Esempio n. 1
        private void btnRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ED ed = new ED();     // Set the content type
            ed.MediaType = txtContentType.Text;     // Set a file if possible
            if (txtFileName.Text != String.Empty)
                ed.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(txtFileName.Text);
            // Set the integrity check. This is done before the compressing as we want the hash to 
            // represent the data prior to compression
            if (cbxIntegrityCheck.SelectedItem != null && !cbxIntegrityCheck.SelectedItem.Equals("None"))
                switch (cbxIntegrityCheck.SelectedItem.ToString())
                    case "SHA1":
                        ed.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
                        ed.IntegrityCheck = ed.ComputeIntegrityCheck(); // Set the integrity check
                    case "SHA256":
                        ed.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA256;
                        ed.IntegrityCheck = ed.ComputeIntegrityCheck(); // Set the integrity check

            // Set the representation
            if (cbxRepresentation.SelectedItem != null)
                switch (cbxRepresentation.SelectedItem.ToString())
                    case "Text":
                        ed.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.TXT;
                    case "Base64":
                        ed.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64;
                    case "Xml":
                        ed.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.XML;

            // Set the compression
            if (cbxCompression.SelectedItem != null && !cbxCompression.SelectedItem.Equals("None"))
                switch (cbxCompression.SelectedItem.ToString())
                    case "GZip":
                        ed.Data = ed.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ); // Compress the data
                        ed.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64; // must be set to B64
                    case "Deflate":
                        ed.Data = ed.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.DF); // compress the data
                        ed.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64; // must be set to B64

            // Set the thumbnail
            if (txtThumbnailFileName.Text != string.Empty)
                ed.Thumbnail = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(txtThumbnailFileName.Text), txtContentType.Text);

            txtXml.Text = FormatterHelper.FormatDataType(ed, "ED");

Esempio n. 2
 public ExternalDocument()
     this.classCode     = new CSImpl();
     this.typeId        = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId    = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));            = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.code          = new CDImpl();
     this.text          = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.setId         = new IIImpl();
     this.versionNumber = new INTImpl();
Esempio n. 3
        public void R2EDContentBinFlavorParseTest()
            var ved = new ED(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is binary"), "bin/plain")
                Flavor = "ED.DOC"
            String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
            var    ved2      = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <ED>(actualXml);

            Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
Esempio n. 4
        public void R2EDContentTextLanguageParseTest()
            var ved = new ED("this is my test")
                Flavor = "ED.TEXT"
            String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
            var    ved2      = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <ED>(actualXml);

            Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
Esempio n. 5
        private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            fileDialog.Filter = "Lithtech Dedit World|*.ed";
            if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                // If the file name is not an empty string open it for saving.
                if (fileDialog.FileName != "")
                    //Clear the message box

                    //Load the .ed file
                    editorFile = new ED();

                    //Setup our class with this handle
                    editorFile.file = (System.IO.FileStream)fileDialog.OpenFile();

                    //Read the header of the file



                    //Update our richtext box

                    string tempString = "Lithtech .ed World Reader \n";

                    tempString += "Header Info:\n";
                    tempString += "World Version: " + editorFile.FileHeader.version.ToString() + "\n";
                    tempString += "Compressed: " + editorFile.FileHeader.compressed.ToString() + "\n";
                    tempString += "World String: " + editorFile.FileHeader.worldString + "\n";
                    tempString += "Compressed Blocks: " + editorFile.FileHeader.compressedBlocks + "\n";

                    tempString += "     Datablock layout:\n\n";

                    int i = 1;
                    foreach (DataBlock temp in editorFile.dataBlocks)
                        tempString += "\n     DataBlockID: " + i.ToString();
                        tempString += "\n          DataLength: " + temp.compressedDataLength.ToString();
                        tempString += "\n          Uncompressed Size: " + temp.uncompressedData.Length.ToString();

