Esempio n. 1
		internal override void SetLayout(DynamicLayout layout)
			if (Control != null)
				if (this.layout != null)
				if (layout != null)
			this.layout = layout;
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the content for this item
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layout">Top level layout the item is being created for</param>
		public override Control Create(DynamicLayout layout)
			return Control;
Esempio n. 3
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.label1           = new Label();
            this.label2           = new Label();
            this.XPixelLabel      = new Label();
            this.label4           = new Label();
            this.label5           = new Label();
            this.YPixelLabel      = new Label();
            this.XCoordinateLabel = new Label();
            this.YCoordinateLabel = new Label();
            this.formsPlot1       = new ScottPlot.Eto.PlotView();
            this.lblMouse         = new Label();

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

                new DynamicLayout(new Label()
                Text = "*", TextColor = BackgroundColor
            }, label2, label1),
                new DynamicLayout(label4, XPixelLabel, YPixelLabel),
                new DynamicLayout(label5, XCoordinateLabel, YCoordinateLabel),
                new DynamicLayout(lblMouse)

            layout = new DynamicLayout();
            layout.AddRow(new Label()
                Text = "*", TextColor = BackgroundColor
            }, label4, label5, lblMouse);
            layout.AddRow(label2, XPixelLabel, XCoordinateLabel);
            layout.AddRow(label1, YPixelLabel, YCoordinateLabel);


            this.Content = new DynamicLayout(layout, formsPlot1);

            // label1
            this.label1.Font = Fonts.Sans(12);
            this.label1.Size = new Size(20, 20);
            this.label1.Text = "Y";
            // label2
            this.label2.Font = Fonts.Sans(12);
            this.label2.Size = new Size(20, 20);
            this.label2.Text = "X";
            // XPixelLabel
            this.XPixelLabel.Font = Fonts.Monospace(12);
            this.XPixelLabel.Size = new Size(100, 19);
            this.XPixelLabel.Text = "?";
            // label4
            this.label4.Font = Fonts.Sans(12);
            this.label4.Size = new Size(41, 20);
            this.label4.Text = "Pixel";
            // label5
            this.label5.Font = Fonts.Sans(12);
            this.label5.Size = new Size(87, 20);
            this.label5.Text = "Coordinate";
            // YPixelLabel
            this.YPixelLabel.Font = Fonts.Monospace(12);
            this.YPixelLabel.Size = new Size(100, 19);
            this.YPixelLabel.Text = "?";
            // XCoordinateLabel
            this.XCoordinateLabel.Font = Fonts.Monospace(12);
            this.XCoordinateLabel.Size = new Size(120, 19);
            this.XCoordinateLabel.Text = "?";
            // YCoordinateLabel
            this.YCoordinateLabel.Font = Fonts.Monospace(12);
            this.YCoordinateLabel.Size = new Size(120, 19);
            this.YCoordinateLabel.Text = "?";
            // formsPlot1
            this.formsPlot1.BackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent;
            // lblMouse
            this.lblMouse.Font = Fonts.Sans(12);
            this.lblMouse.Size = new Size(149, 20);
            this.lblMouse.Text = "Waiting for mouse...";
            // MouseTracker
            this.ClientSize = new Size(736, 405);
            this.Title      = "MouseTracker";
Esempio n. 4
        void Init()
            string imgprefix = "DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.Resources.Icons.";

            Icon = Eto.Drawing.Icon.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.ico");

            Maximizable = false;
            Minimizable = false;
            WindowStyle = Eto.Forms.WindowStyle.Default;

            Title = "Error";

            var mystring  = SharedClasses.EncryptString.StringCipher.Decrypt("YEZeCozmw0l3XjOYI0EpOXHh1LK9as6Bi5Gwqr7pYZyXtcNYQyzayHXts6NjAJlpfixoim98NAwVHli/+h1fYk6g4W82ewXDxkLwzg5SFCCSS2W0K3TvGMgC0wQWuKfrut0QdnByVKZ4x+/svdQwwXsUkZdELOUtnWiOdeV6WIQ=", "dwsim000000");
            var mystring2 = SharedClasses.EncryptString.StringCipher.Decrypt("T+h/AQaXoM7xMDrov6dkD/82uHShQ6gX7MD+yyPG1ALdchPnpYsxHZWU8YcwP3jTPCZWRL9mmAWnQnWtp4ETyYh17Cgjt1EDYbEJJvh/PacWXami/6btnnbE0D5HBpnYrKamsf6qjjx9JbhQOZIvXJv6dIlJ7lMm5vWkhmLpNuc=", "dwsim000000");

                string     baseaddress = "";
                StackTrace st          = new StackTrace(exc, true);
                StackFrame frame       = st.GetFrame(0);
                string     path        = frame.GetFileName().Replace(mystring, baseaddress);
                path = path.Replace(mystring2, baseaddress);
                int line = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
                if (path.Contains(baseaddress))
                    githublink = path + "#L" + line;
            catch (Exception)

            var container = new TableLayout()
                Padding = new Padding(10), Spacing = new Size(5, 5)

            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label {
                Text = "DWSIM generated an unhandled error/exception."

            var txt1 = new TextArea {
                Text = exc.Message.ToString(), ReadOnly = true
            var txt2 = new TextArea {
                Text = exc.ToString(), ReadOnly = true

            var t1 = new TableLayout(new TableRow(txt1));
            var t2 = new TableLayout(new TableRow(txt2));

            var tab1 = new TabPage {
                Content = t1, Text = "Error Message"
            var tab2 = new TabPage {
                Content = t2, Text = "Details"

            var tabc = new TabControl {
                Height = 300


            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(tabc));

            container.Rows.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Actions", Font = SystemFonts.Bold()

            var dyn1 = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(0)

            dyn1.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Close this window.", "Continue", null, (sender, e) =>
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn1));

            var dyn2 = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(0)

            dyn2.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Kill current DWSIM process. Unsaved changes will be lost.", "Kill", null, (sender, e) =>
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn2));

            var dyn3 = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(0)

            dyn3.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Restart DWSIM", "Restart", null, (sender, e) =>
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn3));

            container.Rows.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Additional Support", Font = SystemFonts.Bold()

            var dyn4 = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(0)

            dyn4.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Search DWSIM Forums for information about the current error.", "Search Forums", null, (sender, e) =>
                var baseaddress = "";
                var searchtext  = exc.Message.ToString().Replace(" ", "+");
                Process.Start(baseaddress + searchtext);
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn4));

            var dyn5 = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(0)

            dyn5.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Search DWSIM's Website for information about the current error.", "Search Website", null, (sender, e) =>
                var baseaddress = "";
                var searchtext  = exc.Message.ToString().Replace(" ", "+");
                Process.Start(baseaddress + searchtext);
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn5));

            if (githublink != "")
                var dyn6 = new DynamicLayout {
                    Padding = new Padding(0)
                dyn6.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("View the code line where this error was raised/generated on DWSIM's GitHub repository.", "View code @ GitHub", null, (sender, e) =>
                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn6));

            Content = container;
        public void Init()
            loaded = false;


            // connections

            if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.MaterialStream &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.EnergyStream &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_Adjust &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Controller_PID &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.LevelGauge &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.AnalogGauge &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.DigitalGauge &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Input &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Switch &&
                obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType != Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_Spec)
                var tab1 = new DocumentPage {
                    Closable = false
                tab1.Text = "Connections";

                var cont0 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

                UI.Shared.Common.CreateAndAddLabelRow(cont0, "Object Connections Editor".Localize());

                UI.Shared.Common.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(cont0, "ConnectorsEditorDescription".Localize());
                new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.ConnectionsEditor(obj, cont0);

                cont0.Width = this.Width - 30;

                var scr1 = new Scrollable()
                    Content = cont0
                tab1.Content = scr1;


                PageConnections = tab1;

            // properties

            var tab2 = new DocumentPage {
                Closable = false

            tab2.Text = "Properties";


            var cont = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

            cont.Width = this.Width - 30;

            if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.MaterialStream)
                new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.MaterialStreamEditor(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.DistillationColumn)
                new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.DistillationColumnEditor(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.AbsorptionColumn)
                new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.AbsorptionColumnEditor(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_Adjust)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.AdjustEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Controller_PID)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.PIDControllerEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_Spec)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.SpecEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_Recycle)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.RecycleEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.OT_EnergyRecycle)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.EnergyRecycleEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.LevelGauge)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.LevelGaugeEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.AnalogGauge)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.AnalogGaugeEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.DigitalGauge)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.DigitalGaugeEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Switch)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.SwitchEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Input)
                DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.LogicalBlocks.InputEditor.Populate(obj, cont);
                new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.GeneralEditors(obj, cont);

            tab2.Content = new Scrollable()
                Content = cont, Width = this.Width - 30

            if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.Pipe)
                tab2.Text = "General";
                var cont2 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
                cont2.Tag   = "Hydraulic Profile";
                cont2.Width = this.Width - 30;
                new PipeHydraulicProfile(obj, cont2);
                Pages.Add(new DocumentPage(new Scrollable()
                    Content = cont2, Width = this.Width - 30
                    Text = "Hydraulic Profile", Closable = false
                var cont3 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
                cont3.Tag   = "Thermal Profile";
                cont3.Width = this.Width - 30;
                new PipeThermalProfile(obj, cont3);
                Pages.Add(new DocumentPage(new Scrollable()
                    Content = cont3, Width = this.Width - 30
                    Text = "Thermal Profile", Closable = false
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.CustomUO)
                tab2.Text = "General";
                var cont2 = new TableLayout {
                    Padding = new Padding(10), Spacing = new Size(5, 5)
                cont2.Tag   = "Python Script";
                cont2.Width = this.Width - 30;
                if (Application.Instance.Platform.IsWpf)
                    var scripteditor = new Eto.Forms.Controls.Scintilla.Shared.ScintillaControl()
                        ScriptText = ((CustomUO)obj).ScriptText
                    var dyn1 = new DynamicLayout();
                    dyn1.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Click to commit script changes", "Update", null, (sender, e) =>
                        ((CustomUO)obj).ScriptText = scripteditor.ScriptText;
                    dyn1.Width = this.Width - 30;
                    cont2.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn1));
                    cont2.Rows.Add(new TableRow(scripteditor));
                else if (Application.Instance.Platform.IsMac || Application.Instance.Platform.IsGtk)
                    var scripteditor = new Eto.Forms.Controls.Scintilla.Shared.ScintillaControl()
                        ScriptText = ((CustomUO)obj).ScriptText
                    scripteditor.SetKeywords(1, ((FlowsheetBase.FlowsheetBase)obj.GetFlowsheet()).ScriptKeywordsU);
                    var dyn1 = new DynamicLayout();
                    dyn1.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow("Click to commit script changes", "Update", null, (sender, e) =>
                        ((CustomUO)obj).ScriptText = scripteditor.ScriptText;
                    dyn1.Width = this.Width - 30;
                    cont2.Rows.Add(new TableRow(dyn1));
                    cont2.Rows.Add(new TableRow(scripteditor));
                Pages.Add(new DocumentPage(new Scrollable()
                    Content = cont2, Width = this.Width - 30
                    Text = "Python Script", Closable = false
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.HeatExchanger)
                tab2.Text = "General";
                var dyn1 = new ShellAndTubePropertiesView(obj);
                dyn1.Width = this.Width - 30;
                Pages.Add(new DocumentPage(new Scrollable()
                    Content = dyn1, Width = this.Width - 30
                    Text = "Shell and Tube Properties", Closable = false
            else if (obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.AbsorptionColumn ||
                     obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.DistillationColumn)
                tab2.Text = "General";
                var dyn2 = RigorousColumnShared.GetInitialEstimatesEditor((Column)obj);
                dyn2.Width = this.Width - 30;
                Pages.Add(new DocumentPage(new Scrollable()
                    Content = dyn2, Width = this.Width - 30
                    Text = "Initial Estimates", Closable = false

            PageEditor = tab2;

            // dynamics

            if ((obj.SupportsDynamicMode && obj.HasPropertiesForDynamicMode) || obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.MaterialStream)
                if (obj.ExtraPropertiesDescriptions.Count() > 0 || obj.GraphicObject.ObjectType == Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects.ObjectType.MaterialStream)
                    var tabd = new DocumentPage {
                        Closable = false
                    tabd.Text = "Dynamics";

                    var contd = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

                    contd.Width = this.Width - 30;

                    new DynamicPropertiesEditor(obj, contd);

                    tabd.Content = new Scrollable()
                        Content = contd, Width = this.Width - 30

                    PageDynamics = tabd;


            // results

            var tabr = new DocumentPage {
                Closable = false

            tabr.Text = "Results";

            var container = new TableLayout();

            new DWSIM.UI.Desktop.Editors.Results(obj, container);

            tabr.Content = new Scrollable()
                Content = container, Width = this.Width - 30

            PageResults = tabr;


            if (obj.GraphicObject is ShapeGraphic)
                var tabx = new DocumentPage {
                    Closable = false
                tabx.Text = "Appearance";
                var editor = new ObjectAppearanceEditorView(obj.GetFlowsheet(), (ShapeGraphic)obj.GraphicObject);
                editor.Width = this.Width - 30;
                tabx.Content = new Scrollable()
                    Content = editor, Width = this.Width - 30


            if (SelectedPanel >= 0)
                SelectedIndex = SelectedPanel;

            loaded = true;
Esempio n. 6
        public MyForm()
            this.ClientSize = new Size(600, 400);
            this.Title      = "Dynamic Layout";

            // Using a DynamicLayout for a simple table is actually a lot easier to maintain than using a TableLayout
            // and having to specify the x/y co-ordinates for each control added.

