public static EDCWordDTO GenerateDTO(this IEDCLoginUserContext context, EDCWord word)
            if (context == null || word == null)
            var phrases = new List <Phrase>();

            if (word.Phrases != null)
                foreach (var p in word.Phrases)
                    var examples = new List <PhraseExample>();
                    if (p.Examples != null)
                        foreach (var e in p.Examples)
                            examples.Add(new PhraseExample()
                                English = e.Englisgh,
                                Chinese = e.Chinese
                    phrases.Add(new Phrase()
                        Chinese  = p.Chinese,
                        English  = p.English,
                        Pinyin   = p.Pinyin,
                        Examples = examples

            var slangs = new List <Slang>();

            if (word.Slangs != null)
                foreach (var q in word.Slangs)
                    slangs.Add(new Slang
                        SlangChinese        = q.SlangChinese,
                        SlangEnglish        = q.SlangEnglish,
                        SlangExampleChinese = q.SlangExampleChinese,
                        SlangExampleEnglish = q.SlangExampleEnglish
            return(new EDCWordDTO()
                Id = word.ID,
                Audio = word.Audio,
                BasicMeanings = word.BasicMeanings,
                Pinyin = word.Pinyin,
                Character = word.Character,
                Explanation = word.Explanation,
                Date = word.Date,
                Phrases = phrases,
                Slangs = slangs
Esempio n. 2
        //     [ResponseType(typeof(EDCWordDTO))]
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostWord(AddWordBindingModel word)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var msg        = "Something wrong with the input while adding the word.";
                var modelError = EDCExceptionFactory.GenerateHttpError(msg, EDCWebServiceErrorType.Error, true);
                var response   = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, modelError);
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);
            //to see if the word is already there
            var wordFromDb = await db.Words.Where(p => p.Character == word.Character).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (wordFromDb != null)
            //see if the date is the same
            var dateFromDb = await db.Words.Where(p => p.Date == word.Date).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (dateFromDb != null)
                var msg        = String.Format("The date {0} already has the word.", word.Date);
                var modelError = EDCExceptionFactory.GenerateHttpError(msg, EDCWebServiceErrorType.Error, true);
                var response   = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, modelError);
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);
            var edcWord = new EDCWord()
                Audio         = word.Audio,
                Pinyin        = word.Pinyin,
                Character     = word.Character,
                BasicMeanings = word.BasicMeanings,
                Date          = word.Date,
                Explanation   = word.Explanation

            if (word.Phrases != null && word.Phrases.Count() > 0)
                var phrases  = new List <EDCPhrase>();
                var examples = new List <EDCPhraseExample>();
                foreach (var p in word.Phrases)
                    if (p.English == null || p.English.Length == 0 ||
                        p.Chinese == null || p.Chinese.Length == 0)
                    var phraseExamples = new List <EDCPhraseExample>();
                    foreach (var e in p.Examples)
                        phraseExamples.Add(new EDCPhraseExample
                            Englisgh = e.English,
                            Chinese  = e.Chinese
                    phrases.Add(new EDCPhrase
                        English  = p.English,
                        Chinese  = p.Chinese,
                        Pinyin   = p.Pinyin,
                        Examples = phraseExamples
                edcWord.Phrases = phrases;
                foreach (var e in examples)
                foreach (var p in phrases)
            if (word.Slangs != null && word.Slangs.Count() > 0)
                var slangs = new List <EDCSlang>();
                foreach (var q in word.Slangs)
                    if (q.SlangChinese == null || q.SlangChinese.Length == 0 ||
                        q.SlangEnglish == null || q.SlangEnglish.Length == 0 ||
                        q.SlangExampleChinese == null || q.SlangExampleChinese.Length == 0 ||
                        q.SlangExampleEnglish == null || q.SlangExampleEnglish.Length == 0)
                    slangs.Add(new EDCSlang
                        SlangChinese        = q.SlangChinese,
                        SlangEnglish        = q.SlangEnglish,
                        SlangExampleEnglish = q.SlangExampleEnglish,
                        SlangExampleChinese = q.SlangExampleChinese
                edcWord.Slangs = slangs;
                foreach (var q in slangs)

                await db.SaveChangesToDbAsync();

            catch (Exception)
                var msg        = "Something internal errors occurred while adding the word.";
                var modelError = EDCExceptionFactory.GenerateHttpError(msg, EDCWebServiceErrorType.Error, true);
                var response   = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, modelError);
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);
            //var wordDto = db.GenerateDTO(edcWord);
            //return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = edcWord.ID }, wordDto);