Esempio n. 1
    internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(ECPoint[] ps, BigInteger[] ks, GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism)
        BigInteger order = ps[0].Curve.Order;
        int        num   = ps.Length;

        BigInteger[] array = new BigInteger[num << 1];
        int          i     = 0;
        int          num2  = 0;

        for (; i < num; i++)
            BigInteger[] array2 = glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(ks[i].Mod(order));
            array[num2++] = array2[0];
            array[num2++] = array2[1];
        ECPointMap pointMap = glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

        if (glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
            return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(ps, pointMap, array));
        ECPoint[] array3 = new ECPoint[num << 1];
        int       j      = 0;
        int       num5   = 0;

        for (; j < num; j++)
            ECPoint eCPoint  = ps[j];
            ECPoint eCPoint2 = pointMap.Map(eCPoint);
            array3[num5++] = eCPoint;
            array3[num5++] = eCPoint2;
        return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(array3, array));
Esempio n. 2
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(ECPoint[] ps, BigInteger[] ks, GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism)
            BigInteger n = ps[0].Curve.Order;

            int len = ps.Length;

            BigInteger[] abs = new BigInteger[len << 1];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len; ++i)
                BigInteger[] ab = glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(ks[i].Mod(n));
                abs[j++] = ab[0];
                abs[j++] = ab[1];

            ECPointMap pointMap = glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

            if (glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
                return(ECAlgorithms.ImplSumOfMultiplies(ps, pointMap, abs));

            ECPoint[] pqs = new ECPoint[len << 1];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len; ++i)
                ECPoint p = ps[i], q = pointMap.Map(p);
                pqs[j++] = p;
                pqs[j++] = q;

            return(ECAlgorithms.ImplSumOfMultiplies(pqs, abs));
Esempio n. 3
    internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultiplies(ECPoint[] ps, ECPointMap pointMap, BigInteger[] ks)
        int num  = ps.Length;
        int num2 = num << 1;

        bool[]            array  = new bool[num2];
        WNafPreCompInfo[] array2 = new WNafPreCompInfo[num2];
        byte[][]          array3 = new byte[num2][];
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            int        num3       = i << 1;
            int        num4       = num3 + 1;
            BigInteger bigInteger = ks[num3];
            array[num3] = (bigInteger.SignValue < 0);
            bigInteger  = bigInteger.Abs();
            BigInteger bigInteger2 = ks[num4];
            array[num4] = (bigInteger2.SignValue < 0);
            bigInteger2 = bigInteger2.Abs();
            int     width = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(16, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(Math.Max(bigInteger.BitLength, bigInteger2.BitLength))));
            ECPoint p     = ps[i];
            ECPoint p2    = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(p, width, includeNegated: true, pointMap);
            array2[num3] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(p);
            array2[num4] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(p2);
            array3[num3] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, bigInteger);
            array3[num4] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, bigInteger2);
        return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(array, array2, array3));
Esempio n. 4
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultiplies(ECEndomorphism endomorphism, ECPoint[] ps, BigInteger[] ks)
            int halfCount = ps.Length, fullCount = halfCount << 1;

            bool[]            negs  = new bool[fullCount];
            WNafPreCompInfo[] infos = new WNafPreCompInfo[fullCount];
            byte[][]          wnafs = new byte[fullCount][];

            ECPointMap pointMap = endomorphism.PointMap;

            for (int i = 0; i < halfCount; ++i)
                int j0 = i << 1, j1 = j0 + 1;

                BigInteger kj0 = ks[j0]; negs[j0] = kj0.SignValue < 0; kj0 = kj0.Abs();
                BigInteger kj1 = ks[j1]; negs[j1] = kj1.SignValue < 0; kj1 = kj1.Abs();

                int minWidth = WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(System.Math.Max(kj0.BitLength, kj1.BitLength), 8);