            // 1. Create a new DynamicLayout object

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            // 2. Begin a horizontal row of controls


            // 3. Add controls for each column.  We are setting xscale to true to make each column use an equal portion
            // of the available space.

            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = "First Column"
            }, xscale: true);
            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Second Column"
            }, xscale: true);
            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Third Column"
            }, xscale: true);

            // 4. End the horizontal section


            // 5. To add a new row, begin another horizontal section and add more controls:

            layout.Add(new TextBox {
                Text = "Second Row, First Column"
            layout.Add(new ComboBox {
                DataStore = new ListItemCollection {
                    new ListItem {
                        Text = "Second Row, Second Column"
            layout.Add(new CheckBox {
                Text = "Second Row, Third Column"

            // 6. By default, the last row & column of a table expands to fill the rest of the space.  We can add one
            // last row with nothing in it to make the space empty.  Since we are not in a horizontal group, calling
            // Add() adds a new row.


            // 7. Set the content of the form to use the layout

            Content = layout;

Esempio n. 7
        void Initialize()
            var su  = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf  = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;
            var nff = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.FractionNumberFormat;

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Distillation Column Editor");

            s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container, "Property values are updated/stored as they are changed/edited. There's no need to press ENTER to commit the changes.");

            if ((Inspector.Host.Items.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(column.GraphicObject.Tag)).Count() > 0))
                var ctn = new DynamicLayout();
                ctn.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightGrey;
                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(ctn, "Inspector Reports");
                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(ctn, "An Inspector Report is ready for viewing.", "View Report", null, (btn, e) =>
                    var f = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Inspector Report for '" + column.GraphicObject.Tag + "'", 1024, 768, Inspector.Window2_Eto.GetInspectorWindow(column), false);

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Column Details");

            s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(container, "Type", column.GetDisplayName());

            s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(container, "Status", column.GraphicObject.Active ? "Active" : "Inactive");

            s.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow(container, "Name", column.GraphicObject.Tag, (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                column.GraphicObject.Tag = arg3.Text;
            }, () =>

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Property Package");

            var proppacks = column.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Select((x) => x.Tag).ToList();

            if (proppacks.Count == 0)
                column.GetFlowsheet().ShowMessage("Error: please add at least one Property Package before continuing.", IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError);
                var    pp         = column.PropertyPackage;
                string selectedpp = "";
                if (pp != null)
                    selectedpp = pp.Tag;
                s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Property Package", proppacks, proppacks.IndexOf(selectedpp), (DropDown arg1, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (proppacks.Count > 0)
                        column.PropertyPackage = (IPropertyPackage)column.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Where((x) => x.Tag == proppacks[arg1.SelectedIndex]).FirstOrDefault();
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Object Properties");

            s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(container, "Define Number of Stages", null, (arg1, e) =>
                var np                  = new Eto.Forms.NumericStepper();
                np.MinValue             = 3;
                np.MaxValue             = 100;
                np.MaximumDecimalPlaces = 0;
                np.Value                = column.NumberOfStages;
                np.ValueChanged        += (sender, e2) =>
                    var refval            = (int)np.Value;
                    column.NumberOfStages = refval;
                    int ne, nep, dif, i;
                    ne  = refval;
                    nep = column.Stages.Count;
                    dif = ne - nep;
                    if (dif != 0)
                        if (dif < 0)
                            column.Stages.RemoveRange(ne - 1, -dif);
                        else if (dif > 0)
                            for (i = 0; i <= dif; i++)
                                column.Stages.Insert(column.Stages.Count - 1, new Stage(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                    P = 101325, Efficiency = 1.0f
                                column.Stages[column.Stages.Count - 2].Name = "Stage " + (column.Stages.Count - 2).ToString();

                s.CreateDialog(np, "Set Number of Stages").ShowModal(container);

            s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(container, "Edit Stages", null, (arg1, e) =>
                var sview = DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(sview, "Edit Stages");
                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(sview, "Number / Name / Pressure");
                var tlist = new List <TextBox>();
                foreach (var stage in column.Stages)
                    tlist.Add(s.CreateAndAddDoubleTextBoxRow(sview, nf, (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) + 1).ToString(), stage.Name, cv.ConvertFromSI(su.pressure, stage.P),
                                                             (arg10, arg20) =>
                        stage.Name = arg10.Text;
                    }, (arg11, arg22) =>
                        if (s.IsValidDouble(arg11.Text))
                            stage.P = cv.ConvertToSI(su.pressure, Double.Parse(arg11.Text));
                            if (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) == 0)
                                column.CondenserPressure = stage.P;
                            else if (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) == column.Stages.Count - 1)
                                column.ReboilerPressure = stage.P;
                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(sview, "Interpolate Pressures", "Interpolate", null, (sender2, e2) =>
                    var first = tlist[0].Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
                    var last  = tlist[tlist.Count - 1].Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
                    var n     = tlist.Count;
                    int i     = 1;
                    for (i = 1; i < n - 1; i++)
                        tlist[i].Text = (first + (last - first) * i / (n - 1)).ToString(nf);
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(sview, "Calculate inner pressures using end stage defined values.");

                var scroll     = new Eto.Forms.Scrollable();
                scroll.Content = sview;

                s.CreateDialog(scroll, "Edit Stages", 600, 600).ShowModal(container);

            var istrs   = column.GraphicObject.InputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Feed")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.Name).ToList();
            var ostrs   = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Side")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var dist    = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Distillate")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var ov      = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Overhead")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var bottoms = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Bottoms")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var rduty   = column.GraphicObject.InputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Reboiler")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.Name).ToList();
            var cduty   = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Condenser")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var id in istrs)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Feed
            foreach (var id in ostrs)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw
            foreach (var id in dist)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Distillate
            foreach (var id in ov)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.OverheadVapor
            foreach (var id in bottoms)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid
            List <string> remove = new List <string>();

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                if (!istrs.Contains(si.StreamID) && !ostrs.Contains(si.StreamID) && !ov.Contains(si.StreamID) && !dist.Contains(si.StreamID) && !bottoms.Contains(si.StreamID))
                if (!column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects.ContainsKey(si.StreamID))
            foreach (var id in remove)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.ContainsKey(id))

            foreach (var id in cduty)
                if (column.EnergyStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.EnergyStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Energy,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Distillate
            foreach (var id in rduty)
                if (column.EnergyStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.EnergyStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Energy,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid
            List <string> remove2 = new List <string>();

            foreach (var si in column.EnergyStreams.Values)
                if (!rduty.Contains(si.StreamID) && !cduty.Contains(si.StreamID))
                if (!column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects.ContainsKey(si.StreamID))
            foreach (var id in remove2)
                if (column.EnergyStreams.ContainsKey(id))

            var stageNames = column.Stages.Select((x) => x.Name).ToList();

            stageNames.Insert(0, "");
            var stageIDs = column.Stages.Select((x) => x.ID).ToList();

            stageIDs.Insert(0, "");

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Streams");

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Feed)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[FEED] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[SIDEDRAW] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.OverheadVapor)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[OVH_VAPOR] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Distillate)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[DISTILLATE] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[BOTTOMS] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
            foreach (var si in column.EnergyStreams.Values)
                if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Distillate)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[COND. DUTY] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[REB. DUTY] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Side Draw Specs");
            var sdphases = new List <string>()
                "L", "V"

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                string sp = "L";
                switch (si.StreamPhase)
                case StreamInformation.Phase.L:
                    sp = "L";

                case StreamInformation.Phase.V:
                    sp = "V";

                case StreamInformation.Phase.B:
                case StreamInformation.Phase.None:
                    sp = "L";
                if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / Draw Phase",
                                              sdphases, sdphases.IndexOf(sp), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        switch (arg1.SelectedIndex)
                        case 0:
                            si.StreamPhase = StreamInformation.Phase.L;

                        case 1:
                            si.StreamPhase = StreamInformation.Phase.V;
                    s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / Molar Flow (" + su.molarflow + ")",
                                             cv.ConvertFromSI(su.molarflow, si.FlowRate.Value), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        if (s.IsValidDouble(arg1.Text))
                            si.FlowRate.Value = cv.ConvertToSI(su.molarflow, Double.Parse(arg1.Text));

            var compounds = column.GetFlowsheet().SelectedCompounds.Keys.ToList();

            compounds.Insert(0, "");
            var specs = StringResources.columnspec();
            var units = su.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.molarflow);

            units.AddRange(new[] { "% M/M", "% W/W", "M", "We" });
            units.Insert(0, "");
            int cspec = 0, rspec = 0;

            switch (column.Specs["C"].SType)
            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Molar_Flow_Rate:
                cspec = 0;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Mass_Flow_Rate:
                cspec = 1;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Stream_Ratio:
                cspec = 2;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Heat_Duty:
                cspec = 3;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Mass_Flow_Rate:
                cspec = 4;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Molar_Flow_Rate:
                cspec = 5;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Recovery:
                cspec = 6;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Fraction:
                cspec = 7;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Temperature:
                cspec = 8;

            switch (column.Specs["R"].SType)
            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Molar_Flow_Rate:
                rspec = 0;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Mass_Flow_Rate:
                rspec = 1;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Stream_Ratio:
                rspec = 2;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Heat_Duty:
                rspec = 3;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Mass_Flow_Rate:
                rspec = 4;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Molar_Flow_Rate:
                rspec = 5;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Recovery:
                rspec = 6;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Fraction:
                rspec = 7;

            case ColumnSpec.SpecType.Temperature:
                rspec = 8;

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Condenser Specification");
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Specification", specs.ToList(), cspec, (arg1, arg2) =>
                switch (arg1.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Molar_Flow_Rate;

                case 1:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Mass_Flow_Rate;

                case 2:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Stream_Ratio;

                case 3:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Heat_Duty;

                case 4:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Mass_Flow_Rate;

                case 5:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Molar_Flow_Rate;

                case 6:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Recovery;

                case 7:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Fraction;

                case 8:
                    column.Specs["C"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Temperature;
            var cid = 0;

            if (compounds.Contains(column.Specs["C"].ComponentID))
                cid = compounds.IndexOf(column.Specs["C"].ComponentID);
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Compound", compounds, cid, (arg3, e) =>
                column.Specs["C"].ComponentID = compounds[arg3.SelectedIndex];
            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, "Value", column.Specs["C"].SpecValue, (arg1, arg2) =>
                if (s.IsValidDouble(arg1.Text))
                    column.Specs["C"].SpecValue = Double.Parse(arg1.Text);
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Units", units, units.IndexOf(column.Specs["C"].SpecUnit),
                                      (arg1, arg2) =>
                column.Specs["C"].SpecUnit = units[arg1.SelectedIndex];

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Reboiler Specification");
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Specification", specs.ToList(), rspec, (arg1, arg2) =>
                switch (arg1.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Molar_Flow_Rate;

                case 1:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Product_Mass_Flow_Rate;

                case 2:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Stream_Ratio;

                case 3:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Heat_Duty;

                case 4:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Mass_Flow_Rate;

                case 5:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Molar_Flow_Rate;

                case 6:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Recovery;

                case 7:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Component_Fraction;

                case 8:
                    column.Specs["R"].SType = ColumnSpec.SpecType.Temperature;
            var cid2 = 0;

            if (compounds.Contains(column.Specs["R"].ComponentID))
                cid2 = compounds.IndexOf(column.Specs["R"].ComponentID);
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Compound", compounds, cid2, (arg3, e) =>
                column.Specs["R"].ComponentID = compounds[arg3.SelectedIndex];
            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, "Value", column.Specs["R"].SpecValue, (arg1, arg2) =>
                if (s.IsValidDouble(arg1.Text))
                    column.Specs["R"].SpecValue = Double.Parse(arg1.Text);
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Units", units, units.IndexOf(column.Specs["R"].SpecUnit),
                                      (arg1, arg2) =>
                column.Specs["R"].SpecUnit = units[arg1.SelectedIndex];

