SerialPacket SP = new SerialPacket();
                        SP.DataType = mRxDataType;
                        SP.Array = cArray;
                        SP.Command = Command;
                        SP.CommandLength = CommandLength - 2;
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Undefined;
                    ExpectEOF = false;
                // Incoming Data Copying
                if (bStartCopy)
                    switch (mRxDataType)
                        case ENUM_RxDataType.IMU:
                            if (Idx == 32)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                                i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];
                        case ENUM_RxDataType.Sensors:
                            if (Idx == 32)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                                i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];

                        case ENUM_RxDataType.Settings:
                            if (Idx == 1)
                                Command = (ENUM_SerialCommands)cArray[Idx-1];
                            if (Idx == 2)
                                CommandLength = cArray[Idx - 1] + cArray[Idx] * 0xff  +2 ;
                                // verify data is OK
                                if (array[i] == CONST_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE)
                                { // signature is OK 

                            if (Idx == CommandLength)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                               // i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];
                    Idx += 1;
               ExpectEOF = false;
        //   Idx += 1; // FIX bug when DataMisalignedException comes CONST_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE two chunks cArray was shifted by one.