public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap) { string res; if (ap.Functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != BaseUtils.Functions.ExpandResult.Failed) { StringParser sp = new StringParser(res); string prefix = "CL_"; string cmdname = sp.NextWord(); if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("PREFIX", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { prefix = sp.NextWord(); if (prefix == null) { ap.ReportError("Missing name after Prefix"); return(true); } cmdname = sp.NextWord(); } int cmdrid = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID; if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("CMDR", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string name = sp.NextQuotedWord() ?? "-----!"; EDCommander cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(name); if (cmdr != null) { cmdrid = cmdr.Id; } else { ap.ReportError("Commander not found"); } cmdname = sp.NextWord(); } List <CaptainsLogClass> cllist = GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.LogEntriesCmdrTimeOrder(cmdrid); EDDiscoveryForm discoveryform = (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm; if (cmdname != null) { if (cmdname.Equals("LIST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string wildcard = sp.NextQuotedWord() ?? "*"; Func <CaptainsLogClass, string, bool> validate = CheckSystemBody; string field = sp.NextQuotedWord() ?? "--"; if (field.Equals("Body", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { validate = CheckBody; } else if (field.Equals("System", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { validate = CheckSystem; } else if (field.Equals("Tag", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { validate = CheckTags; } else if (field.Equals("Note", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { validate = CheckNote; } else if (field != "--") { ap.ReportError("Unknown field type to list"); return(true); } int count = 1; foreach (CaptainsLogClass cl in cllist) // only current commander ID considered { if (validate(cl, wildcard)) { DumpCL(ap, prefix + count++.ToStringInvariant() + "_", cl); } } ap[prefix + "MatchCount"] = (count - 1).ToStringInvariant(); ap[prefix + "TotalCount"] = cllist.Count.ToStringInvariant(); } else if (cmdname.Equals("ADDHERE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string note = sp.NextQuotedWord(); string taglist = sp.NextQuotedWord(); HistoryEntry he = discoveryform.history.GetLast; if (he != null) { // taglist can be null.. note must be set. GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.AddOrUpdate(null, cmdrid, he.System.Name, he.WhereAmI, DateTime.UtcNow, note ?? "", taglist); } else { ap.ReportError("History has no locations"); } } else if (cmdname.Equals("ADD", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string systemname = sp.NextQuotedWord(); string bodyname = sp.NextQuotedWord(); DateTime?dte = sp.NextDateTime(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal); string note = sp.NextQuotedWord(); string taglist = sp.NextQuotedWord(); if (systemname != null && bodyname != null && dte != null) { GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.AddOrUpdate(null, cmdrid, systemname, bodyname, dte.Value, note ?? "", taglist); } else { ap.ReportError("Missing parameters in ADD"); } } else if (cmdname.Equals("TAGLIST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tags = EDDConfig.Instance.CaptainsLogTags; ap[prefix + "Tags"] = tags; } else if (cmdname.Equals("SETTAGLIST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tags = sp.NextQuotedWord(); if (tags != null) { EDDConfig.Instance.CaptainsLogTags = tags; } else { ap.ReportError("Missing tag list"); } } else if (cmdname.Equals("APPENDTAGLIST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tags = sp.NextQuotedWord(); if (tags != null) { EDDConfig.Instance.CaptainsLogTags = EDDConfig.Instance.CaptainsLogTags.AppendPrePad(tags, ";"); } else { ap.ReportError("Missing tag list"); } } else { // ********************** Iterator forms, FROM/LAST/FIRST/TIME [Forward|Backward] long?cid = -1; if (cmdname.Equals("From", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { cid = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseLongNull(); if (cid == null) { ap.ReportError("Non integer CID after FROM"); return(true); } } else if (cmdname.Equals("First", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (cllist.Count > 0) //prevent crash if cllist is empty { var mintime = cllist.Min(x => x.TimeUTC); cid = cllist.First(x => x.TimeUTC == mintime).ID; } } else if (cmdname.Equals("Last", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (cllist.Count > 0) { var maxtime = cllist.Max(x => x.TimeUTC); cid = cllist.Last(x => x.TimeUTC == maxtime).ID; } } else if (cmdname.Equals("Time", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { DateTime?dte = sp.NextDateTime(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal); if (dte != null) { if (cllist.Count > 0) { var firstafter = cllist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TimeUTC >= dte); if (firstafter != null) { cid = firstafter.ID; } } } else { ap.ReportError("Missing US date from Time"); return(true); } } else { ap.ReportError("Unknown command"); return(true); } int indexof = cllist.FindIndex(x => x.ID == cid); // -1 if not found.. string nextcmd = sp.NextWord(); if (nextcmd != null) { if (nextcmd.Equals("FORWARD", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (indexof >= 0) // don't ruin -1 if set { indexof++; } nextcmd = sp.NextWord(); } else if (nextcmd.Equals("BACKWARD", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { indexof--; // if -1, its okay to make it -2. nextcmd = sp.NextWord(); } } bool validindex = indexof >= 0 && indexof < cllist.Count; if (nextcmd != null) { if (!validindex) // these must have a valid target.. { ap.ReportError("Entry is not found"); } else { CaptainsLogClass cl = cllist[indexof]; if (nextcmd.Equals("DELETE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.Delete(cl); } else { string text = sp.NextQuotedWord(); if (text != null && sp.IsEOL) { if (nextcmd.Equals("NOTE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.AddOrUpdate(cl, cl.Commander, cl.SystemName, cl.BodyName, cl.TimeUTC, text, cl.Tags, cl.Parameters); } else if (nextcmd.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.AddOrUpdate(cl, cl.Commander, text, cl.BodyName, cl.TimeUTC, cl.Note, cl.Tags, cl.Parameters); } else if (nextcmd.Equals("BODY", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { GlobalCaptainsLogList.Instance.AddOrUpdate(cl, cl.Commander, cl.SystemName, text, cl.TimeUTC, cl.Note, cl.Tags, cl.Parameters); } else { ap.ReportError("Unknown command " + nextcmd); } } else { ap.ReportError("Missing text or unquoted spaced text after " + nextcmd); } } } return(true); } if (nextcmd != null) { ap.ReportError("Unknown iterator or command " + nextcmd); } else { // straight report if (validindex) { DumpCL(ap, prefix, cllist[indexof]); } else { ap[prefix + "Id"] = "-1"; } } return(true); } } else { ap.ReportError("Missing command"); } } else { ap.ReportError(res); } return(true); }
public EDSMLogFetcher(int cmdrid, Action <string> logline) { Commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(cmdrid); LogLine = logline; }
private void comboBoxCommanders_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedCommander = (EDCommander)comboBoxCommanders.SelectedItem; }
public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap) { string res; if (ap.Functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != BaseUtils.Functions.ExpandResult.Failed) { StringParser sp = new StringParser(res); string prefix = "CMDR_"; string cmdname = sp.NextWord(); if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("PREFIX", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { prefix = sp.NextWord(); if (prefix == null) { ap.ReportError("Missing name after Prefix"); return(true); } cmdname = sp.NextWord(); } int cmdrid = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID; if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("CMDR", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string name = sp.NextQuotedWord() ?? "-----!"; EDCommander cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(name); if (cmdr != null) { cmdrid = cmdr.Id; } else { ap.ReportError("Commander not found"); } cmdname = sp.NextWord(); } EDDiscoveryForm discoveryform = (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm; List <EDCommander> cmdrlist = EDCommander.GetListCommanders(); if (cmdname != null) { if (cmdname.Equals("LIST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string wildcard = sp.NextQuotedWord() ?? "*"; int count = 1; foreach (var cmdr in cmdrlist) // only current commander ID considered { if (cmdr.Name.WildCardMatch(wildcard)) { DumpCMDR(ap, prefix + count++.ToStringInvariant() + "_", cmdr); } } ap[prefix + "MatchCount"] = (count - 1).ToStringInvariant(); ap[prefix + "TotalCount"] = cmdrlist.Count.ToStringInvariant(); } else if (cmdname.Equals("CHANGETO", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { discoveryform.ChangeToCommander(cmdrid); // which will cause DIsplay to be called as some point } else { ap.ReportError("Unknown command"); } } else { ap.ReportError("Missing command"); } } else { ap.ReportError(res); } return(true); }
static private bool SendToEDSM(List <HistoryEntry> hl, EDCommander cmdr, out string errmsg, out string firstdiscovers) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(cmdr); // Ensure we use the commanders EDSM credentials. errmsg = null; firstdiscovers = ""; List <JObject> entries = new List <JObject>(); foreach (HistoryEntry he in hl) { JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry; if (je == null) { je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid); } JObject json = je.GetJsonCloned(); if (json == null) { continue; } RemoveCommonKeys(json); if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump && json["FuelUsed"].Empty()) { json["_convertedNetlog"] = true; } if (json["StarPosFromEDSM"].Bool(false)) // Remove star pos from EDSM { json.Remove("StarPos"); } json.Remove("StarPosFromEDSM"); json["_systemName"] = he.System.Name; json["_systemCoordinates"] = new JArray(he.System.X, he.System.Y, he.System.Z); if (he.System.SystemAddress != null) { json["_systemAddress"] = he.System.SystemAddress; } if (he.IsDocked) { json["_stationName"] = he.WhereAmI; if (he.MarketID != null) { json["_stationMarketId"] = he.MarketID; } } json["_shipId"] = he.ShipId; entries.Add(json); } List <JObject> results = edsm.SendJournalEvents(entries, out errmsg); if (results == null) { return(false); } else { firstdiscovers = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase <string>(cn => { string firsts = ""; using (var txn = cn.