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Solver Settings");

            var methods = new string[] { "Wang-Henke (Bubble Point)", "Napthali-Sandholm (Simultaneous Correction)" };

            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Solving Method", methods.ToList(), methods.ToList().IndexOf(column.SolvingMethodName), (sender, e) =>
                column.SolvingMethodName = sender.SelectedValue.ToString();

            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, "N0", "Maximum Iterations", column.MaxIterations,
                                     (sender, e) =>
                if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                    column.MaxIterations = (int)sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, "Convergence Tolerance", column.ExternalLoopTolerance,
                                     (sender, e) =>
                if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                    column.ExternalLoopTolerance = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
                    column.InternalLoopTolerance = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

Esempio n. 8
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.cookbookButton              = new Button();
            this.label1                      = new Label();
            this.versionLabel                = new Label();
            this.label3                      = new Label();
            this.groupBox1                   = new GroupBox();
            this.groupBox2                   = new GroupBox();
            this.label16                     = new Label();
            this.MultiAxisLockButton         = new Button();
            this.richTextBox1                = new Label();
            this.label15                     = new Label();
            this.btnColormapViewer           = new Button();
            this.label14                     = new Label();
            this.AxisLimitsButton            = new Button();
            this.label13                     = new Label();
            this.ScrollViewerButton          = new Button();
            this.label12                     = new Label();
            this.RightClickMenuButton        = new Button();
            this.PlotViewerButton            = new Button();
            this.label11                     = new Label();
            this.label10                     = new Label();
            this.btnShowOnHover              = new Button();
            this.label9                      = new Label();
            this.label8                      = new Label();
            this.GrowingData                 = new Button();
            this.LiveData                    = new Button();
            this.label7                      = new Label();
            this.LinkedAxesButton            = new Button();
            this.label6                      = new Label();
            this.ConfigButton                = new Button();
            this.label5                      = new Label();
            this.ToggleVisibilityButton      = new Button();
            this.MouseTrackerButton          = new Button();
            this.label2                      = new Label();
            this.label4                      = new Label();
            this.TransparentBackgroundButton = new Button();
            this.StyleBrowserButton          = new Button();
            this.label17                     = new Label();

            var layout = new DynamicLayout {
                Rows = { label1, versionLabel, groupBox1, groupBox2 }, Spacing = Size.Empty + 4

            this.Content = new Scrollable {
                Content = layout, Border = BorderType.None

            this.groupBox1.Content = new DynamicLayout()
                Rows = { new DynamicRow(cookbookButton, label3) }, Spacing = Size.Empty + 4

            var layout2 = new DynamicLayout();

            layout2.BeginVertical(padding: 4);
            layout2.BeginVertical(spacing: Size.Empty + 4);
            layout2.AddRow(PlotViewerButton, label11);
            layout2.AddRow(MouseTrackerButton, label4);
            layout2.AddRow(ToggleVisibilityButton, label5);
            layout2.AddRow(ConfigButton, label6);
            layout2.AddRow(LinkedAxesButton, label7);
            layout2.AddRow(LiveData, label8);
            layout2.AddRow(GrowingData, label9);
            layout2.AddRow(btnShowOnHover, label10);
            layout2.AddRow(TransparentBackgroundButton, label2);
            layout2.AddRow(RightClickMenuButton, label12);
            layout2.AddRow(ScrollViewerButton, label13);
            layout2.AddRow(AxisLimitsButton, label14);
            layout2.AddRow(btnColormapViewer, label15);
            layout2.AddRow(MultiAxisLockButton, label16);
            layout2.AddRow(StyleBrowserButton, label17);
            this.groupBox2.Content = layout2;

            Helpers.SetPaddingRecursive(this, 5);

            // cookbookButton
            this.cookbookButton.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(235)))), ((int)(((byte)(240)))), ((int)(((byte)(161)))));
            this.cookbookButton.Size            = new Size(75, 59);
            this.cookbookButton.Text            = "Launch ScottPlot Cookbook";
            // label1
            this.label1.Font = Fonts.Sans(16);
            this.label1.Size = new Size(160, 25);
            this.label1.Text = "ScottPlot Demo";
            // versionLabel
            this.versionLabel.Text = "version 9.9.99";
            // label3
            this.label3.Size = new Size(208, 59);
            this.label3.Text = "Simple examples that demonstrate the primary features of ScottPlot";
            this.label3.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label3.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // groupBox1
            this.groupBox1.Text = "ScottPlot Cookbook";
            // groupBox2
            this.groupBox2.Text = "Eto.Forms Control Demos";
            // label16
            this.label16.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label16.Text = "Selectively pan/zoom individual axes in multi-axis plots";
            this.label16.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label16.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // MultiAxisLockButton
            this.MultiAxisLockButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.MultiAxisLockButton.Text = "Multi-Axis Lock";
            // richTextBox1
            this.richTextBox1.BackgroundColor = SystemColors.Control;
            this.richTextBox1.Size            = new Size(291, 111);
            this.richTextBox1.Text            = @"These examples demonstrate advanced functionality for the Eto.Forms ScottPlot control (PlotView).
Source code for these demos can be found on the ScottPlot Demo Website along with additional information and advanced implementation recommendations.";
            // label15
            this.label15.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label15.Text = "Show available colormaps";
            this.label15.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label15.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // btnColormapViewer
            this.btnColormapViewer.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.btnColormapViewer.Text = "Colormap Viewer";
            // label14
            this.label14.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label14.Text = "Demonstrate how axis boundaries can be used to constrain axis limits in interactive plots";
            this.label14.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label14.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // AxisLimitsButton
            this.AxisLimitsButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.AxisLimitsButton.Text = "Axis Limits";
            // label13
            this.label13.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label13.Text = "Display multiple plots in a scrolling control";
            this.label13.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label13.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // ScrollViewerButton
            this.ScrollViewerButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.ScrollViewerButton.Text = "Plot in a Scroll Viewer";
            // label12
            this.label12.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label12.Text = "Display a custom menu (or perform a different action) when the control is right-clicked";
            this.label12.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label12.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // RightClickMenuButton
            this.RightClickMenuButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.RightClickMenuButton.Text = "Custom Right- Click Menu";
            // PlotViewerButton
            this.PlotViewerButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.PlotViewerButton.Text = "Plot Viewer";
            // label11
            this.label11.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label11.Text = "Create a ScottPlot programmatically then display it in an interactive window";
            this.label11.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label11.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // label10
            this.label10.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label10.Text = "Display the value of the data point nearest the cursor";
            this.label10.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label10.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // btnShowOnHover
            this.btnShowOnHover.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.btnShowOnHover.Text = "Show Value on Hover";
            // label9
            this.label9.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label9.Text = "Display live data that grows with time";
            this.label9.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label9.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // label8
            this.label8.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label8.Text = "Display live data from a fixed-length array that continuously changes";
            this.label8.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label8.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // GrowingData
            this.GrowingData.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.GrowingData.Text = "Growing Data";
            // LiveData
            this.LiveData.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.LiveData.Text = "Live Data";
            // label7
            this.label7.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label7.Text = "Link the axes of two plots together so adjusting one changes the other";
            this.label7.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label7.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // LinkedAxesButton
            this.LinkedAxesButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.LinkedAxesButton.Text = "Linked Axes";
            // label6
            this.label6.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label6.Text = "Advanced styling and behavior customization";
            this.label6.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label6.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // ConfigButton
            this.ConfigButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.ConfigButton.Text = "FormsPlot Config";
            // label5
            this.label5.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label5.Text = "Checkboxes control visibility of individual plot objects";
            this.label5.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label5.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // ToggleVisibilityButton
            this.ToggleVisibilityButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.ToggleVisibilityButton.Text = "Toggle Visibility";
            // MouseTrackerButton
            this.MouseTrackerButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.MouseTrackerButton.Text = "Mouse Tracker";
            // label2
            this.label2.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label2.Text = "Demonstrate a control with a transparent background";
            this.label2.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label2.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // label4
            this.label4.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label4.Text = "Display the position under the mouse cursor";
            this.label4.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label4.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // TransparentBackgroundButton
            this.TransparentBackgroundButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.TransparentBackgroundButton.Text = "Transparent Background";
            // StyleBrowserButton
            this.StyleBrowserButton.Size = new Size(75, 47);
            this.StyleBrowserButton.Text = "Style Browser";
            // label17
            this.label17.Size = new Size(210, 47);
            this.label17.Text = "View available predefined styles";
            this.label17.VerticalAlignment = global::Eto.Forms.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            this.label17.TextAlignment     = global::Eto.Forms.TextAlignment.Left;
            // FormMain
            this.Shown += (o, e) =>
                this.Location = (Point)Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Center - this.Size / 2;
            this.Width  = 400;
            this.Height = (int)Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height * 3 / 4;
            this.Title  = "ScottPlot Demo (Eto.Forms)";
        private void InitializeComponent()
            Title       = "New File";
            DisplayMode = DialogDisplayMode.Attached;
            Size        = new Size(370, 285);
            MinimumSize = new Size(370, 200);
            Resizable   = true;

            buttonCreate      = new Button();
            buttonCreate.Text = "Create";
            DefaultButton = buttonCreate;

            buttonCancel      = new Button();
            buttonCancel.Text = "Cancel";
            AbortButton = buttonCancel;

            layout1         = new DynamicLayout();
            layout1.Padding = new Padding(6);

            table1         = new TableLayout(2, 3);
            table1.Spacing = new Size(4, 4);

            labelName      = new Label();
            labelName.Text = "Name: ";
            labelName.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            table1.Add(labelName, 0, 0, false, false);

            layout2 = new DynamicLayout();
            layout2.DefaultSpacing = new Size(4, 4);

            textBox1 = new TextBox();
            layout2.Add(textBox1, true, true);

            labelExt      = new Label();
            labelExt.Text = " .spriteFont";
            labelExt.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            labelExt.Width             = 80;
            layout2.Add(labelExt, false, true);

            table1.Add(layout2, 1, 0, true, false);

            labelType      = new Label();
            labelType.Text = "Type: ";
            labelType.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            table1.Add(labelType, 0, 1, false, true);

            list1 = new ListBox();
            table1.Add(list1, 1, 1, true, true);

            layout1.Add(table1, true, true);

            labelError = new Label();
            labelError.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            table1.Add(labelError, 1, 2, true, false);

            layout1.Add(labelError, true, false);

            Content = layout1;

            textBox1.TextChanged       += TextBox1_TextChanged;
            list1.SelectedIndexChanged += List1_SelectedIndexChanged;
            buttonCreate.Click         += ButtonCreate_Click;
            buttonCancel.Click         += ButtonCancel_Click;
Esempio n. 10
        private DynamicLayout Init(out GridView gd)
            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(5);
            layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);

            var addNew = new Button {
                Text = "Add"

            addNew.Command = _vm.AddCommand;

            var duplicate = new Button {
                Text = "Duplicate"

            duplicate.Command = _vm.DuplicateCommand;

            var edit = new Button {
                Text = "Edit"

            edit.Command = _vm.EditCommand;

            var remove = new Button {
                Text = "Remove"

            remove.Command = _vm.RemoveCommand;

            layout.AddSeparateRow("Modifiers:", null, addNew, duplicate, edit, remove);

            // search bar
            var filter = new TextBox()
                PlaceholderText = "Filter"

            filter.TextBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.FilterKey);

            gd = GenGridView();
            layout.AddSeparateRow(controls: new[] { gd }, xscale: true, yscale: true);

            // counts
            var counts = new Label();

            counts.TextBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.Counts);

            layout.AddSeparateRow(counts, null);

            var OKButton = new Button {
                Text = "OK"

            OKButton.Click += (sender, e) => OkCommand.Execute(null);

            AbortButton = new Button {
                Text = "Cancel"
            AbortButton.Click += (sender, e) => Close();
            layout.AddSeparateRow(null, OKButton, AbortButton, null);

            gd.CellDoubleClick += (s, e) => _vm.EditCommand.Execute(null);

Esempio n. 11
 public FormBuilder()
     _layout = new DynamicLayout();
     _layout.DefaultPadding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5);
Esempio n. 12
        void Initialize()
            var su  = MatStream.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf  = MatStream.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;
            var nff = MatStream.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.FractionNumberFormat;

            var container2 = new DynamicLayout();

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Material Stream Property Editor");

            s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container, "Except for compound amounts, property values are updated/stored as they are changed/edited.");

            if ((Host.Items.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(MatStream.GraphicObject.Tag)).Count() > 0))
                var ctn = new DynamicLayout();
                ctn.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightGrey;
                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(ctn, "Inspector Reports");
                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(ctn, "An Inspector Report is ready for viewing.", "View Report", null, (btn, e) =>
                    var f = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Inspector Report for '" + MatStream.GraphicObject.Tag + "'", 1024, 768, Window2_Eto.GetInspectorWindow(MatStream), false);