                ECPoint         P     = ps[i];
                WNafPreCompInfo infoP = WNafUtilities.Precompute(P, minWidth, true);
                ECPoint         Q     = EndoUtilities.MapPoint(endomorphism, P);
                WNafPreCompInfo infoQ = WNafUtilities.PrecomputeWithPointMap(Q, pointMap, infoP, true);

                int widthP = System.Math.Min(8, infoP.Width);
                int widthQ = System.Math.Min(8, infoQ.Width);

                infos[j0] = infoP;
                infos[j1] = infoQ;
                wnafs[j0] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(widthP, kj0);
                wnafs[j1] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(widthQ, kj1);

            return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(negs, infos, wnafs));
Esempio n. 5
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultiplies(ECPoint[] ps, ECPointMap pointMap, BigInteger[] ks)
            int halfCount = ps.Length, fullCount = halfCount << 1;

            bool[]            negs  = new bool[fullCount];
            WNafPreCompInfo[] infos = new WNafPreCompInfo[fullCount];
            byte[][]          wnafs = new byte[fullCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < halfCount; ++i)
                int j0 = i << 1, j1 = j0 + 1;

                BigInteger kj0 = ks[j0];
                negs[j0] = kj0.SignValue < 0;
                kj0      = kj0.Abs();
                BigInteger kj1 = ks[j1];
                negs[j1] = kj1.SignValue < 0;
                kj1      = kj1.Abs();

                int width = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(16, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(System.Math.Max(kj0.BitLength, kj1.BitLength))));

                ECPoint P = ps[i], Q = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(P, width, true, pointMap);
                infos[j0] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(P);
                infos[j1] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(Q);
                wnafs[j0] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, kj0);
                wnafs[j1] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, kj1);

            return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(negs, infos, wnafs));
Esempio n. 6
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultiplies(ECPoint[] ps, ECPointMap pointMap, BigInteger[] ks)
            int length = ps.Length;
            int num2   = length << 1;

            bool[]            negs  = new bool[num2];
            WNafPreCompInfo[] infos = new WNafPreCompInfo[num2];
            byte[][]          wnafs = new byte[num2][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                int        index = i << 1;
                int        num5  = index + 1;
                BigInteger k     = ks[index];
                negs[index] = k.SignValue < 0;
                k           = k.Abs();
                BigInteger integer2 = ks[num5];
                negs[num5] = integer2.SignValue < 0;
                integer2   = integer2.Abs();
                int     width  = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(0x10, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(Math.Max(k.BitLength, integer2.BitLength))));
                ECPoint p      = ps[i];
                ECPoint point2 = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(p, width, true, pointMap);
                infos[index] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(p);
                infos[num5]  = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(point2);
                wnafs[index] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, k);
                wnafs[num5]  = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, integer2);
            return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(negs, infos, wnafs));
Esempio n. 7
 internal PrecomputeWithPointMapCallback(ECPoint point, ECPointMap pointMap, WNafPreCompInfo fromWNaf,
                                         bool includeNegated)
     this.m_point          = point;
     this.m_pointMap       = pointMap;
     this.m_fromWNaf       = fromWNaf;
     this.m_includeNegated = includeNegated;
Esempio n. 8
        public static ECPoint MapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated,
                                                  ECPointMap pointMap)
            ECCurve         c            = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompP = Precompute(p, width, includeNegated);

            ECPoint q = pointMap.Map(p);

            c.Precompute(q, PRECOMP_NAME, new MapPointCallback(wnafPreCompP, includeNegated, pointMap));
Esempio n. 9
        public GlvTypeBEndomorphism(ECCurve curve, GlvTypeBParameters parameters)
             * NOTE: 'curve' MUST only be used to create a suitable ECFieldElement. Due to the way
             * ECCurve configuration works, 'curve' will not be the actual instance of ECCurve that the
             * endomorphism is being used with.

            this.m_parameters = parameters;
            this.m_pointMap   = new ScaleXPointMap(curve.FromBigInteger(parameters.Beta));
Esempio n. 10
        protected override ECPoint MultiplyPositive(ECPoint p, BigInteger k)
            if (!this.curve.Equals(p.Curve))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            BigInteger order = p.Curve.Order;