                    resultText.Text = tempString;
Esempio n. 6
 public CoveredPartyParticipantParticipantRole()
 {   = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.code = new CE_R2Impl <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Domainvalue.CoverageRoleType>();
     this.addr = new ADImpl();
     this.playingEntityClassCode  = new CS_R2Impl <EntityClassRoot>();
     this.playingEntityTypeId     = new IIImpl();
     this.playingEntityTemplateId = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.playingEntityCode       = new CE_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.playingEntityQuantity   = new LISTImpl <PQ, PhysicalQuantity>(typeof(PQImpl));
     this.playingEntityName       = new PNImpl();
     this.playingEntityBirthTime  = new TS_R2Impl();
     this.playingEntityDesc       = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
Esempio n. 7
 public DocumentInformation()
 {                  = new IIImpl();
     this.code                = new CVImpl();
     this.title               = new STImpl();
     this.text                = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.statusCode          = new CSImpl();
     this.effectiveTime       = new TSImpl();
     this.confidentialityCode = new CVImpl();
     this.versionNumber       = new INTImpl();
     this.custodianAssignedCustodianRepresentedRepositoryId = new IIImpl();
     this.informationRecipient            = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ab_r02_04_03_shr.Common.Merged.ToBeSentTo>();
     this.documentationOfServiceEventCode = new CVImpl();
Esempio n. 8
 public Section()
     this.iD                  = new STImpl();
     this.typeId              = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId          = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                  = new IIImpl();
     this.title               = new STImpl();
     this.text                = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.confidentialityCode = new CE_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.languageCode        = new CS_R2Impl <Code>();              = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.component           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Component5>();
 public Reference()
     this.typeId                        = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId                    = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.seperatableInd                = new BLImpl();
     this.externalDocumentClassCode     = new CSImpl();
     this.externalDocumentTypeId        = new IIImpl();
     this.externalDocumentTemplateId    = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.externalDocumentId            = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.externalDocumentCode          = new CDImpl();
     this.externalDocumentText          = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.externalDocumentSetId         = new IIImpl();
     this.externalDocumentVersionNumber = new INTImpl();
Esempio n. 10
 public CoveredPartyParticipantParticipantRole()
 {   = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.code = new CEImpl();
     this.addr = new ADImpl();
     this.playingEntityClassCode  = new CSImpl();
     this.playingEntityTypeId     = new IIImpl();
     this.playingEntityTemplateId = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.playingEntityCode       = new CEImpl();
     this.playingEntityQuantity   = new LISTImpl <PQ, PhysicalQuantity>(typeof(PQImpl));
     this.playingEntityName       = new PNImpl();
     this.playingEntityBirthTime  = new TSCDAR1Impl();
     this.playingEntityDesc       = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
Esempio n. 11
 public Reference()
     this.typeId                        = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId                    = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.seperatableInd                = new BLImpl();
     this.externalDocumentClassCode     = new CS_R2Impl <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Domainvalue.ActClassDocument>();
     this.externalDocumentTypeId        = new IIImpl();
     this.externalDocumentTemplateId    = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.externalDocumentId            = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.externalDocumentCode          = new CD_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.externalDocumentText          = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.externalDocumentSetId         = new IIImpl();
     this.externalDocumentVersionNumber = new INTImpl();
Esempio n. 12
 public Section()
     this.iD                  = new STImpl();
     this.typeId              = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId          = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                  = new IIImpl();
     this.title               = new STImpl();
     this.text                = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.confidentialityCode = new CEImpl();
     this.languageCode        = new CSImpl();              = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.entry               = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Postprocedurediagnosissection.IEntryChoice>();
     this.component           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Component5>();
Esempio n. 13
        public void EDByteSetToContentOfEDTest()
            byte[]  content  = new ED("Test");
            byte[]  expected = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Test");
            Boolean passed   = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                if (content[i] != expected[i])
                    passed = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, passed && content.Length == expected.Length);
 public Section()
     this.iD                  = new STImpl();
     this.typeId              = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId          = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                  = new IIImpl();
     this.title               = new STImpl();
     this.text                = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.confidentialityCode = new CEImpl();
     this.languageCode        = new CSImpl();              = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.entry               = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Dicomobjectcatalogsectiondcm121181.Entry>();
     this.component           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Component5>();
Esempio n. 15
        public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationParseTest()
            ED ved = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");

            ved.Thumbnail   = ved.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            ved.Translation = new SET <ED>(
                new ED[] {
                "this is translation 1",
                "this is translation 2"
            String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
            var    ved2      = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <ED>(actualXml);

            Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
Esempio n. 16
        public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationSerializationTest()
            ED edInstance = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");

            edInstance.Thumbnail   = edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            edInstance.Translation = new SET <ED>(
                new ED[] {
                "this is translation 1",
                "this is translation 2"
            String expectedXml = String.Format(@"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" mediaType=""text/plain""><data>{0}</data><thumbnail mediaType=""text/plain"" compression=""GZ""><data>{1}</data></thumbnail><translation value=""this is translation 1"" language=""en-US""/><translation language=""en-US"" value=""this is translation 2""/></test>", Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation")), edInstance.Thumbnail.Base64Data);
            String actualXml   = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(edInstance);

            R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml);
Esempio n. 17
        public void EDThumbnailCheck()
            byte[] b = new byte[1024];
            RandomNumberGenerator random = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

            ED edt = new ED((TEL)"");

            edt.Thumbnail = new ED(b, "image/png");
            byte[] checker = edt.Thumbnail;
            Assert.AreEqual(checker.Length, b.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(checker[i], b[i]);
Esempio n. 18
        public void EDContentsOfEDSetToStringTest()
            ED edInstance = "Test";

            byte[]  expected = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Test");
            Boolean passed   = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                if (edInstance.Data[i] != expected[i])
                    passed = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, passed && edInstance.Data.Length == expected.Length);
Esempio n. 19
 public ReportHeader()
 {                  = new IIImpl();
     this.code                = new CDImpl();
     this.title               = new STImpl();
     this.text                = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.statusCode          = new CSImpl();
     this.effectiveTime       = new TSImpl();
     this.confidentialityCode = new SETImpl <CV, Code>(typeof(CVImpl));
     this.receiverRoleChoice  = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Merged.IRoleChoice>();
     this.performer           = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Merged.WasPerformedBy>();
     this.inFulfillmentOfFulfillmentChoice = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Merged.IFulfillmentChoice>();
     this.pertinentInformation2SupportingClinicalObservationEvent = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Merged.SupportingClinicalInformation>();
     this.component1Culture = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Polb_mt004100ca.CultureGrouperObservation>();
     this.component2ReportableTestIndicator = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Lab.Merged.ReportableHealthIndicator>();
     this.subjectOf2 = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_mr2009_r02_05_00.Merged.Includes>();
Esempio n. 20
        public void EDCompressionTest()
            byte[] filebytes             = new byte[1024];
            RandomNumberGenerator random = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

            ED t = new ED(filebytes, "application/bin");

            t.Compression = EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ;
            t.Data        = t.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            t.Data        = t.UnCompress();
            Assert.AreEqual(filebytes.Length, t.Data.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < filebytes.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(filebytes[i], t.Data[i]);
Esempio n. 21
        public void EDBase64EncodedEDTest()
            string lazyString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

            // Create and ED object with the value equal to the lazyString above.
            ED edInstance = new ED();

            edInstance.Value = lazyString;

            // Ste the Representation of the ED object to Base64 Encoded
            edInstance.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64;

            // Converts string to Bytes
            Byte[] testBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(lazyString);

            // True if we can convert the testBytes to a Base64 String.
            Assert.AreEqual(edInstance.Base64Data, Convert.ToBase64String(testBytes));
Esempio n. 22
    public string RedirectLogin(string RedirectUrl)
        string userid;
        string Password;
        string Year;
        string companyname;
        string Yearid;
        string Qr = "";

        userid      = ED.EncryptData(txtuser.Text.Trim());
        Password    = ED.EncryptData(txtpwd.Text.Trim());
        Year        = ED.EncryptData(ddlFinancialYear.SelectedItem.Text.Trim());
        Yearid      = ED.EncryptData(ddlFinancialYear.SelectedValue.Trim());
        companyname = ED.EncryptData(ddlChetanaCompanyName.SelectedValue.ToLower());
        Qr          = "?resu=" + Server.UrlEncode(userid) + "&dwsp=" + Server.UrlEncode(Password) + "&cmp=" + Server.UrlEncode(companyname) + "&rea=" + Server.UrlEncode(Year) + "&reai=" + Server.UrlEncode(Yearid);

        return(RedirectUrl + Qr);
Esempio n. 23
        public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationSerializationIntegrityCheckTest()
            ED edInstance = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");

