public IEnumerable <UserDTO> GetAllEntities() { var entities = userRepo.Get(); var dtos = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <User>, IEnumerable <UserDTO> >(entities); return(dtos); }
private async Task DeleteControlsFromControlCollection(IList <Group> groups, CancellationToken token) { await _editGroupBoardFirst.GroupCollection.DeleteControls( groups, EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>(), token); }
public void updateDataGrid() { db = new ApplicationContext(); // создаем репозиторий типов комнат, для работы с бд db.RoomTypes.Load(); EFGenericRepository <Entity.RoomTypes> roomTypesRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Entity.RoomTypes>(db); roomTypesList = (List <Entity.RoomTypes>)roomTypesRepo.Get(); // создаем репозиторий комнат, для работы с бд db.Rooms.Load(); EFGenericRepository <Entity.Rooms> roomsRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Entity.Rooms>(db); roomsList = (List <Entity.Rooms>)roomsRepo.Get(); // Т.к. EF не хочет устанавливать внешние связи, придется делать связи вручную foreach (Entity.Rooms room in roomsList) { room.customInit(db.RoomTypes); } DataGrid_rooms.ItemsSource = roomsList; findRowsByFilter(); }
public override async void GroupBoard_LoadAddGroupBoard(object sender, EventArgs e) { await _groupBoardSecond.CurrentStudentControlCollection.AddControls( EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>(s => s.GroupId == null).ToArray(), currentStudentView, CancellationToken.None); }
public IEnumerable <TaskCategoryDTO> GetAllEntities() { var entities = taskCategoryRepo.Get(); var dtos = mapper.Map <IEnumerable <TaskCategory>, IEnumerable <TaskCategoryDTO> >(entities); return(dtos); }
private async void GroupBoard_UpdateView(object sender, EventArgs e) { groupBoard.DisableCurrentStudentPanel(); groupBoard.DisableAddedStudentPanel(); await AddControlsToControlCollection( EFGenericRepository.GetEntitiesWithState <Student>(EntityState.Added, s => s.GroupId == null).ToArray(), CancellationToken.None); //для студентов, которые были загружены с бд и в процессе были исключены из группы await AddControlsToControlCollection( EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>(s => s.GroupId == null).ToArray(), CancellationToken.None); await DeleteControlsFromControlCollection( EFGenericRepository.GetEntitiesWithState <Student>(EntityState.Deleted, s => s.GroupId == null), CancellationToken.None); await UpdateControlsFromControlCollection( EFGenericRepository.GetEntitiesWithState <Student>(EntityState.Modified).ToArray(), CancellationToken.None); groupBoard.EnableCurrentStudentPanel(); groupBoard.EnableAddedStudentPanel(); }
public override async Task <Student[]> GetStudentWithExceptedAddedStudent(string condition, string searchCriteria, CancellationToken token) { return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var students = (IEnumerable <Student>)EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>(s => s.GroupId == null).ToArray(); var existGroup = EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>(g => g.Name == groupBoard.GetNameOfGroup).FirstOrDefault(); var currentStudent = existGroup?.Students; if (currentStudent != null) { students = students.Union(currentStudent); } if (condition != string.Empty) { students = students.Where(searchCriteria, condition); } if (groupBoard.AddedStudentControlCollection.Count == 0) { return students.ToArray(); } var addedStudents = groupBoard.AddedStudentControlCollection .Cast <IStudentView>() .Select(s => EFGenericRepository.Find <Student>(s.Id)); return students.Except(addedStudents).ToArray(); }, token)); }
public void SortMethod() { // Получаем список основных каталогов IEnumerable <catalog> catalog = ICatalog.Get(); // Используем их для начала работы foreach (var Catalog in catalog) { // Добавляем основные каталоги ICatalog_level.Create(new catalog_level() { name =, description = Catalog.description }); // Загружаем дочерний элемент foreach (var Catalog_aggregate in ICatalog_aggregate.GetWithInclude(a => a.catalog_model).Where(a => a.catalog_id == Catalog.Id)) { // Получаем id первого созданного родительского элемента int MainId = ICatalog_level.Get().Where(a => a.parent_id == null).LastOrDefault().id; // Добавляем дочерний элемент первого уровня ICatalog_level.Create(new catalog_level() { name =, description = Catalog_aggregate.description, parent_id = MainId // Присваиваем ему идентификатор родителя }); // Находим новый Id дочернего элемента первого уровня int?newId = ICatalog_level.Get().Where(x => x.parent_id == MainId).LastOrDefault().id; // Используем дочерний элемент второго уровня foreach (var Catalog_model in Catalog_aggregate.catalog_model) { // Добавляем дочерний элемент второго уровня ICatalog_level.Create(new catalog_level() { name = Catalog_model.model, description = Catalog_model.description, parent_id = newId // Присваиваем дочернему элементу второго уровня, Id идентификатор дочернего элемента первого уровня }); } } } }
