public static void annotateWithCDE(EA.Repository m_Repository, QueryServiceControl.QueryServiceManager.dataelement de) { object item; const string CDEREF = "CDERef"; const string PREFNAME = "preferred name"; try { string id =; string name = de.names.preferred; EA.ObjectType type = m_Repository.GetTreeSelectedItem(out item); if (type != EA.ObjectType.otAttribute) { MessageBox.Show("No class attribute has been selected in the Project Browser", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } EA.Attribute attr = (EA.Attribute)item; //string txt = "Container["+attr.Container; //txt += "]\nContainment["+attr.Containment; //txt += "]\nDefault["+attr.Default; //txt += "]\nParentID["+attr.ParentID; //txt += "]\nPos["+attr.Pos; //txt += "]\nStereotype["+attr.Stereotype; //txt += "]\nStereotypeEx["+attr.StereotypeEx; //txt += "]\nStyle["+attr.Style; //txt += "]\nStyleEx["+attr.StyleEx; //txt += "]\n"; //MessageBox.Show(txt); EA.Collection tvs = attr.TaggedValues; if (tagExists(attr.TaggedValues, CDEREF)) { //DialogResult dg = MessageBox.Show( // el.Name + " already has a " + CDEREF + " annotation. Replace?", // "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); //if (dg == DialogResult.Cancel) // return; MessageBox.Show(attr.Name + " already has a " + CDEREF + " annotation. Please remove and try again."); return; } if (tagExists(attr.TaggedValues, PREFNAME)) { MessageBox.Show(attr.Name + " already has a " + PREFNAME + " annotation. Please remove and try again."); return; } EAUtil.addTaggedValue(CDEREF, id, attr); EAUtil.addTaggedValue(PREFNAME, name, attr); // // All done, just display a successful message window // string attrName = ""; EA.Element pel = m_Repository.GetElementByID(attr.ParentID); if (pel != null && pel.Name != null && pel.Name.Length > 0) attrName = pel.Name + "."; attrName += attr.Name; MessageBox.Show("Attribute [" + attrName + "] successfully annotated with:\n\n" + CDEREF + " => " + id + "\n" + PREFNAME + " => " + name + "\n", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch(Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show("Error annotating with CDE. " + exp.Message); } }
/* private void ShowElementDetails(EA.Repository repository) { if (!SelectedElement(repository)) { MessageBox.Show("No element selected"); } object item; EA.ObjectType t = repository.GetTreeSelectedItem(out item); EA.Diagram r = (EA.Diagram)item; string s = "Author: " + r.Author + "\n"; s += "CreatedDate: " + r.CreatedDate + "\n"; s += "DiagramGUID: " + r.DiagramGUID + "\n"; s += "ExtendedStyle: " + r.ExtendedStyle + "\n"; s += "MetaType: " + r.MetaType + "\n"; s += "Name: " + r.Name + "\n"; s += "Notes: " + r.Notes + "\n"; s += "ObjectType: " + r.ObjectType.ToString() + "\n"; s += "Orientation: " + r.Orientation + "\n"; s += "Stereotype: " + r.Stereotype + "\n"; s += "StereotypeEx: " + r.StereotypeEx + "\n"; s += "StyleEx: " + r.StyleEx + "\n"; s += "Swimlanes: " + r.Swimlanes + "\n"; s += "Type: " + r.Type + "\n"; s += "Version: " + r.Version + "\n"; MessageBox.Show(s); EA.DiagramObject dObj = (EA.DiagramObject)r.SelectedObjects.GetAt(0); EA.Element el = repository.GetElementByID(dObj.ElementID); s = "Abstract: " + el.Abstract + "\n"; s += "ActionFlags: " + el.ActionFlags + "\n"; s += "Alias: " + el.Alias + "\n"; s += "Author: " + el.Author + "\n"; s += "ClassifierName: " + el.ClassifierName + "\n"; s += "ClassifierType: " + el.ClassifierType + "\n"; s += "Complexity: " + el.Complexity + "\n"; s += "Difficulty: " + el.Difficulty + "\n"; s += "ElementGUID: " + el.ElementGUID + "\n"; s += "EventFlags: " + el.EventFlags + "\n"; s += "ExtensionPoints: " + el.ExtensionPoints + "\n"; s += "Genfile: " + el.Genfile + "\n"; s += "Genlinks: " + el.Genlinks + "\n"; s += "Gentype: " + el.Gentype + "\n"; s += "MetaType: " + el.MetaType + "\n"; s += "Multiplicity: " + el.Multiplicity + "\n"; s += "Name: " + el.Name + "\n"; s += "Notes: " + el.Notes + "\n"; s += "Phase: " + el.Phase + "\n"; s += "Priority: " + el.Priority + "\n"; s += "Status: " + el.Status + "\n"; s += "Stereotype: " + el.Stereotype + "\n"; s += "StereotypeEx: " + el.StereotypeEx + "\n"; s += "StyleEx: " + el.StyleEx + "\n"; s += "Tag: " + el.Tag + "\n"; s += "Type: " + el.Type + "\n"; s += "Version: " + el.Version + "\n"; s += "Visibility: " + el.Visibility + "\n"; MessageBox.Show(s); } */ private bool SelectedElement(EA.Repository repository) { try { object item; EA.ObjectType t = repository.GetTreeSelectedItem(out item); EA.Diagram r = (EA.Diagram)item; if (r.SelectedObjects.Count != 1) { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public static void insertConceptRef(EA.Repository m_Repository, QueryServiceControl.QueryServiceManager.concept concept) { try { string id =; if (id.StartsWith("http:")) { id = id.Substring(id.IndexOf("#") + 1); } else { id = id.Substring(id.LastIndexOf("-") + 1); } object item; EA.ObjectType t = m_Repository.GetTreeSelectedItem(out item); if (t.ToString() == "otDiagram") { MessageBox.Show("Please select an package or element in the Project Browser."); } else if (t.ToString() == "otElement") { EA.Element el = (EA.Element)item; string note = el.Notes; if (note.Contains("ConceptRefs: [")) { if (!note.Substring(note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14).Replace("])", "").Contains(id)) { el.Notes = note.Substring(0, note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14) + note.Substring(note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14).Replace("])", ", " + id + "])"); } } else { el.Notes += " (ConceptRefs: [" + id + "])"; } el.Update(); el.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show("Concept reference, " + id + ", inserted to selected element."); } else if (t.ToString() == "otPackage") { EA.Package pkg = (EA.Package)item; string note = pkg.Notes; if (note.Contains("ConceptRefs: [")) { if (!note.Substring(note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14).Replace("])", "").Contains(id)) { pkg.Notes = note.Substring(0, note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14) + note.Substring(note.IndexOf("ConceptRefs: [") + 14).Replace("])", ", " + id + "])"); } } else { pkg.Notes += " (ConceptRefs: [" + id + "])"; } pkg.Update(); MessageBox.Show("Concept reference, " + id + ", inserted to selected package."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid element (class, package) for the concept reference to be inserted into."); } } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show("Error inserting concept reference. " + exp.Message); } }
private static bool IsModelOrPackageSelected(EA.Repository repository) { if (IsProjectOpen(repository)) { object item; EA.ObjectType objectType = repository.GetTreeSelectedItem(out item); return (objectType == EA.ObjectType.otModel || objectType == EA.ObjectType.otPackage); } else { return false; } }