            BigInteger[] array    = this.glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(k.Mod(order));
            BigInteger   k2       = array[0];
            BigInteger   l        = array[1];
            ECPointMap   pointMap = this.glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

            if (this.glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
                return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, k2, pointMap, l));
            return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, k2, pointMap.Map(p), l));
Esempio n. 11
        internal static ECPoint ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(ECPoint P, BigInteger k, ECPointMap pointMapQ, BigInteger l)
            bool flag  = k.SignValue < 0;
            bool flag2 = l.SignValue < 0;

            k = k.Abs();
            l = l.Abs();
            int             width           = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(0x10, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(Math.Max(k.BitLength, l.BitLength))));
            ECPoint         p               = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(P, width, true, pointMapQ);
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(P);
            WNafPreCompInfo info2           = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(p);

            ECPoint[] preCompP    = !flag ? wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp : wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg;
            ECPoint[] preCompQ    = !flag2 ? info2.PreComp : info2.PreCompNeg;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegP = !flag ? wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg : wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegQ = !flag2 ? info2.PreCompNeg : info2.PreComp;
            byte[]    wnafP       = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, k);
            byte[]    wnafQ       = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, l);
            return(ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(preCompP, preCompNegP, wnafP, preCompQ, preCompNegQ, wnafQ));
Esempio n. 12
        protected override ECPoint MultiplyPositive(ECPoint p, BigInteger k)
            //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            if (!curve.Equals(p.Curve))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            BigInteger order = p.Curve.Order;

            BigInteger[] array    = glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(k.Mod(order));
            BigInteger   k2       = array[0];
            BigInteger   l        = array[1];
            ECPointMap   pointMap = glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

            if (glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
                return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, k2, pointMap, l));
            return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, k2, pointMap.Map(p), l));
Esempio n. 13
        protected override ECPoint MultiplyPositive(ECPoint p, BigInteger k)
            if (!curve.Equals(p.Curve))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            BigInteger n = p.Curve.Order;

            BigInteger[] ab = glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(k.Mod(n));
            BigInteger   a = ab[0], b = ab[1];

            ECPointMap pointMap = glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

            if (glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
                return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, a, pointMap, b));

            return(ECAlgorithms.ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(p, a, pointMap.Map(p), b));
Esempio n. 14
        public static ECPoint MapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated,
                                                  ECPointMap pointMap)
            var c            = p.Curve;
            var wnafPreCompP = Precompute(p, width, includeNegated);

            var q            = pointMap.Map(p);
            var wnafPreCompQ = GetWNafPreCompInfo(c.GetPreCompInfo(q, PRECOMP_NAME));

            var twiceP = wnafPreCompP.Twice;

            if (twiceP != null)
                var twiceQ = pointMap.Map(twiceP);
                wnafPreCompQ.Twice = twiceQ;

            var preCompP = wnafPreCompP.PreComp;
            var preCompQ = new ECPoint[preCompP.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < preCompP.Length; ++i)
                preCompQ[i] = pointMap.Map(preCompP[i]);
            wnafPreCompQ.PreComp = preCompQ;

            if (includeNegated)
                var preCompNegQ = new ECPoint[preCompQ.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < preCompNegQ.Length; ++i)
                    preCompNegQ[i] = preCompQ[i].Negate();
                wnafPreCompQ.PreCompNeg = preCompNegQ;

            c.SetPreCompInfo(q, PRECOMP_NAME, wnafPreCompQ);

Esempio n. 15
        internal static ECPoint ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(ECPoint P, BigInteger k, ECPointMap pointMapQ, BigInteger l)
            bool negK = k.SignValue < 0, negL = l.SignValue < 0;

            k = k.Abs();
            l = l.Abs();

            int width = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(16, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(System.Math.Max(k.BitLength, l.BitLength))));

            ECPoint         Q     = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(P, width, true, pointMapQ);
            WNafPreCompInfo infoP = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(P);
            WNafPreCompInfo infoQ = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(Q);