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Material Stream Details");

            s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(container, "Status", MatStream.GraphicObject.Active ? "Active" : "Inactive");

            s.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow(container, "Name", MatStream.GraphicObject.Tag, (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                MatStream.GraphicObject.Tag = arg3.Text;
            }, () => {

            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Compound Amount Basis",
                                      new List <string>()
                "Molar Fractions", "Mass Fractions", "Volumetric Fractions", "Molar Flows", "Mass Flows", "Volumetric Flows", "Default"
                                      (int)MatStream.FloatingTableAmountBasis, (sender, e) =>
                MatStream.FloatingTableAmountBasis = (DWSIM.Interfaces.Enums.CompositionBasis)sender.SelectedIndex;
            s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container, "Select the basis to display compound amounts in floating tables, if enabled.");

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Property Package");

            var proppacks = MatStream.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Select((x) => x.Tag).ToList();

            if (proppacks.Count == 0)
                MatStream.GetFlowsheet().ShowMessage("Error: please add at least one Property Package before continuing.", IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError);
                var selectedpp = MatStream.PropertyPackage.Tag;
                s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Property Package", proppacks, proppacks.IndexOf(selectedpp), (DropDown arg1, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (proppacks.Count > 0)
                        MatStream.PropertyPackage = (PropertyPackage)MatStream.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Where((x) => x.Tag == proppacks[arg1.SelectedIndex]).FirstOrDefault();
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            var flashalgos = MatStream.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.FlashAlgorithms.Select(x => x.Tag).ToList();

            flashalgos.Insert(0, "Default");

            var cbFlashAlg = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Flash Algorithm", flashalgos, 0, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MatStream.PreferredFlashAlgorithmTag))
                cbFlashAlg.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(flashalgos.ToArray(), MatStream.PreferredFlashAlgorithmTag);
                cbFlashAlg.SelectedIndex = 0;

            cbFlashAlg.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                MatStream.PreferredFlashAlgorithmTag = cbFlashAlg.SelectedValue.ToString();
                if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)


            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container2, "State Specification");

            switch (MatStream.GraphicObject.ObjectType)
            case ObjectType.MaterialStream:
                var    ms       = MatStream;
                int    position = 0;
                Double val;
                switch (ms.SpecType)
                case StreamSpec.Temperature_and_Pressure:
                    position = 0;

                case StreamSpec.Temperature_and_VaporFraction:
                    position = 1;

                case StreamSpec.Pressure_and_VaporFraction:
                    position = 2;

                case StreamSpec.Pressure_and_Enthalpy:
                    position = 3;

                case StreamSpec.Pressure_and_Entropy:
                    position = 4;

                s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container2, "Specified Variables", StringResources.flash_spec().ToList(), position, (DropDown arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    switch (arg3.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        ms.SpecType = StreamSpec.Temperature_and_Pressure;

                    case 1:
                        ms.SpecType = StreamSpec.Temperature_and_VaporFraction;

                    case 2:
                        ms.SpecType = StreamSpec.Pressure_and_VaporFraction;

                    case 3:
                        ms.SpecType = StreamSpec.Pressure_and_Enthalpy;

                    case 4:
                        ms.SpecType = StreamSpec.Pressure_and_Entropy;
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Flash Specification"));
                s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.temperature, ms.Phases[0].Properties.temperature.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                         (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.temperature = cv.ConvertToSI(su.temperature, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Temperature"));
                var txtP = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.pressure, ms.Phases[0].Properties.pressure.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                                    (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.pressure = cv.ConvertToSI(su.pressure, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Pressure"));
                s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Specific Enthalpy (" + su.enthalpy + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.enthalpy, ms.Phases[0].Properties.enthalpy.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                         (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.enthalpy = cv.ConvertToSI(su.enthalpy, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Specific Enthalpy"));
                s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Specific Entropy (" + su.entropy + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.entropy, ms.Phases[0].Properties.entropy.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                         (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.entropy = cv.ConvertToSI(su.entropy, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Specific Entropy"));

                s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Vapor Phase Mole Fraction (spec)", ms.Phases[2].Properties.molarfraction.GetValueOrDefault(),
                                         (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[2].Properties.molarfraction = arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble();
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Vapor Phase Mole Fraction (spec)"));

                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container2, "Flow Specification");

                var txtW = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Mass Flow (" + su.massflow + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.massflow, ms.Phases[0].Properties.massflow.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                                    (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.volumetric_flow = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow       = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.massflow        = cv.ConvertToSI(su.massflow, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Mass Flow"));
                var txtQ = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Molar Flow (" + su.molarflow + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.molarflow, ms.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                                    (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.massflow        = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.volumetric_flow = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow       = cv.ConvertToSI(su.molarflow, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Molar Flow"));
                var txtV = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, "Volumetric Flow (" + su.volumetricFlow + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.volumetricFlow, ms.Phases[0].Properties.volumetric_flow.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                                    (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (arg3.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression())
                        arg3.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.massflow        = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow       = null;
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.volumetric_flow = cv.ConvertToSI(su.volumetricFlow, arg3.Text.ToString().ParseExpressionToDouble());
                        arg3.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, ms.GetPropertyDescription("Volumetric Flow"));

                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container2, "Mixture Composition");

                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container2, "Composition changes will only be committed after clicking on the 'Accept' button.");

                DropDown spinner1 = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container2, "Amount Basis", StringResources.mscompinputtype().ToList(), 0, null);

                var tblist = new List <TextBox>();

                foreach (var comp0 in ms.GetFlowsheet().SelectedCompounds.Values)
                    var comp = ms.Phases[0].Compounds[comp0.Name];
                    var tbox = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container2, nf, comp.Name, comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault(),
                                                        (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) => { });
                    tbox.Tag = comp.Name;

                spinner1.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    var W = ms.Phases[0].Properties.massflow.GetValueOrDefault();
                    var Q = ms.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow.GetValueOrDefault();
                    switch (spinner1.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            etext.Text = ms.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nff);

                    case 1:
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            etext.Text = ms.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nff);

                    case 2:
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            etext.Text = (ms.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * Q).ConvertFromSI(su.molarflow).ToString(nff);

                    case 3:
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            etext.Text = (ms.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * W).ConvertFromSI(su.massflow).ToString(nff);

                Double total = 0.0f;

                var btnNormalize = new Button {
                    Text = "Normalize"
                btnNormalize.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, s.GetEditorFontSize());

                btnNormalize.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    total = 0.0f;
                    foreach (var etext in tblist)
                        if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                            etext.TextColor = (SystemColors.ControlText);
                            total          += Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString());
                            etext.TextColor = (Colors.Red);
                            //Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Error parsing '" + etext.Text + "' for " + (String)etext.Tag + ", not a valid number. Please input a valid number and try again.", ToastLength.Short).Show();
                    foreach (var etext in tblist)
                        if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                            etext.Text = (Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString()) / total).ToString(nff);

                var btnEqualize = new Button {
                    Text = "Equalize"
                btnEqualize.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, s.GetEditorFontSize());

                btnEqualize.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    foreach (var etext in tblist)
                        etext.Text = (1.0 / tblist.Count).ToString(nff);

                var btnClear = new Button {
                    Text = "Clear"
                btnClear.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, s.GetEditorFontSize());

                btnClear.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    foreach (var etext in tblist)
                        etext.Text = 0.0f.ToString(nff);

                var btnAccept = new Button {
                    Text = "Accept/Update"
                btnAccept.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, s.GetEditorFontSize());

                btnAccept.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    Double W, Q, mtotal = 0.0f, mmtotal = 0.0f;

                    total = 0.0f;

                    switch (spinner1.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:

                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                                MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MoleFraction = Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString());
                                //Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Error parsing '" + etext.Text + "' for " + (String)etext.Tag + ", not a valid number. Please input a valid number and try again.", ToastLength.Short).Show();

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            mtotal += comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight;

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            comp.MassFraction = comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight / mtotal;


                    case 1:

                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                                MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MassFraction = Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString());
                                //Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Error parsing '" + etext.Text + "' for " + (String)etext.Tag + ", not a valid number. Please input a valid number and try again.", ToastLength.Short).Show();

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            mmtotal += comp.MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() / comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight;

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            comp.MoleFraction = comp.MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() / comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight / mmtotal;


                    case 2:

                        total = 0;
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                                total += Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString());
                                //Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Error parsing '" + etext.Text + "' for " + (String)etext.Tag + ", not a valid number. Please input a valid number and try again.", ToastLength.Short).Show();

                        Q = cv.ConvertToSI(su.molarflow, total);
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MoleFraction = Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString()) / total;

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            mtotal += comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight;

                        W = 0;
                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            comp.MassFraction = comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight / mtotal;
                            W += comp.MoleFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight / 1000 * Q;

                        MatStream.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow = Q;
                        MatStream.Phases[0].Properties.massflow  = W;

                        txtQ.Text = cv.ConvertFromSI(su.molarflow, Q).ToString(nf);


                    case 3:

                        total = 0;
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            if (Double.TryParse(etext.Text.ToString(), out val))
                                total += Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString());
                                //Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Error parsing '" + etext.Text + "' for " + (String)etext.Tag + ", not a valid number. Please input a valid number and try again.", ToastLength.Short).Show();

                        W = cv.ConvertToSI(su.massflow, total);
                        foreach (var etext in tblist)
                            MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds[(String)etext.Tag].MassFraction = Double.Parse(etext.Text.ToString()) / total;

                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            mmtotal += comp.MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() / comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight;

                        Q = 0;
                        foreach (var comp in MatStream.Phases[0].Compounds.Values)
                            comp.MoleFraction = comp.MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() / comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight / mmtotal;
                            Q += comp.MassFraction.GetValueOrDefault() * W / comp.ConstantProperties.Molar_Weight * 1000;

                        MatStream.Phases[0].Properties.molarflow = Q;
                        MatStream.Phases[0].Properties.massflow  = W;

                        txtW.Text = cv.ConvertFromSI(su.massflow, W).ToString(nf);


                    if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndTwoButtonsRow(container2, "Copy/Paste", "Copy Data", null, "Paste Data", null,
                                                    (btn1, e1) =>
                    string data = "";
                    foreach (var tb in tblist)
                        data += tb.Tag.ToString() + "\t" + tb.Text + "\n";
                    Clipboard.Instance.Text = data;
                                                    (btn2, e2) =>
                    if (Clipboard.Instance.ContainsText)
                        var textdata = Clipboard.Instance.Text;
                        var data     = textdata.Split(new[] { '\n', '\t', ' ' });
                        int i        = 0;
                        foreach (var line in data)
                            if (line != " " && line != "\t" && line != "\n" && i < tblist.Count)
                                tblist[i].Text = line.Trim();
                                i += 1;

                s.CreateAndAddControlRow(container2, btnAccept);
                s.CreateAndAddControlRow(container2, btnNormalize);
                s.CreateAndAddControlRow(container2, btnEqualize);
                s.CreateAndAddControlRow(container2, btnClear);


                if (ms.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].IsAttached &&
                    ms.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.ObjectType != ObjectType.OT_Recycle)
                    if (!ms.GetFlowsheet().DynamicMode)
                        container2.Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 13
        public CacheDialog(ManagerForm managerForm)
            Title      = "Log cache - arcdps Log Manager";
            ClientSize = new Size(500, -1);
            var formLayout = new DynamicLayout();

            var item = new Button {
                Text = "Close"

            item.Click += (sender, args) => Close();

            var deleteButton = new Button
                Text = "Delete the cache",

            var pruneButton = new Button
                Text = "Prune missing logs",

            var countLabel = new Label {
                Text = "Not loaded"
            var unloadedCountLabel = new Label {
                Text = "Not loaded"
            var sizeLabel = new Label {
                Text = "No file"

            formLayout.BeginVertical(new Padding(10), new Size(0, 0));
                formLayout.AddRow(new Label
                    Text = "The processed contents of logs are saved in a cache file to save time. " +
                           "You can delete the cached results here to process the logs again or prune " +
                           "results for logs that are not in the scanned directory anymore.",
                    Wrap = WrapMode.Word
            formLayout.BeginVertical(new Padding(10), new Size(5, 5));
                UpdateLabelTexts(managerForm, countLabel, unloadedCountLabel, sizeLabel);
                formLayout.AddRow(new Label {
                    Text = "Total cached logs:"
                }, countLabel);
                formLayout.AddRow(new Label {
                    Text = "Unloaded cached logs:"
                }, unloadedCountLabel);
                formLayout.AddRow(new Label {
                    Text = "Cache file size:"
                }, sizeLabel);
            formLayout.BeginVertical(new Padding(10), new Size(5, 5));

            pruneButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                int unloadedLogs = managerForm.LogCache?.GetUnloadedLogCount(managerForm.LoadedLogs) ?? 0;
                if (MessageBox.Show(
                        $"Prune the cache? {unloadedLogs} results of currently unloaded logs will be forgotten. " +
                        "If the logs are added back in the future, they will have to be processed again.",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Ok)
                    int pruned = managerForm.LogCache?.Prune(managerForm.LoadedLogs) ?? 0;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Cache pruned, {pruned} results forgotten.");
                    UpdateLabelTexts(managerForm, countLabel, unloadedCountLabel, sizeLabel);

            deleteButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                int logCount = managerForm.LogCache?.LogCount ?? 0;
                if (MessageBox.Show(
                        $"Delete the cache? The results of all {logCount} cached logs will be forgotten. " +
                        "All logs will have to be processed again.",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Ok)
                    MessageBox.Show($"Cache deleted, {logCount} results forgotten.");
                    UpdateLabelTexts(managerForm, countLabel, unloadedCountLabel, sizeLabel);

