public Profile Save(Profile profile)
            EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities ctx = new EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities();
            var dbProfile = Mapper.Map(profile);

            if (profile.Id > 0)
                var existingProfile = (from p in ctx.Profiles
                                       where p.Id == profile.Id
                                       select p).FirstOrDefault();

                if (existingProfile == null)
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Profile with Id " + profile.Id.ToString() + " couldn't be found in the database.  No update was peformed");

                ctx.ApplyCurrentValues<EFModel.Profile>("Profiles", dbProfile);


            return Mapper.Map(dbProfile);
        public List<Profile> List()
            EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities ctx = new EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities();

            var profiles = (from p in ctx.Profiles
                            select p).ToList();

            return Mapper.Map(profiles);
        public void Delete(int Id)
            EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities ctx = new EFModel.QuickReceiptEntities();

            var existingProfile = (from p in ctx.Profiles
                                   where p.Id == Id
                                   select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingProfile == null)
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Profile with Id " + Id.ToString() + " couldn't be found in the database.  No deletion was peformed");
