/// <summary> /// Fetches an event. /// </summary> protected static void FetchEvent() { //Clears the console window Clear(); WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); WriteLine(new string(' ', 14) + "FETCH EVENT" + new string(' ', 15)); WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); //Gets the event id WriteLine("Enter event id: "); int id = int.Parse(ReadLine()); Event @event = EBusiness.FetchEventById(id, CurrentUser); if (@event == null) { WriteLine($"There is no event with id {id}"); } else { WriteLine($"Listing the event with the id {id}..."); WriteLine($"{@event.EventId} {@event.Name} {@event.DueTime.ToString("g")}"); } MenuOrExit(); }
/// <summary> /// Modifies an event by its ID. /// </summary> protected static void ModifyEvent() { //Clears the console window Clear(); WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); WriteLine(new string(' ', 17) + "MODIFY" + new string(' ', 17)); WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); //Gets the changed event data WriteLine("Enter event id: "); int id = int.Parse(ReadLine()); Event @event = EBusiness.FetchEventById(id, CurrentUser); WriteLine("Enter new title: "); @event.Name = ReadLine(); WriteLine("Enter new due time (e.g : 2009/02/26 18:37:58): "); @event.DueTime = DateTime.Parse(ReadLine()); EBusiness.ModifyEvent(@event, CurrentUser); WriteLine("Event successfully Modified"); MenuOrExit(); }