public override void ProcessPacket(DysonSphereColorChangePacket packet, NebulaConnection conn) { DysonSphere sphere =[packet.StarIndex]; if (sphere == null) { return; } using (Multiplayer.Session.DysonSpheres.IsIncomingRequest.On()) { DysonSphereLayer layer = sphere.GetLayer(packet.LayerId); if (layer == null) { Multiplayer.Session.DysonSpheres.HandleDesync(packet.StarIndex, conn); return; } Color32 color = packet.Color.ToColor32(); switch (packet.Type) { case DysonSphereColorChangePacket.ComponentType.Node: DysonNode node = packet.Index < layer.nodeCursor ? layer.nodePool[packet.Index] : null; if (node != null) { node.color = color; sphere.UpdateColor(node); } break; case DysonSphereColorChangePacket.ComponentType.Frame: DysonFrame frame = packet.Index < layer.frameCursor ? layer.framePool[packet.Index] : null; if (frame != null) { frame.color = color; sphere.UpdateColor(frame); } break; case DysonSphereColorChangePacket.ComponentType.Shell: DysonShell shell = packet.Index < layer.shellCursor ? layer.shellPool[packet.Index] : null; if (shell != null) { shell.color = color; } break; } } if (IsHost) { Multiplayer.Session.DysonSpheres.SendPacketToDysonSphereExcept(packet, packet.StarIndex, conn); } }
public static void SendShellPacket(DysonShell shell) { int starIndex = UIRoot.instance.uiGame.dysonEditor.selection.viewStar.index; Multiplayer.Session.Network.SendPacket(new DysonSphereColorChangePacket(starIndex, shell.layerId, shell.color, DysonSphereColorChangePacket.ComponentType.Shell,; }
public static void ImportBP(this DysonShell _this, BinaryReader r, DysonSphere dysonSphere) { _this.SetEmpty(); r.ReadInt32(); = r.ReadInt32(); _this.protoId = r.ReadInt32(); _this.layerId = r.ReadInt32(); _this.randSeed = r.ReadInt32(); int num = r.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Vector3 item = default(Vector3); item.x = r.ReadSingle(); item.y = r.ReadSingle(); item.z = r.ReadSingle(); _this.polygon.Add(item); } int num2 = r.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { int num3 = r.ReadInt32(); DysonNode dysonNode = dysonSphere.FindNode(_this.layerId, num3); Assert.NotNull(dysonNode); if (dysonNode != null) { _this.nodeIndexMap[num3] = _this.nodes.Count; _this.nodes.Add(dysonNode); if (!dysonNode.shells.Contains(_this)) { dysonNode.shells.Add(_this); } } } Assert.True(_this.nodeIndexMap.Count == _this.nodes.Count); int count = _this.nodes.Count; for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { int index = k; int index2 = (k + 1) % count; DysonFrame dysonFrame = DysonNode.FrameBetween(_this.nodes[index], _this.nodes[index2]); Assert.NotNull(dysonFrame); _this.frames.Add(dysonFrame); } _this.vertexCount = r.ReadInt32(); _this.triangleCount = r.ReadInt32(); int num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.verts = new Vector3[num4]; for (int l = 0; l < num4; l++) { _this.verts[l].x = r.ReadSingle(); _this.verts[l].y = r.ReadSingle(); _this.verts[l].z = r.ReadSingle(); } num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.pqArr = new IntVector2[num4]; for (int m = 0; m < num4; m++) { _this.pqArr[m].x = r.ReadInt32(); _this.pqArr[m].y = r.ReadInt32(); } num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.tris = new int[num4]; for (int n = 0; n < num4; n++) { _this.tris[n] = r.ReadInt32(); } num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vAdjs = new int[num4]; for (int num5 = 0; num5 < num4; num5++) { _this.vAdjs[num5] = r.ReadInt32(); } num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertAttr = new int[num4]; for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num4; num6++) { _this.vertAttr[num6] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(_this.vertAttr.Length == _this.verts.Length); num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertsq = new int[num4]; for (int num7 = 0; num7 < num4; num7++) { _this.vertsq[num7] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(_this.vertsq.Length == _this.verts.Length); num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertsqOffset = new int[num4]; for (int num8 = 0; num8 < num4; num8++) { _this.vertsqOffset[num8] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(_this.vertsqOffset.Length == _this.nodes.Count + 1); num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.nodecps = new int[num4]; Assert.True(_this.nodecps.Length == _this.nodes.Count + 1); num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertcps = new uint[num4]; num4 = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32(); _this.vertRecycle = new int[num4]; for (int num11 = 0; num11 < _this.vertRecycleCursor; num11++) { _this.vertRecycle[num11] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(_this.vertRecycle.Length == _this.verts.Length); _this.GenerateGeometryOnImport(); }
public static void ExportBP(this DysonShell _this, BinaryWriter w) { w.Write(0); w.Write(; w.Write(_this.protoId); w.Write(_this.layerId); w.Write(_this.randSeed); w.Write(_this.polygon.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _this.polygon.Count; i++) { w.Write(_this.polygon[i].x); w.Write(_this.polygon[i].y); w.Write(_this.polygon[i].z); } w.Write(_this.nodes.Count); for (int j = 0; j < _this.nodes.Count; j++) { w.Write(_this.nodes[j].id); } w.Write(_this.vertexCount); w.Write(_this.triangleCount); int num = _this.verts.Length; w.Write(num); for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { w.Write(_this.verts[k].x); w.Write(_this.verts[k].y); w.Write(_this.verts[k].z); } num = _this.pqArr.Length; w.Write(num); for (int l = 0; l < num; l++) { w.Write(_this.pqArr[l].x); w.Write(_this.pqArr[l].y); } num = _this.tris.Length; w.Write(num); for (int m = 0; m < num; m++) { w.Write(_this.tris[m]); } num = _this.vAdjs.Length; w.Write(num); for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) { w.Write(_this.vAdjs[n]); } num = _this.vertAttr.Length; w.Write(num); for (int num2 = 0; num2 < num; num2++) { w.Write(_this.vertAttr[num2]); } num = _this.vertsq.Length; w.Write(num); for (int num3 = 0; num3 < num; num3++) { w.Write(_this.vertsq[num3]); } num = _this.vertsqOffset.Length; w.Write(num); for (int num4 = 0; num4 < num; num4++) { w.Write(_this.vertsqOffset[num4]); } num = _this.nodecps.Length; w.Write(num); num = _this.vertcps.Length; w.Write(num); num = _this.vertRecycle.Length; w.Write(num); w.Write(_this.vertRecycleCursor); for (int num7 = 0; num7 < _this.vertRecycleCursor; num7++) { w.Write(_this.vertRecycle[num7]); } }
public static void ImportBP(this DysonSphereLayer _this, BinaryReader r) { r.ReadInt32(); = r.ReadInt32(); _this.orbitRadius = r.ReadSingle(); _this.orbitRotation.x = r.ReadSingle(); _this.orbitRotation.y = r.ReadSingle(); _this.orbitRotation.z = r.ReadSingle(); _this.orbitRotation.w = r.ReadSingle(); _this.orbitAngularSpeed = r.ReadSingle(); _this.currentAngle = r.ReadSingle(); _this.currentRotation.x = r.ReadSingle(); _this.currentRotation.y = r.ReadSingle(); _this.currentRotation.z = r.ReadSingle(); _this.currentRotation.w = r.ReadSingle(); _this.nextRotation.x = r.ReadSingle(); _this.nextRotation.y = r.ReadSingle(); _this.nextRotation.z = r.ReadSingle(); _this.nextRotation.w = r.ReadSingle(); _this.gridMode = r.ReadInt32(); _this.ResetNew(); int num = r.ReadInt32(); Traverse.Create(_this).Method("SetNodeCapacity", num).GetValue(); _this.nodeCursor = r.ReadInt32(); _this.nodeRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 