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { for (int i = 0; i < hl.Count && i < results.Count; i++) { HistoryEntry he = hl[i]; JObject result = results[i]; int msgnr = result["msgnum"].Int(); int systemId = result["systemId"].Int(); if ((msgnr >= 100 && msgnr < 200) || msgnr == 500) { if (he.IsLocOrJump) { if (systemId != 0) { he.System.EDSMID = systemId; JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, 0, cn.Connection, txn); } } if (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) // only on FSD, confirmed with Anthor. 25/4/2018 { bool systemCreated = result["systemCreated"].Bool(); if (systemCreated) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("** EDSM indicates first entry for " + he.System.Name); (he.journalEntry as JournalFSDJump).UpdateFirstDiscover(true, cn.Connection, txn); firsts = firsts.AppendPrePad(he.System.Name, ";"); } } he.journalEntry.SetEdsmSync(cn.Connection, txn); if (msgnr == 500) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"EDSM Warning submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}"); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"EDSM Error submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}"); } } txn.Commit(); return(firsts); } }); return(true); } }
private void Sync(EDSMClass edsm, HistoryList hl) { try { // Make sure the EDSM class has this history's commander set int cmdrid = hl.CommanderId; EDCommander cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(cmdrid); if (cmdr != null) { edsm.commanderName = cmdr.EdsmName ?? cmdr.Name; edsm.apiKey = cmdr.APIKey; } logout("EDSM sync begin"); List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = hl.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD; // first entry is oldest if (_syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0) // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout) { DateTime logstarttime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime logendtime = DateTime.MinValue; logout("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries"); List <HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null; int edsmsystemssent = 0; foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist) { if (Exit) { running = false; return; } if (edsmsystemlog == null || he.EventTimeUTC >= logendtime.AddDays(-1)) { edsm.GetLogs(he.EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1), null, out edsmsystemlog, out logstarttime, out logendtime); // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry } if (logendtime < logstarttime) { running = false; return; } if (edsmsystemlog == null) { running = false; return; } HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where == && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (ps2 != null) // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set.. { he.SetEdsmSync(); } else { string errmsg; // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) bool firstdiscover; int edsmid; if (edsm.SendTravelLog(, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate && !he.IsStarPosFromEDSM, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg, out firstdiscover, out edsmid)) { if (edsmid != 0 && he.System.id_edsm <= 0) { he.System.id_edsm = edsmid; JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, -1); } if (firstdiscover) { he.SetFirstDiscover(); } he.SetEdsmSync(); edsmsystemssent++; } if (errmsg.Length > 0) { logout(errmsg); break; } } } logout(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent)); } // TBD Comments to edsm? if (_syncFrom) // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016 { var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1)); if (json != null) { JObject msg = JObject.Parse(json); int msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>(); JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"]; if (comments != null) { int commentsadded = 0; foreach (JObject jo in comments) { string name = jo["system"].Value <string>(); string note = jo["comment"].Value <string>(); string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value <string>(); int edsmid = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(jo["systemId"].Str("0"), out edsmid)) { edsmid = 0; } DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime(); SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name, edsmid); if (curnote != null) // curnote uses local time to store { if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks) // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016) { curnote.UpdateNote(curnote.Note + ". EDSM: " + note, true, localtime, edsmid, true); commentsadded++; } } else { SystemNoteClass.MakeSystemNote(note, localtime, name, 0, edsmid, true); // new one! its an FSD one as well commentsadded++; } } logout(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded)); } } } logout("EDSM sync Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message); logout("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message); } }
