Esempio n. 1
        public string Create(AGSUserEntity user)
            // creat the Identity User with the provided password
            EFApplicationUser appUser = new EFApplicationUser();

            MapAGSUserEntityToEFApplicationUser(user, appUser);
            appUser.Id = CommonConstant.GenerateId();

            // set the default password for the newly created user
            _ = _userManager.CreateAsync(appUser).Result;

            _ = _userManager.AddClaimsAsync(appUser, new Claim[] {
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, user.Username),
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, user.Email)

            // update the associated groups
            if (user.GroupIds != null)
                foreach (var groupId in user.GroupIds)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding group:{groupId}");
                    this.AddUserToGroup(appUser, groupId);

Esempio n. 2
        public void InitializeApplicationData()
            // add all function claims into Database
            var ags_identity_constant_type = typeof(CommonConstant);
            var constant_fields            = ags_identity_constant_type.GetFields();

            foreach (var constant_field in constant_fields)
                if (constant_field.Name.EndsWith("ClaimConstant"))
                    var claimValue = (string)(constant_field.GetValue(null));
                    _applicationDbContext.FunctionClaims.Add(new EFFunctionClaim()
                        Id = CommonConstant.GenerateId(), Name = claimValue

            // create admin user
            var userName     = AGSAdminName;
            var email        = _configuration["default_user_email"];
            var userPassword = _configuration["default_user_password"];

            var user = new EFApplicationUser
                Id                 = CommonConstant.GenerateId(),
                UserName           = userName,
                NormalizedEmail    = email,
                NormalizedUserName = userName,
                Email              = email,
                First_Name         = "Tim",
                Last_Name          = "Ng",
                Title              = "Developer",
                SecurityStamp      = CommonConstant.GenerateId(), // need to add this !!!

            _ = _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userPassword).Result;

            var group1 = new EFApplicationRole
                Id               = CommonConstant.GenerateId(),
                Name             = "Group_1_Test",
                NormalizedName   = "Group_1_Test",
                ConcurrencyStamp = CommonConstant.GenerateId()
            var group2 = new EFApplicationRole
                Id               = CommonConstant.GenerateId(),
                Name             = "Group_2_Test",
                NormalizedName   = "Group_2_Test",
                ConcurrencyStamp = CommonConstant.GenerateId()

            _ = _roleManager.CreateAsync(group1).Result;
            _ = _roleManager.CreateAsync(group2).Result;
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddUserToGroup(EFApplicationUser selectedUser, string groupId)
            var selectedRole = _roleManager.FindByIdAsync(groupId).Result;

            if (selectedRole != null && selectedUser != null)
                _ = _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(selectedUser, selectedRole.Name).Result;
Esempio n. 4
 public void MapAGSUserEntityToEFApplicationUser(AGSUserEntity userEntity, EFApplicationUser efApplicationUser)
     efApplicationUser.Id                 = userEntity.Id;
     efApplicationUser.UserName           = userEntity.Username;
     efApplicationUser.NormalizedUserName = userEntity.Username;
     efApplicationUser.Email              = userEntity.Email;
     efApplicationUser.NormalizedEmail    = userEntity.Email;
     efApplicationUser.SecurityStamp      = userEntity.Id;
     efApplicationUser.First_Name         = userEntity.First_Name;
     efApplicationUser.Last_Name          = userEntity.Last_Name;
     efApplicationUser.Title              = userEntity.Title;
Esempio n. 5
        public AGSUserEntity GetAGSUserEntityFromEFApplicationUser(EFApplicationUser user)
            var result = new AGSUserEntity()
                Id         = user.Id,
                Email      = user.Email,
                Username   = user.UserName,
                First_Name = user.First_Name,
                Last_Name  = user.Last_Name,
                Title      = user.Title,
                GroupIds   = new List <string>()

            // get the associated groups
            var groupIds = this.GetGroupIdsByUser(user.Id);

            if (groupIds != null)
                result.GroupIds = groupIds;
