protected override void OnCharacterAboutToBeSpawned(ECharacterType eType, ref BaseCharacter baseCharacter) { switch (eType) { case ECharacterType.enemy_zombie: { CharacterEnemy enemy = baseCharacter as CharacterEnemy; if (null != enemy) { m_aEnemiesNotAggroed.Add(enemy); enemy.gameObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } } break; case ECharacterType.none: case ECharacterType.player: default: { Assert.IsTrue(false); } break; } }
public void CreateCharacter(ECharacterType characterType, string name, int level) { BaseCharacter newCharacter = new BaseCharacter(); switch (characterType) { case ECharacterType.WARRIOR: Warrior newWarrior = gameObject.AddComponent <Warrior>(); newWarrior.InitializeCharacter(name, level); AddCharacter(newWarrior); newCharacter = newWarrior; break; case ECharacterType.ROGUE: Rogue newRogue = gameObject.AddComponent <Rogue>(); newRogue.InitializeCharacter(name, level); AddCharacter(newRogue); newCharacter = newRogue; break; case ECharacterType.MAGE: Mage newMage = gameObject.AddComponent <Mage>(); newMage.InitializeCharacter(name, level); AddCharacter(newMage); newCharacter = newMage; break; } allCharacters.Add(newCharacter); }
protected virtual void InitializeAllyStatController(RTSAllyComponentSpecificFields _specific, RTSAllyComponentsAllCharacterFields _allFields) { characterType = _specific.CharacterType; InitializeCharacterStats(); RetrieveAllWeaponStats(); UpdateUnequippedWeaponType(); }
protected virtual IEnumerator YieldSave_IGBPI_Values(ECharacterType _cType, List <IGBPIPanelValue> _values) { Save_IGBPI_Values(_cType, _values); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.5f)); Debug.Log("Finished Saving"); }
//TODO EXPAND ON THIS FOR CHARACTER FUNCTIONALITY // Update is called once per frame public void TBC_InitialiseCharacter() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); animator.runtimeAnimatorController = character.animatorController; currentEffect = 0; = character.title; //Stats characterType = character.characterType; hitPoints = character.hitPoints; strength = character.strength; attack = character.attack; agility = character.agility; actionPoints = character.actionPoints; specials = character.specials; foreach (EElement element in character.elementResistance) { elementalResistance.Add(element); } foreach (EElement element in character.elementWeakness) { elementalWeakness.Add(element); } }
public void PlaceCharacterOnHexagon(int numberOfPelos, Hexagon hexagon, ECharacterType characterType) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPelos; ++i) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(); pos.x = Random.Range(hexagon.transform.position.x + localOffsetBegin.x, hexagon.transform.position.x + localOffsetEnd.x); pos.y = Random.Range(hexagon.transform.position.y + localOffsetBegin.y, hexagon.transform.position.y + localOffsetEnd.y); if (characterType == ECharacterType.Medic) { GameObject medicGO = GameObject.Instantiate(medic); medicGO.transform.position = pos; medicGO.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().OnCurrentHexagonChanged(hexagon); medicGO.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().HexagonManager = GetComponent <HexagonManager>(); medicInGame.Add(medicGO); } if (characterType == ECharacterType.Soldier) { GameObject soldierGO = GameObject.Instantiate(soldier); soldierGO.transform.position = pos; soldierGO.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().OnCurrentHexagonChanged(hexagon); soldierGO.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().HexagonManager = GetComponent <HexagonManager>(); medicInGame.Add(soldierGO); } } }
private void check(ECharacterType type) { HittableCharacter c = upgrader.spawn(type); if (c.getSpawnCost() < minCost) { minCost = c.getSpawnCost(); cheapChoice = type; } if (c.spawnAttribute.speedFactor >= maxSpeed) { maxSpeed = c.spawnAttribute.speedFactor; speedyChoice = type; } if (c.spawnAttribute.meleeFactor >= maxMelee) { maxMelee = c.spawnAttribute.meleeFactor; meleeChoice = type; } if (c.spawnAttribute.rangeFactor >= maxRange) { maxRange = c.spawnAttribute.rangeFactor; rangeChoice = type; } if (c.spawnAttribute.aoeFactor >= maxAoe) { maxAoe = c.spawnAttribute.aoeFactor; aoeChoice = type; } }
