Esempio n. 1
        public static ZipInfo ToZipInfo(this EFDAL.Entity.Zip zip)
            var retval = new ZipInfo()
                ID      = zip.ZipId,
                Name    = zip.Name,
                City    = zip.City,
                State   = zip.State,
                Country = zip.Country ?? "US",

            if (zip.Latitude != null && zip.Longitude != null)
                retval.Latitude  = zip.Latitude.Value;
                retval.Longitude = zip.Longitude.Value;
Esempio n. 2
        private List <EFDAL.Entity.Zip> Lookup(string term)
                var retval = new List <EFDAL.Entity.Zip>();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(term))

                //Strip comma in case have not enter state yet
                term = term.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' });

                //Now search for the different location formats
                using (var context = new GeoLocationEntities())
                    //If numeric then assume it is zip
                    if (int.TryParse(term, out int zipCode))
                        //If zip code then return zips
                            .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(term))
                        Logger.LogInfo($"GetLookup: Path1, term={term}, Count={retval.Count}");

                    //Check Canada postal code
                    //If found one then return it
                    var cpostTerm = term.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                    if (cpostTerm.Length == 6)
                        var cpost = context.CanadaPostalCode.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PostalCode == cpostTerm);
                        if (cpost != null)
                            retval.Add(new EFDAL.Entity.Zip
                                City      = cpost.City,
                                Latitude  = cpost.Latitude,
                                Longitude = cpost.Longitude,
                                Name      = cpost.PostalCode,
                                Country   = "Canada",

                    //If two strings with comma then assume city state
                    var arr = term.Split(',');
                    if (arr.Length == 2)
                        var cityValue  = arr[0].Trim();
                        var stateValue = arr[1].Trim();
                        var zipValue   = string.Empty;

                        //If there is numeric ZIP on the end then split it out too
                        var arr2 = stateValue.Split(' ');
                        if (arr2.Length == 2 && arr2[1].ToInt32() > 0)
                            stateValue = arr2[0].Trim();
                            zipValue   = arr2[1].Trim();

                        //If there is a ZIP then use it
                        //Zips can span cities so there may be multiple
                        var zipItems = context.Zip
                                       .Where(x => x.Name == zipValue)

                        EFDAL.Entity.Zip singleZip = null;

                        //If there is a ZIP code included and not a single match
                        //determine if can match city, state
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipValue) && zipItems.Count > 1)
                            var lmabda = zipItems.Where(x => x.City.ToLower() == cityValue.ToLower());
                            if (lmabda.Count() == 1)
                                singleZip = lmabda.First();

                        //If the "state" value is 6 chars, check if it is Canadian
                        //Check Canada postal code
                        //If found one then return it
                        var cpostTerm2 = stateValue.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                        if (cpostTerm2.Length == 6)
                            var cpost = context.CanadaPostalCode.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PostalCode == cpostTerm2);
                            if (cpost != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityValue) || cityValue.ToLower() == cpost.City.ToLower()))
                                retval.Add(new EFDAL.Entity.Zip
                                    City      = cpost.City,
                                    Latitude  = cpost.Latitude,
                                    Longitude = cpost.Longitude,
                                    Name      = cpost.PostalCode,

                        if (singleZip == null && zipItems.Count == 1)
                            singleZip = zipItems.FirstOrDefault();
                        else if (singleZip == null) //Look for specific city, state
                            singleZip = context.Zip.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == cityValue && x.State == stateValue);
                            if (singleZip == null)
                                singleZip = context.Zip.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City.Contains(cityValue) && x.State == stateValue);

                        //If the ZIP was found then return it
                        if (singleZip != null)

                        //If it was not found then look again, less specifically
                        if (!retval.Any())
                            var state = context.State.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Contains(stateValue) || x.Abbr == stateValue);
                            if (state != null)
                                stateValue = state.Abbr;

                            //If (city AND state) match OR (city and ZIP) match OR (city, state zip)
                            var list = (from z in context.Zip
                                        join c in context.City on new { z.City, z.State } equals new { City = c.Name, c.State } into q
                                        from c in q.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                        where ((z.City.Contains(cityValue) && (z.State.Contains(stateValue))) ||
                                               (z.City.Contains(cityValue) && (z.Name.Contains(stateValue))))
                                        orderby c.Population descending
                                        select new { z, c })
                                       .Select(x => new EFDAL.Entity.Zip {
                                City = x.z.City, State = x.z.State, Population = x.c?.Population, Latitude = x.z.Latitude, Longitude = x.z.Longitude
                            })                                                                                                                                                                  //, Name = x.Name
                                       .Distinct(new ZipComparer())
                                       .OrderByDescending(x => x.Population)

                        Logger.LogInfo($"GetLookup: Path2, term={term}, Count={retval.Count}");
                        //Group by city/state and sum population so can order by largest overall population, not individual zip code

                        var list = (from z in context.Zip
                                    join c in context.City on new { z.City, z.State } equals new { City = c.Name, c.State } into q
                                    from c in q.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    where (z.City.Contains(term) || z.Name.Contains(term) || z.State.Contains(term))
                                    orderby c.Population descending
                                    select new { z, c })
                                   .Select(x => new EFDAL.Entity.Zip {
                            City = x.z.City, State = x.z.State, Population = x.c?.Population, Latitude = x.z.Latitude, Longitude = x.z.Longitude
                        })                                                                                                                                                                  //, Name = x.Name
                                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.Population)
                                   .Distinct(new ZipComparer())

                        Logger.LogInfo($"GetLookup: Path3, term={term}, Count={retval.Count}");

            catch (Exception ex)