            UpdateLabelTexts(managerForm, countLabel, unloadedCountLabel, sizeLabel);

            Content = formLayout;
Esempio n. 14
        private GroupBox GenUserDataPanel()
            var vm = this._vm;

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.Bind((t) => t.Enabled, vm, v => v.UserData.IsPanelEnabled);

            layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(4, 4);
            layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(4);

            var add = new Button()
                Text = "Add"
            var edit = new Button()
                Text = "Edit"
            var remove = new Button()
                Text = "Remove"

            layout.AddSeparateRow(null, add, edit, remove);

            var gd = new GridView();

            gd.Width  = 350;
            gd.Height = 360;
            gd.Bind(_ => _.DataStore, _vm, _ => _.UserData.GridViewDataCollection);
            gd.SelectedItemsChanged += (s, e) =>
                _vm.UserData.SelectedItem = gd.SelectedItem as UserDataItem;

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <UserDataItem, string>(r => r.Key)
                HeaderText = "Key",
                Width      = 100
            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <UserDataItem, string>(r => r.Value)
                HeaderText = "Value",
                Width      = 250


            add.Bind(_ => _.Command, vm, _ => _.UserData.AddDataCommand);
            edit.Bind(_ => _.Command, vm, _ => _.UserData.EditDataCommand);
            remove.Bind(_ => _.Command, vm, _ => _.UserData.RemoveDataCommand);

            var ltnByProgram = new CheckBox()
                Text = ReservedText.NoUserData

            ltnByProgram.CheckedBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.UserData.IsCheckboxChecked);

            var gp = new GroupBox()
                Text = "User Data", Height = 470

            gp.Content = new StackLayout(ltnByProgram, layout)
                Spacing = 4, Padding = new Padding(4)

Esempio n. 15
        private GroupBox GenVentPanel()
            var vm = this._vm;

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.Bind((t) => t.Enabled, vm, v => v.VentilationOpening.IsPanelEnabled);
            //layout.Bind((t) => t.Visible, vm, v => v.VentilationOpening.IsPanelEnabled);

            // double fractionAreaOperable = 0.5, double fractionHeightOperable = 1, double dischargeCoefficient = 0.45,
            // bool windCrossVent = false, double flowCoefficientClosed = 0, double flowExponentClosed = 0.65, double twoWayThreshold = 0.0001

            layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(4, 4);
            layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(4);

            var wPerArea = new DoubleText();

            wPerArea.Width        = 250;
            wPerArea.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            wPerArea.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.FractionAreaOperable.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Fraction Area Operable:");

            var radFraction = new DoubleText();

            radFraction.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            radFraction.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.FractionHeightOperable.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Fraction Height Operable:");

            var visFraction = new DoubleText();

            visFraction.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            visFraction.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.DischargeCoefficient.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Discharge Coefficient:");

            var autosize = new CheckBox()
                Text = "WindCrossVent"

            autosize.CheckedBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.WindCrossVent.IsChecked);

            var airFraction = new DoubleText();

            airFraction.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            airFraction.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.FlowCoefficientClosed.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Flow Coefficient Closed:");

            var delta = new DoubleText();

            delta.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            delta.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.FlowExponentClosed.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Flow Exponent Closed:");

            var twoWay = new DoubleText();

            twoWay.ReservedText = ReservedText.Varies;
            twoWay.TextBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.TwoWayThreshold.NumberText);
            layout.AddRow("Two Way Threshold:");


            var ltnByProgram = new CheckBox()
                Text = ReservedText.NoControl

            ltnByProgram.CheckedBinding.Bind(vm, _ => _.VentilationOpening.IsCheckboxChecked);

            var gp = new GroupBox()
                Text = "Ventilation Opening", Height = 470

            gp.Content = new StackLayout(ltnByProgram, layout)
                Spacing = 4, Padding = new Padding(4)

Esempio n. 16
        private GroupBox GenEnergyPanel()
            var gp = new GroupBox()
                Text = "Energy"

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(4, 4);
            layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(4);

            var c = new Button();

            c.Width = 250;
            c.Bind(_ => _.Enabled, _vm, v => v.Construction.IsBtnEnabled);
            c.TextBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.Construction.BtnName);
            c.Command = this._vm.ConstructionCommand;
            var cByRoom = new CheckBox()
                Text = ReservedText.ByGlobalSetting

            cByRoom.CheckedBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.Construction.IsCheckboxChecked);

            layout.AddRow("Construction:", cByRoom);
            layout.AddRow(null, c);

            // boundary condition
            var bcText = new TextBox();

            bcText.TextBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.BoundaryConditionText);

            var bcDP = new DropDown()
                Height = 24, DataStore = _vm.BoundaryConditionTexts

            bcDP.SelectedValueBinding.Bind(_vm, _ => _.BoundaryConditionText);
            bcDP.Visible      = false;
            bcText.MouseDown += (s, e) => {
                bcText.Visible = false;
                bcDP.Visible   = true;
            bcDP.LostFocus += (s, e) => {
                bcText.Visible = true;
                bcDP.Visible   = false;

            var typeDp = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.AddRow("Boundary Condition:", typeDp);

            // outdoor bc
            var outdoorBc = CreateOutdoorLayout();

            layout.AddRow(null, outdoorBc);
            var surfaceBc = CreateSurfaceLayout();

            layout.AddRow(null, surfaceBc);

            gp.Content = layout;
Esempio n. 17
        private void InitializeComponent()

            lblTitle                   = new Label();
            lblTitle.Text              = "lblTitle";
            lblTitle.TextAlignment     = TextAlignment.Left;
            lblTitle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            Shape1 = new Scrollable();
            Shape1.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
            Shape1.Border          = BorderType.Line;
            Shape1.Height          = 50;
            Shape1.Content         = new DefStackLayout(Orientation.Horizontal)
                Items = { lblTitle }

            Image1      = new Eto.Forms.ImageView();
            Image1.Size = new Size(41, 43);

            var imgLayout = new DefStackLayout(Orientation.Vertical);

            imgLayout.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            imgLayout.VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            Shape2 = new Scrollable();
            Shape2.BackgroundColor = Colors.Gray;
            Shape2.Border          = BorderType.Line;
            Shape2.Width           = 100;
            Shape2.Content         = imgLayout;

            txtTip                   = new Label();
            txtTip.Wrap              = WrapMode.Word;
            txtTip.TextAlignment     = TextAlignment.Left;
            txtTip.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            Shape3 = new Scrollable();
            Shape3.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
            Shape3.Border          = BorderType.Line;
            Shape3.Height          = 204;
            Shape3.Content         = new DefTableLayout()
                Rows = { new TableRow(txtTip)
                             ScaleHeight = true
                         } }

            var panel1 = new DynamicLayout();


            chkShow         = new CheckBox();
            chkShow.Checked = true;
            chkShow.Text    = "chkShow";

            btnNextTip        = new Button();
            btnNextTip.Size   = new Size(130, 26);
            btnNextTip.Text   = "btnNextTip";
            btnNextTip.Click += btnNextTip_Click;

            btnClose = new Button();
            btnClose.ImagePosition = ButtonImagePosition.Left;
            btnClose.Size          = new Size(130, 26);
            btnClose.Text          = "btnClose";
            btnClose.Click        += CancelClickHandler;

            Content = new DefTableLayout {
                Rows =
                    new TableRow {
                        ScaleHeight = true,
                        Cells       = { panel1 }
                    UIHelper.MakeDialogFooter(chkShow, null, btnNextTip, btnClose)

            AbortButton = btnClose;
            Title       = " ";
            Topmost     = true;

            SetPredefProperties(550, 310);
            lblTitle.Font = new Font("Arial", 16F, FontStyle.Bold);

Esempio n. 18
            public SettingsDialog(bool inGame)
                Title         = + " Settings";
                ShowInTaskbar = true;

                //Size = new Eto.Drawing.Size(640, 320);
                Topmost = true;

                TableLayout layout = new TableLayout()
                    Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5),

                layout.Rows.Add(new TableRow
                                    new Panel()
                    Content = new TabControl()
                        Pages =
                            new TabPage()
                                Text    = "tab1",
                                Content = new Button()
                                    Text = "tabbutton1",

                            new TabPage()
                                Text = "tab2",
                    Size = new Eto.Drawing.Size(640, 320)

                DynamicLayout buttonLayout = new DynamicLayout()
                    Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5),
                    Spacing = new Eto.Drawing.Size(5, 5),


                buttonLayout.Add(new Label {
                    Text = Program.versionDisplay.ToString()
                buttonLayout.Add(AddButton(inGame ? "OK" : "Start", OnOkClick));
                buttonLayout.Add(AddButton(inGame ? "Cancel" : "Exit", OnCancelClick));
                buttonLayout.Add(AddButton("Apply", OnApplyClick));

                //layout.SetRowScale(layout.Rows.Count-1, false);

                Content = layout;
Esempio n. 19
 public DistillationColumnEditor(ISimulationObject selectedobject, DynamicLayout layout)
     column    = (DistillationColumn)selectedobject;
     container = layout;
        private void InitContent()
            var fileLabel = new Label {
                Text = DefaultInputFileLabel + MissingFileNameLabel, Width = Size.Width, Wrap = WrapMode.None
            var openFileButton = new Button {
                Height = 40, Text = OpenFileButtonLabel
            var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            var folderLabel    = new Label {
                Text = DefaultInputFolderLabel + MissingFolderNameLabel, Width = Size.Width, Wrap = WrapMode.None
            var openFolderButton = new Button {
                Height = 40, Width = 100, Text = OpenFolderButtonLabel
            var openFolderDialog = new SelectFolderDialog();
            var checkBox         = new CheckBox {
                Height = 50, Text = EnableInPlaceSplittingDesc
            var startSplittingButton = new Button {
                Enabled = false, Height = 10, Text = StartWorkButtonLabel

            openFileButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    _inputFile = openFileDialog.FileName;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    _inputFile = null;

                startSplittingButton.Enabled = _inputFile != null;
                fileLabel.Text = DefaultInputFileLabel + (_inputFile ?? MissingFileNameLabel);

            openFolderButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    _outputFolder = openFolderDialog.Directory;
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    _outputFolder = null;

                folderLabel.Text = DefaultInputFolderLabel + (_outputFolder ?? MissingFolderNameLabel);

            checkBox.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) =>
                _inPlace = checkBox.Checked ?? false;

            startSplittingButton.Click += ProgressAsync;

            var layout = new DynamicLayout
                new TableLayout
                Padding = 3

                new TableLayout
                    new TableRow(checkBox, startSplittingButton)
                Padding = 3

            Content = layout;
Esempio n. 21
        void Initialize()
            container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction ID");

            container.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("Name", "", rx.Name, (sender, e) => { rx.Name = sender.Text; });

            DynamicLayout p1, p2;

            TableLayout t1;

            p1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            p2 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

            p1.Width = 420;

            t1 = new TableLayout();
            t1.Rows.Add(new TableRow(p1, p2));

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Compounds and Stoichiometry (Include / Name / Heat of Formation (kJ/kg) / Stoich. Coeff. / Direct Order Exponent / Reverse Order Exponent)");

            var compcontainer = new DynamicLayout();