public Character CreateCharacter(string name, ECharacterType characterType) { if (!_characterFactories.ContainsKey(characterType)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Character Type is not implemented: {characterType}"); } return(_characterFactories[characterType].Create(name)); }
public AI_ParamCharacter(int id, ECharacterType type, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Vector3 velocity, bool visible) { this.CharacterID = id; this.CharacterType = type; this.Direction = direction; this.Position = position; this.Velocity = velocity; this.VisibleByAI = visible; }
public CharacterObject(int _playerId, ECharacterType _characterType, int _hp, int _regen, int _speed, ETeam _teamId, Vector2 _position, EObjectDirection _direction) : base(_hp, _regen, _teamId, _position) { playerId = _playerId; direction = _direction; characterType = _characterType; speed = _speed; abilities = CreateAbilities(); }
public virtual List <IGBPIPanelValue> Load_IGBPI_PanelValues(ECharacterType _cType) { CharacterTactics _tactics; if (!isIGBPISavingPermitted(_cType, out _tactics)) { return(null); } return(ValidateIGBPIValues(_tactics.Tactics)); }
public CharacterStateData(int _id, int _playerId, ECharacterType _type, ETeam _teamId, Vector2 _position, EObjectDirection _direction, int _hp, int _speed) { id = _id; playerId = _playerId; type = _type; teamId = _teamId; position = _position; direction = _direction; hp = _hp; speed = _speed; }
public CharacterStateData(Packet _packet) { id = _packet.ReadInt(); playerId = _packet.ReadInt(); type = (ECharacterType)_packet.ReadInt(); position = _packet.ReadVector2(); direction = (EObjectDirection)_packet.ReadInt(); teamId = (ETeam)_packet.ReadInt(); hp = _packet.ReadInt(); speed = _packet.ReadInt(); }
public AI_Character(int character_id, ECharacterType character_type) { this.CharacterID = character_id; this.CharacterType = character_type; this.CurrentAction = null; this.PreviousAction = null; this.Direction =; this.Position =; this.Velocity =; this.LastSeenTime = 0.0f; this.IsAlive = false; }
/// <summary> /// Used to retrieve an Anonymous Character's Tactics, that will not update /// from a specific character instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="_cType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual CharacterTactics RetrieveAnonymousCharacterTactics(ECharacterType _cType) { CheckForDictionaryInit(); if (CharacterTacticsDictionary.ContainsKey(_cType)) { return(CharacterTacticsDictionary[_cType]); } Debug.Log("Character Tactics For Type: " + _cType.ToString() + " could not be found"); return(new CharacterTactics { CharacterType = ECharacterType.NoCharacterType }); }
public static GameObject LoadCharacter(string name, ECharacterType type) { switch (type) { case ECharacterType.Enemy: name = "Character/EnemyCharacter/" + name; break; case ECharacterType.Player: name = "Character/PlayerCharacter/" + name; break; } return(Resources.Load <GameObject>(name)); }
public HittableCharacter spawn(ECharacterType character) { switch (character) { case ECharacterType.MELEE: return((HittableCharacter)Activator.CreateInstance(meleeCharacter)); case ECharacterType.RANGED: return((HittableCharacter)Activator.CreateInstance(rangedCharacter)); case ECharacterType.SPECIAL: return((HittableCharacter)Activator.CreateInstance(specialCharacter)); } return((HittableCharacter)Activator.CreateInstance(meleeCharacter)); }
protected virtual bool isIGBPISavingPermitted(ECharacterType _cType, out CharacterTactics _tactics) { _tactics = GetTacticsFromCharacter(_cType); if (_tactics.CharacterType == ECharacterType.NoCharacterType) { Debug.LogError("No IGBPI Data Object on Save Manager For Character Type " + _tactics.CharacterType.ToString()); return(false); } if (dataHandler == null) { Debug.LogError("No Data Handler could be found."); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool SpawnCharacters(ECharacterType eType, int iCharactersCount, bool bSpawnOnServer, ref List <BaseCharacter> aBaseCharacters) { aBaseCharacters.Clear(); for (int iCharacterIndex = 0; iCharacterIndex < iCharactersCount; ++iCharacterIndex) { // // Retrieve transform to random spawn location Vector3 vPosition = new Vector3(); Quaternion qOrn = new Quaternion(); if (!GetSpawnParameters(ref vPosition, ref qOrn)) { return(false); } // // Instantiate prefab GameObject prefab = m_mapCharacterToPrefab[(int)(eType)]; if (null == prefab) { Debug.Log("Could not spawn character type '" + eType + "' from manager '" + m_strName + "'"); continue; } GameObject newCharacterObject = Instantiate(prefab, vPosition, qOrn); BaseCharacter character = newCharacterObject.GetComponent <BaseCharacter>(); character.m_characterManager = this; character.SetCharacterType(eType); // // Notify sub-class OnCharacterAboutToBeSpawned(eType, ref character); // // Spawn character on server if (bSpawnOnServer) { NetworkServer.Spawn(newCharacterObject); } // // Add character to list aBaseCharacters.Add(character); m_aCharacters.Add(character); } return(true); }