public override void Init() { extComboBoxGameTime.Items.Add("Local".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_Local)); extComboBoxGameTime.Items.Add("UTC"); extComboBoxGameTime.Items.Add("Game Time".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_GameTime)); BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(this); BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(toolTip, this); ResetThemeList(); SetEntryThemeComboBox(); btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1; comboBoxClickThruKey.Items = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true); comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString(); comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged; comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.AddRange(BaseUtils.Translator.EnumerateLanguageNames(EDDOptions.Instance.TranslatorFolders())); comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Auto"); comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Default (English)"); if (comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Contains(EDDConfig.Instance.Language)) { comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.Language; } else { comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndex = comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Count - 1; } comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged; discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders; checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.OrderRowsInverted; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.MinimizeToNotifyIcon; checkBoxKeepOnTop.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.KeepOnTop; checkBoxPanelSortOrder.Checked = EDDConfig.Instance.SortPanelsByName; checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon; checkBoxCustomResize.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DrawDuringResize; extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndex = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayTimeIndex; checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.CheckedChanged += checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_CheckedChanged; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged; checkBoxKeepOnTop.CheckedChanged += checkBoxKeepOnTop_CheckedChanged; checkBoxPanelSortOrder.CheckedChanged += checkBoxPanelSortOrder_CheckedChanged; checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged; extComboBoxGameTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ExtComboBoxGameTime_SelectedIndexChanged; checkBoxCustomResize.CheckedChanged += checkBoxCustomResize_CheckedChanged; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Enabled = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon; dataGridViewCommanders.AutoGenerateColumns = false; // BEFORE assigned to list.. dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource = EDCommander.GetListCommanders(); this.comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += this.comboBoxTheme_SelectedIndexChanged; // now turn on the handler.. checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.AutoConvert; this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_CheckedChanged); checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload.Checked = EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMDownload; this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_CheckedChanged); comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Items = new string[] { "Disabled-Load All".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_DLA), ">7 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_7daysold), ">30 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_30daysold), ">60 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_60daysold), ">90 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_90daysold), ">180 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_180daysold), ">270 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_270daysold), "> 365 days old".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_365daysold) }; comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag = new int[] { 0, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365 }; int ix = Array.FindIndex(comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag as int[], x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.FullHistoryLoadDayLimit); comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndex = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0; comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_SelectedIndexChanged; var eetn = new string[] { nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents) }; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Items = new string[] { "Scans,Cargo,Missions,State,Jumps etc".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_ESM), "All entries for Statistics".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_FS), "Jumps and Scans".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJS), "Jumps".