private static async Task <TResult[]> GetViews <TEntity, TResult>(string searchCriteria, string conditionFilter, CancellationToken token) where TEntity : class, IEntity where TResult : class, IEntity { return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EFGenericRepository.Get <TEntity>(searchCriteria, conditionFilter) .GetViews <TEntity, TResult>().ToArray(), token)); }
public IEnumerable <TopUserDTO> GetTop5Users() { //TODO: change select query when rating field will be added to user table var entities = _users.Get(t => t.Id != 0, 5); var dtos = mapper.Map <IEnumerable <User>, IEnumerable <TopUserDTO> >(entities); return(dtos); }
public static List <RoomTypes> init_RoomTypes(DbContext db) { // создаем репозиторий типов комнат, для работы с бд db.Set <RoomTypes>().Load(); EFGenericRepository <Entity.RoomTypes> roomTypesRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Entity.RoomTypes>(db); return((List <Entity.RoomTypes>)roomTypesRepo.Get()); }
public static List <Entity.Clients> init_Clients(DbContext db) { // создаем репозиторий комнат, для работы с бд db.Set <Clients>().Load(); EFGenericRepository <Entity.Clients> clientsRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Entity.Clients>(db); List <Entity.Clients> tmpList = (List <Entity.Clients>)clientsRepo.Get(); return(tmpList); }
private void EditStudentBoardFirst_LoadEditStudentBoardFirst(object sender, EventArgs e) { var students = EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>().ToArray(); var studentControls = _editStudentView.CreateListViews(students.Length); for (int i = 0; i < students.Length; i++) { _editStudentBoardFirst.StudentControlCollection.Add((Control)studentControls[i].FillView(students[i])); } }
public PublicationHouseViewModel GetPublicationHouse(int?id) { PublicationHouse publicationHouse = _publicationServiceRepository.Get(id.Value); if (publicationHouse == null) { throw new ValidationException("Publication House not found", ""); } return(Mapper.Map <PublicationHouse, PublicationHouseViewModel>(publicationHouse)); }
// GET: Org/Delete public ActionResult Delete(string id) { EFGenericRepository <Org> Orgs = new EFGenericRepository <Org>(DbContext); Org model = Orgs.Get(x => x.Id == id); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(PartialView("_DeletePartial", model)); } return(View(model)); }
private Student[] GetStudentsWithConditions(string condition, string searchCriteria) { if (condition == string.Empty) { return(EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>().ToArray()); } return(EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>() .Where(searchCriteria, condition) .ToArray()); }
private void StudentBoard_LoadBoard(object sender, EventArgs e) { var groups = (IList <Group>)EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>().ToList(); var listGroupViews = _groupView.CreateListViews(groups.Count); for (var i = 0; i < listGroupViews.Length; i++) { var groupView = (IGroupView)listGroupViews[i].FillView(groups[i]); _studentBoard.GroupsCollection.Add((Control)groupView); } }
private async Task DeleteControlsFromControlCollection(IEnumerable <Student> students, CancellationToken token) { await groupBoard.AddedStudentControlCollection.DeleteControls( students, EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>(), token); await groupBoard.CurrentStudentControlCollection.DeleteControls( students, EFGenericRepository.Get <Student>(), token); }
private void EditGroupBoardFirst_LoadEditGroupBoardFirst(object sender, EventArgs e) { var groups = (IList <Group>)EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>().ToList(); var listGroupViews = _groupView.CreateListViews(groups.Count); for (int i = 0; i < listGroupViews.Length; i++) { var groupView = (IGroupView)listGroupViews[i].FillView(groups[i]); _editGroupBoardFirst.GroupCollection.Add((Control)groupView); } }