            ECPoint[] preCompP    = negK ? infoP.PreCompNeg : infoP.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompQ    = negL ? infoQ.PreCompNeg : infoQ.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegP = negK ? infoP.PreComp : infoP.PreCompNeg;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegQ = negL ? infoQ.PreComp : infoQ.PreCompNeg;

            byte[] wnafP = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, k);
            byte[] wnafQ = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, l);

            return(ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(preCompP, preCompNegP, wnafP, preCompQ, preCompNegQ, wnafQ));
Esempio n. 16
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(ECPoint[] ps, BigInteger[] ks, GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism)
            BigInteger order  = ps[0].Curve.Order;
            int        length = ps.Length;

            BigInteger[] integerArray = new BigInteger[length << 1];
            int          index        = 0;
            int          num3         = 0;

            while (index < length)
                BigInteger[] integerArray2 = glvEndomorphism.DecomposeScalar(ks[index].Mod(order));
                integerArray[num3++] = integerArray2[0];
                integerArray[num3++] = integerArray2[1];
            ECPointMap pointMap = glvEndomorphism.PointMap;

            if (glvEndomorphism.HasEfficientPointMap)
                return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(ps, pointMap, integerArray));
            ECPoint[] pointArray = new ECPoint[length << 1];
            int       num4       = 0;
            int       num5       = 0;

            while (num4 < length)
                ECPoint p      = ps[num4];
                ECPoint point2 = pointMap.Map(p);
                pointArray[num5++] = p;
                pointArray[num5++] = point2;
            return(ImplSumOfMultiplies(pointArray, integerArray));
Esempio n. 17
        public static ECPoint MapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated, ECPointMap pointMap)
            ECCurve         curve           = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo info            = Precompute(p, width, includeNegated);
            ECPoint         point           = pointMap.Map(p);
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = GetWNafPreCompInfo(curve.GetPreCompInfo(point, PRECOMP_NAME));
            ECPoint         twice           = info.Twice;

            if (twice != null)
                ECPoint point3 = pointMap.Map(twice);
                wNafPreCompInfo.Twice = point3;
            ECPoint[] preComp     = info.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] pointArray2 = new ECPoint[preComp.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < preComp.Length; i++)
                pointArray2[i] = pointMap.Map(preComp[i]);
            wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp = pointArray2;
            if (includeNegated)
                ECPoint[] pointArray3 = new ECPoint[pointArray2.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < pointArray3.Length; j++)
                    pointArray3[j] = pointArray2[j].Negate();
                wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg = pointArray3;
            curve.SetPreCompInfo(point, PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo);
 public GlvTypeBEndomorphism(ECCurve curve, GlvTypeBParameters parameters)
     this.m_curve = curve;
     this.m_parameters = parameters;
     this.m_pointMap = new ScaleXPointMap(curve.FromBigInteger(parameters.Beta));
Esempio n. 19
        internal static ECPoint ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(ECPoint P, BigInteger k, ECPointMap pointMapQ, BigInteger l)
            bool negK = k.SignValue < 0, negL = l.SignValue < 0;

            k = k.Abs();
            l = l.Abs();

            int width = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(16, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(System.Math.Max(k.BitLength, l.BitLength))));

            ECPoint Q = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(P, width, true, pointMapQ);
            WNafPreCompInfo infoP = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(P);
            WNafPreCompInfo infoQ = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(Q);

            ECPoint[] preCompP = negK ? infoP.PreCompNeg : infoP.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompQ = negL ? infoQ.PreCompNeg : infoQ.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegP = negK ? infoP.PreComp : infoP.PreCompNeg;
            ECPoint[] preCompNegQ = negL ? infoQ.PreComp : infoQ.PreCompNeg;

            byte[] wnafP = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, k);
            byte[] wnafQ = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, l);

            return ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(preCompP, preCompNegP, wnafP, preCompQ, preCompNegQ, wnafQ);
Esempio n. 20
        internal static ECPoint ImplSumOfMultiplies(ECPoint[] ps, ECPointMap pointMap, BigInteger[] ks)
            int halfCount = ps.Length, fullCount = halfCount << 1;

            bool[] negs = new bool[fullCount];
            WNafPreCompInfo[] infos = new WNafPreCompInfo[fullCount];
            byte[][] wnafs = new byte[fullCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < halfCount; ++i)
                int j0 = i << 1, j1 = j0 + 1;