            edInstance.Thumbnail = edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            edInstance.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA256;
            edInstance.IntegrityCheck          = edInstance.ComputeIntegrityCheck();
            edInstance.Translation             = new SET <ED>(
                new ED[] {
                "this is translation 1",
                "this is translation 2"
            String expectedXml = String.Format(@"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" mediaType=""text/plain"" integrityCheckAlgorithm=""SHA-256""><data>{0}</data><integrityCheck>2sv8IRiWNYypBMLqJxAl79Yl2YJGBz3dtG3f3aNIIEg=</integrityCheck><thumbnail mediaType=""text/plain"" compression=""GZ""><data>{1}</data></thumbnail><translation value=""this is translation 1"" language=""en-US""/><translation language=""en-US"" value=""this is translation 2""/></test>", Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation")), edInstance.Thumbnail.Base64Data);
            String actualXml   = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(edInstance);

            R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml);
Esempio n. 24
        public void GetSelection()
            var sOptions = new PromptSelectionOptions()
                PrepareOptionalDetails     = true,
                SelectEverythingInAperture = true,
                AllowDuplicates            = false,

            var sectionViewName = DBDictionary.GetClass(typeof(Line)).DxfName;
            var filter          = new SelectionFilter(new[]
                new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start, sectionViewName),

            ED.WriteMessage("Select First Section View Group");
            var selection1 = ED.GetSelection(sOptions, filter);

            if (selection1.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

            var ids1 = selection1.Value.GetObjectIds();

            var selection2 = ED.GetSelection(sOptions, filter);

            if (selection2.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

            var ids2 = selection2.Value.GetObjectIds();

            TInvoke(t =>
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(ids1.Length, ids2.Length); i++)
                    var view1 = (SectionView)t.GetObject(ids1[i], OpenMode.ForRead);
                    var view2 = (SectionView)t.GetObject(ids2[i], OpenMode.ForRead);
Esempio n. 25
 public ObservationMedia()
     this.iD                = new STImpl();
     this.classCode         = new CSImpl();
     this.moodCode          = new CSImpl();
     this.typeId            = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId        = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.languageCode      = new CSImpl();
     this.value             = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.specimen          = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Basemodel.Specimen>();
     this.performer         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Merged.Performer2>();            = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Basemodel.Author>();
     this.informant         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.participant       = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Merged.Participant2>();
     this.entryRelationship = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Basemodel.EntryRelationship>();
     this.reference         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Basemodel.Reference>();
     this.precondition      = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Pcs_cda_r1_2.Basemodel.Precondition>();
 public Act()
     this.negationInd       = new BLImpl();
     this.typeId            = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId        = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.text              = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.effectiveTime     = new IVLTSCDAR1Impl();
     this.priorityCode      = new CEImpl();
     this.languageCode      = new CSImpl();
     this.specimen          = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Specimen>();
     this.performer         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Performer2_1>();            = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.participant       = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Merged.Participant2_2>();
     this.entryRelationship = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Coverageactivity.IEntryRelationshipChoice>();
     this.reference         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Basemodel.Reference>();
     this.precondition      = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_pcs_r1_1.Basemodel.Precondition>();
Esempio n. 27
        public void EDXmlEncodedDataTest()
            string testString = "<test />";

            // create instance and set the value
            ED edInstance = new ED();

            edInstance.Value = testString;

            // Ste the Representation of the ED object to XML
            edInstance.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.XML;

            // Checks to see if there is one and only one Root Element
            XmlNode     parentNode = edInstance.XmlData.ParentNode;
            XmlNodeList nodeList   = edInstance.XmlData.ParentNode.ChildNodes; //Parent is the document itself

            Assert.IsTrue(parentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && nodeList.Count == 1 &&
                          nodeList[0].LocalName == "test");
Esempio n. 28
        public void IntegrityCheckTest03()
                // Create first ED instance
                ED edInstance1 = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\testData.txt"), "text/xml");
                edInstance1.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
                edInstance1.IntegrityCheck          = edInstance1.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Create second ED instance
                ED edInstance2 = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\testData.txt"), "text/xml");
                edInstance2.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA256;
                edInstance2.IntegrityCheck          = edInstance2.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Corrput the data
                edInstance1.Data[10] = 0;
                edInstance2.Data[10] = 0;