            Double val;

            foreach (ICompoundConstantProperties comp in flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values)
                var chk = new CheckBox()
                    Text = comp.Name, Checked = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? true : false)
                chk.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name))
                        rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, 0, false, 0, 0));

                var sc = new TextBox()
                    Width = (int)(sf * 30), Text = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? rx.Components[comp.Name].StoichCoeff.ToString() : 0.0f.ToString())

                sc.TextChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    if (Double.TryParse(sc.Text.ToString(), out val))
                        sc.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                        if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name))
                            rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, Double.Parse(sc.Text), false, 0, 0));
                            rx.Components[comp.Name].StoichCoeff = double.Parse(sc.Text);
                        sc.TextColor = Colors.Red;

                var txtdo = new TextBox()
                    Width = (int)(sf * 30), Text = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? rx.Components[comp.Name].DirectOrder.ToString() : 0.0f.ToString())

                txtdo.TextChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    if (Double.TryParse(txtdo.Text.ToString(), out val))
                        txtdo.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                        if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name))
                            rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, 0, false, Double.Parse(txtdo.Text), 0));
                            rx.Components[comp.Name].DirectOrder = double.Parse(txtdo.Text);
                        txtdo.TextColor = Colors.Red;

                var txtro = new TextBox()
                    Width = (int)(sf * 30), Text = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? rx.Components[comp.Name].ReverseOrder.ToString() : 0.0f.ToString())

                txtro.TextChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    if (Double.TryParse(txtro.Text.ToString(), out val))
                        txtro.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                        if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name))
                            rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, 0, false, 0, Double.Parse(txtro.Text)));
                            rx.Components[comp.Name].ReverseOrder = double.Parse(txtro.Text);
                        txtro.TextColor = Colors.Red;

                var hf = new TextBox()
                    Enabled = false, Width = (int)(sf * 100), Text = comp.IG_Enthalpy_of_Formation_25C.ToString("N2")

                compcontainer.Add(new TableRow(chk, null, hf, sc, txtdo, txtro));


            var comps = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values.Select((x) => x.Name).ToList();

            comps.Insert(0, "");

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Base Compound");

            var basecompselector = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Base Compound", comps, 0, null);

            var basecomp = rx.Components.Values.Where((x) => x.IsBaseReactant).FirstOrDefault();

            if (basecomp != null)
                basecompselector.SelectedIndex = comps.IndexOf(basecomp.CompName);
                basecompselector.SelectedIndex = 0;

            basecompselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex]))
                    foreach (var rxc in rx.Components.Values)
                        rxc.IsBaseReactant = false;
                    rx.Components[comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex]].IsBaseReactant = true;
                    rx.BaseReactant = comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex];

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Balance");

            txtEquation = p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow2("");

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Phase");

            var rxphaseselector = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Reaction Phase", Shared.StringArrays.reactionphase().ToList(), 0, null);

            switch (rx.ReactionPhase)
            case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Mixture:
                rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = (0);

            case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Vapor:
                rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = (1);

            case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Liquid:
                rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = (2);

            rxphaseselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                switch (rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Mixture;

                case 1:
                    rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Vapor;

                case 2:
                    rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Liquid;

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Basis");

            var rxbasisselector = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Reaction Basis", Shared.StringArrays.reactionbasis().ToList(), 0, null);

            switch (rx.ReactionBasis)
            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Activity:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (0);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Fugacity:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (1);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassConc:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (2);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassFrac:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (3);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarConc:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (4);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarFrac:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (5);

            case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.PartialPress:
                rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (6);

            rxbasisselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                switch (rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Activity;

                case 1:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Fugacity;

                case 2:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassConc;

                case 3:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassFrac;

                case 4:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarConc;

                case 5:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarFrac;

                case 6:
                    rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.PartialPress;

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Temperature Limits");

            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;
            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;

            p1.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Minimum Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", rx.Tmin.ConvertFromSI(su.temperature), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                      rx.Tmin = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.temperature);
            p1.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Maximum Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", rx.Tmax.ConvertFromSI(su.temperature), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                      rx.Tmax = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.temperature);

            p2.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Velocity Constant for Forward Reactions");

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Equation Type for Forward Reactions", new List <string>()
                "Arrhenius (k = A*exp(-E/RT))", "User-Defined Expression"
            }, (int)rx.ReactionKinFwdType, (sender, e) =>
                switch (sender.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    rx.ReactionKinFwdType = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionKineticType.Arrhenius;

                case 1:
                    rx.ReactionKinFwdType = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionKineticType.UserDefined;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("A", "", rx.A_Forward.ToString(), (sender, e) =>
                if (Double.TryParse(sender.Text.ToString(), out val))
                    sender.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                    rx.A_Forward     = double.Parse(sender.Text);
                    sender.TextColor = Colors.Red;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("E", "", rx.E_Forward.ToString(), (sender, e) =>
                if (Double.TryParse(sender.Text.ToString(), out val))
                    sender.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                    rx.E_Forward     = double.Parse(sender.Text);
                    sender.TextColor = Colors.Red;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("User Expression - f(T), T in K", "", rx.ReactionKinFwdExpression, (sender, e) =>
                rx.ReactionKinFwdExpression = sender.Text;

            p2.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Velocity Constant for Reverse Reactions");

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Equation Type for Reverse Reactions", new List <string>()
                "Arrhenius (k = A*exp(-E/RT))", "User-Defined Expression"
            }, (int)rx.ReactionKinRevType, (sender, e) =>
                switch (sender.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    rx.ReactionKinRevType = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionKineticType.Arrhenius;

                case 1:
                    rx.ReactionKinRevType = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionKineticType.UserDefined;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("A", "", rx.A_Reverse.ToString(), (sender, e) =>
                if (Double.TryParse(sender.Text.ToString(), out val))
                    sender.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                    rx.A_Reverse     = double.Parse(sender.Text);
                    sender.TextColor = Colors.Red;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("E (J/mol)", "", rx.E_Reverse.ToString(), (sender, e) =>
                if (Double.TryParse(sender.Text.ToString(), out val))
                    sender.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                    rx.E_Reverse     = double.Parse(sender.Text);
                    sender.TextColor = Colors.Red;

            p2.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("User Expression - f(T), T in K", "", rx.ReactionKinRevExpression, (sender, e) =>
                rx.ReactionKinRevExpression = sender.Text;


            var us    = new DWSIM.SharedClasses.SystemsOfUnits.Units();
            var units = us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.molar_conc);

            units.Insert(0, "");

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Basis Units (Base Compound)", units, units.IndexOf(rx.ConcUnit), (sender, e) => rx.ConcUnit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString());

            var units2 = us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.reac_rate);

            units2.Insert(0, "");

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Velocity Units", units2, units2.IndexOf(rx.VelUnit), (sender, e) => rx.VelUnit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString());

            var units3 = us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.molar_enthalpy);

            units3.Insert(0, "");

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("E (Forward)", units3, units3.IndexOf(rx.E_Forward_Unit), (sender, e) => rx.E_Forward_Unit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString());

            p2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("E (Reverse)", units3, units3.IndexOf(rx.E_Reverse_Unit), (sender, e) => rx.E_Reverse_Unit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString());


Esempio n. 22
        public ProjectWizardPageView(ProjectWizardPageModel model)
            var radioSpacing = Platform.IsGtk ? Size.Empty : new Size(2, 2);

            var content = new DynamicLayout
                Spacing = new Size(10, 10)

            if (model.SupportsAppName)
                var nameBox = new TextBox();
                nameBox.TextBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.AppName);

                var nameValid = new Label {
                    TextColor = Global.Theme.ErrorForeground
                nameValid.BindDataContext(c => c.Visible, (ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.AppNameInvalid);
                nameValid.BindDataContext(c => c.Text, (ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.AppNameValidationText);

                content.Add(HeadingLabel((model.IsLibrary ? "Library" : "App") + " Name:"));
                content.AddColumn(nameBox, nameValid);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AppName))
                var label = new Label {
                    Text = model.AppName, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel((model.IsLibrary ? "Library" : "App") + " Name:"), label);

            if (model.SupportsCombined)
                var platformTypeList = new RadioButtonList
                    Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                    Spacing     = radioSpacing,
                    Items       =
                        new ListItem {
                            Text = "Separate projects for each platform", Key = "separate"
                        new ListItem {
                            Text = "Single Windows, Linux, and Mac desktop project", Key = "combined"
                platformTypeList.BindDataContext(c => c.Enabled, (ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.AllowCombined);
                .Convert(v => v == "combined", v => v ? "combined" : "separate")
                .BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.Combined);
                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel("Launcher:"), platformTypeList);

            if (model.SupportsXamMac)
                var cb = new CheckBox
                    Text    = "Include Xamarin.Mac project",
                    ToolTip = "This enables you to bundle mono with your app so your users don't have to install it separately.  You can only compile this on a Mac"
                cb.CheckedBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.IncludeXamMac);
                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel(string.Empty), cb);

             * eventually select platforms to include?
             * var platformCheckBoxes = new DynamicLayout();
             * platformCheckBoxes.BeginHorizontal();
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "Gtk2" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "Gtk3" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.EndBeginHorizontal();
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "WinForms" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "Wpf" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "Direct2D" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.EndBeginHorizontal();
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "Mac" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "XamMac" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.Add(new CheckBox { Text = "XamMac2" });
             * platformCheckBoxes.EndHorizontal();
             * content.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label { Text = "Platforms:", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }, platformCheckBoxes));
             * /**/

            if (model.SupportsFramework)
                var frameworkCheckBoxes = new CheckBoxList();
                frameworkCheckBoxes.BindDataContext(c => c.DataStore, (ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.SupportedFrameworks);
                frameworkCheckBoxes.ItemTextBinding = Binding.Property((ProjectWizardPageModel.FrameworkInfo i) => i.Text);
                frameworkCheckBoxes.ItemKeyBinding  = Binding.Property((ProjectWizardPageModel.FrameworkInfo i) => i.Value);
                frameworkCheckBoxes.SelectedValuesBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.SelectedFrameworks);

                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel("Framework:"), frameworkCheckBoxes);

            if (model.SupportsProjectType)
                var sharedCodeList = new RadioButtonList
                    Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                    Spacing     = radioSpacing,
                if (model.SupportsPCL)
                    sharedCodeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "Portable Class Library", Key = "pcl"
                    sharedCodeList.SelectedKeyBinding.Convert(v => v == "pcl", v => v ? "pcl" : sharedCodeList.SelectedKey).BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.UsePCL);
                if (model.SupportsNetStandard)
                    sharedCodeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = ".NET Standard", Key = "netstandard"
                    sharedCodeList.SelectedKeyBinding.Convert(v => v == "netstandard", v => v ? "netstandard" : sharedCodeList.SelectedKey).BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.UseNetStandard);
                if (model.SupportsSAL)
                    sharedCodeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "Shared Project", Key = "sal"
                    sharedCodeList.SelectedKeyBinding.Convert(v => v == "sal", v => v ? "sal" : sharedCodeList.SelectedKey).BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.UseSAL);

                sharedCodeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = "Full .NET", Key = "net"
                sharedCodeList.SelectedKeyBinding.Convert(v => v == "net", v => v ? "net" : sharedCodeList.SelectedKey).BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.UseNET);

                content.AddRow(new Label {
                    Text = model.IsLibrary ? "Type:" : "Shared Code:", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
                }, sharedCodeList);

            if (model.SupportsPanelType)
                var panelTypeList = new RadioButtonList
                    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                    Spacing     = radioSpacing,

                panelTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = "Code", Key = "code"
                panelTypeList.SelectedKeyBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.Mode);

                if (model.SupportsXeto)
                    panelTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "Xaml", Key = "xaml"
                if (model.SupportsJeto)
                    panelTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "Json", Key = "json"
                if (model.SupportsCodePreview)
                    panelTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                        Text = "Code Preview", Key = "preview"

                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel("Form:"), panelTypeList);

            if (model.SupportsBase)
                var baseTypeList = new RadioButtonList
                    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                    Spacing     = radioSpacing,

                baseTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = "Panel", Key = "Panel"
                baseTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = "Dialog", Key = "Dialog"
                baseTypeList.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = "Form", Key = "Form"
                baseTypeList.SelectedKeyBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.Base);

                content.AddRow(HeadingLabel("Base:"), baseTypeList);

            var showColorsButton = new Button {
                Text = "Show all themed colors"
            showColorsButton.Click += (sender, e) => new ThemedColorsDialog().ShowModal(this);
            content.AddRow(new Panel(), showColorsButton);

            var informationLabel = new Label();
            informationLabel.TextBinding.BindDataContext((ProjectWizardPageModel m) => m.Information);
            Information = informationLabel;

            Content     = content;
            DataContext = model;
Esempio n. 23
        public void Init()
            int w = (int)(sf * 640);
            int h = (int)(sf * 480);

            var center = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Center;

            center.X -= w / 2;
            center.Y -= h / 2;

            Location = new Point(center);

            ClientSize = new Size(w, h);

            Maximizable = false;

            Minimizable = false;

            Resizable = false;

            ShowInTaskbar = false;


            string imgprefix = "DWSIM.UI.Forms.Resources.Icons.";

            Title = "AboutDWSIM".Localize();