1; i < _this.nodeCursor; i++) { int num2 = r.ReadInt32(); if (num2 != 0) { Assert.True(num2 == i); DysonNode dysonNode = new DysonNode(); dysonNode.ImportBP(r); Assert.True( == i); if ( != i || num2 != i) { throw new Exception($"node id doesn't match! {} and {num2}"); } _this.nodePool[i] = dysonNode; } } for (int j = 0; j < _this.nodeRecycleCursor; j++) { _this.nodeRecycle[j] = r.ReadInt32(); } num = r.ReadInt32(); Traverse.Create(_this).Method("SetFrameCapacity", num).GetValue(); _this.frameCursor = r.ReadInt32(); _this.frameRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32(); for (int k = 1; k < _this.frameCursor; k++) { int num3 = r.ReadInt32(); if (num3 != 0) { Assert.True(num3 == k); DysonFrame dysonFrame = new DysonFrame(); dysonFrame.ImportBP(r, _this.dysonSphere); Assert.True( == k); if ( != k || num3 != k) { throw new Exception("frame id doesn't match!"); } _this.framePool[k] = dysonFrame; } } for (int l = 0; l < _this.frameRecycleCursor; l++) { _this.frameRecycle[l] = r.ReadInt32(); } num = r.ReadInt32(); Traverse.Create(_this).Method("SetShellCapacity", num).GetValue(); _this.shellCursor = r.ReadInt32(); _this.shellRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32(); for (int m = 1; m < _this.shellCursor; m++) { int num4 = r.ReadInt32(); if (num4 != 0) { Assert.True(num4 == m); DysonShell dysonShell = new DysonShell(_this); dysonShell.ImportBP(r, _this.dysonSphere); Assert.True( == m); if ( != m || num4 != m) { throw new Exception("shell id doesn't match!"); } _this.shellPool[m] = dysonShell; } } for (int n = 0; n < _this.shellRecycleCursor; n++) { _this.shellRecycle[n] = r.ReadInt32(); } for (int num5 = 1; num5 < _this.nodeCursor; num5++) { if (_this.nodePool[num5] != null && _this.nodePool[num5].id == num5) { _this.nodePool[num5].RecalcSpReq(); _this.nodePool[num5].RecalcCpReq(); } } }
public static bool DysonShell_Export_Prefix(DysonShell __instance, BinaryWriter w) { if (!optimiseSave) { return(true); } w.Write(SAVE_FIX_VERSION); w.Write(; w.Write(__instance.protoId); w.Write(__instance.layerId); w.Write(__instance.randSeed); w.Write(__instance.polygon.Count); for (int i = 0; i < __instance.polygon.Count; i++) { w.Write(__instance.polygon[i].x); w.Write(__instance.polygon[i].y); w.Write(__instance.polygon[i].z); } w.Write(__instance.nodes.Count); for (int j = 0; j < __instance.nodes.Count; j++) { w.Write(__instance.nodes[j].id); } // saving the following counts and length only for validation purpose // there's no need to save the actual contents of those arrays as they can be recalculalted using GenerateGeometry() from just // polygon and nodes (and frames but those are inferred from nodes) w.Write(__instance.vertexCount); w.Write(__instance.triangleCount); w.Write(__instance.verts.Length); w.Write(__instance.pqArr.Length); w.Write(__instance.tris.Length); w.Write(__instance.vAdjs.Length); w.Write(__instance.vertAttr.Length); w.Write(__instance.vertsq.Length); w.Write(__instance.vertsqOffset.Length); // the nodecps and vertcps (that gets updated every time a new piece of the shell has been completed) must be saved. // a further optimisation could be to tag a shell as 'complete' and at that point there would be no need to store // all this data var num = __instance.nodecps.Length; w.Write(num); for (int num5 = 0; num5 < num; num5++) { w.Write(__instance.nodecps[num5]); } num = __instance.vertcps.Length; w.Write(num); for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num; num6++) { w.Write(__instance.vertcps[num6]); } num = __instance.vertRecycle.Length; w.Write(num); w.Write(__instance.vertRecycleCursor); for (int num7 = 0; num7 < __instance.vertRecycleCursor; num7++) { w.Write(__instance.vertRecycle[num7]); } return(false); }