                if (!edInstance1.ValidateIntegrityCheck() && !edInstance2.ValidateIntegrityCheck())
                    Console.WriteLine("Integrity check worked!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Check 1:");
                    foreach (Byte bytes in edInstance1.IntegrityCheck)
                        Console.Write("{0}", bytes);
                    Console.WriteLine("Check 2: ");
                    foreach (Byte bytes in edInstance2.IntegrityCheck)
                        Console.Write("{0}", bytes);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(edInstance1.IntegrityCheck, edInstance2.IntegrityCheck);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Don't handle
Esempio n. 29
 public Act()
     this.negationInd       = new BLImpl();
     this.typeId            = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId        = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));
     this.code              = new CD_R2Impl <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Domainvalue.PatientEducation>();
     this.text              = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.effectiveTime     = new IVL_TSImpl();
     this.priorityCode      = new CE_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.languageCode      = new CS_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.specimen          = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Specimen>();
     this.performer         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Performer2_1>();            = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.participant       = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Participant2_2>();
     this.entryRelationship = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.EntryRelationship_2>();
     this.reference         = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Basemodel.Reference>();
     this.precondition      = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Basemodel.Precondition>();
Esempio n. 30
        public void SetEditable(EditableData[] DataSet)

            foreach (EditableData ED in DataSet)
                Type EDType = ED.GetType();

                DesignerCategoryAttribute Cat      = EDType.GetCustomAttribute <DesignerCategoryAttribute>();
                DisplayNameAttribute      DispName = EDType.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>() ?? new DisplayNameAttribute(EDType.Name);

                TreeNode CatNode = FindOrCreateCategory(Cat.Category);
                CatNode.Tag = null;

                TreeNode EditNode = CatNode.Nodes.Add(DispName.DisplayName);
                EditNode.Tag = ED;

Esempio n. 31
 public HasComponentEncounter()
     this.typeId                   = new IIImpl();
     this.templateId               = new LISTImpl <II, Identifier>(typeof(IIImpl));                       = new IIImpl();
     this.code                     = new CD_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.text                     = new EDImpl <EncapsulatedData>();
     this.statusCode               = new CS_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.effectiveTime            = new IVL_TSImpl();
     this.dischargeDispositionCode = new CE_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.priorityCode             = new CE_R2Impl <Code>();
     this.specimen                 = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Specimen>();
     this.performer                = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Performer2_1>();                   = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Author_1>();
     this.informant                = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Informant12>();
     this.participant              = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.Participant2_2>();
     this.entryRelationship        = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Merged.EntryRelationship_2>();
     this.reference                = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Basemodel.Reference>();
     this.precondition             = new List <Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Model.Ccda_r1_1.Basemodel.Precondition>();
Esempio n. 32
        public void EDValueNullFlavorTest()
            ED ed = new ED("This is the content of ED");
            ed.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.UnEncoded;

            Assert.IsFalse(ed.Validate(), "Validation succeeded but should have failed with both a value and NullFlavor");
Esempio n. 33
        public void EDValueValidationTest()
            ED ed = new ED("This is the content of ED");
            ed.NullFlavor = null;
            ed.MediaType = "";
            Assert.IsTrue(ed.Validate(), "Validation with a Value and no NullFlavor failed. The validation should succeed.");

Esempio n. 34
        public void EDNullFlavorValidationTest()
            ED ed = new ED();
            ed.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NotAsked;

            Assert.IsTrue(ed.Validate(), "Validation with a NullFlavor and no data failed. The validation should succeed.");
Esempio n. 35
 public void EDThumbnailCheck()
     byte[] b = new byte[1024];
     RandomNumberGenerator random = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
     ED edt = new ED((TEL)"");
     edt.Thumbnail = new ED(b, "image/png");
     byte[] checker = edt.Thumbnail;
     Assert.AreEqual(checker.Length, b.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
         Assert.AreEqual(checker[i], b[i]);
Esempio n. 36
 public void EDValidateHash()
     byte[] filebyte = new byte[1024];
     ED edTest = new ED(filebyte, "application/pdf");
     edTest.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64;
     edTest.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
     edTest.IntegrityCheck = edTest.ComputeIntegrityCheck();
Esempio n. 37
        public void IntegrityCheckTest03()
                // Create first ED instance
                ED edInstance1 = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\testData.txt"), "text/xml");
                edInstance1.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
                edInstance1.IntegrityCheck = edInstance1.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Create second ED instance
                ED edInstance2 = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\testData.txt"), "text/xml");
                edInstance2.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA256;
                edInstance2.IntegrityCheck = edInstance2.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Corrput the data
                edInstance1.Data[10] = 0;
                edInstance2.Data[10] = 0;

