Esempio n. 1
        public void SetupEntityClasses(EntityModel model)
            var ns = model.App.GetType().Namespace + ".Proxies";

            _assemblyInfo = _assemblyInfo ?? DynamicAssemblyInfo.Create(ns);

            var attrHandler = new AttributeHandler(addStandardAttributes: true);

            foreach (var ent in model.Entities)
                var className  = ns + "." + ent.EntityType.Name.Substring(1); //Cut-off I
                var controller = new EntityEmitController(ent, _assemblyInfo, className, attrHandler);
                var emitter    = new ProxyEmitter(controller);
                var classType = emitter.CreateClass();
                var factory   = emitter.GetProxyFactory <Func <EntityRecord, EntityBase> >();
                ent.ClassInfo = new EntityClassInfo()
                    Type = classType, CreateInstance = factory
                //assign member Clr info
                var flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
                foreach (var member in ent.Members)
                    member.ClrClassMemberInfo = classType.GetProperty(member.MemberName, flags);
        public void TestFuncProxy()
            // create ProxyInfo
            var asm        = DynamicAssemblyInfo.Create("Proxemity.UnitTests.FuncProxies");
            var controller = new FuncProxyEmitController(asm);
            // Create emitter
            var emitter = new ProxyEmitter(controller);

            // create type
            var proxyType = emitter.CreateClass();

            // create and setup target object; FuncProxyBase has a single constructor which accepts single parameter (Target)
            //  emitter will build similar constructor and static factory method on the generated proxy.
            var target  = new FuncProxyTarget();
            var factory = emitter.GetProxyFactory <Func <FuncProxyTarget, FuncProxyBase> >();

            var proxy = factory(target);
            // cast the entity instance to entity interface and test it
            var iFunc = proxy as ISampleFuncInterface;

            Assert.IsNotNull(iFunc, "Failed to retrieve IFunc interface.");

            var d   = DateTime.Now;
            var obj = new object();

            var iRes = iFunc.IntMethod(d, obj);

            Assert.AreEqual("IntMethod", target.LastMethod, "Method name mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(d, target.LastArgs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj, target.LastArgs[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(proxy, target.ExtraValues[0]); //should be reference to proxy instance itself - see FuncProxyEmitController
            Assert.AreEqual(Singleton.InstanceField, target.ExtraValues[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(Singleton.InstanceProp, target.ExtraValues[2]);

            iFunc.VoidMethod("a", 123);
            Assert.AreEqual("VoidMethod", target.LastMethod);
            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)target.LastArgs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(123, (int)target.LastArgs[1]);

            Assert.AreEqual("BaseMethod", target.LastMethod);
            Assert.AreEqual("x", (string)target.LastArgs[0]);

            // We specified a custom attribute on class in ProxyInfo (see above) when we initialized emitter
            var classAttr = proxyType.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <SampleCustomAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsNotNull(classAttr, "Custom attr not found on proxy class.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v1", classAttr.Value1, "Value1 on attr does not match.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v2", classAttr.Value2, "Value2 on attr does not match.");

            //Emit controller creates custom attributes on methods; verify these
            var intMethod = proxyType.GetMember("IntMethod")[0];
            var scAttr    = intMethod.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <SampleCustomAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsNotNull(scAttr, "Custom attr not found on method.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v3", scAttr.Value1, "Value1 on attr does not match.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v4", scAttr.Value2, "Value2 on attr does not match.");

            var catAttr = intMethod.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <CategoryAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsNotNull(catAttr, "Category attr not found on method.");
            Assert.AreEqual("IntMethods", catAttr.Category, "Value1 on attr does not match.");
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestEntityProxy()
            var asm        = DynamicAssemblyInfo.Create("Proxemity.UnitTests.EntityProxies");
            var controller = new EntityEmitController(asm);
            var emitter    = new ProxyEmitter(controller);

            var proxyType = emitter.CreateClass();

            // create and setup target object
            var factory  = emitter.GetProxyFactory <Func <EntityBase> >();
            var myEntity = factory(); //that's the way to create instance

            myEntity.Record = new EntityRecord();
            // cast the entity instance to entity interface and test it
            var iMyEntity = myEntity as IMyEntity;

            Assert.IsNotNull(iMyEntity, "Failed to retrieve IMyEntity interface.");
            try {
                //var x = iMyEntity.IntNProp;
                // write/read properties
                iMyEntity.IntProp = 123;
                var intPropBack = iMyEntity.IntProp;
                Assert.AreEqual(123, intPropBack, "Returned int prop value does not match.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                var str = ex.ToString();

            iMyEntity.StringProp = "blah";
            var propBack = iMyEntity.StringProp;

            Assert.AreEqual("blah", propBack, "Returned string prop value does not match.");

            //check attributes
            //attribute on member
            var stringProp = proxyType.GetProperty("StringProp");
            var mca        = stringProp.GetCustomAttribute <CategoryAttribute>();

            Assert.IsNotNull(mca, "Category attr not found on property.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Strings", mca.Category, "Category value on property does not match.");

            var ca = proxyType.GetCustomAttribute <CategoryAttribute>(inherit: true);

            Assert.AreEqual("Cat1", ca.Category, "Category value on type does not match.");

            var da = proxyType.GetCustomAttribute <DescrAttr>(inherit: true);

            Assert.IsNotNull(da, "Expected Description attr on class.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Entity description.", da.Description, "Descr on type does not match.");
            //attribute on member
            //var stringProp = proxyType.GetProperty("StringProp");
            ca = stringProp.GetCustomAttribute <CategoryAttribute>();
            Assert.IsNotNull(ca, "Category attr not found on property.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Strings", ca.Category, "Category value on property does not match.");
            var sc = stringProp.GetCustomAttribute <SampleCustomAttribute>();

            Assert.IsNotNull(sc, "SampleCustom attr not found on property.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v1", sc.Value1, "Value1 prop value on property does not match.");
            Assert.AreEqual("v2", sc.Value2, "Value1 prop value on property does not match.");