// инициализируем таблицу Заказы (вручную т.к. EF не хочет подтягивать зависимые сущности) public static List <Order_entity> init_Orders(DbContext db) { // создаем репозиторий комнат, для работы с бд db.Set <Order_entity>().Load(); EFGenericRepository <Order_entity> orderRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Order_entity>(db); List <Order_entity> tmpList = (List <Order_entity>)orderRepo.Get(); foreach (Order_entity order in tmpList) { order.customInit(db.Set <Clients>(), db.Set <Rooms>()); } return(tmpList); }
public int CountWeekend(DateTime StartDay, DateTime EndDay, string TeamName) { int Count = 0; List <Vacation> list = Vacationrepository.Get(i => i.TeamName == TeamName).ToList();; List <Vacation> listTwo = list.Where(i => (ChackWeekend(StartDay, EndDay, i.FirstDate, i.SecontDate, TeamName, i.TeamName))).ToList(); if (list == null) { return(0); } Count = listTwo.Count(); return(Count); }
public IEnumerable <NotificationDTO> GetNotifications() { var notifications = notiRepo.Get(); if (notifications == null) { return(null); } var dtos = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <Notification>, IEnumerable <NotificationDTO> >(notifications); return(dtos); }
private void StudentInfo_FormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { var student = EFGenericRepository.FindById <Students>(studentInfo.SutdentId); studentInfo.FirstName = student.FirstName; studentInfo.LastName = student.LastName; studentInfo.MiddleName = student.MiddleName; var marks = from s in EFGenericRepository.Get <Students>().Where(st => st.Id == student.Id) join m in EFGenericRepository.Get <Marks>() on s.Id equals m.IdSt select m; studentInfo.GridDataSource = marks.ToList(); }
private async Task <Group[]> GetGroups(string conditions, CancellationToken token) { return(await Task.Run(() => { if (conditions != string.Empty) { return EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>(s => s.Name.ToUpperInvariant() .Contains(conditions.ToUpperInvariant())) .ToArray(); } return EFGenericRepository.Get <Group>().ToArray(); }, token)); }
public BrochureViewModel GetBrochure(int?id) { if (id == null) { throw new ValidationException("Id brochure not found", ""); } var brochure = _brochureRepository.Get(id.Value); if (brochure == null) { throw new ValidationException("Brochure not found", ""); } return(Mapper.Map <Brochure, BrochureViewModel>(brochure)); }
public MagazineViewModel GetMagazine(int?id) { if (id == null) { throw new ValidationException("Id magazine not found", ""); } var magazine = _magazineRepository.Get(id.Value); if (magazine == null) { throw new ValidationException("Magazine not found", ""); } return(Mapper.Map <Magazine, MagazineViewModel>(magazine)); }
public AuthorViewModel GetAuthor(int?id) { if (id == null) { throw new ValidationException("Id author not found", ""); } var author = _authorRepository.Get(id.Value); if (author == null) { throw new ValidationException("Author not found", ""); } return(Mapper.Map <Author, AuthorViewModel>(author)); }
public static List <Entity.Rooms> init_Rooms(DbContext db) { // создаем репозиторий комнат, для работы с бд db.Set <Rooms>().Load(); EFGenericRepository <Entity.Rooms> roomsRepo = new EFGenericRepository <Entity.Rooms>(db); List <Entity.Rooms> tmpList = (List <Entity.Rooms>)roomsRepo.Get(); // Т.к. EF не хочет устанавливать внешние связи, придется делать связи вручную foreach (Entity.Rooms room in tmpList) { room.customInit(db.Set <RoomTypes>()); } return(tmpList); }
public Customer GetTaskCustomer(int taskId) { int userId = 0; IEnumerable <TaskHistory> history = historyRepo.Get(); foreach (TaskHistory s in history) { if (s.TaskId == taskId) { userId = (int)s.TaskCustomerId; } } var dtos = mapper.Map <User, Customer>(userRepo.FindById(userId)); return(dtos); }
public IEnumerable <CommentDTO> GetComments(int taskId) { IEnumerable <Comment> MyComments = commentRepo.Get(); List <CommentDTO> result = new List <CommentDTO>(); foreach (var s in MyComments) { if ((int)s.TaskId == taskId) { var dtos = mapper.Map <Comment, CommentDTO>(s); dtos.UserName = mapper.Map <User, Customer>(userRepo.FindById(dtos.UserId)).Name; result.Add(dtos); } } return(result); }