                if (!edInstance1.ValidateIntegrityCheck() && !edInstance2.ValidateIntegrityCheck())
                    Console.WriteLine("Integrity check worked!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Check 1:");
                    foreach (Byte bytes in edInstance1.IntegrityCheck)
                        Console.Write("{0}", bytes);
                    Console.WriteLine("Check 2: ");
                    foreach (Byte bytes in edInstance2.IntegrityCheck)
                        Console.Write("{0}", bytes);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(edInstance1.IntegrityCheck, edInstance2.IntegrityCheck);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Don't handle
Esempio n. 38
        public void EDXmlEncodedDataTest()
            string testString = "<test />";

            // create instance and set the value
            ED edInstance = new ED();
            edInstance.Value = testString;

            // Ste the Representation of the ED object to XML
            edInstance.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.XML;

            // Checks to see if there is one and only one Root Element
            XmlNode parentNode = edInstance.XmlData.ParentNode;
            XmlNodeList nodeList = edInstance.XmlData.ParentNode.ChildNodes; //Parent is the document itself
            Assert.IsTrue(parentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document &&  nodeList.Count == 1 && 
            nodeList[0].LocalName == "test");
Esempio n. 39
        public void EDNullTest()
            ED ed = new ED();
            ed.Value = string.Empty;
            ed.Data = null;

            Assert.IsFalse(ed.Validate(), "Validation succeeded but should have failed with no value or NullFlavor");
Esempio n. 40
 public void EDByteSetToContentOfEDTest()
     byte[] content = new ED("Test");
     byte[] expected = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Test");
     Boolean passed = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
         if (content[i] != expected[i])
             passed = false;
     Assert.AreEqual(true, passed && content.Length == expected.Length);
Esempio n. 41
 public void R2EDContentTextCompressionSerializationTest()
     ED edInstance = new ED("this is my test");
     String expectedXml = String.Format(@"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" mediaType=""text/plain"" compression=""GZ""><data>{1}</data></test>", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ).Base64Data);
     edInstance = edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
     String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(edInstance);
     R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml);
Esempio n. 42
 public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationSerializationIntegrityCheckTest()
     ED edInstance = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");
     edInstance.Thumbnail = edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
     edInstance.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA256;
     edInstance.IntegrityCheck = edInstance.ComputeIntegrityCheck();
     edInstance.Translation = new SET<ED>(
         new ED[] {
             "this is translation 1",
             "this is translation 2"
     String expectedXml = String.Format(@"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" mediaType=""text/plain"" integrityCheckAlgorithm=""SHA-256""><data>{0}</data><integrityCheck>2sv8IRiWNYypBMLqJxAl79Yl2YJGBz3dtG3f3aNIIEg=</integrityCheck><thumbnail mediaType=""text/plain"" compression=""GZ""><data>{1}</data></thumbnail><translation value=""this is translation 1"" language=""en-US""/><translation language=""en-US"" value=""this is translation 2""/></test>", Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation")), edInstance.Thumbnail.Base64Data);
     String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(edInstance);
     R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml);
Esempio n. 43
 public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationSerializationTest()
     ED edInstance = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");
     edInstance.Thumbnail = edInstance.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
     edInstance.Translation = new SET<ED>(
         new ED[] {
             "this is translation 1",
             "this is translation 2"
     String expectedXml = String.Format(@"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" mediaType=""text/plain""><data>{0}</data><thumbnail mediaType=""text/plain"" compression=""GZ""><data>{1}</data></thumbnail><translation value=""this is translation 1"" language=""en-US""/><translation language=""en-US"" value=""this is translation 2""/></test>", Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation")), edInstance.Thumbnail.Base64Data);
     String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(edInstance);
     R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml);
Esempio n. 44
        public void IntegrityCheckTest02()
                // create new instance of ED and store xml data
                ED edInstance = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\mydata.xml"), "text/xml");