            Icon = Eto.Drawing.Icon.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.ico");

            var layout = new PixelLayout();

            string vtext = "Version".Localize() + " " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major.ToString() + "." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor.ToString();

            vtext += " (" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + ")";

            var updfile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "";

            if (File.Exists(updfile))
                int vinfo = 0;
                int.TryParse(File.ReadAllText(updfile), out vinfo);
                if (vinfo > 0)
                    vtext += " Update " + vinfo;

            string crtext = Shared.AssemblyCopyright;

            layout.Add(new ImageView {
                Size = new Size((int)(sf * 100), (int)(sf * 100)), Image = new Bitmap(Eto.Drawing.Bitmap.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.png"))
            }, 0, 0);
            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = "DWSIM Simulator (Cross-Platform User Interface)", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left, Font = SystemFonts.Bold(null, FontDecoration.None)
            }, (int)(sf * 110), 0);
            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = vtext, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left
            }, (int)(sf * 110), (int)(sf * 20));
            layout.Add(new Label {
                Text = crtext, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left
            }, (int)(sf * 110), (int)(sf * 40));

            string osinfo = "", clrinfo = "", meminfo = "";

            if (Application.Instance.Platform.IsMac)
                var osversion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString();
                switch (osversion)
                case "": osinfo = "Mac OS X Lion (v10.7.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "Mac OS X Lion (v10.7.5)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X Mavericks (v10.9.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X Mavericks (v10.9.5)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X Yosemite (v10.10.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X Yosemite (v10.10.5)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X El Captain (v10.11.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "OS X El Captain (v10.11.6)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.1)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.2)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.3)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.4)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.5)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.6)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS High Sierra (v10.13.0)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS High Sierra (v10.13.3)"; break;

                case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.0)"; break;

                default: osinfo = "macOS (v" + osversion + ")"; break;
                osinfo = Environment.OSVersion.ToString();

            clrinfo = SharedClasses.Utility.GetRuntimeVersion();

            meminfo = (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024 / 1024).ToString("#") + " MB managed, " + (Environment.WorkingSet / 1024 / 1024).ToString("#") + " MB total";

            var container1 = new DynamicLayout()
                Padding = new Padding(10)

            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("Main Developer:", "Daniel Medeiros ([email protected])");
            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("Contributors:", "Gregor Reichert, Gustavo León and others");
            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("Splash Screen Design:", "Wendel Marcus (");
            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("OS Info:", osinfo);
            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("CLR Info:", clrinfo);
            container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("Memory Usage:", meminfo);
            container1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("DWSIM is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.");

            var listcontainer = new GridView {
                DataStore = components, RowHeight = (int)(sf * 20)

            var col1 = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Name)
                HeaderText = "Name"

            col1.AutoSize = true;
            var col1a = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Version)
                HeaderText = "Version"

            col1a.AutoSize = true;
            var col1b = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Year)
                HeaderText = "Year"

            col1b.AutoSize = true;
            var col1c = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Copyright)
                HeaderText = "Copyright"

            col1c.AutoSize = true;
            var col1d = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Website)
                HeaderText = "Website"

            col1d.AutoSize = true;
            var col1e = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.License)
                HeaderText = "License"

            col1e.AutoSize = true;
            var col1f = new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.LicenseText)
                HeaderText = "License Text"

            col1f.AutoSize = true;

            string gpltext;

            using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("DWSIM.UI.Forms.Resources.TextFiles.gpl-3.0.txt"))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    gpltext = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var txt1 = new TextArea {
                Text = gpltext, ReadOnly = true

            var t1 = new TableLayout(new TableRow(txt1));

            var tab1 = new TabPage {
                Content = container1, Text = "General Information"
            var tab2 = new TabPage {
                Content = new Scrollable {
                    Content = t1
                }, Text = "DWSIM License"
            var tab3 = new TabPage {
                Content = new Scrollable {
                    Content = listcontainer
                }, Text = "External Components"

            var tabc = new TabControl();


            var tablecontainer = new TableLayout {
                Padding = new Padding(10), Spacing = new Size(5, 5)

            tablecontainer.Rows.Add(new TableRow(layout));
            tablecontainer.Rows.Add(new TableRow(tabc));

            Content = tablecontainer;
Esempio n. 24
        public ManualInstallDialog()
            string Loc(string str) => Application.Instance.Localize(typeof(WebView2Loader), str);

            Title = Loc("Install WebView2 Runtime");

            MinimumSize = new Size(300, 200);

            // controls

            var installButton = new Button {
                Text = Loc("Download && Install Now")

            installButton.Click += OnInstall;

            var downloadButton = new LinkButton {
                Text = Loc("Open the WebView2 download page to install manually")

            downloadButton.Click += OnDownload;

            var cancelButton = new Button {
                Text = Loc("Fallback to IE")

            cancelButton.Click += OnCancel;

            var description = new Label
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                Text          = Loc("This application requires the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.\nPlease install it to continue.")

            // layout

            var layout = new DynamicLayout {
                Padding = 10, DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5)


            layout.AddSeparateRow(null, downloadButton);

            Content = layout;

            DefaultButton = installButton;

            Shown += (sender, e) => installButton.Focus();

            timer = new UITimer {
                Interval = 1.0
            timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed;
Esempio n. 25
 public MaterialStreamEditor(ISimulationObject selectedobject, DynamicLayout layout)
     MatStream = (MaterialStream)selectedobject;
     container = layout;
Esempio n. 26
        void Initialize()
            var su  = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf  = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;
            var nff = column.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.FractionNumberFormat;

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Absorption Column Editor");

            s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container, "Property values are updated/stored as they are changed/edited. There's no need to press ENTER to commit the changes.");

            if ((Inspector.Host.Items.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(column.GraphicObject.Tag)).Count() > 0))
                var ctn = new DynamicLayout();
                ctn.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightGrey;
                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(ctn, "Inspector Reports");
                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(ctn, "An Inspector Report is ready for viewing.", "View Report", null, (btn, e) => {
                    var f = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Inspector Report for '" + column.GraphicObject.Tag + "'", 1024, 768, Inspector.Window2_Eto.GetInspectorWindow(column), false);

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Column Details");

            s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(container, "Type", column.GetDisplayName());

            s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(container, "Status", column.GraphicObject.Active ? "Active" : "Inactive");

            s.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow(container, "Name", column.GraphicObject.Tag, (TextBox arg3, EventArgs ev) =>
                column.GraphicObject.Tag = arg3.Text;
            }, () => {

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Property Package");

            var proppacks = column.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Select((x) => x.Tag).ToList();

            if (proppacks.Count == 0)
                column.GetFlowsheet().ShowMessage("Error: please add at least one Property Package before continuing.", IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError);
                var    pp         = column.PropertyPackage;
                string selectedpp = "";
                if (pp != null)
                    selectedpp = pp.Tag;
                s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Property Package", proppacks, proppacks.IndexOf(selectedpp), (DropDown arg1, EventArgs ev) =>
                    if (proppacks.Count > 0)
                        column.PropertyPackage = (IPropertyPackage)column.GetFlowsheet().PropertyPackages.Values.Where((x) => x.Tag == proppacks[arg1.SelectedIndex]).FirstOrDefault();
                }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Object Properties");

            s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "Operating Mode", new List <string> {
                "Gas-Liquid Absorption", "Liquid-Liquid Extraction"
            }, (int)column.OperationMode, (arg1, e) => {
                switch (arg1.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    column.OperationMode = AbsorptionColumn.OpMode.Absorber;

                case 1:
                    column.OperationMode = AbsorptionColumn.OpMode.Extractor;

            s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(container, "Define Number of Stages", null, (arg1, e) =>
                var np                  = new Eto.Forms.NumericStepper();
                np.MinValue             = 3;
                np.MaxValue             = 100;
                np.MaximumDecimalPlaces = 0;
                np.Value                = column.NumberOfStages;
                np.ValueChanged        += (sender, e2) =>
                    var refval            = (int)np.Value;
                    column.NumberOfStages = refval;
                    int ne, nep, dif, i;
                    ne  = refval;
                    nep = column.Stages.Count;
                    dif = ne - nep;
                    if (dif != 0)
                        if (dif < 0)
                            column.Stages.RemoveRange(ne - 1, -dif);
                        else if (dif > 0)
                            for (i = 0; i <= dif; i++)
                                column.Stages.Insert(column.Stages.Count - 1, new Stage(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                    P = 101325, Efficiency = 1.0f
                                column.Stages[column.Stages.Count - 2].Name = "Stage " + (column.Stages.Count - 2).ToString();

                s.CreateDialog(np, "Set Number of Stages").ShowModal(container);

            s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(container, "Edit Stages", null, (arg1, e) =>
                var sview = DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(sview, "Edit Stages");
                s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(sview, "Number / Name / Pressure");
                var tlist = new List <TextBox>();
                foreach (var stage in column.Stages)
                    tlist.Add(s.CreateAndAddDoubleTextBoxRow(sview, nf, (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) + 1).ToString(), stage.Name, cv.ConvertFromSI(su.pressure, stage.P),
                                                             (arg10, arg20) =>
                        stage.Name = arg10.Text;
                    }, (arg11, arg22) =>
                        if (s.IsValidDouble(arg11.Text))
                            stage.P = cv.ConvertToSI(su.pressure, Double.Parse(arg11.Text));
                            if (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) == 0)
                                column.CondenserPressure = stage.P;
                            else if (column.Stages.IndexOf(stage) == column.Stages.Count - 1)
                                column.ReboilerPressure = stage.P;
                s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(sview, "Interpolate Pressures", "Interpolate", null, (sender2, e2) =>
                    var first = tlist[0].Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
                    var last  = tlist[tlist.Count - 1].Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
                    var n     = tlist.Count;
                    int i     = 1;
                    for (i = 1; i < n - 1; i++)
                        tlist[i].Text = (first + (last - first) * i / (n - 1)).ToString(nf);
                s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(sview, "Calculate inner pressures using end stage defined values.");

                var scroll     = new Eto.Forms.Scrollable();
                scroll.Content = sview;

                s.CreateDialog(scroll, "Edit Stages", 600, 600).ShowModal(container);

            var istrs   = column.GraphicObject.InputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Feed")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.Name).ToList();
            var ostrs   = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Side")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var dist    = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Top Product")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();
            var bottoms = column.GraphicObject.OutputConnectors.Where((x) => x.IsAttached && x.ConnectorName.Contains("Bottoms Product")).Select((x2) => x2.AttachedConnector.AttachedTo.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var id in istrs)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Feed
            foreach (var id in ostrs)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw
            foreach (var id in dist)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.OverheadVapor
            foreach (var id in bottoms)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.Values.Where(x => x.StreamID == id).Count() == 0)
                    column.MaterialStreams.Add(id, new StreamInformation()
                        StreamID       = id,
                        ID             = id,
                        StreamType     = StreamInformation.Type.Material,
                        StreamBehavior = StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid
            List <string> remove = new List <string>();

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                if (!istrs.Contains(si.StreamID) && !ostrs.Contains(si.StreamID) && !dist.Contains(si.StreamID) && !bottoms.Contains(si.StreamID))
                if (!column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects.ContainsKey(si.StreamID))
            foreach (var id in remove)
                if (column.MaterialStreams.ContainsKey(id))

            var stageNames = column.Stages.Select((x) => x.Name).ToList();

            stageNames.Insert(0, "");
            var stageIDs = column.Stages.Select((x) => x.ID).ToList();

            stageIDs.Insert(0, "");

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Streams");

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Feed)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[FEED] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[SIDEDRAW] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Distillate || si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.OverheadVapor)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[TOP PRODUCT] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];
                else if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.BottomsLiquid)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, "[BOTTOMS PRODUCT] " + column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag,
                                              stageNames, stageIDs.IndexOf(si.AssociatedStage), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        si.AssociatedStage = stageIDs[arg1.SelectedIndex];

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Side Draw Specs");
            var sdphases = new List <string>()
                "L", "V"

            foreach (var si in column.MaterialStreams.Values)
                string sp = "L";
                switch (si.StreamPhase)
                case StreamInformation.Phase.L:
                    sp = "L";

                case StreamInformation.Phase.V:
                    sp = "V";
                if (si.StreamBehavior == StreamInformation.Behavior.Sidedraw)
                    s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(container, column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / Draw Phase",
                                              sdphases, sdphases.IndexOf(sp), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        switch (arg1.SelectedIndex)
                        case 0:
                            si.StreamPhase = StreamInformation.Phase.L;

                        case 1:
                            si.StreamPhase = StreamInformation.Phase.V;
                    s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, column.GetFlowsheet().SimulationObjects[si.StreamID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / Molar Flow (" + su.molarflow + ")",
                                             cv.ConvertFromSI(su.molarflow, si.FlowRate.Value), (arg1, arg2) =>
                        if (s.IsValidDouble(arg1.Text))
                            si.FlowRate.Value = cv.ConvertToSI(su.molarflow, Double.Parse(arg1.Text));