                BigInteger kj0 = ks[j0]; negs[j0] = kj0.SignValue < 0; kj0 = kj0.Abs();
                BigInteger kj1 = ks[j1]; negs[j1] = kj1.SignValue < 0; kj1 = kj1.Abs();

                int width = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(16, WNafUtilities.GetWindowSize(System.Math.Max(kj0.BitLength, kj1.BitLength))));

                ECPoint P = ps[i], Q = WNafUtilities.MapPointWithPrecomp(P, width, true, pointMap);
                infos[j0] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(P);
                infos[j1] = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(Q);
                wnafs[j0] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, kj0);
                wnafs[j1] = WNafUtilities.GenerateWindowNaf(width, kj1);

            return ImplSumOfMultiplies(negs, infos, wnafs);
        public static ECPoint MapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated,
            ECPointMap pointMap)
            ECCurve c = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompP = Precompute(p, width, includeNegated);

            ECPoint q = pointMap.Map(p);
            WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompQ = GetWNafPreCompInfo(c.GetPreCompInfo(q, PRECOMP_NAME));

            ECPoint twiceP = wnafPreCompP.Twice;
            if (twiceP != null)
                ECPoint twiceQ = pointMap.Map(twiceP);
                wnafPreCompQ.Twice = twiceQ;

            ECPoint[] preCompP = wnafPreCompP.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] preCompQ = new ECPoint[preCompP.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < preCompP.Length; ++i)
                preCompQ[i] = pointMap.Map(preCompP[i]);
            wnafPreCompQ.PreComp = preCompQ;

            if (includeNegated)
                ECPoint[] preCompNegQ = new ECPoint[preCompQ.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < preCompNegQ.Length; ++i)
                    preCompNegQ[i] = preCompQ[i].Negate();
                wnafPreCompQ.PreCompNeg = preCompNegQ;

            c.SetPreCompInfo(q, PRECOMP_NAME, wnafPreCompQ);

            return q;
Esempio n. 22
 internal MapPointCallback(WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompP, bool includeNegated, ECPointMap pointMap)
     this.m_wnafPreCompP   = wnafPreCompP;
     this.m_includeNegated = includeNegated;
     this.m_pointMap       = pointMap;
Esempio n. 23
        public static ECPoint MapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated, ECPointMap pointMap)
            ECCurve         curve            = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo  = WNafUtilities.Precompute(p, width, includeNegated);
            ECPoint         eCPoint          = pointMap.Map(p);
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo2 = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(curve.GetPreCompInfo(eCPoint, WNafUtilities.PRECOMP_NAME));
            ECPoint         twice            = wNafPreCompInfo.Twice;

            if (twice != null)
                ECPoint twice2 = pointMap.Map(twice);
                wNafPreCompInfo2.Twice = twice2;
            ECPoint[] preComp = wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp;
            ECPoint[] array   = new ECPoint[preComp.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < preComp.Length; i++)
                array[i] = pointMap.Map(preComp[i]);
            wNafPreCompInfo2.PreComp = array;
            if (includeNegated)
                ECPoint[] array2 = new ECPoint[array.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
                    array2[j] = array[j].Negate();
                wNafPreCompInfo2.PreCompNeg = array2;
            curve.SetPreCompInfo(eCPoint, WNafUtilities.PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo2);
Esempio n. 24
 public GlvTypeBEndomorphism(ECCurve curve, GlvTypeBParameters parameters)
     this.m_curve      = curve;
     this.m_parameters = parameters;
     this.m_pointMap   = new ScaleXPointMap(curve.FromBigInteger(parameters.Beta));
Esempio n. 25
 public static WNafPreCompInfo PrecomputeWithPointMap(ECPoint p, ECPointMap pointMap, WNafPreCompInfo fromWNaf,
                                                      bool includeNegated)
     return((WNafPreCompInfo)p.Curve.Precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME,
                                                new PrecomputeWithPointMapCallback(p, pointMap, fromWNaf, includeNegated)));