public virtual void Save_IGBPI_PanelValues(ECharacterType _cType, List <IGBPI_UI_Panel> _panels) { CharacterTactics _tactics; if (!isIGBPISavingPermitted(_cType, out _tactics)) { return; } List <IGBPIPanelValue> _saveValues = new List <IGBPIPanelValue>(); foreach (var _panel in _panels) { _saveValues.Add(new IGBPIPanelValue( _panel.orderText.text, _panel.conditionText.text, _panel.actionText.text )); } Save_IGBPI_Values(_cType, _saveValues); }
protected virtual void Save_IGBPI_Values(ECharacterType _cType, List <IGBPIPanelValue> _values) { CharacterTactics _tactics; if (!isIGBPISavingPermitted(_cType, out _tactics)) { return; } List <CharacterTactics> _allCharacterTactics = LoadCharacterTacticsList(); int _indexOf = -1; CharacterTactics _characterToChange = new CharacterTactics { CharacterName = "", CharacterType = ECharacterType.NoCharacterType, Tactics = new List <IGBPIPanelValue>() }; foreach (var _checkCharacter in _allCharacterTactics) { if (_cType != ECharacterType.NoCharacterType && _checkCharacter.CharacterType == _cType) { _indexOf = _allCharacterTactics.IndexOf(_checkCharacter); _characterToChange.CharacterName = _checkCharacter.CharacterName; _characterToChange.CharacterType = _checkCharacter.CharacterType; _characterToChange.Tactics = ValidateIGBPIValues(_values); } } if (_characterToChange.CharacterType != ECharacterType.NoCharacterType && _indexOf != -1) { _allCharacterTactics[_indexOf] = _characterToChange; statHandler.UpdateTacticsDictionary(_allCharacterTactics); SaveXMLTactics(_allCharacterTactics); } }
/// <summary> /// Used to retrieve an Anonymous Character's Stats, that may update /// from a specific character instance if the instance is the player's /// general partymembers. /// </summary> /// <param name="_ally"></param> /// <param name="_cType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual CharacterStats RetrieveCharacterStats(AllyMember _ally, ECharacterType _cType) { CheckForDictionaryInit(); return(RetrieveAnonymousCharacterStats(_cType)); }
public static void PushCharacter(int id, ECharacterType type, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Vector3 velocity) { PushCharacter(id, type, position, direction, velocity, true); }
/// <summary> /// [Game thread] Adds information about the current status of a character. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID of the character</param> /// <param name="type">Type of the character (refer to the ECharacterType enum for valid character types)</param> /// <param name="position">Current position of the character</param> /// <param name="direction">Current direction the character is facing</param> /// <param name="velocity">Current velocity of the character</param> /// <param name="visible">Is the character visible for the AI? (optional, true by default)</param> public static void PushCharacter(int id, ECharacterType type, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Vector3 velocity, bool visible) { Instance.Characters.Add(new AI_ParamCharacter(id, type, position, direction, velocity, visible)); }
protected override void OnCharacterAboutToBeSpawned(ECharacterType eType, ref BaseCharacter baseCharacter) { m_aPlayersAlive.Add(baseCharacter); }
protected virtual CharacterTactics GetTacticsFromCharacter(ECharacterType _cType) { return(statHandler.RetrieveAnonymousCharacterTactics(_cType)); }
protected abstract void OnCharacterAboutToBeSpawned(ECharacterType eType, ref BaseCharacter baseCharacter);
protected virtual List <IGBPIPanelValue> GetPanelValuesFromCharacter(ECharacterType _cType) { return(GetTacticsFromCharacter(_cType).Tactics); }
public void SetCharacterType(ECharacterType eType) { m_eType = eType; }
/** accessable methods from the buttons */ public void spawn(ECharacterType type) { spawn(upgrader.spawn(type)); }