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EJ), "Nothing".T(EDTx.UserControlSettings_EN) }; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Tag = eetn; ix = Array.FindIndex(eetn, x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.EssentialEventTypes); comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndex = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_SelectedIndexChanged; extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.Checked = false; extButtonTestWeb.Enabled = numberBoxLongPortNo.Enabled = false; numberBoxLongPortNo.Value = EDDConfig.Instance.WebServerPort; tm.Tick += PeriodicCheck; tm.Interval = 1000; tm.Start(); extCheckBoxWebServerEnable.CheckedChanged += ExtCheckBoxWebServerEnable_CheckedChanged; }
protected JournalEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool resetOnError) { int cmdrid = -2; //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue) { cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value; // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name)); } if (line.Length == 0) { return(null); } JournalEntry je = null; try { je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line); } catch { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}"); if (resetOnError) { throw; } else { return(null); } } if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader) { JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je; if (header.Beta && !disable_beta_commander_check) { TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000; } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander; if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { newname = "[BETA] " + newname; } EDCommander _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(newname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (_commander == null) { if (EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders.Count == 1 && EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].Name == "Jameson (Default)") { EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].Name = newname; EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].EdsmName = newname; EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.UpdateCommanders(EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders); // replaces it } else { _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.GetNewCommander(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path); } } cmdrid = _commander.Nr; if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue) { TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid; TravelLogUnit.Update(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid)); } } je.TLUId = (int); je.CommanderId = cmdrid; return(je); }
public void UpdateCommandersListBox() { dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource = null; dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource = EDCommander.GetListCommanders(); dataGridViewCommanders.Update(); }
public override void Init() { BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(this); BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(toolTip, this); ResetThemeList(); SetEntryThemeComboBox(); textBoxHomeSystem.SetAutoCompletor(SystemCache.ReturnSystemAutoCompleteList, true); btnDeleteCommander.Enabled = EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders > 1; comboBoxClickThruKey.Items = KeyObjectExtensions.KeyListString(inclshifts: true); comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.ClickThruKey.VKeyToString(); comboBoxClickThruKey.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBoxClickThruKey_SelectedIndexChanged; comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.AddRange(BaseUtils.Translator.EnumerateLanguageNames(EDDOptions.Instance.TranslatorFolders())); comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Auto"); comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Add("Default (English)"); if (comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Contains(EDDConfig.Instance.Language)) { comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedItem = EDDConfig.Instance.Language; } else { comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndex = comboBoxCustomLanguage.Items.Count - 1; } comboBoxCustomLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged; discoveryform.OnRefreshCommanders += DiscoveryForm_OnRefreshCommanders; checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.OrderRowsInverted; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.MinimizeToNotifyIcon; checkBoxKeepOnTop.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.KeepOnTop; checkBoxPanelSortOrder.Checked = EDDConfig.Instance.SortPanelsByName; checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon; checkBoxUTC.