            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, "N0", "Maximum Iterations", column.MaxIterations,
                                     (sender, e) =>
                if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                    column.MaxIterations = (int)sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, "Convergence Tolerance (External Loop)", column.ExternalLoopTolerance,
                                     (sender, e) =>
                if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                    column.ExternalLoopTolerance = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

            s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(container, nf, "Convergence Tolerance (Internal Loop)", column.InternalLoopTolerance,
                                     (sender, e) =>
                if (sender.Text.IsValidDouble())
                    column.InternalLoopTolerance = sender.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            }, () => { if (GlobalSettings.Settings.CallSolverOnEditorPropertyChanged)

Esempio n. 27
        void Initialize()
            var complist = flowsheet.AvailableCompounds.Values.ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

            var newlist   = new List <ICompoundConstantProperties>();
            var listitems = new List <CheckBox>();

            container.Padding = 10;

            container.Spacing = new Size(10, 10);

            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label {
                Text = "Simulation Compounds", Font = new Font(SystemFont.Bold, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize())

            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label {
                Text = "Check compounds to add them to the simulation, uncheck to remove.", Font = SystemFonts.Label(DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize() - 2.0f)
            if (Application.Instance.Platform.IsWpf)
                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label {
                    Text = "To commit the changes, select another table cell or press ENTER after checking/unchecking the compound. You may have to double-click on the checkbox in order to change its state (checked/unchecked).", Font = SystemFonts.Label(DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize() - 2.0f)
            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new Label {
                Text = "Number of compounds available: " + complist.Count().ToString(), Font = SystemFonts.Label(DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize() - 2.0f)

            var searchcontainer = new DynamicLayout();

            var txtsearch = new Label {
                Text = "Search  ", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            txtsearch.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());
            var edittext = new TextBox {
                Text = "", PlaceholderText = "Search by Name, Formula, CAS ID or Database (press ENTER to search)"

            edittext.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());

            var tr = new TableRow(txtsearch, edittext);


            edittext.KeyDown += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Key == Keys.Enter)
                    newlist = complist.Where((x) => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(edittext.Text.ToLower()) ||
                                             x.Formula.ToLower().Contains(edittext.Text.ToLower()) ||
                                             x.CAS_Number.ToLower().Contains(edittext.Text.ToLower()) ||
                              .ToList().OrderBy((x) => x.Name.Length).ToList();
                    Application.Instance.AsyncInvoke(() => UpdateList(newlist));

            container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(searchcontainer));

            var txt = new Label {
                Text = "Click to view properties of the selected compound", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());
            var btn = new Button {
                Width = 200, Height = 26, Text = "View Properties"

            btn.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());

            btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
                if (listcontainer.SelectedItem == null)
                var compound = ((CompoundItem)listcontainer.SelectedItem);
                var form     = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Compound Properties: " + compound.Text, 800, 600, new CompoundViewer(flowsheet, flowsheet.AvailableCompounds[compound.Text]), false);

            var cont = new DynamicLayout();

            cont.AddRow(new TableRow(txt, null, btn));


            var txt2 = new Label {
                Text = "Load and add compounds to the simulation from JSON files", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            txt2.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());
            var btn2 = new Button {
                Width = 200, Height = 26, Text = "Load from JSON"

            btn2.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, DWSIM.UI.Shared.Common.GetEditorFontSize());

            btn2.Click += (sender, e) =>
                Application.Instance.Invoke(() => {

            var cont2 = new DynamicLayout();

            cont2.AddRow(new TableRow(txt2, null, btn2));


Esempio n. 28
        } = null;                                                // TODO: Add support

        public MakerForm()
            Title      = "Scratch HTML log maker";
            ClientSize = new Size(800, 600);
            var formLayout = new DynamicLayout();

            Content = formLayout;

            var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog {
                MultiSelect = true

            openFileDialog.Filters.Add(new FileFilter("EVTC logs", ".evtc", "", ".zevtc"));

            var openFilesButton = new Button {
                Text = "Select EVTC logs"
            var processButton = new Button {
                Text = "Create HTML logs"

            var notDoneListBox = new ListBox();
            var doneListBox    = new ListBox();

            doneListBox.DataStore = finishedFileNames.ToArray();

            var splitter = new Splitter {
                Panel1 = notDoneListBox, Panel2 = doneListBox, Position = 400

            formLayout.BeginVertical(spacing: new Size(10, 10));
            formLayout.AddRow(openFilesButton, processButton);

            openFilesButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog((Control)sender) == DialogResult.Ok)
                    foreach (var file in openFileDialog.Filenames)

                    notDoneListBox.DataStore = notFinishedFileNames.Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray();

            processButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var times = new List <(string taskName, double milliseconds)>();
                    var totalTimeStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    var parser    = new EVTCParser();
                    var processor = new LogProcessor();
                    var analysis  = new LogAnalyser();
                    var generator = new HtmlGenerator(ApiData);

                    int finishedTaskCount = 0;
                    while (notFinishedFileNames.Count > 0)
                        var taskStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        string filename   = "";
                        filename          = notFinishedFileNames.Dequeue();

                        var fileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                        var newName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                        if (newName.EndsWith(".evtc"))
                            newName = newName.Substring(0, newName.Length - 5);
                        var resultFilename = Path.Combine(fileDirectory, ResultFilePrefix + newName + ".html");

                            var lastElapsed = taskStopwatch.Elapsed;

                            var parsedLog = parser.ParseLog(filename);
                            times.Add(("parsing", (taskStopwatch.Elapsed - lastElapsed).TotalMilliseconds));
                            lastElapsed = taskStopwatch.Elapsed;

                            var processedLog = processor.GetProcessedLog(parsedLog);
                            times.Add(("processing", (taskStopwatch.Elapsed - lastElapsed).TotalMilliseconds));
                            lastElapsed = taskStopwatch.Elapsed;

                            var stats = analysis.GetStatistics(processedLog, ApiData);

                            times.Add(("stats", (taskStopwatch.Elapsed - lastElapsed).TotalMilliseconds));
                            lastElapsed = taskStopwatch.Elapsed;

                            using (var htmlStringWriter = new StreamWriter(resultFilename))
                                generator.WriteHtml(htmlStringWriter, stats);

                            times.Add(("html", (taskStopwatch.Elapsed - lastElapsed).TotalMilliseconds));
                            lastElapsed = taskStopwatch.Elapsed;

                            Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                notDoneListBox.DataStore = notFinishedFileNames.Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray();
                                doneListBox.DataStore    = finishedFileNames.Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray();
                        catch (Exception e)
                            finishedFileNames.Add($"FAILED: {resultFilename} ({e.Message})");
                            Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                notDoneListBox.DataStore = notFinishedFileNames.Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray();
                                doneListBox.DataStore    = finishedFileNames.Select(Path.GetFileName).ToArray();
                        Console.WriteLine($"{newName} done, time {taskStopwatch.Elapsed}");

                    Console.WriteLine($"All done, total time {totalTimeStopwatch.Elapsed}");

                    foreach ((string taskName, double totalMs) in times.GroupBy(x => x.taskName).Select(x => (x.Key, x.Sum(y => y.milliseconds))).OrderByDescending(x => x.Item2))
                        Console.WriteLine($"{taskName}, total {totalMs}ms, average {totalMs/Math.Max(finishedTaskCount, 1)}ms");
Esempio n. 29
        public void Draw(Canvas canvas, bool hasPositionChanged)
            if (ShouldDrawText())
                float[] textPosition = GetBestTextPosition();

                if (!TextUtils.IsEmpty(mTitle))
                    if (hasPositionChanged)
                        mDynamicTitleLayout = new DynamicLayout(mTitle, mPaintTitle, (int) textPosition[2], Layout.Alignment.AlignNormal, 1.0f, 1.0f, true);

                    canvas.Translate(textPosition[0], textPosition[1]);

                if (!TextUtils.IsEmpty(mDetails))
                    if (hasPositionChanged)
                        mDynamicDetailLayout = new DynamicLayout(mDetails, mPaintDetail, (int) textPosition[2], Layout.Alignment.AlignNormal, 1.2f, 1.0f, true);

                    canvas.Translate(textPosition[0], textPosition[1] + mDynamicTitleLayout.Height);
Esempio n. 30
        public static TextBox CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(this DynamicLayout container, String numberformat, String text, Double currval, Action <TextBox, EventArgs> command, Action keypress = null)
            var txt = new Label {
                Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize());
            var edittext = new TextBox {
                Text = currval.ToString(numberformat), Style = "textbox-rightalign"

            edittext.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize());
            if (GlobalSettings.Settings.EditorTextBoxFixedSize)
                edittext.Width = (int)(sf * 140);

            if (text.Contains("(") && text.Contains(")"))
                var    si             = new SharedClasses.SystemsOfUnits.SI();
                string extractedunits = text.Split('(', ')')[1];
                var    unittype       = si.GetUnitType(extractedunits);
                if (unittype != Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.none)
                    var ctxmenu = new ContextMenu();
                    foreach (var item in si.GetUnitSet(unittype))
                        var mi = new ButtonMenuItem {
                            Text = item
                        mi.Click += (sender, e) => { edittext.Text = SharedClasses.SystemsOfUnits.Converter.Convert(item, extractedunits, edittext.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()).ToString(); };
                    edittext.KeyUp += (sender, e) => {
                        if (e.Key == Keys.Space)
                            edittext.Text = edittext.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            if (command != null)
                edittext.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((TextBox)sender, e);
            if (keypress != null)
                edittext.KeyUp += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Keys.Enter)

            var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, edittext);


Esempio n. 31
        public CursorSection()
            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.BeginCentered(spacing: new Size(10, 10), yscale: true);

            var drawable = new CursorDrawable();

            var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50);

            layout.BeginVertical(spacing: new Size(20, 20));
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var type in GetCursors())
                var cursor = type.cursor;
                var text   =;
                drawable.Rects.Add(new CursorRect {
                    Rectangle = rect, Cursor = cursor, Text = text
                rect.X += rect.Width + 20;

                var label = new Label
                    Size = new Size(100, 50),
                    Text = text,
                    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                    TextAlignment     = TextAlignment.Center,
                    BackgroundColor   = Colors.Silver
                if (cursor == null)
                    label.Cursor = null;
                    label.Cursor = cursor;

                if (count++ > 3)
                    count   = 0;
                    rect.X  = 0;
                    rect.Y += rect.Height + 20;

            layout.Add("Drawable with MouseMove");

            drawable.Size = new Size(340, rect.Y + rect.Height + 20);

            Content = layout;
Esempio n. 32
        Control MainContent()
            contentContainer = new Panel();

            // set focus when the form is shown
            Shown += delegate
            SectionList.SelectedItemChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    var     item    = SectionList.SelectedItem;
                    Control content = item != null?item.CreateContent() : null;

                    if (navigation != null)
                        if (content != null)
                            navigation.Push(content, item != null ? item.Text : null);
                        contentContainer.Content = content;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Write(this, "Error loading section: {0}", ex.GetBaseException());
                    contentContainer.Content = null;

                                #if DEBUG

            if (Splitter.IsSupported())
                var splitter = new Splitter
                    Position   = 200,
                    FixedPanel = SplitterFixedPanel.Panel1,
                    Panel1     = SectionList.Control,
                    // for now, don't show log in mobile
                    Panel2 = contentContainer
                    Panel2 = RightPane()
            if (Navigation.IsSupported())
                navigation = new Navigation(SectionList.Control, "Eto.Test");
            throw new EtoException("Platform must support splitter or navigation");

        Control RightPane()
            return(new Splitter
                Orientation = SplitterOrientation.Vertical,
                FixedPanel = SplitterFixedPanel.Panel2,
                Panel1 = contentContainer,
                Panel2 = EventLogSection()

        Control EventLogSection()
            var layout = new DynamicLayout {
                Size = new Size(100, 120)

            layout.Add(EventLog, true);


        Control ClearButton()
            var control = new Button
                Text = "Clear"

            control.Click += (sender, e) => EventLog.Text = string.Empty;

        void GenerateMenuToolBar()
            var about = new Actions.About();
            var quit  = new Actions.Quit();

            var menu = new MenuBar();
            // create standard system menu (e.g. for OS X)

            // add our own items to the menu

            var file = menu.Items.GetSubmenu("&File", 100);
            menu.Items.GetSubmenu("&Edit", 200);
            menu.Items.GetSubmenu("&Window", 900);
            var help = menu.Items.GetSubmenu("&Help", 1000);

            if (Generator.IsMac)
                // have a nice OS X style menu
                var main = menu.Items.GetSubmenu(Application.Instance.Name, 0);
                main.Items.Add(about, 0);
                main.Items.Add(quit, 1000);
                // windows/gtk style window

            // optional, removes empty submenus and duplicate separators

            Menu = menu;

            // generate and set the toolbar
            var toolBar = new ToolBar();
            toolBar.Items.Add(new ButtonToolItem(about));

            ToolBar = toolBar;