                // assign integrity checking algorithm
                edInstance.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
                edInstance.IntegrityCheck = edInstance.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Do NOT corrput the data

                if (edInstance.ValidateIntegrityCheck())
                    Console.WriteLine("Integrity check found no corruption.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Integrity check found corruption when data was not corrupted.");

                Assert.AreEqual(edInstance.ValidateIntegrityCheck(), true);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Don't handle
Esempio n. 45
 public void R2EDContentTextLanguageParseTest()
     var ved = new ED("this is my test") { Flavor = "ED.TEXT" };
     String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
     var ved2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString<ED>(actualXml);
     Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
Esempio n. 46
 public void EDSetStringToContentsOfEDTest()
     string content = new ED("Test");
     Assert.AreEqual("Test", content);
Esempio n. 47
        public void R2EDContentBinThumbnailTranslationParseTest()
            ED ved = new ED(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a binary with thumbnail and translation"), "text/plain");
            ved.Thumbnail = ved.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            ved.Translation = new SET<ED>(
                new ED[] {
                    "this is translation 1",
                    "this is translation 2"
            String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
            var ved2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString<ED>(actualXml);
            Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);

Esempio n. 48
        public void EDBase64EncodedEDTest()
            string lazyString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

            // Create and ED object with the value equal to the lazyString above.
            ED edInstance = new ED();
            edInstance.Value = lazyString;
            // Ste the Representation of the ED object to Base64 Encoded
            edInstance.Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.B64;
            // Converts string to Bytes
            Byte[] testBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(lazyString);

            // True if we can convert the testBytes to a Base64 String.
            Assert.AreEqual(edInstance.Base64Data, Convert.ToBase64String(testBytes));
Esempio n. 49
        public void ThumbExampleTest02()
            //build array of bytes for ""
            byte[] value = new byte[50];
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { value[i] = 0; }
            ED ed = new ED((TEL)"");

            // creates a new thumbnail
            ED thumbnail = new ED(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, this is a test"), "image/gif");

            // Set the thumbnail to a compressed version of the image
            //ed.Compression = EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ;
            ed.Thumbnail = thumbnail.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
            ed.Reference = null;
            ed.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation;
            ed.Data = value;
Esempio n. 50
 public void EDConstructorTest()
     byte[] data = new byte[0]; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string mediaType = "text/plain"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     ED target = new ED(data, mediaType);
     Assert.AreEqual(target.Data, data);
     Assert.AreEqual(target.MediaType, "text/plain");
Esempio n. 51
 public void R2EDContentTextCompressionParseTest()
     ED ved = new ED("this is my test");
     ved = ved.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
     String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
     var ved2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString<ED>(actualXml);
     Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
Esempio n. 52
 public void EDCompressionTest()
     byte[] filebytes = new byte[1024];
     RandomNumberGenerator random = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
     ED t = new ED(filebytes, "application/bin");
     t.Compression = EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ;
     t.Data = t.Compress(EncapsulatedDataCompression.GZ);
     t.Data = t.UnCompress();
     Assert.AreEqual(filebytes.Length, t.Data.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < filebytes.Length; i++)
         Assert.AreEqual(filebytes[i], t.Data[i]);
Esempio n. 53
        public void IntegrityCheckTest01()
                // create new instance of ED and store xml data
                ED edInstance = new ED(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Test Files\mydata.xml"), "text/xml");

                // assign integrity checking algorithm
                edInstance.IntegrityCheckAlgorithm = EncapsulatedDataIntegrityAlgorithm.SHA1;
                edInstance.IntegrityCheck = edInstance.ComputeIntegrityCheck();

                // Corrupt the data, validate integrity check should fail
                edInstance.Data[20] = 0;

                if (!edInstance.ValidateIntegrityCheck())
                    Console.WriteLine("Integrity check worked!");

                Assert.AreEqual(edInstance.ValidateIntegrityCheck(), false);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Don't handle
Esempio n. 54
 public EFS()
     ED = new ED();
     FS = new FS();
     IFG = new IFG();
Esempio n. 55
        public void R2EDContentBinFlavorParseTest()
            var ved = new ED(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is binary"), "bin/plain") { Flavor = "ED.DOC" };
            String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(ved);
            var ved2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString<ED>(actualXml);
            Assert.AreEqual(ved, ved2);
