Esempio n. 1
 public AgentAlertMessage(AgentGuid NewJobGuid,EAlertLevel NewAlertLevel,AgentGuid NewObjectGuid,Int32 NewTypeId,String NewTextMessage)
     : base(NewJobGuid,EMessageType.ALERT)
     AlertLevel  = NewAlertLevel;
     ObjectGuid  = NewObjectGuid;
     TypeId      = NewTypeId;
     TextMessage = NewTextMessage;
Esempio n. 2
        public void AddStatus(string name, int device_id, string description, EAlertLevel alert_level, string message)
            //if (deviceIDToName.ContainsKey(device_id) == false)
            //    deviceIDToName[device_id] = name;

            //if (is_alarm)
            //    AddDescription(alarms, device_id, description, is_alarm);
            AddDescription(fullStatus, device_id, description, alert_level, message);
Esempio n. 3
  * Constructor, initializes to default and specified values
 public FAlertMessage(FGuid InJobGuid, EAlertLevel InAlertLevel, FGuid InObjectGuid, int InTypeId)
     : base(ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0, EMessageType.ALERT)
     JobGuid     = InJobGuid;
     AlertLevel  = InAlertLevel;
     ObjectGuid  = InObjectGuid;
     TypeId      = InTypeId;
     TextMessage = IntPtr.Zero;
Esempio n. 4
  * Constructor, initializes to default and specified values
 public FAlertMessage(FGuid InJobGuid, EAlertLevel InAlertLevel, FGuid InObjectGuid, int InTypeId, String InTextMessage)
     : base(ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0, EMessageType.ALERT)
     JobGuid     = InJobGuid;
     AlertLevel  = InAlertLevel;
     ObjectGuid  = InObjectGuid;
     TypeId      = InTypeId;
     TextMessage = FStringMarshaler.MarshalManagedToNative(InTextMessage);
Esempio n. 5
        public void AddStatus(string description, EAlertLevel alert_level)
            DeviceStatus ds = new DeviceStatus()
                alertLevel = (int)alert_level,
                status     = description,

            if (alert_level == EAlertLevel.Alarm)
Esempio n. 6
        private static void AddDescription(Dictionary <int, List <DeviceStatus> > dict, int device_id, string description, EAlertLevel alert_level, string message)
            List <DeviceStatus> descriptions = null;

            dict.TryGetValue(device_id, out descriptions);
            if (descriptions == null)
                descriptions    = new List <DeviceStatus>();
                dict[device_id] = descriptions;
            descriptions.Add(new DeviceStatus()
                status = description, alertLevel = (int)alert_level, message = message
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a device's status. If the new status is null, the existing status should be invalidated and no new
        /// entry added. If the new status is non-null, see it the existing status matches the new status. If the new
        /// and old status are identical, do nothing. If the new and old status are different somehow (the status itself,
        /// the is-alarm flag or the message are different), invalidate the old status and insert a new status.
        /// A single device may have different statuses, so we need to restrict our decisions to a set of types, which
        /// is included in the 3rd parameter. For example, the memory statuses are adequate, low, or critically low. Only
        /// one of these should be 'active' at a given time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device_id">The ID of the device we're checking</param>
        /// <param name="type">The new type. Can be null to indicate the status should be cleared</param>
        /// <param name="statuses">The full set of statuses we should be considering. Will be a subset of all
        /// the statuses a device can have.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message regarding the status</param>
        /// <param name="conn">The DB connection to use</param>
        protected static void SetDeviceStatus(long device_id, EStatusType?type, List <EStatusType> statuses, string message, SQLiteConnection conn)
            if (type.HasValue)

            EAlertLevel alert_level = (type.HasValue ? type.Value.GetAlertLevel() : null) ?? EAlertLevel.Normal;
            string      in_clause   = statuses.Join();
            string      clause      = $"DeviceID = {device_id} AND StatusType IN ({in_clause}) AND IsValid = 1";
            string      sql         = $"SELECT StatusType, IsAlarm, Message FROM DeviceStatus WHERE {clause};";
            bool        insert      = type.HasValue;
            bool        remove      = type.HasValue == false;

            if (type.HasValue)
                // We may be inserting a new type. We need to see if the current value for the device/status is the
                // same, or has changed. If it's the same we don't need to do anything. If it's changed, we'll want to
                // mark the old value as invalid, and insert the new value.
                using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
                    using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            EStatusType existing_type        = (EStatusType)reader.GetInt32(0);
                            EAlertLevel existing_alert_level = (EAlertLevel)reader.GetInt32(1);
                            string      existing_message     = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(2);

                            // An existing record exists, so insert the new one and update the old one if something's changed.
                            // If nothing changed, we'll leave the old one alone
                            bool something_changed =
                                (type.Value != existing_type) ||
                                (alert_level != existing_alert_level) ||
                                (string.Compare(message, existing_message) != 0);

                            // If something has changed, we'll want to remove the old version, and insert the new
                            // version. If nothing changed, we don't want to do either.
                            insert = remove = something_changed;
                        // If it wasn't found, just insert, which is the default
            // In this case there's no status value, so that means were clearing out the old one, if it exists.

            if (insert || remove)
                if (remove)
                    Updater updater = new Updater("DeviceStatus", clause, conn);
                    updater.Set("IsValid", 0);

                if (insert)
                    Inserter inserter = new Inserter("DeviceStatus", conn);
                    inserter.Set("DeviceID", device_id);
                    inserter.Set("StatusType", (int)type);
                    inserter.Set("IsAlarm", (int)alert_level);
                    inserter.Set("Date", DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    inserter.Set("Message", message, false);
                    inserter.Set("IsValid", 1);
            // else, no change
Esempio n. 8
 public void SetAlertLevel(EAlertLevel Stufe)
Esempio n. 9
        public static bool IsAlertLevel(this Enum type, EAlertLevel level)
            EAlertLevel?alert_level = type.GetAlertLevel();

            return(alert_level.HasValue ? alert_level.Value == level : false);
Esempio n. 10
 public AlertLevelAttribute(EAlertLevel level)
     Level = level;
Esempio n. 11
 public void AddStatus(string name, long device_id, string description, EAlertLevel alert_level, string message)
     AddDescription(fullStatus, device_id, description, alert_level, message);