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayUTC; checkBoxCustomResize.Checked = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DrawDuringResize; checkBoxOrderRowsInverted.CheckedChanged += checkBoxOrderRowsInverted_CheckedChanged; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged; checkBoxKeepOnTop.CheckedChanged += checkBoxKeepOnTop_CheckedChanged; checkBoxPanelSortOrder.CheckedChanged += checkBoxPanelSortOrder_CheckedChanged; checkBoxUseNotifyIcon.CheckedChanged += checkBoxUseNotifyIcon_CheckedChanged; checkBoxUTC.CheckedChanged += checkBoxUTC_CheckedChanged; checkBoxCustomResize.CheckedChanged += checkBoxCustomResize_CheckedChanged; checkBoxMinimizeToNotifyIcon.Enabled = EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon; textBoxHomeSystem.Text = EDDConfig.Instance.HomeSystem.Name; textBoxDefaultZoom.ValueNoChange = EDDConfig.Instance.MapZoom; textBoxDefaultZoom.ValueChanged += textBoxDefaultZoom_ValueChanged; bool selectionCentre = EDDConfig.Instance.MapCentreOnSelection; radioButtonHistorySelection.Checked = selectionCentre; radioButtonCentreHome.Checked = !selectionCentre; radioButtonCentreHome.CheckedChanged += radioButtonCentreHome_CheckedChanged; dataGridViewCommanders.AutoGenerateColumns = false; // BEFORE assigned to list.. dataGridViewCommanders.DataSource = EDCommander.GetListCommanders(); panel_defaultmapcolor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(EDDConfig.Instance.DefaultMapColour); this.comboBoxTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += this.comboBoxTheme_SelectedIndexChanged; // now turn on the handler.. checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.RemoveOriginal; checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.MarkHiRes; checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.AutoConvert; checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.Checked = discoveryform.screenshotconverter.CopyToClipboard; this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomRemoveOriginals_CheckedChanged); this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomMarkHiRes_CheckedChanged); this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEnableScreenshots_CheckedChanged); this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomCopyToClipboard_CheckedChanged); checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.Checked = EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload; this.checkBoxCustomEDSMEDDBDownload.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxCustomEDSMDownload_CheckedChanged); comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Items = new string[] { "Disabled-Load All".Tx(this, "DLA"), ">7 days old".Tx(this), ">30 days old".Tx(this), ">60 days old".Tx(this), ">90 days old".Tx(this), ">180 days old".Tx(this), ">270 days old".Tx(this), "> 365 days old".Tx(this) }; comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag = new int[] { 0, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365 }; int ix = Array.FindIndex(comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.Tag as int[], x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.FullHistoryLoadDayLimit); comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndex = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0; comboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomHistoryLoadTime_SelectedIndexChanged; var eetn = new string[] { nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents), nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents) }; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Items = new string[] { "Scans,Cargo,Missions,State,Jumps etc".Tx(this, "ESM"), "All entries for Statistics".Tx(this, "FS"), "Jumps and Scans".Tx(this, "EJS"), "Jumps".Tx(this, "EJ"), "Nothing".Tx(this, "EN") }; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.Tag = eetn; ix = Array.FindIndex(eetn, x => x == EDDConfig.Instance.EssentialEventTypes); comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndex = ix >= 0 ? ix : 0; comboBoxCustomEssentialEntries.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxCustomEssentialEntries_SelectedIndexChanged; }
private bool GetOutputSubFolder() { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OutputFolder)) { OutputFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures), "Frontier Developments", "Elite Dangerous", "Converted"); } switch (FolderFormatIndex) { case 1: // system name OutputFolder += "\\" + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 2: // "YYYY-MM-DD" OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); break; case 3: // "DD-MM-YYYY" OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); break; case 4: // "MM-DD-YYYY" OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); break; case 5: //"YYYY-MM-DD Sysname", OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 6: //"DD-MM-YYYY Sysname", OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " " + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 7: //"MM-DD-YYYY Sysname" OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + " " + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 8: // CMDR name OutputFolder += "\\" + (EDCommander.GetCommander(CommanderID)?.Name ?? $"CmdrId{CommanderID}").SafeFileString(); break; case 9: // CMDR name at sysname OutputFolder += "\\" + (EDCommander.GetCommander(CommanderID)?.Name ?? $"CmdrId{CommanderID}").SafeFileString() + " at " + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 10: // YYYY - MM - DD CMDR name at sysname OutputFolder += "\\" + Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + (EDCommander.GetCommander(CommanderID)?.Name ?? $"CmdrId{CommanderID}").SafeFileString() + " at " + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; case 11: // CMDR Name \ SystemName OutputFolder += "\\" + (EDCommander.GetCommander(CommanderID)?.Name ?? $"CmdrId{CommanderID}").SafeFileString() + "\\" + SystemName.SafeFileString(); break; } if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputFolder); } return(!(OutputFolder.Equals(InputFolder) && OutputExtension.Equals("." + InputExtension))); }