public static bool DysonShell_Import_Prefix(DysonShell __instance, BinaryReader r, DysonSphere dysonSphere) { __instance.SetEmpty(); var version = r.PeekChar(); if (version != SAVE_FIX_VERSION) { Debug.Log($"Using native import {version}"); return(true); } Debug.Log($"Using smart import {version}"); r.ReadChar(); = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.protoId = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.layerId = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.randSeed = r.ReadInt32(); int num = r.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Vector3 item = default(Vector3); item.x = r.ReadSingle(); item.y = r.ReadSingle(); item.z = r.ReadSingle(); __instance.polygon.Add(item); } int num2 = r.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { int num3 = r.ReadInt32(); DysonNode dysonNode = dysonSphere.FindNode(__instance.layerId, num3); Assert.NotNull(dysonNode); if (dysonNode != null) { __instance.nodeIndexMap[num3] = __instance.nodes.Count; __instance.nodes.Add(dysonNode); if (!dysonNode.shells.Contains(__instance)) { dysonNode.shells.Add(__instance); } } } Assert.True(__instance.nodeIndexMap.Count == __instance.nodes.Count); int count = __instance.nodes.Count; for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { int index = k; int index2 = (k + 1) % count; DysonFrame dysonFrame = DysonNode.FrameBetween(__instance.nodes[index], __instance.nodes[index2]); Assert.NotNull(dysonFrame); __instance.frames.Add(dysonFrame); } var vertexCount = r.ReadInt32(); var triangleCount = r.ReadInt32(); int vertsLength = r.ReadInt32(); var pqArrLength = r.ReadInt32(); var trisLength = r.ReadInt32(); var vAdjsLength = r.ReadInt32(); var vertAttrLength = r.ReadInt32(); var vertsqLength = r.ReadInt32(); var vertsqOffsetLength = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.GenerateGeometry(); // Verify that generated geometry is 'at least' formally correct from a counting point of view Assert.True(vertexCount == __instance.vertexCount); Assert.True(triangleCount == __instance.triangleCount); Assert.True(vertsLength == __instance.verts.Length); Assert.True(pqArrLength == __instance.pqArr.Length); Assert.True(trisLength == __instance.tris.Length); Assert.True(vAdjsLength == __instance.vAdjs.Length); Assert.True(vertAttrLength == __instance.vertAttr.Length); Assert.True(vertsqLength == __instance.vertsq.Length); Assert.True(vertsqOffsetLength == __instance.verts.Length); Assert.True(__instance.vertAttr.Length == __instance.verts.Length); Assert.True(__instance.vertsq.Length == __instance.verts.Length); Assert.True(__instance.vertsqOffset.Length == __instance.nodes.Count + 1); // Restore nodecps, vertcps and vertRecycle from save var num4 = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.nodecps = new int[num4]; for (int num9 = 0; num9 < num4; num9++) { __instance.nodecps[num9] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(__instance.nodecps.Length == __instance.nodes.Count + 1); num4 = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.vertcps = new uint[num4]; for (int num10 = 0; num10 < num4; num10++) { __instance.vertcps[num10] = r.ReadUInt32(); } num4 = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.vertRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.vertRecycle = new int[num4]; for (int num11 = 0; num11 < __instance.vertRecycleCursor; num11++) { __instance.vertRecycle[num11] = r.ReadInt32(); } Assert.True(__instance.vertRecycle.Length == __instance.verts.Length); Array.Resize(ref __instance.vertcps, __instance.vertexCount); __instance.SyncCellBuffer(); return(false); }