static private bool SendToEDSM(List <HistoryEntry> hl, EDCommander cmdr, out string errmsg) { EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(cmdr); // Ensure we use the commanders EDSM credentials. errmsg = null; List <JObject> entries = new List <JObject>(); foreach (HistoryEntry he in hl) { JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry; if (je == null) { je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid); } JObject json = je.GetJson(); RemoveCommonKeys(json); if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump && json["FuelUsed"].Empty()) { json["_convertedNetlog"] = true; } if (json["StarPosFromEDSM"].Bool(false)) // Remove star pos from EDSM { json.Remove("StarPos"); } json.Remove("StarPosFromEDSM"); json["_systemName"] = he.System.Name; json["_systemCoordinates"] = new JArray(he.System.X, he.System.Y, he.System.Z); if (he.System.SystemAddress != null) { json["_systemAddress"] = he.System.SystemAddress; } if (he.IsDocked) { json["_stationName"] = he.StationName; if (he.MarketID != null) { json["_stationMarketId"] = he.MarketID; } } json["_shipId"] = he.ShipId; entries.Add(json); } List <JObject> results = edsm.SendJournalEvents(entries, out errmsg); if (results == null) { return(false); } else { using (var cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { using (var txn = cn.BeginTransaction()) { for (int i = 0; i < hl.Count && i < results.Count; i++) { HistoryEntry he = hl[i]; JObject result = results[i]; int msgnr = result["msgnum"].Int(); int systemId = result["systemId"].Int(); bool systemCreated = result["systemCreated"].Bool(); if ((msgnr >= 100 && msgnr < 200) || msgnr == 500) { if (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Location) { if (systemId != 0) { he.System.EDSMID = systemId; JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, 0, cn, txn); } if (systemCreated) { he.SetFirstDiscover(true); } } he.SetEdsmSync(cn, txn); if (msgnr == 500) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Warning submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}"); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Error submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}"); } } txn.Commit(); } } return(true); } }
public void NewJournalEntry(JournalEntry je) // will be in UI thread { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop); if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Screenshot) { JournalScreenshot ss = je as JournalScreenshot; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Journal Screenshot " + ss.Filename); string ssname = ss.Filename; if (ssname.StartsWith("\\ED_Pictures\\")) // cut to basename for the ID { ssname = ssname.Substring(13); } if (!JournalScreenshotted.ContainsKey(ssname)) // ensure no repeats { JournalScreenshotted[ssname] = ss; // record we processed it this way invokeonui?.Invoke(cp => ProcessScreenshot(ss.Filename, ss.System, ss.Body, EDCommander.GetCommander(ss.CommanderId).Name ?? "Unknown", cp)); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Journal Screenshot over " + ss.Filename + " recorded as " + ssname); } else { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Journal Screenshot repeat and ignored " + ss.Filename + " recorded as " + ssname); } } }
public void Entry(JournalEntry je, bool stored, bool recent) // on UI thread. hooked into journal monitor and receives new entries.. Also call if you programatically add an entry { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop); if (je.EventTimeUTC >= lastutc) // in case we get them fed in the wrong order, or during stored reply we have two playing, only take the latest one { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JE " + stored + ":" + recent + ":" + EDCommander.GetCommander(je.CommanderId).Name + ":" + je.EventTypeStr); if (je.CommanderId != currentcmdrnr) { Reset(false); currentcmdrnr = je.CommanderId; EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID = currentcmdrnr; } HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, currenthe, false, out bool unusedjournalupdate); he.UpdateMaterials(je, currenthe); cashledger.Process(je); he.Credits = cashledger.CashTotal; he.UpdateMissionList(missionlistaccumulator.Process(je, he.System, he.WhereAmI)); currenthe = he; lastutc = je.EventTimeUTC; outfitting.Process(je); Tuple <ShipInformation, ModulesInStore> ret = shipinformationlist.Process(je, he.WhereAmI, he.System); he.UpdateShipInformation(ret.Item1); he.UpdateShipStoredModules(ret.Item2); NewEntry?.Invoke(he, stored, recent); } else { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rejected older JE " + stored + ":" + recent + ":" + EDCommander.GetCommander(je.CommanderId).Name + " " + je.EventTypeStr); } }